Page 67 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 67
February 14, 1980 Scrimshaw page 5 lot philosophy mething as subjective as religious discrepancies in the available texts, and is made of why exactly these things are the to suit his argument. h so objective a tool as reason. even this is a gross simplification. Either case with Aquinas, Cleveland doesn't even If Mr. Cleveland wishes to belabor us econd use of "faith" is the ob- Dave Cleveland has no knowledge of the attempt to back up his statements. This is with a more detailed discussion of any of meaning, "a system of -rehgious subject he is criticising, or he has simply because, once again, he alters the truth to these irrational, irresponsible arguments, I such as Christianity,. Buddhism, lied to suit his purpose. But then, he ob- fit his argument Aquinas (1225-74) is I am more than anxious to respond. I ishna,or Islam. The first "faith" viously is not too concerned with universally considered the greatest believe that he is awaiting and expecting he personal, subjective aspect of presenting facts. logician, theologian, and philosopher of his responses from Campus Christians of- and the second "faith" means the Another example: Mr. Cleveland in- age. He is put on a parallel with Aristotle fering to pray for him, or condemning him _, e, social category of particular forms us that "the Bible says you can sin and Plato by the writers of our textbooks, to Hell for his beliefs; by printing those, he all you want, yet God will still forgive you and, perhaps I'm wrong, but for some strengthens his position. But will he print if you believe in Him, while the kindest reason I trust them more than I trust Dave this one? 1 thea!~;:'o;'ii:r o~~~vt;~~! w~: unbeliever will die." Is he serious? Has he Cleveland. Aquinas' proofs for the Mr. Cleveland proposes to have given us n sent with a specific message?" read the Bible? Probably not. Ezekirl existence of God are superbly and lucidly a "Philosophical Perspective of veland seems, once again, to be 18:20 reads, "And if the virtuous man written, and display an excellent Christianity;" what we have received is a difficulty thinking. These things turns frm the path of virtue to do evil, the knowledge of physics, considering the time gallimaufry of pseudo-iconoclastic I eved on faith, not because scien- same kind of abominable things that the in history that they were written. claptrap, in which Mr. Cleveland displays idence provides proof. Many wicked man does, can he still do this and There is much more to' be said, but this his complete lack of ability to argue ns and many Christians reject live? None of his virtuous 'deeds shall be article is approaching the maximum reasonable, thoroughly, fairly. ept that the Bible is the infallable remembered, because he has broken faith length allowed by Scrimshaw; however, I I offer no apologies for the harshness of God, Belief in the Bible's validity, and committed sin; because of this, he shall touch ona few points briefly: this article. As managing editor and ef that Jesus was God's son sent shall die." Hebrews 10:26-27 says, "If we The argument where Mr. Cleveland says frequent contributor to Scrimshaw, Mr. cific message, are not necessary sin willfully after receiving the truth, there that a person believing in the validity of Cleveland has an obligation to the readers, sites to being a-Christian! Many remains for us no further sacrifice for sin - personal revelation must believe that God and deserves any response he gets. Con- ~ s do believe these things, but you - only a fearful expectation of judgement wanted some lunatic in Puerto Rico to sidering the foolhardiness of his article, I judge Christianity as a and a flaming fire to consume the ad- hang people, is at best idiotic, yet it is too have been moderate, if not ..actually too sical, social, or psychological versaries of God." This idea is also seen in outrageous to be even amusing. polite. Cleveland has effectively using this method. Romans 6, Ezekiel 33:18, Romans 2:4-11, Cleveland's "discussion of evil" is a demonstrated the contention that "a little I and then tells us that "biblical John 5:14, Hebrews 6:4-3, and is the main scream. This muddle-headed attempt to learning is a dangerous thing;" anyone believe that early Jews spent a lot point of the book of Malachi. In short, the think is the most banal, insipis, and cliched can shoot small hole'; into a religious or I iting parts they didn't like." In Bible says precisely the opposite of what part of his article. He imposes his personal philosophical system without really saying place, it is absolutely untrue that Mr. Cleveland wishes it said. But, as Isaid morals on toe Christian concept of God, anything substantial. No system is intact, scholars believe this; it sounds before, our' Philosopher is seemingly then constructs a dialogue of propositions and it takes another system of knowledge t it is simply not the case. And, uninterested in facts. which don't even appear to follow one to propose a reasonable argument. Where, it is true that there was a long The scope of Mr. Clevelands ignorance another. He concludes, somehow, that what, is Cleveland's epistemology? Are his rocess in the development of the expands when he writes about Thomas Christians believe in a megalomaniacal arguments deep? They are not even tament, it is not true that the Aquinas and his five proofs for the. God (he says "megaiomanical," which shallow1 He's done nothing but take as done because there were parts existence of God: "What they mostly isn't in the dictionary.r Megalomania is a poorly-aimed potshots at an animal much early Jews "didn't like." What a - prove is his incomplete understanding of psychological condition characterized by larger than himslef, which is an awfully s thing to say! It is closer to the physics, logic, and the structure of delusions of grandeur. Where did he get irresponsible way to do battle. The ball is There a few ay that the editing was done in an language." with this: first ~f all, no mention this idea? What Christians believe this? in your court, Mr. Cleveland. are more than all the and harmonize to include problems I I Viewpoint Once again, Cleveland has invented facts Iawait a response. raft: fearful overreaction REACH OUT gesture to the Soviets of Americas stabilize their southern border. Intention to metntetn a powerful Further, the wrong message will (800) 462-15811 X-2 (PII. only) posture In the international be sent to Moscow by re- Phone Toll Free I:g>~e:.~7~~;:" ..,""'"ky ooM community, establishing draft wlll"Onty serve and talk to former registration. It must also be remembered that The military threat Russia's intentions in Afghanistan to Increase Soviet-American volunteers about may have been completely tension, and witl limit Americas' y major American misunderstood. The "Moslem option In future Soviet actions. Peace Corps and ton particularly draft madness," which has engulfed the It Is also unreasonable for , would only serve as a Middle East, has caused much Americans to believe that the U.S. VISTA. o world peace and unrest in the Kremlin. The Afghan must build up Jrtassive military plicate the present invasion may have averted a power now or tece certain an- Isituation. possible religious war within the nihilation by the Soviets'. I t the U.S. must review Soviet Union. It is now clear that Russtes' military capabilities. At the present time, Russian Afghan invasion was a I renewed emphasis in . Intervention in Afghanistan is not a monumental blunder. I believe the )"·.'U· C",p> ~nJ VISTA will h,' ".,nJ,n~"y ",.""n~ I", Soviets wish to leave Afghanistan, )'''''' •.,11~b"", ",h",\ h"r~enin~ now ~ r:sne~v~;~~~~:~~~: ~:~~:~ tOath~;~~~o~~m~~;~~t b~; but must-be permitted to "save -----------------~ face." We should not be witling to Voting Guide destroy 20 detente years In order to make of Soviet- American look mighty I the United art Suls Friday, I urge you to elect Stuart I this particular States situation. in personal integrity are Suls; a person willing to make the I The Soviets will never allow portant aspects of life Honor Code work. I themselves to appear weak in any way, and Americans present mood ~~na~~, ~~I~ie~:t~~~: Jerry Balentine I to renew draft registration is essential to one's co- - My name is Jerry Balentine and I making it impossible for the ,hile in an academic I am a Freshman. I live in C· I Soviets to gracefully leave Afghanistan. We can expect the 1a1~f:.Sh~U~~~g ca;~!~~ ~~~~~ng ~:rni~e:~r:~ipan:n I;: I Soviet Union to bend towards VISTA v"lun' ....'r5mm' h""J u,.ble,k,II.S",d,'nt, ...,th I such high regard are Honor Board. I world opinion; We can't expect ~"cl~,,'unJ. ,n ",d.1 ••".i«"S. ""',.1 "",,,k dnJIl·~.II'"'''.n~ ",·e'pec,.lIyn,'ftl,.,j ""hy Iwish to represent I feel that participation in the I them to kneel to it. By pbDnldatoilfi'«(Il00) u>1·15I9X·2( .... 0tIIy)and i~~;~~a~o~~~ I Baby Econ (1IOO)51J-0974X·l(M4.,W.Vo.,o.l&w_KedIU
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