Page 72 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 72
Wrong priorities? ~~~~ More than a grade New answers to frat files Dear Ms'-Menefee: efficiently in a certain way about a Unfortunately, I was not in· certain subject-matter Is a large cluded In the Scrimshaw interview part of what I think I am doing as a Now that some of the initial furor over the student knows as opposed to examining his thinking that led to your Feburary 14 article college professor. Only a few "fraternity files" has died down, Scrimshaw would process. Any student can cram a finite number of "Econ for non. majors." I found the minutes spent reading articles on like to further explore some of the questions raised "whats" into his head, but the true point of testing is article quite interesting In that it economic problems in magazines by the issue. Yes, the files can be used for legitimate to examine the hows and the whys: to test the concerns an issue that students and daily newspapers, 01'" listening purposes. But they can be used for illegal purposes student's ability to think. Many oC the lacts that we have raised occasionally In the to some politician pandering for as weU - and that illegality is made possible by the learn, we will forget quickly, but the ability to think, past and that has been discussed offlce, is necessary to appreciate faculty. to examine a problem intelligently, is something among members of my depar-t. the extent of the ignorance and In too many cases the faculty has failed to expend that will remain with us always. mentfrom tlmetotimeasa result. muddled thinking put forth as the effort required to make the fraternity tests and One possible solution is being explored by the I think that our introductory knowledge by untrained minds. papers on file obsolete. They do not make up new Political Science Department. They are considering economics sequence provides the WMC students have an op- tests and paper topics, but continue to assign the implementing the use of an American National very minimum of the knowledge portunity to avoid that state of same papers and use the same test questions from Government textbook which comes with a file of that a college graduate should being. year to year. - 2000 test questions. have in my subject. It also The answer to the diffuculty of To some degree, this is a necessity, There are The simplest solution would be for professors to provides an opportunity for introductory economics is not a only a finite number of ways to approach a given expend the time and energy to create new test students (in Prctessor. Seidel's "baby" econ course. If we offered piece of material - and a good test question takes a questions and paper topics; questions and topics words) "to work to their ability." an econ course for non-econ lot of work on the part of a professor. Too often, that varied the approach just enough so that old The first paragraph of the majors (and I really agree with however, the faculty opts for testing what the tests will be good Cor one thing; use as a study guide. Scrimshaw article asserts that Professor law that such a course many students do not take ln. would, due to the nature of' our subject, be a "cursory" treat. troductory economics because 1) it Waiting for bloody feet? is a lot of work and 2} it might amount of work and would be it would require a large menl) lower their G.P.-A's. This Implies that such students would take econ graded to the same standards we A passing maintenance man was asked by a if It were less work and grading apply in all our courses. The an. This Jan tenn, a rash oCparties was held across student whether or not he thought the glass would was "easier." I'll be frank about swer Is, instead, that those campus. Perhaps this was in part due to the ban on be cleaned up soon. He replied that he thought it this; I would rather not have such students who avoid Int ro econ section parties, which was handed down lor' Jan would take a special occasion. students in my introductory econ. rethink their attitudes toward their term. "You mean like parent's day?" the student classes. As Professor Seidel said, college education. The most tangible evidence of such a party can queried. • less work and easy grades are not WMC doesn't currently offer a be found on the steps that are located between the "No, replied the maintenance man, "like a cut what education is about. "babi' college degree for non. first and second sections of the apartment. These toe." In fact, education has very little college majors, and I really don't steps were literally covered with broken glass as a Scrimshaw does not advocate that the college to do with making grades, although think u ever will. WMC does try to result of bottles tossed from second story win- pick up after the students as if they were children. grades are one, admittedly feeble, offer you the best education it can, dows. The party took place on the last night of Jan However, efforts should have been made to find measure of the extent to which and part of that education is of. term. out who was responsible and then have them clean education is taking place. fered by my department. We really The glass is still there. up the glass. The actions 'on the part of the Education also has very little to do want you to have some of it. That's By now the glass has been crushed and tracked students who threw the bottles, as well as on the with ·Iess work. Education has a why we're here. along the sidewalks, and the path thatleads to the part of the college have been irresponsible, if not great deal to do with training Samuel Bostaph Pennsylvania houses. dangerous. minds; and training minds to think Assistant Professor of Economics Letters to the Editor Yellow press journalism controversy, right? I might point Issad enoughalready. -Anyone with questions Is welcome be to deny equal partnership in it. that out the National Sister's Cohabitation Enquirer Dear Editor: enjoys wide circulation In this in Rouzer Endorsement Workers to ask the Deaf Club, and If we are Women's freedom took a giant leap unable to answer them we will find This letter Is In response to an country, but that doesn't make it forward during WWII when women article appearing on the front page any more credible. Muckraking made easy someone who can. On page 43 ot replaced men at work as weJlas at of the Scrimshaw last week con- So, Let's stick to the real Issues,' Scrimshaw the college catalog there Isa listing home. But old beliefs die hard, and cerning Rouzer Hall. First of all, I shall We? What becomes of old test papers of courses offered to un- fhough we have won at least would be the first to admit that Sincerely, and other products of student labor dergraduates In the field of nominal equality, the fight must be relations between· the «estdence Andrew Mead is none of your business. Taking Education of the Deaf amounting carried On. We must change the Hail Staff and the Student Affairs seditious shots at fraternities to 24 credlf hours. I only hope that belief system of this country to Office have been put to the test this A fire hazard seems to be the current vogue, but this may be of some help to the recognize that we neither require year, but never to any great degree Dear Editor, why should a student periodical students Interested in this program nor desire being taken cere ct. it The draft, if comes, will over problems with the Visitation I am deeply troubled about the like Scrimshaw stoop to these or the field of deafness. Yours truly, present all of us with difficult policy. Specifically, it Is with enforcement of cohabitation levels. Studying from old tests and Tom La Rosa choices. For women, there will be regard tD the alcohol and party regulations In Rouzer. Already on papers is a perfectly acceptable the additional temptation to policies that we have had dlf several cccasstons my boyfriend What about women? ttcutttes. and I have beenforced to spend the procedure. Learning from what TotheEditor: retreat back to the sheltered, Is the fun- others have written protected role of the True Woman, Secondly, Robby Jansson Is not a night In the halls of a women's damental principle behind In his article in last week's Puritan. In his capacity as Head dorm along with numerous other libraries! Muckraking as you did Scrimshaw on registration for the but I hope we are strong enough withln ourselves to affirm our own Resident of Rouzer, he cannot and luckless couples (my roomate In "Studying Made Easy" is draft, Mr. Arnold seemed to have equality and integrity. will not dictate morals. The rules already had dlbs on the room). merely a slanderous left out a large segment of the governing the Visitation hours are Aside from the lack of privacy and misrepresentation of the truth to population from the responsibility Gretchen L. Frye mJant to encourage responsibility the lnccnvenence, we are creating create news. Surely the editor of of service should the draft become Olympic boycott on the part of the residents, and to a fire hazard. I tell you most sin Scrimshaw can see her way to a reality. But whether the The question of whether or not om- ensure that the rights of In- cerely that I am afraid for my life. publish some other kind of mission was made out of the draft registration is needed was _dividuals are not Infringed upon. One spark and many of uswould be material, perhaps bathroom charity of his heart, out of pure brought out in the February 14th As a matter of privacy and trampled to death and lett lying In grafitti? chauvinism, or out of just plain lssue ot Scrtmshaw. practicality, these rules have not a burning building. They would ignorance, is indiscernable Both Mr. Egan and Mr. Arnold been enforced across the board. probably never be able to Identify Openti res up to the campus-c. however. Mr. Arnold addressed his made slight errors in iudgement. Human nature being what It Is, the bodies. The potential tragedy Is Where do you get off? article only to the men and girls of Mr. Egan claimed th a t how c;anthey be? But in Instances overwhelming. I truly hope, Mr. Tim Street this country. What happened to the registration would deter peace, where there have been complaints, Jansson, that we be allowed to Deaf information boys and women? I believe It a when in fact itwould only serve as the rules have been enforced, and return to Router before it is too better idea if we keep children as a good laugh for the Russians. The will probably continue to be in the late. Dear Sirs, far away from war as possible, so true "jugular vein" at the present toture. Most Sincerely, It has come to my ettenttcn that time is a boycott of the Summer As for the policy concerning A Terrified Student there are many students on let's leave the boys and girls out of Olympic Games in Moscow. This cohabitation, can anyone campus expressing an Interest in it. And what about us-what about line of action would not deter world ealistlcally expect the college to Advice Education of the Deaf, and like peace as we know it, however, it officially condone a woman living Dear Editor __ myself know relatively little about the women of America? We still would make the Russians lose in an all-male dormitory? I think We are gravely concerned about the program. The Office of make 40-60percent of what men do face. . not! But If the R.A.'s were to the recent holocaust over the Education of the Deaf, located In at the same jobs, we occupy only a Mr. Arnold's remarks about report every instance where 'a enforcement of anti-cohabitation Carroll Hall, offers to any tn- small percentage of executive federal funding and loans caught female was believed to have spent regulations In Rouzer. As we un- terested students a booklet en- roles, we still comprise 80 percent my eye;for two reasons. The first, 'the night In a man's room, we derstand It, these regulations titled, The Hearing Impaired of menial whtte-cctter work, and is that thanks' to federal funding, we still have to put up with sexual Program. Any student Is welcome would very quickly losethe respect stipulate that "The college cannot to go down and pick this up. In it, and mental harrassment on the job there are two chapels on campus and confidence neededto do the job and will not condone a student's one can find such topics as Sign and at home just because we are that do not bear the sacred cross. effectively. I don't think anyone cohabHation with a member of the Language Requirements, Cer- what we are. Even though we are The second reason Is the assump- would argue this point. opposite sex In college residence tification Requirements and still second class citizens de facto, tion that everyone who attends this So why make such a big deal halls." As devout heterosexuals, Thesis. In addition, there is a and, in some aspects, de jure, college has taken out a federal about visitation and cohabitation WF:are threatened by the idea that section giving the history of the should we share equal respon- loan. You are wrong again, Keith! pcllcles? I don't know. Pe-n the the men in Rouzer may- have to program which may give some sibility 10 defend this country on an I know of one person who has no Scrimshaw staff had space to fill. resort to hcmosexuettty to remain insight into the program. equal basis with our subjugators? such loan. However, when it comes Or perhaps to get more people to within college regulations. The There are other services offered Yest r This is our country too, and to draft registration, you are right! read the paper. Everyone loves situation with men on this campus to the students with a oEO to deny responsibility for it would Jeff Smith
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