Page 122 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 122
The Phoenix February 18, 1982 Diana Vebares IS new breed of WMC student Chris Sofa a woman on television signing, or hands or using the manual alphabet l "Her work was very highly praised people conversing with sign lan- to spell in their hands. But these are by Sister Bemadette Wynne, espe- guage and she would wonder what only two ways out of .the many cially her work with the severly oeas- they were saying. Diana rationalized, "Everyone hao a diNerent need," bled deaf-blind; those people with "If I could take Spanish and other said Diana. very little education," stated Dr. Ver- languages, why not sign language?" She also worked with some low- non in praise of Diana Vebares, a During Jan Term 1960 Diana functioning clients who needed extra senior at WMC worked at the West Virginia Rehabili- attention. Diana had the task of Diana has done extensive work with tation Center with deaf adults and getting these people "up" emotionally the deaf and deaf-blind along with - other handiCapped people. This past as well as communicating with them Julia van den Bovenkamp, who is not January, Diana and Julia did their Both Diana and Julia worked 53-56 on campus at this time. field work at the Helen Keller Center hour weeks Diana, a friendly person with a working specifically with the deaf- "The weekends we spent either warm smile, became interested in blind. resting or ooing papers. The time Diana Vebares dons eye and ear gear to experience the world from the Sign language before she started Diana's experience included one went by quickly," said Diana. "It was deaf-blind persons perspective. high school. She said. she would see week of intense seminar with people a first for me; it was very challeng- from all over the U.S. who came to ing." Lima brings 'outsider's' leam. After this, Diana worked both in deaf but she doesn't want to shut out Diana plans to be a teacher of the group sessions and on a one to one the idea or working with the deaf- basis with clients, training the deaf- View to cam pus life blind and building their DLS (Daily blind. Diana said she felt comfortable Living Skills) such as cooking, clean- working wrt:hthe deaf-blind, a job that ing, sewing and grooming skills. She spoke of a lunch program where she would be considered extremely diffi- cult by other people. Diana said that reserved, exhibiting less emotions other less-affluent nations, on the taught clients to eat with their handi- people should make an effort to Joseph O/con and feelings than most Brazilian pee- other hand, if a person gets a chance cap, game playing such as cards communicate with those that are Often, the most revealing and ple. Another contrast is the wide- at- a higher education, he or she with Braille, and shopping trips where handicapped because they're just as unique views of a society come from spread and almost casual prejudice grabs it and does not mess around or the client would hold Diana's hand as human as anyone else. She added, people outside that SOCiety. These here, especially toward blacks, a work half-heartedly, but takes full she communicated to them what she "They have their own way of commu- people, these "Outsiders," are usually fact that uereroo is particularly sensi- advantage 01 the opportunity, and saw. nicating." able to observe and appraise a tive to because many of his friends does not waste valuable money and Some methods of communicating to If anyone could teli you about it, society with a different perspective back home are black. Compared- to valuable time. the deaf-blind include signing in their Diana could and from a state of cultural detach- other cultures, Americans also seem ment. For example, when people with more ambitious and high-powered, differing customs, codes of behavior, with an emphasis placed upon suc- Watertower leaks and ideals come to America, they are cess as determined by material gain. other societies; instead, they For sole. Valentine's Day confronted with a unique and'strange The people here at WMC, accord- culture, one that they usually com- ing to Geraldo, are hesitant in explor- pare and contrast with the culture ing they left behind. Such is the case of narrow and limit their field 01 view by I some foreign students here at WMC. disregard\ng other cultUres and to- trees outside the student cooter back the flower to my date Geraldo Da Costa Uma is a scoro- more from the large northeast city if cusing 00 "maintaining the American Corey N. Mann in December, yoU know a take _gne And as if that weren't enough. the of life." Geraldo thinks some way Recife in Brazil. He was born In students really should not be here; he <5kay~ so last week was Valentine's home for Mom thing. next moming r stepped out of my ~ Baltirnol"e, but then moved fa Brazil; believes that people should go to Day, r say last week, because that is organization to eam an honest buck room looking like Buddah with a towel I do respect the right of an Anyway, it seemed. Girls started just how wrapped around me on my way to I in 1964, he and his parents came college only when they are ready to knocking on my door a week before to do who knows what-but.. the shower and with the headache of back due to the military take over there, but left again for Brazil a ye81 go and they are mature enough, and tast Sunday, selling practically every- I got 10 my mailbox on Friday for the century I was confronted by a and half later. Sioee his mother is an not because it is expected, or their thing, but themselves, for anything the first time in a few days, and I got bouquet of mem-cotorao balloons, the parents force them, or because they alumna of WMC, Geraldo also de- have nothing better to do. But once a from a quarter to a dollar-fifty. Now a cookie. Wow, I though, someone attached note was signed got it cided to come here to study for his normally, after lunch, I sit outside the thinks 01 me. It was signed anony- anonymous. Well, I sent the balloons degree in psychology. person decides to go to college, he cafe. with SO(Jle of my friends and mous. I gave the heart. shaped sugar to balloon heaven from the bathroom take in the sights, but hell, not last or she must make a commitment to . Geraldo nOticed several differences work, sifl£!~ college Is primarily a week, I had every reason to believe cookie to the son of the Computer window. Thanks, whoever you are. between America and Brazil. One is place, not for partying or wasting that the cafeteria lobby had been Center lady. All was not a lost week, the dance that Americans take longer to form time, but for learning, maturing, and tumed into the campus market place. When I was in the shower getting was great, the Capries got wild and a deep friendships, and they are more becoming concemed about wHat one We had to go upstairs and watch the ready for the dance, there were four good time was had by all, and yes Virginia, amidst the cookies, the cin- girls singing that they wanted me to ,-------------~i is going to become in lila. aftemoon movie with Bill LeFever be their valentine. They gave me a namon hearts, the cards, the flowers, instead. Poor consolation. It is a shame, Geraldo says, that , .I the people who just drift through ticket and get a cookie, or a balloon note which was signed anonymous. the songs and the balloons, there is a valentme's Buy a flower, get a song, buy a Day... (starling to be the story of my life I college without a commitment, or I without motivation ''waste money on for teecen sakes, Valentine's Day has thought). Anyway, I reluctantly gave l.'e Ni8hr Sp«i.l! an education that they don't put their become as commericaJ as Christmas. 8 p.m.-" p.m. , I souls into" In Brazil and in many I WOIlderwhy no one sold Ch_ristmas Math Quiz Free! ! "~ '~, gars can a hobo make from twenty- Answer to last week's puzzle: $1.19 Cheeseburger: Maria' 5 Beauty Shop (one half dollar, one quarter, four five cigar butts if he needs five butts to make one cigar? t dimes, and four pennies) Please submit ali answers to Box When lIoa b~i1. I Congratulations to Debby Neely, 577, along with your name, room .~~ who won last weeks surprise prize: number, and extension by 9 a.m. 21 I Qaarter Poander I 'BiDwdry "". SetS :;(" 'Extra one dozen free donuts at Plain 'n 22182. Two winners will be drawn from all the correct answers received Fancy Donuts in Westminster: Con- : 7 Carroll St. "48.8333 gratulations also to Bob Cavallam Prizes for this week will be one half and Jim Riner, who also submitted dozen free donuts at Plain 'n Fancy! (with this c:oap~n) : '. Westminsttr WaIR In 0; "P t. correct answers. "Sponsored by Kappa Mu EpsI- -.-.~ I;---------------~-~- This weeks puzzle: How many ci- lon" ,You Deserlle AI' Carriage House Liquors - Of course yOU can charge it r .rea" Todayr: 113 W. MaIn Street I I ~ ~, I "at the for k s.. " liIS~ial!. : : • II Molsen 12 oz. bottles 6 pak $2.99 JCPenney I westminster Eldersburg 11 _ Check our wine specials! CATALOG PHONE : _ Reisterstowrr'" I I 1 coupoo per student please! • 848-5100 WESTMINSTER STORE PHONE 848-7766 I CasLva.lue 1110 of one cent' j Present Student ID expires 2/25/82 .11.'. J. c. Pwlney Compeny. Inc. MON.-SAT. 9:30 a.m.-8:30 p.rn l--~~'~~.!!!~!.~_4,L .o.-;,:--;. __~-"""'.------~-----------~~,
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