Page 74 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 74
page 4 february 21, 1980'" Scrimshaw Feminism. issue remains eclipsed Traditionally, each fraternity has equipped with women's studies movement and women's role in for me to form my own opinions cont. from p. 1 a designated section of a dorm programs. These courses aIlow society. Recently, however, they about the subject." Although women's sports have where they live "en masse". students the opportunity to study in have sponsored no events con- What implications does this become increasingly more popular Sororities are aIlotted no similar a classroom environment where nected with the women's campus-wide naivete have for the over the past five to ten years, living priveleges where the sisters feminism is the "norm", instead of movement. When asked for an future of Western Maryland students report that there is still may live together .. While frater-. a stereotyped radical viewpoint. explanation, Joan M. Avey, students? As for the men,' Ken much more emphasis placed on nities may hold weekend "section Women'scenters,whichserveasa Director of College Activities, Bolton summed it up when he said, men's sports. The major spectator parties" in their club-rooms, counseling facility, are cropping states, "We had these speakers "I feel the men on this campus are sports are football, basketball, and sorority parties are restricted to up at many schools across the early in the seventies when the prepared for the changing lacrosse all of which are men's campus facilities such as the country. Hampshire and Mills movement was digging in. It's not women's roles." Ina recent debate teams. While women are ailowed forum or cafeteria. These parties Colleges report their centers to be so much the big issue now." in a history course, men expressed their own lacrosse, hockey; cost more to sponsor because they enormously supportive to women There have been a number of a general desire for women to take volleyball and basketball teams, require the booking of a band and on campus. classes added to the curriculum on more liberated characteristics the larger crowds will predictably present a much greater risk of Although Western Maryland that cover, to varying degrees, such as assertiveness and be found at the men's team events. profitJoss. currently has no programs issues involvng women. Courses initiative. The cheerleaders, who receive no This low level of consciousness is directed at the women's cause, such as, Women in History, Gloria Steinem offers some funds from the athletic depart- not restricted to the students at they do have a history of attempts Women in Literature, Liberations, insight into the future of all young ment, are also effected by a form Western Maryland. It is a at integration of feminist ideals at Issues and Trends in American women of college age, "Women's of inequality. According to Lisa recognizable trend that is the school. On February 28, 1978, SOCiety, America in the 60'S, and cultural pattern can make us more Brandau, a cheerleader, ·"We widespread among colleges today. three students requested the Social Stratification and Inequality rebellious with age. As a result the aren't given money because we In a recent article by Gloria recognition of a new group to be are courses that focus, at some women's movement may be the don't cheer at every sport. That's Steinem, a renowned feminist, she called the Feminist Alliance. point, on women's issues. one revolution whose advocates practically impossible for us." stated that, "The college is According their charter, their How well has Western Maryland grow more radical and more ac- Another issue that directly ef- probably the last place to find a purpose was to "Provide- the prepared women for their future tivistaswegrowolder." fects students of today is that of feminist revolution ... " because it college community with services roles in society? Janel Butts, a Will the college woman of today birth control. With the changing is a time in life when women are and support in response to the senior at W.M.C. stated, "It has become the Gloria Steinem of morality and over-all rise of sexual treated " ...with less opposition and needs and concerns of women in prepared me in some ways tomorrow? If Ms. Steinem's thesis activity of college students today more equality than we ever will today's society." The group ac- because I've had to compete with holds true we can safely anticipate more women have become aware again." Her theory that the cepted as members all interested men in the classroom. but other- a gradual increase of interest in of the options open to them and are campus. holds no significant threat persons in the college~ommunity, wise I don't think I've been women's issues as they begin to taking the responsibility for of discrimination against women faculty, ·staff and students, both prepared to hand1e any larger effect the lifestyles of today's precautionary measures. The partly explains the lack of male and female. The group was forms of discrimination in the college students. Perhaps in ten college has its own gynecological necessity to have a strong interest officially recognized by the future." O'Donnell White, also a years to come a Western Maryland service which will provide women in feminism while in college. Student Affairs office on March 23, senior, responded with, "I can't graduate will look back to her with accurate information on the Many other colleges hold a 1978. A semester later, the say Western Maryland has hin- years at college and say to subject. "Many girls are taking major advantage over Western Feminist Alliance had died out for dered or helped me. It had, another, "We have come a long advantage of the service, I think, Maryland by. virtue of their lack of interest. ... however, opened my mind in order" more so now than ever," com- programs and facilities" that are In the early seventies the Lee- mented one senior woman who specifically geared toward ture Concert Committee sponsored Trustees dis(;t.lSS issues preferred to remain anonomous. educating the woman for her "new feminist activists such as Betty Still another inequality was role" in society. Institutions such Friedan and Kate Millett. These reported in the matter of sorority as University of Maryland and women spoke to the campus on the by Mitchell Alexander, bond bill for the college would fraternity rights. University of Massachesetts are current happenings in the women's Regan Smith, and Gary Stern automatically require a matching The executive Ccmm. of the amount of cclteqe-qatned funds. board of Trustees met in January. Mr. Preston reviewed. the four At the meeting of admissions. He increments for of the construction Dr. John reported REACH OUT said that "a continues position be in education facility. Phase I In. proposed physical on the .stetos strong to admissions eluded locker rooms for the college II In- The Phi Beta Kappa Phase Charter eluded renovations (BOO) 4112·1588 X·2 (PII. onlY) maintained. appears to be a helpful and visiting teams. of offices and Phone Toll Free 1=~~3~7';'~;!'.r.,K.ntuckyonIY) hallmark Preston followed that classrooms Phase in the present the gym· for the college. naslum. new' Mr. III' is and talk to former presentation the with proposed new on gymnasium the present and gymnasium IV information Itself Phase renovates financing volunteers about physical for a bond bill request To be In such as squash athletic facilities a facility. education into additional courls eligible and Peace Corps and the 1981 session of the Maryland gymnastics area. Most urgently college I and III at the VISTA. General Assembly the of Intent needed is Phase cost of four million must issue a declaration approximate through MICUA by July 1980. A dollars. Choir prepares 1"'.".,' C"'r' ,oJ VISTA WIllb,' '''nJ'n~ by w~"'n~ 1M for tour y""""tI.'h",,')'h~,·,b.r"' ..n;n~MW 1"..«,. C"'r' v"lun"~'r<""'"'' 2 y~.r> ,n .Je.,:)pr,n~ n,,""n .Jim Frye 01 Alr;f"•. A>;".I.,"nAm,·", •. or,b,·I'.<",I,c. n,,·yhdr I"'"pl,' 01 ,·m.·,~,n~ nd"""' m,"" 'helT ~.''', bum.n ",.•..1, The Western Maryland College slnse they are often ~cquain!ed T" ~"dhly. "01",,' ...·,, mOl"he U.S. Ci'i"·,,,. mol;~'''',1 tn Chelr will be touring Philadelphia, with the classical selections which """". dod h.V'·d u•.,~I~>k,11.S'm.lo-nt>",Lib~d,I.~'n"nJ, New York City, and Boston during are a large make up of thi~ year's ,".>1i"n.M.>1h/Snen«·. He,I,hl ...ld,.Hu"n,·".dnJ the spring break. Their Itinerary repetolre. However, ~e. IS. quite E,""nm", .•,,· '·'J'<~·;dll~n,-i'd•..J l~'nd," 10<1,,,'"rd,d hv,"~. "dVei.• "J h,·.hb,·,p'·""·' plu, also Includes Cherry Hili and confident that the cho.if IS In the .,B.OOO"·."liuSlm,·n •• IlO"'dnn·.tt,·"omrl,·li"",,12 ••·.,, ~:~:el~ni~ee:~~~, ~::: J~;:~~ ~:!iV~d.form and Will be well VISTAIV"llIo"~· ....lns.,rv;c<·ToAm,·,,c.I""lun"'·",",·"'· I y'·.'inr(W,·"y·rel."·Jpr"~rd"",n,b. Uroilt•.J S'." .. dnd ,I> ,.rr"M".,.. Thoy wn,k In iledhh. HO"'tnl'-(,·, ~~~;a~~!~~~!: and ~~~~;e~: fO~~~~o~~~~~u~~~ed~~~:~:~:o~: Alld" •. )I",;",."o. .•,.lnpm"nt.nd",he, .. o••. Th"i, mdtn • !hr""",,,;,kno,lywmm,,n,,y.,ndnriKbltn,h,,,,Jl<·.,,I,'" P~~~YI:;;~~, 0~:1~~~ret~;n ~~~i'r =:dve!~:r:a~: dU:;;II~ot O~ygr:~~ .oJ h,·II'("~.,n",·co.l;,;"".t,,comh.' r,obiom,;nlo", ~~~~dean~:s::S~~~~ ,nlllrwClODj.t61.UI9X.l(' .. 0II")u4 Is to keep the college In contact performances and the choir Is al (0) ~1l.(l9"l4X·} (Md.., W. y ... Otia.-- ICaIIuckJI 011"). _ ............ ""'"'oboul,._~u4V1STA. with the distant alumni as well as liberty to do as they please. Ex- It's a number thai could providing an exposure of the penses, which have been kept to a change your life. college's talents to prospective minimum, are partially funded by students. The tour is also an oo. the proceeds from the choir's '""'" ..... Co""""IT. ~~~~~I:V~:I:~e o~h:~~I~n:~~%~ ~e~;~s s::~:c:: t~~r~n:n~:i~:t~;:~s 102·AClntom.H~ .. 2nd & ChMtnut Btl. ~J~:~c~~ld ~~~t :e ~:r:h-~~~:I~a~ ~:~sos~~~:~~n:~ free from any Phll.a.lphll, .... 11108 By the time the choir returns they wi II be even more prepared EASY EXTRA INCOME tor their Spring concert. Mr. Stuffing envelopes - Guaranteed Hylton feels that the students have Send self-addressed. stamped worked very hard, and hopes that envelooe To: -, everyone wHI be able to appreciate DEXTER ENTERPRISES the result. The home concert Is 3039 Shrine PI. LA. CA. 90007 Aprii27 at eight o'clock p.m.
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