Page 68 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 68
page 6 Scrimshaw February 14, 1980 Title IX brings changes-sort of Frederick Smyth Amendments to the Civil Rights organized in 1976to investigate been closed as much as possible, heara girl say, 'Look at all the new Seven years have passed stnce. Actol1964, Title IX states: Western Maryland College with but someunavoidable inequality of equipment the football team gets,' the words "Title IX" first became No person in the United States regard to Title IX policy. The expenditurestillexists. but they need that equipment." synonymouswith the fight to erase shall, on the basis of sex, be ex- results of the evaluation were to Title IX doesnot require that the Barbara agrees with her. "I'm sex discrimination in Federally cluded from participation in, be form the basis for a plan to "ac- per capita expenditure for men's perfectly happy with the equip assisted education programs. The denied the benefits of, or be sub- cornooete effectively the interests and women's athletic programs be ment we get compared to the law's impact on the athletic [ectedto discrimination under any and abilities of both sexes" which equal. This meansthat the amount men," she says, "I really can't programs of major universities education program or activity was to have been implemented by spent on each male participant thinkofanycomplaints." has been the source 01 heated receiving Federal financial July 21. 1978.Although the report need not be equal to the amount Ann has also noticed an increase debate, but what has it meant to a assistance... showedWesternMaryland to be in spenton eachfemale. According to in the publicity for the women's small college like Western "It's sad that It takes a law," compliance with many of the Title HEW's guidelines for institutional teams. Shesays that there is more Maryland? Has Title IX's impact says Ms. Fritz, who coachesboth IX criteria for equal opportunity, it evaluation, "Ftnenctet resources coveragenow from the Scrimshaw beenof mater significance here? volleyball and basketball, "but did reveal inequities between the must be allocated as necessary to as well as locat papers, and that Dr. Richard Clower, Director of there's no way we would be where men's and women's athletic provide equipment, supplies, the Public Information Office on Athletics at Western Maryland, we are without it." She says, lor programs. facilities and opportunities for campus has made up an in- doesn'tthink so. Hesays that most instance,thatthewomen'sathletic The report noted that "several par+ictpation and competition, lormation bulletin for general of the changesthat have occurrei::l budget has increased"three times women's teams share uniforms" which equally accomocete the distribution concerning women's in the athletic program like over in the past four years." In but said that this was notan urgent athletic interests and abilities 01 sports. providing locker facilities for 1968,whenvolleyball was played in problem becausethey usedthem in both male and females." This According toMs. Fritz, however, women in Gill Gymnastum . would the spring instead of the fall, Mr. different seasons. A major ruling accounts for the allowable 'the publicity women are afforded have happenedregardless of Title Fritz remembers that the sameset problem was seen,however, in the differences between the ex- is still inequitable. The volleyball IX. "We have always been com of uniforms was used by the field sharing of warm- up suits by two penditures for sports like men's team, she says, has "the best four mitted to an equal opportunity hockey, basketball and volleyball teams in the same season, one and women's lacrosse. Becauseof year record in the state of athletic program in accordance teams in their respective seasons. team getting the jacket and the different rutes, the men require Maryland," and yet they with the philosophy of the time," Now, she says, every women's other getting the pants. As Ms. more equipment and, thus, more frequently have to write up their he says. The Coordinator of team has its own home and away Fritz pointed out, these inequities money than the women; but as own publicity and send it in. They Women's Athletics, Ms. Carol uniforms and war-m-upsuits. Ms. havenowbeencorrected. longas theopportunities lor bothto finished first, second and third in Fritz, agrees with this statement Fritz says that they would still be The committee found some but saysthat "the philosophyof the oblivious to many inequities significant budget discrepancies competeare equal, the program is three major east coast tour- times changed damn quick" between the men's and women's between comparable men's and in compliancewith Title IX naments this fall and were un. starting in the early 70's.Shesays programs if it weren't for Dr. Joan women's sports. The men's Ms. Fritz says that women's defeated in their conference, but that the improvements in the Coley, Western Maryland's Title basketball team, for example, accessfor lacHities in the gym has their press coveragewas small in that given to changed markedly since she cam_e comparison with women' program would not have IX Coordinator. spent a total of $5,675.00during the to Western Maryland in 1967."I some men's teams with less im occurred nearly so quick without Dr. Coley, who directs Western 1976·77season,while the women's was thrown out of that gym," she pressive records, says Ms. Frilz. the law. Maryland's graduate reading team spent only $3,081.00.Ac· "We're the only teams (volleyball A part of the 1972 Education program, chaired a committee cording to Ms. Fritz, this gap has remembers. She tells that there and hockey)," she says, "that had used to be a sign over the front door which read, "Men's Gym," to call and pay someoneto come and remembers being physically takeourteampictures." Student loans pushed out the door by a male An area where most of the agree that basketball coach and told to read women interviewed it. On hearing of the incident, she in is the exists are now available says, Dr. Clower promptly came inequity still staff members as Athletic number female of out and tore the sign down.~ Department Now that the situation has im- at Carroll County Bank. proved, Ms. Fritz says that she compared with the men's staff. In committee Coley's 1976, Dr. Ihinks it's easier for the men than for the women to forget the abuses reported that there were two full time women in athletics as op- (Loan applications available until that usedto go on. There are some posed to six full time men and June 13, 1980 for Fall semester, 1980) people, she says, who will tell you recommendedthat "additional full that the women always had access time females are neededto cover If you are an undergraduate to the training room facilities. the breadthof the current program Though,technically, this may have I student in an accredited college beentrue, in practice it wasquite a and provide for possible ex pansion." Since then, only one full 1 or university and have been-a different story, relates Ms. Fritz. time woman has been hired and She remembers the frustration of somewomen feel that this addition Matyland resident for at least one some of her athletes who were not has not beenenoughto adequately admitted into the training room. lighten the coaching burden. Ellen year, you are eligible to apply for These training room abuses Scroggs,a graduate assistant this a loan for tuition expenses at were corrected by the time the year after graduating from Carroll County Bank. Title IX evaluation committee W.M.C. in 1979,says, "We need went to work. The committee did more staff like the men have." Loans of up to $2,500 in any find, however, that student Ellen, who assists Ms. Fritz with single year, for an overall total of trainers were provided for more the volleyball and basketball men's teams than for women's learns, points out that the head up to $7,500, are now available. teams. Now, according to Barbara coach of the men's varsity Repayment is computed at an ~~;:~s~,~a~~:~~al~=~d~:~r~!:::~ ~u,~~~~:I!::i~~~~~e:d ~b:~~~~~t: .Annual Percentage Rate of 7% on W.M.C. "tor the past four years, a assistant, and that the [unlor women's team var-sltv team has its own full time every has a monthly schedule which begins qualified studenttrainer. coach. On the other hand, Ellen Though she has seen changes, says that both varsity and [unlor ten months after graduation. Barbara, who is co-captain of both varsity women's teams are You can obtain a student loan the hockey and basketball teams, coachedby Ms. Fritz with the help application at any of the six saysthat Title IX "has not hadthat of two graduate assistants. much impact becausethings were The three women staff members Carroll County Bank offices. fairly equal to begin with each haveto coachtwo sports: Ms. Applications should be sub- pr~bably dueto the ad~inistrative Fritz, volleyball and basketball; attitude of the Athletic Depar-t- Ms Joan Weyers, hockey and mitted to Mrs. Rainey at the ment.". She.credits ~r. Clower and ten~is; and Ms. Kim Easterday, Ms. Fritz WIthw~rkmg swimming and lacrosse. This CCB Student Loan Center, offer a women s sched~le With overlapping of coaching respon- Carroll County Bank and Trust ~~:~;:m:~;~" a~:~~at:~~s.z: ~~~~\i~i~~t~: cao~~i~~Os~~~nb;~~~e~ Company, 45 West Main Street, ~~e:: b~;~e;n~:f~';~ '~~:'~;~~:~ says, cuts down in somedegreeon Westminster. Loans for graduate changesmany schoolshave." ~h:ee~~~~n~:eo;b::r~~S:r:::r: programs are also available. For Barbara's co-ceptetn on the different coach for football, details, contact Mrs. Rainey. hockey team, Ann Dryden, says, lacrosse, basketball, baseball, what "From I know, Western wrestling and tennis. Carroll Coon Bank ~~::~~~: ::~:~~na:~ht;;~~. !,OS~: h::ou~: :h~ be~~vesit~a; ~~t;: ~~ ~oo:::r t~~tu~~i~~ov:~:nt~h~nn:h; breakthrough for women and for and Trust Company. ~ ~ uniforms and warm-ups, and also ' ;~~~~!,~ii~:s'iS~~~ ::;~~~rsf::~ Your Careful CommunIty Bank_'i:fi," ~ points out that the Athletic tor." Time is neededfor attifudes Department is working to ac- CARROLL COUNTY BANK AND TRUST COMPANY. MEMSERfD'C commodate a growing interest in caused by fear and misun·, 4~W Ma,~51 W""m"""" • '9J E M.'n Sl ......."m'n.w • """'.tm'nsler ShOPPIngGenIe' derstanding to disappear: time is ~ ~1~:,~ISIM~:<;~::~~,; Rouli"3hno l"" lane EIO,,,,,lJu'9 women's track and softball. "We neededfor the "spirit"of the law to get things as we need fhem," Ann catch upwith the "letter." says. "Every oncein a while you'll
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