Page 123 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 123
Februa-ry 18, 1982 The Phoenix Page 5 Barrick brings her first WMC exhibit l Artist gives student one of exhibits Viewer must look again the opening drew numbers for a prize watercolors are matted and sur- Fall Tuming to Wintery are also very of one of her "Irish Brigade Monu- rounded by natural wood frames. Beth Piskora interesting. Although the subject is I February 9 was the date for the ment" lithographs. Works in this series. dated from 78 Recent works by Ms. Dorothea still nature, the treatment is com- I successful art snow opening, which The artist's exhibit consists of 46 to '82, can be interpreted as abstract Barrick is now showing in Gallery pletely different. These paintings are exhibits the work of artist Dorothea pieces of art framed in diRerent styles designs of nature: "Woods Song #21 One of the Art Building through nor life-like at all. The viewer is forced Barrick in Gallery One of the fine arts to create various moods. Works are and #22"' present a woody image February 26. The gallery hours are 10 to look more than once at these two building. Barrick, an alumna of the done in such media as oil and dominated by tangled strokes of a.m. to 4 p.m. daily paintings in order to grasp them in Maryland Institute College of 'Art has watercolor with several lithographs forest greens and earthy browns The exhibit holds forty-six of Ms their entirety painted in such lands as Holland, included in the show while "Woods Song #19" projects a Barrick's most recent paintings with A final point of interest is a series of Italy, France, Great Britain and The collection includes "Fall turning marshy image composed of warm prices ranging from fifty to three paintings entitled Woods Song #1-23. Greece. Her works wi\! be on display into Winter" - a large 3-dimensional browns and grey-tinted whites. "Field hundred dollars. There are three Nineteen of these paintings are dis- through Friday, February 26, 1982 collage of natural items such as of Sunflowers" is an oil on large lithographs entitled Lotus, Irish Bri- played in the exhibit. The Woods During the first hour of the two hour leaves, pine needles and twigs on a canvas-a creation of strategically gade Monument, and Barrick Une Song series is characterized by Gallery One opening, as refreshments bone-colored background. The ex- placed t:lold lines of orangelyellow. Plant. The remaining pieces are oil bright colors and bold strokes. Many were served, Ms. Barrick placed 50 hibit features 19 paintings composing greenlbrown mixtures painting giant paintings of them look very alike numbers in a hat and those attending the. "Woods Song" series. These moving sunflowers against the sky. Nearly all of Ms. Barrick'S subjects Although she is originally from In past years Dorothea Barrick. a are natural. Her painting entitled Up Maryland. Ms. Barrick has painted in Conservatively speaking member of organizations such as the the Lane reminds one of travelling to Holland, Germany. Denmark, Swe- Washington Women's Art Center and their grandmother's house in the den, Great BriUan, Belgium, Spain, Assist your R.A. the Baltimore Watercolor Society. has deep of the winter snow. The peace- France. Italy, Greece. Luxembourg, consistently exhibited her work at ful white and light pastel colors lead..,......lceland,Canada and peru. She is presently at the Spring working to a feeling of calm when viewing this such places as Italy, Florida. Mary- Keith L. Arnold I suppose I should mention that I land, Maine, Louisiana and New York painting Branch Studio located in Woodsboro, Two somewhat more contemporary Gallery"One is open 10 a.m. to 4 Dear Omar, am in lact an A.A., so this may p.m. on weekdays paintings (entitled Snow Laden and Maryland. This is her first exhibit at Western Maryland College I am a freshman here, and my account lor my sympathy lor the roommate has been severely beating miserable wretches. It is -truly fasci- \ up his girlfriend every night. I don't A.A. and "viola" they are instantly Peace lecture committee an nating how a person can become want to "squeal 10 an A.A.:: because "nobody likes a fink," but his is really hated (except in my case, being brutal. I have tried to talk to him, but hOw long it will be before students plans week of dialogue hated already). It makes one wonder to no avail - what should I do? Impressionable start cursing "Mean Dean Jean" An extreme (and fict","al) case. Attitudes like "don't squeal to the Joanna Macy. It's topic is entitled, highlight. It is a presentation by Indeed, it is quite unlike the case in A.A.." create an atmosphere which is Robert Michlowitz "Seeing Through the Dar1<::."The pur- Milton Mapes, executive director of Omar last week. But the purpose of not conducive to proper behavior, on To many peace in the world is a pose of the workshop is to help the the National Peace Academy Cam- this article is not to cut down Omar the contrary. Admittedly, problems very mundane topic. This is not so participant work "through the despair paign. He will discuss "Progress in (or the paper for the matter. which should be solved individually if possi- with a WMC based group called the that often accompanies the struggle Peacemaking" was quite good last week), but to ble, but in cases of destruction and Elderdice Peace lectureship Commit- for peace." . Karn described this week as discuss the role of that much mao other misconduct. incidents should tee. The commmee Is named in honor The "Teach-In," as described by "something for everyone." She said in ligned campus species, the A.A. be reported to the A.A of the late alumna Dorottw Elder- Kam, is a unique learning expert- addition tnat at least one event will be The A.A. (Resident Assistant, de- Now, all of you readers are thinking dice. erce." During this process various of interest to all spite other clever, but nevertheless "what a jerk (or perhaps you are Ms. Elderdice, being a peace activ- experts will enter the classroom and Other projects to be undertaken by incorrect labels), is that individual using more colorful terms such as ist, would have surely approved of enlighten the students of this campus the committee will be to Institute a who lives in your dorm and no one "rat," "narc" Of the unprintable.) Nev- the idealistic goals 01 the committee. of their given specialty in light of a student action group. In the end what talks to. Or should I say, no one ertheless, I witl still maintain that by Probably the major objective of the nuclear strike this group mainly wants to do is make "squeals to." looking the other way we, all of us, committee as stated by Ann Karn is The last even! of the week is its the campus think create an environment where mis- to "present the alternative of peace." Goucher dancers conduct is acceptable, and thus This year the prime function 01 the ACROSS 2 Hone$t uncouraged. \I that infamous minority organization is to set up a week long 1 Healthy 3RobertE.- The Goucher College Dancers will 01 students (sometimes called the dialogue entitled:'Ethical Considera- 5PIerce "Muters CROSS perform baliet and modern dance few, you know, the ones that do tions for Peace in a Nuclear World." 9 Evil 5 European pieces in concert at two local schools everything), realize that the ma;ority This event will consist of four phases, 12 Wild goat finch WORD this February. The dancers are stu- [l.e. the group which can not be a debate (Monday, March 8th). a 13 Nobleman 6 Tantalum symbol Before dents currently studying dance tech- blamecl for an individuals actions). workshop (Tuesday, March 9), a ,. 15 7 Skill nique at Goucher. has no intention of stopping them. Teach-in (Wednesday, March 10), found 8 Smudge PUZZLE On Friday, February 19 at 8 p.m., then they will not stop. and a presentation (Thursday, March 17 Preposition 91mprove the Goucher dancers will appear in I guess I have made my point. We 11). 18 BeYerage 10 Region the Alumni Hall at Western Maryland are a college community, not just a The debated topic will be "The 19 Goddess of 11 Transaction FROM COLLEGE 16 Wiped out discord College group of individuals. The actions of Present Danger." David Cortright, of 21 Sum 20 As written: Highlighting the February programs such individuals reflect on us all, Citizens for a Sane World, will take 23 Guarantflfls Mus. PRESS SERVICE t is "Lltile Serenade," a benet on point especially when we allow them to the anti-defense steno.. He will be 27 Compass pt 22 Preposition created for the group by Misha happen. You' simply cannot justify oppossed by David Trachtenberg of 28WaYSOlJt 23 Cry Morawski and set . to the music of vandalism, destruction and abusive the Committee for the Present Dan- 29 Be III 24 Wheel holder Shelves Tchalkovsky. (Mf. Morawski, a Rus- behavior. And you simply cannot tell ger. a supporter of the Reagan 31 Decay' 25 Stat.: Abbr. '" 43 Crowd 52Closa sian ballet dancer, served as guest me that nobody sees or hears these defense policy. Aller the debate 3. Spanish artl- 28 Perch "5 Tellurium 56 Exist cre 30 Fell Into 58Wa.sal choreographer at Goucher.) The pro- things happening. It is your money, questions will be entertained from the 35 Weight of disuse symbol sound grams also feature choreography by your college and your future. Don't let audience. India 32 German river .7 Exist 59Coupla Goucher dance faculty and students it be wasted, destroyed or tainted The workshop will be_led by w~ter 37 Scottish cap 33 Cargo units 49 Approaches 60 Fast plane' 39 Suffice 36 Mala s/"Ieap 50 Unusual Abbr .0 Fondla 38 Substances 51 Is In debt 63 Near EXPERIENCE. WANTED .2 Obstruct 4. Communion plata THE Baseball Cards "6H.brew month MOVIE 48 Ogres 50 Vestments 53Vegatabl. Need Extra Money? """'M 55 Diphthong 57 Experts 61 Famaleruff Next time home bring 82 Sandarac 1,.. ~Gl> back your old cards &4 Tlars 65 Worm Q :;,;;;;:!;;;~!.,:"-,, Mike Worthem 66 Permits 6781emlsh Wee&! • After 6 p.m. 433.7700 DOWN Decker Aud. 9 p.m. All Day weekends 795·1658 Friday 1 Concealed
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