Page 71 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 71
Tuition. costs leap -by 12% Energy costs cited A breakdown of the !Financial aid prepared as major cause increase... for problems Tuition up 11.5% Bill Byrne 81118yrne WMC students and their parents were notified early Room up 15.4% "Most students have built Into their thinking about this month that the cost of attending the college as a financing the costs of attending college the fact that boarding student in the 1980·81academic year would be Board up 10.0% tuitions have been rising on an annual basis, so that $5,625, an increase of 11.9 percent over this year. Ac- more than ever students have been able to eetust to cording to a letter from Dr. John which announced the them," according to L. Leslie Bennett, the Director of price hike, "energy costs are primarily responsible for .•.and how WMC Western Maryland's AdmiSSions and FinancIal Aid the higher charges." Office. Mr. Jack Morrissof the college's budgeting office said compares When asked if the college would be able to offset the that the cost of fuel oil to the college has almost douBled $600 increase in tuition for financially needy students, In the past twelve months. These higher prices were Percentage Mr. Bennett said that It was too early to determine reflected In many parts of the tuition Increase. Dean Total Tuition, Room and Board increase exacfly how much money the Financial Aid Office would Elizabeth Laidlaw identified costs as the have at its disposal. The college will increase the primary reason behind the$lOO increase in Room fees. 1979-80 1980-81 in cost Financial Aid Offices budget from $S15,()()() to $S75,()()() in The $400 increase In Tuition will allow for higher Gettysburg $5,510 $6,400 16% the next year, but the amount of money the Office will wages to be paid to the faculty and other college per- WMC $5,025 - $5,625 receive through such federal programs as the College sonnel. But even with these raises, "t the faculty and $5,500 $6,077 11.9% Work Study Program will not be known until later this staff) will still lose real income between this year and Widener 10.4% year. next in our inflationary economy," Dr. John's letter Albright $5,310 $5,870 10.5% Mr. Bennett explained that "we will be trying to reported. Mr. Morris pointed out that salary Increases F&M $6,180 $6,750 9.2% identify and work with those students who need for college employees have been less, In terms of per- Dickinson $6,345 $6,915 -8.5% assistance." He identified as the first priority those centages, than- Increases in tuition for the last three Loyola $4,075 $4,425 families whose incomes have changed and secondly years. 8.5% those who face the most difficulty In dealing with the The college has made some progress in conserving Tuilion figures from the Office of Financial Aidand Admissions tuition increase. energy. Mr. Morris said that the college was "actively One bright note Is that a more liberal allowance for the looking at alternaflve methods of heating." He added Dean Laidlaw said that while there was some control costs of books, transportation, and personel expenses that the college recently aquired a modification to the over the use of heat In the dorms, "the Individual student will be used in the future. This might enable some heating system which is hoped to cut the dependence on in the residence halls really can't do that much to save students to see an increase In the amount of financial aid heating 011 by UP to 10 percent In some areas. energy." for which they quality. 14 - 1 does Are you exist insured? , Keith Arnold Robert Egan Group's There Is a certain amount of throughout and the individuals from campus have confusion on this campus, con- suffered from no't having tn- 1 cerning the stcdent-tecuttv ratio. surance in recent years. Students, looking at their classes are puzzled by the number of Last summer when a water pipe students, generally much higher burst, In the basement of Mc than the ratio, which is fourteen to Daniel, uninsured student property, valued in the hundreds' The reason for this discrepancy of dollars was destroyed. Sigma is simple: the student faculty ratio Sigma Tau for example, had their is not a measure of class size, but, clubroom rug completely put simply, is the number of full- destroyed. This sorority, along time students divided by the with all the other groups involved, number of full time faculty. This was not reimbursed for their losses figure differs from the average by the college. class size - which is twenty two and Dean Mowbray recently said, a third students pet class. Equal rights take back seat "The College doesn't carry any Why are the measures different? insurance on anybody and will Part of the answer lies in was frequently given by students really no great need to be bothered not," explaining that, "if the professor's course loads. when asked to explain this lack of with the 'outside world'." College carried the needed In- Department heads teach fewer Connie Thompson awareness.' Brian Loftus, a' Is this "little world" a perfect surance it would just "eetse classes than regular professors. "We've come a long way, sophomore, reported, "We're too haven, devoid of any form of (College) cost more." • However they are still counted as .baby .. .' This familiar phrase, busy studying to worry about such inequality that could serve to full faculty. This nafurally brings associated with the popular matters." Several coeds attributed motivate a student to educate him While some students have in the average cress- size up in Virginia Slims commercial alludes this uninformed state to the fact or herself on such issues? A surance protection through their comparison with the student to the modem liberated woman that few students watch television num ber of studen ts , families, many others do not. faculty ratio. and her long awaited triumph over or read newspapers while at predominantly female, complain Mowbray explained that He feels Students may still complain that inequality. To a western Maryland sorry for all of the people who lost their classes are above the ugure College student, however, the logo college. This prevents them from of a male-dominated and ex- possessions and he will fry to help of 22.38. Many classes are filled to probably suggests little more than keeping up with outside issues to a tremely discriminatory athletic them, but he can't replace any capacity and others, Principles of an appealing advertising tactic for certain degree. Lisa Brandau, also program. item which is destroyed on fhis Biology for example, have huge those long, sexy cigarettes. a junior, commented, "We are in campus. enrollme"nts. However these Just how much do these college our own little world here. There's courses are offset by small students know about women's Rowan to speak tonight enrollment courses, which go issues? "Relatively little," seems unnoticed as few people take them. to be the general opinion of The Western Maryland student students at Western Maryland. Jenifer Ulrey may still feel cheated by what may Most students confessed to Secretary of State for Public At- Carl Rowan currently has a appear to be a misleading statistic. knowing little or nothing about Controversial political and social fairs. syndicated column for the Chicago However, if a student came to this issues such as the Equal Rights commentator Carl Rowen will be He is especially wen.known for Daily News. He also has a radio Amgndrnent, school thinking his classes would women's op- addressing the Western Maryland ~ his outspoken coverage of the commentary called "The Rowan in the job market, have fourteen students In tharn. he portunities aspects of marriage and College C.ommunify bemg .' His the nation's poor and his coverage the of the Report," Reader's and is a roving editor for legal desegregation background Incfudes He is best Digest. involving cases a 1 was laboring u-nder faculty mtscon- relationships. fir~t black man to. serve on t.he poor. He has also won several known as one of the panelists on ratio cepticn. The student really aren't "The issues is ctsttnct from the average class relevant to us at this point in our United States National Security awards for his journalism. In 1953 Agronsky and Co. He will be ep- Feb. 21. 1980. At pearirl!? Thursday size and, since the same method is Counci~, the United States In- he won the prize for domestic 8 p.m. in Alumni Hall he will used by all other colleges and lives," commented Barbara tcrmettcn Agenc~, and serving.. as reporting; in 1954 & 1955 he won the lecture on "Human Rights, Civil junior Western universities, stili a reuebje tool Forrey, a This general at response John F. Kennedy s ambassador to Sigma Delta Chi medallion for best Rights and the World Crisis." Maryland. in choosing a school. Finland, and as Deputy assistant foreign correspondence
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