Page 53 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 53
December 4, 1980 Scrimshaw page 3 Recycling your Watertower leaks lifestyle Searching_for ecology Robin Taylor The most commonly asked and most that was cut from dead trees. When Robert Holt say hello and mention that I was Part of the group has forsaken or- unanswered question concerning ready to build a home, try to find WASHINGTON, D.C You know asking about her ganic living lor Botany suits, Cardin ecology is "what can I, as an individ- used wood or use alternate materials, how friends wHi drop out 01sight from Alter seeing three of Ecology's less shirts, and disco at places like Gir- uar. do?" The best answer is to like cinder blocks, brick, and adobe time to time. They seem to vanish into than diligent friends, I went to visit ard's. Others of the E.M. clan have maintain an ecological lifestyle-- The best known suggestion for news- the air, never to be heard of lor US. Conservation Corps. U.S.C.C. opted for sleazy nights in places like has been Ecology's close confidant meaning to think and act ecologically paper is recycling, buy you can also marathon periods of time. While re- for many years. U.S.C.C. said that the Pit, listening to rock bands with more acid in their veins than in their The action that should be of greatest boycott those merchants that buy miniscing over some long unseen Ecology had invited her over a while music. They all worry about the cost concern to an individual is consump- large, wasteful advertising, and write faces the other day, the thought 01a back, but budg-:' cuts made it too of gasoline, but could care less about non More than one billion pounds of newspaper editors about ads that well known acquaintance came to rough to make the journey to Ecol- how it is manufactured or the result- solid wastes are discarded each day waste space mind -- Ecology ogy's place. Besides, U.S.C.C ing waste by-products. The E.M die- in ttue country, In order to live One of the most important areas for I have not seen Ecology for so long, thought it unfair of Ecology to expect hards went off to the Utah wilderness ecologically, a person should be the individual to be aware of is the I barely remember the face. So I her to adjust to a lower standard of and became organic gurus. The E.M familiar with and learn how to mini- resources that can be found in solid decided to drop my friend a line to living just to satisfy Ecology. Ecology People have experienced a change say "Hi! What's new and where have mize the use of those resources that wastes. Trash IS regarded as a you been?" There was a problem -- would just have to meet her half-way. in personal values. They say that must be conserved problem, but it can become a re- where could I contact Ecology? Has Alter all, U.S.C.C. has been pleading there is no use to look for Ecology, In 1976, at least 661 billion pounds source. Presently, the general solu- anybody seen Ecology around re- for volunteers to give her a ride to since you can not beat the establish- of 'packaging goods were discarded tion is landfills or incinerators, neither cently? We have a lot of mutual Ecology'S place. Besides, she al- ment. If one is going to die of air by American consumers. Most of of which is a perfect solution. Recy- friends, so it seemed logical to ask if ready has to make sacrifices to pollution, you might'as well die in these wastes were non-degradable cling is actually more practical and they knew the whereabouts of Ecol- pamper her children, High Salaried comfort. let's face it, Calvin Klein throw away containers. The trend can become more profitable. During ogy. I checked with her close friends. Consultant Firms. You should give jeans and Moosehead beer are more towards this use has increased ire- World War Two, it was practiced I stopped by to see Envirohmental your children the best possible you appealing than holding out for the mendously. voluntarily with extraordinary results. Protection Agency, spun some know. ideal of a clean, life preserving A person can help greatly to deter As an individual you can spur munici- wheels and gassed about a while. In desperation, I tracked down Ecol- existence. E.PA has been very involved lately ogy's old friends, the Earth Movement So Ecology was abandoned by her ~~~ ~~~I: p~~;~:0~t:n~xa~0;: ~~~:,e~~~:;s~!~;~~n:;:t s:~~o~e~~ with his chums, Class Action Law- People. The ones with the green flag, good friends for politics. money, and into organic the talk of "getting good times. Now she is just another avoid using aerosol cans, buy bulk active recycling projects. Show that suits, and a long standing engage- living," and singing folk songs about old lace. A forgotten ideal. A fad that dry food, buy aluminum rather than they are economically sound. For ment to Bureaucratic Waste. He had nature. Yes, the one time hope of went the way of the hoola-hoop, only tin cans and give them to a recycling example, France can turn 50 tons of not even noticed that Ecology was Ecology -- the future generation. the hope lor a clean life on Earth died center. Also, buy only returnable trash a day into compost with the gas not around. He did say that he would It took a while, but I found them with this fad bottles. Urge companies that do not used to run turbine engines in power send a letter to Ecology at the first There is not much unity among the Seen Ecology lately? sell returnables to vend their products plants. The operation employs two chance Earth Movement People now days Well. I decided to ask Sierra Club in returnable bottles. Buy beer and men and cost $120,00 a year. The and Wildlife Preservation if they had Boxer short briefs other beverages in bulk--such as net loss)s ten cents a ton compared seen Ecology. They said Ecology was kegs. Third, do not buy plastics like to $2.50 a ton for an average landfill somewhere close by, but they were bags, toys, and plastic silverware. If Also, encourage trash separation pro- really too tied up to check on her Campus ecology? you must. only buy those items that grams in your area and incorporate it Producing public awareness commer- are long lasting and reusable. For in your lifestyle. Put organic things in cials, and selling calenders and Jay Holtzman neue trees, tulips and hyacinth that example, you can reuse the bag a compost pile, stack newspapers. books tor lobbying funds is really newspapers are delivered in. conect aluminum cans and glass time consuming you know. They said Unlike most people on campus, I grow around McDanial Hall in May Another source of solid waste is bottles and send them to be recy- something about having special prob- have never been camping, fishing. or are delightful. And the year-round wood and its by-products, such as cled. The locations of recycling cen- lems with an increase in paper mills skiing. Born and raised in Ihe city, the show that takes place every night paper. Timber is fast becoming a ters near you can be given by the dumping waste in certain rivers too, closest I've come to the "great out- behind Baker Memorial Chapel, as scarce resource. A person can help manufacturers of the products but they were launching a lobbying doors" is here, Western Maryland the sun goes down over the Catoctin prevent the depletion of our country's It is up to each of us to be living program to alert the public to the College. And when I can forget about Mountains to the west We may not forests by implementing some con- examples for others. If every mdivid- problem. They said that Ecology the books, the food, Rouzer. and have the most scenic campus in serving habits. Do not buy a live, cut ual willingly lives a basic and ecologi- might show up at one at their people who don't say hello, this America, it may not even be in the christmas tree. Use a rooted tree that cally sound life the problems facing Congressional lobbying campaigns, campus can be really beautiful. And top 10, but we should appreciate can be replanted. Buy only firewood us could diminish and they would make a point of it to not only should we students try to what we have keep it that way, but so should the To see empty beer bottles scattered Conservatively speaking ment Office around campus on Sunday afternoon Board of Trustees arid the Develop- is bad, to see broken beer bottles is Crowding the lifeboat? domesticated before I came to West- worse. In general, we as students do I had never seen a rabbit that wasn't not litter on campus much, but we do Keith l. Arnold a lifeboat. This lifeboat has a capacity dent upon others for the maotar- ern Maryland. They can be seen on litter too much. More large litter baskets should be placed near the One of the greatest, if not the to carry, using Hardin's hypothetical nance of their subsistence level many parts of campus at night. I had Quad, and between Whiteford and greatest, problems in the world today, example, 60 people. There ale 50 existence never seen as wide an expanse of the Student Center, even if these green, green, grass as is found back is that of over-population. There are people in the lifeboat, while there are This influx of food enables the continued page 4 simply too many people in the world. another 100 people in the water, population to continue to grow at its campus during the spring. The mag- This represents a desperate situa- drowning. Those in the lifeboat have accelerated rate, causing a situation tion, leading 10 desperate solutions three options. One is to take every- where there are more people, in even Space exploration, the farming of the one aboard, and everyone drowns worse condition. Hardin argues that seas and the development of better Another is to take on just ten, thi., is not humane grains are all postulated as solutions destroying any safety margin, and A$ was stated before, it is a radical But are doomed 10fail at the present thrusting upon them the terrible deci- idea. Turning our backs on the rate of population growth. sion of deciding who should live and starving people of the world - even if The United States. fortunately, is who should die lastly, they can it is, theoretically, for the good of their blessed with plenty. We have the admit no one decendants and the world in general capability of feeding ourselves and This last option is unjust and inbu- is a hard pill to swallow. But then some. Our population is stable, man - but the individuals survive. This Hardin's observations on the futility of and we prosper . is the course that Hardin advocates food aid prograrns could be useful in But in developing nations the situa- Cutting back to reality, when aid is re-evaluating our methods - for exam- tion is quite different. With an incredi- sent to starving nations, is the prob- pie putting more emphasis on birth bly high rate of population growth, lem being solved? All this method control - in attempting to solve the ~ho:n~;~~li~~ ~i~~:t:~~ ~~~~t:~u~a~ ,.'00.' .. '.' _k'.'P_'h.''''_P",-.p"",_,,;;,,,_," ..-_,,.,g..-,.,"_g,... ,,.,b.,, ..m...;po.p..".'a,.'o." _. ucns. doubling every lew generations Seeking experienced bartenders, This world can only provide so much Taney Inn barmaids and waitresses. food, even now we strain the earth's Please call 721 -1440 resources to the breaking point. The lJnder new management ~~~~~!~,p::tt~~n ~~:~at:~nsb~~~ ' - - - _••••• _.. Carriage House Liquors ~~~rh!hepr~~~~~i~ c~n~~~n:s.u~~~~: enough for the starving peoples of : 113 W. Main Street the world to survive It is the only • "at the forks" human thing to do. -. Garret Hardin, Professor of Human • Busch 12-oz. cans Ecology at the University of California, • $2.38 ::r:n~e v:~d r~i~~~~~ei~,~~S~'f:~i~~ : mentally sound, and although its·. implementation is unthinkable, it de- • wlcoupon Expires 12111 serves a fair hearing : Hardin compares the world today to ,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.
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