Page 107 - Scrimshaw1980-81
P. 107
April 9, 1981 5crImshow page .1 Fire safety altenative8 Science Students take the initiative Shuttle 8eth Williams "Upper floors should have escape ladders or ropes, There launches Some of the students stayed in their rooms during the Providence should always be alternative ways out in case the stairwells are CoHege han fire to be rescued by fire fighters on ladders, according inaccessible," said Andrea Mangram. "It's realily crucial to know Terry Dam to the December 22, 1977 issue of TIme. "But others panicked,.. and what to do in case of a fire, too." The New Space Age may have its plunged into the inferno in a despeate sprint for the stairs, Two Blanche Head Resident Linda Lamb offered some suggestions in beginning on April 10 with the coeds leaped to their deaths on the frozen ground 40 feet below" case of a fire. "Feel your door before opening it. If it's hot sit in your launching 01the National Aeronautics "Since I live on the fourth floor of a big dorm which is a firetrap, I window and wait for the ladder truck. If there's smoke in the hall and Space Administration's (NASA) have a tendency to evacuate the building when the fire alarm goes when you leave, take a wet rag to breathe through and crawl along Space Transportation System, the off," said Venus Rankin, a resident of Blanche the floor. Once outside look for friends and roommates; realize who's Columbia, Said NASA Administrator Although in general students have become apathetic towards fire missing" Robert Frosch, "We are now at the alarms, many are concerned. Senior Dave Cleveland said, "I don't In case of a fire, according to Dean Laidlaw, it is' the staff's threshold of a new capability to trust that when the alarm goes off there is a fire, or that the alarm will responsibility to pull the fire alarm and call the fire department. investigate the universe" go off if there is a fire" "Students should leave the building. I don't expect anyone not The philosophy behind the new Cleveland has installed a smoke detector and an escape ladder trained in rescue to risk their lives trying to save someone when designs of the Columbia is why it is in his fourth floor Albert Norman Ward room. "It would be very easy trained firmen are on their way." being called the space shuttle The to be trapped on fourth floor with no warning." According to Bob Blackwell the Fire Marshall conducted a partlet space shuttle is to make spaceflighl According to Cleveland, Dean Mowbray has admitted that ANW investigation on campus just after Christmas, He and Blackwell mere routine; it will literally be a is a fire trap. "II's an old building (1939) with old wood and old discussed fire safety on campus. "He was shown how many lire commuting system between eartt- paint" extinguishers have been bought and where they go." Maintenance and space. One of the most remarka "In case of a fire I'U invite anyone on rny hall to use my escape goes through the dorms during breaks to replace or recharge fire ble aspects about the Columbia is ladder," said Cleveland extinguishers that it is reusable. A ueet of four 01 Fourth floor Blanche resident Jan Rich, has had a smoke Students are responsible for insuring their persons and personal the airplane-like spacecrafls is detector in her room all four years at WMC. Katie Miller and Helga property. The college itself is insured with a deductable of $5.000. planned; each craft should be cape- Hein keep an escape ladder in their third floor Blache room. "My We've been lucky up till now," said Laidlaw. "Damage to college ble of making as many as 100 round parents bought it our Freshman year when we lived in Blanche property due to fire has been less than $5,000. The fire in the Quad trips because they were worried." said Miller last May Oay was the most potentially dangerous" Columbia has been called a monu- Said Hein, "we didn't have the ladder when we lived in Whiteford Said Cleveland. "because we haven't had any bad accidents ment to Murphy's Law, "If anything because we felt it was safe." doesn't mean we're safe." can go wrong, it will;" construction has been plagued with difficulties As More· than just a dream? a result of the numerous setbacks the shuttle encountered, it is nearty three years behind schedule and billions'of dollars over the budget Melanie Clippinger Twomey explained a theory that the trances or "readings". He provided n~ed.'e instea~ of as he was si~:r~~-~e~:~, f~~~hi~h~~l~nti~c~;~ On March 17th the W.M,C. campus mind is divided into a conscious, physical, spiritual, and mental guid- thinking of doinq earlier. T~e second U.S.'s eminence in space will be was visited by dream interpreter Mary subconscious, and superconscious anee example noted. that ente~~In~r Steve received; national defense, NASA it. Agnes Twomey. Twomey lectured on region plus something called the Edgar Cayce philosophized that a Allen dreamt his hit son.g Th,ISCould self, science and the technology "How to Use Dreams as Tools for transpersonal level. This «arecer- dream not looked at is like an Guidance" to an audience in Mc- sonal or dream level is common to all "unopened letter". Dreams should not beA!h:" S;~drtf~: ~:e~~~~~~I~~'eams ~r~s~~o.Wil1acquire a boost in the Daniel Lounge at 8 P.M minds - making such phenomenon as be ignored because they can be very T~ey suggests formulating a SP.El- Ambitious missions planned for the Ms, Twomey is a member of the extra-sensory perception possible. helpful to us. One should look to his cmc reason why you want to rernem- shuttle will include launching new Association for Research and Enlight- Through this level human contact can dreams for guidance. ber ~our dreams. Next she suggests satellites and retrieving old ones for enments' (A.RE,) Baltimore speakers be made thus opening the possibil- Ms. Twomey explained that the keeping a. dream jOurnal Before repair. And eventually, the craft will team. The A.RE is an organization ity that humans can also help one interpretation of symbolism in dreams sleeping give yourself a mental sustain scientists and their lnstru- aimed at furlt1ering ones spiritual and another. supply us with feedback on "spiritual suggestion that you will ,rer:nember ments for up to a month in space. mental growth. The A.RE. was founded in 1932 ideals we set for ourselves, whether your drea,:,s. The next mornl~g one The system will also be used as a The evening lecture started off with and relies closely on the theories of we're aware of the ideal or not" Our ~hould write down any feeling or transport mechanism for .the enqi- a brief moment of silence requested the renowned late psychic Edgar dreams might tell us how we are Image. re~embered. Hopefully dre~m neers. equipment and materials en- by the speaker to "reflect on why we Cayce. Cayce was helpful to many Jivingup to this ideal. How do we act have come" people whom he advised through his on our dreams? We must "compare it :~~I~I;ir:~~,I,ea~et~ta~,ett:~':~~~!i~~ ~;~: in construction of structures in to our ideal-digest what it is saying to us' gr~;'~h:nde~al~ the lecture Ihe fh~~tea~a~ s~~~e:;~~~~I~~~c~hl~n~r~ Cafe parties cited examples of how dreams audienc.e was invited to participate in successful landing. One aspect Ofthe During her lecture Ms, Twoney touched the lives of Elias Howe and a :~~~ono~n~;~~~~c~~~:y and ::~ ~~s;~~e'~~~'~h;i~~:~er~:~e;~ Steve Allen, 'NIlen Elias Howe was ~reams ;e.r~ for ~aleAI~ ~e loun~e. be dropped via parachutes for further ended struggling to invent the sewing ma- a::a~,:.ena on t e ,. was aso ~~~e:::sla~~i~;9 t~;t i;:~I~:te~~:: chine, he had a dream of a knight carrying a long sword with a hole near the end of it. As a result of this Wi~S;h!~~ f~~s7':~s ~:t!~~~~~;p~a:~11~~t~~u~n aw~~nw~~~lik~lh~~ dream, Howe decided to put the hole ~ masters degree In psychiatric nurs- systems and p:edures ~ill be "The Oining Hall is restricted to food type activities." That .near the end of his sewing machine statement was Dean Mowbray's explanation of the new no "beer Ing checked during the miSSion party" policy toward the cafeteria The Dean cited several reasons for the new policy. "There i~ no question about the abuse 01the cafeteria," stated the Oean. Besides poor clean-up, the Dean noted "out-right damage" including Spanish dance troupe tamperment with equipment, stolen clocks and general destruction Mrs. MacDonald, Director of Food Services, emphasized destruc- tion and breakage. "It wasn't fair for other students to come in the next morning after one of those parties, said MacDonatd. MacDonald concluded: "We are Irying to keep this place looking like a Publicity cafeteria," commenting that we have the forum for such activities. They are glamorous, artistic, color- As far as the problems of increased demand on the Forum is ful and even educational, and they concerned, the Dean stated, "its not so much a problem as students are coming 10_Western Maryland make it out to be." Mowbray went on to explain that, other than College. They are the Maria Morales movies, Ihere were very few conflicts this year where there would Spanish Dance Company of the Pea- have been two parties to contend with. SGA films are being moved body Institute, and they will entertain to Decker Auditorium, which will be repaired this week (an amplifier audiences at Western Maryland Col- is needed) in time for this weekends' "The Deerhunter" lege on Monday, April 13, at 8:00 'NIlen questioned concerning SGA discussion about a one p.m. on Mainstage, Alumni Hall. chance system fOf.campus organizations, the Dean replied, "ThaI's Maria Morales, Spanish dancer of international fame, has performed :~!;:~~~'e~~r!ry;~2 I~Ossd~h;~~:~h~~:~n~:t~~~:~~ea~~~~e;: throughout Europe and South Amer- is no one coming in the next morning in most cases ica. She has danced for the Metropol- The policy in the past was payment of any damages and a fine itan Opera House and the Santa Fe It is the Dean's feeling, that. "even if they pay for it. even if it is Opera in New Mexico, and recenlly repaired, we shouldn1 have to go through it in the first place" choreographed for the Tlrso de Mol- The Dean denied that this policy would damage the social life on ina Dance Company in Paris. campus, and during discussion of two-band Homecomings, "any- The well-acclaimed company of ten Boda 'de louis Alonse. by Joaquin and Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov's Ca- thing is possible." The Dean insisted, "We have a very active social will perform Spanish dances with Gimenez, Two Pavans, t,y Luis Milan, priccio Espagnol life on this campus" traditional authenticity including Jola Aragonesa by Thomas Breton, The performance by the Spanish classical, regional Gnd Flamenco Soieares, A traditional, Enrique Dance Company is free and open to ~ances. T,he ~r~ram, will in:clude: La Granda', Intermezzo, Fiesta Fiamenco the public.
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