Page 69 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 69
page 7 Running in the halls: training for success finish. Western Maryland College's Another footballer, Dane men's track team sent a small "Lurch" Colbert, picked up a raiding party to an indoor meet at fourth place in the shot put only Gettysburg Collegeover Jan Term one and a half feet behind the and nearly pulled the rug out from winner. Dane's toss of 43'8" is under their host! Beating Shlp- another Impressive early- season pensburg State and Lebanon mark. Valley. the Terror's etqht-men The two-mile relay team of Bob contingent made an Impressive Holcombe, John Kebler, co- showing, finishing secondonly 10a captain Doug Renner, and Jerry much larger Gettysburg team. Beasonfinished a strong second to Junior football standout Mark Gettysburg's squad. Kebler Chadwick started the scoring by churned his half-mile in two shutting down the field in the 50 minutes and ten seconds to claim yard dash with a quick early- the fastest split. a tough time on season time of 5.66 seconds. Aftef' the sharp turns of a 160yard track. t; winning his trial heat in 5.8 Overall, the team members and J ~:~~~~~~f~::e~7~~' 1 c spring, complained d::~ i:I:~~ ~:~:et:~t~a;:een!:rf~re~::ce;:, at W.M.C. winter of a slightly especially since quality The is difficult injury training hamstring. strained Becky Martin (42)-r-.c.1.C:iV~.s-co..Jna.g·r."tu"I.':t,:·o~ns!!!llupllo·n·b';.::co=m~i::"ng~th"'e"'f=:'irs::::t::W"'M-c-w:::o~mJ.nLto_J~~a~:t ~:~~~ ~~th~~ ~~~a~b~~ ~~i~~ ~:~~er~no/~:e~~a::c;~~~ score 1000 pcmts [oes from the btocks and led all the way are planning to compete in more to to finish in an even faster time than Women sweep in the preliminaries! well Freshman fielding a strong team at the tn- indoor meets and look forward ran Robin which Blaker to take door M.A.C. Championships Mimi Griffin A milestone in the history of come out and lend their support. second in his heat of the SCI, lust will be held on February 29 at co- m~:~~g~:!~~in~nf:r;~et~~!' W~~~~i~~;~~~~e for the outdoor The Western Maryland College WMC athletics came in January :h~i~s ;~t;:eort~aent~:~rgoUr:~~~:tcaptains for this year's outdoor season wilt begin on February 25 women's basketball team con when the women Hoosters hosted tinued their winning streak this Mt. Vernon College. In the first place in the cooterencel ! :i~~ingC~~~n~e~a;~e h~c~r~:~dl~~ ~n~e~~~~in:n~O~s'a;!t~~~~~~ 8 :;~ week with three victories over half, senior co-ceptetn Becky w;:::~~ ~~~yga:~~ af~:\~~t ~h~ easily with a time of 8.1 seconds. sonnel, aswell as some new talent, Hood (45·19), Hopkins, and Martin went over 1000 pts. lor her Lebanon Valley. Throughout the career, Ihe first woman to do so in M on Saturday and Elizabeth town ~~:d~c~~~t~n a~~~ l::n:~!:OO~ ~:def;:;~en::;so~hl~skSWi:~~~ t~~ season strong performances have WMC history. She turned in a 34 pt on Monday third place in a tight 300 yard dash grasp of the 1980men'ssquad. been turned in by Jean Elliott (11.5 performance and was presented points per ga-mel. Becky Martin with the game ball and a plaque (22.7 ppg) and Maureen Noonan honoring her achievements. As of Terrors romp to victory (8.0 ppg). These performances February 3rd 1980Becky was in 4th coupled with a tenacious Terror place on the eu-ttme scoring list Keith L. Arnold defense have culminated in an for Ihe stale of Maryland With the coming of the second players in the game at one time or overall record of 12 wins and 4 ~ The Terrors will meet Get. "We needed to win, because we half, the game ceased to be a game another. Scott Peters and Rich losses, giving the college its first tysburg lonight al Gettysburg: had lost two [n a row for the first and turned into an err-cot rout. The Braver lead the scoring with 15and double figure win since 1974. 6: 15. Everyone is encouraged to time this year, and they could have terror offense racked up 22 poInts 14 points respectively. Six team knocked us out of the playoffs." before Moravian managed to sCbre members scored In double figures, That's how Lester Wallace sum- against an Inspired WMC defense. as compared to only one Moravian Facuity top students med up the situation after Western By then over 8 minutes had gone player. Sophmore James Dawson chances were Maryland led the team In steals with 4, while did [uat that, defeating by, and Moravian's Moravian by a decisive 34 points, completely over. With most of the Scott Peters again was a team Tim Hackerman Phi Delfs, Andy Weber ot winning90to56. starters out for most of the second leader, this time in rebounds, with -; we~~~:~, J:;~wTe~~d, b;;n~~u~~~~ Bachelors, George Bounis of the re~::ctlgv~m~e~~~:~ :~~~~~ :~: ~~~~ds~~O~~e~!~int~/~:r~~~ ~an~ ~i~~~t:~t~::~:n~l~f~ii~~~~o~~ intramural basketball action. This !~~:sG:!~~il :,i;~eJ~e~~~':;:, and pace. WMC had trouble with with good defense and some well, where the Terrors have only year was no exception. Division II L has been dominated :~~;v~~~;:szo;; ~~~ehns:;:~;r~~~: :~:cta~u~:II~:;e,:ea~,o~:~~';~ lo~:n~:f~:~~y~~:~vlan, whose th:o~ntt~:~~s:atlimd:~~~~r;;nJe::~ ~irong~e~~o~::hh a 5.~~:C:~d~~~: Steve Farley got the Terrors ct. . Grehounds on the losing side of a 90 record was equal to WMC going ~~:~2~~:~~b~;;:E~~~~~::;":~::;~~'~h:~~::hf:;;~:'~i~::;!;~~~g£~:i'~:bf~~~f:'o~~~~::::£~~~~O~:r~:'~:o~~':;o~:~~~~£:~:~:~~~~!~h=;'~~~~ ~::~:fi~~;~:i'~:iT:,~;:;~~!.:~r;r~~!~:~:~~~~,~t::0f:':: ~5:v~;;i.~~'::!:~~~~t:~~:~~~;;i,~~~~:?i:~~E?i:~~:~:;~~;~~~;n;bl~:i~~:~;~t~~~l~'i~~~ ~'~~~::':~~hi:':,.~~~reO:.~:::;~i,~i;:,~:t';!~:,:,':~;~:~;m'00' :~~.:'.:";:~opgi~i,:tb~"~!Ot~.:~••~ •••••••••~:::::~~~ , from Alpha NuOmega and the r_""""!!=::- '"_·-:tO::'.::.,_'_,._"_'_It_h,_h_.'_f._.......,"""~W.MainSt.. .= ~ Delfs along with the Stiff Starters. I ~_'tU.C4' __ ~~ COW E as the 'Put Watch for the women's intramural 'B ER "At the Fmks" COLD_BEER: ~~~~~tball championships next -; : This year's men's competition .u 'SCHLITZ $7.99 a case (cans) • was equally Division II, at press p' Izza. ~C» =. 10 %_o_' off C_herry wines & Cordials I••: as exciting women's. .- !~~e;i:~~:;~::;~~~~a~~o~~l~~of:, Cold Beer fIJ with this coupon expires 2121/80 _.. ,: The stand oul team in this season's Salad Bar 848-3466 . College ID reqUir~ ~:~~s ;t:~~tt~;::e~d~~ ~~~:::~ Carroll Plaza Shoppin.e; Center Sandwiches .._ . ~;'::~~'J~:'~'~·~hl~~'b~~~;·~1 ....,=Ca...ll Ah_e.d=fo=rT=.k=eo=uto=rd=ers==8=7=6.=35=5=O= J MUSIC STILL ~ first place record of 5·1. Tied with ~ Ift by'M,hL" P',mm'r.Rk" . "w"ee~~enedn'eth"ehaeatrB.~~. ,the faculty if "Los Caballos," led Bonnacoursy and Dennis , ...... Special of the Week ~h:~:attZ~;:e:j~~wt!0~~~:::~ Fairground Village 8574949 February 13,at 10:00 P.M. . by'h, P,."h", 00' ··Th. N ti al P remlUm ~ Atlanta Rhyt h um Section Live L.P. '5 " a on Division I this year is dominated Team." Both teams are staffed by $1.99 a Six Kiss Alive II ' L.P. $5 former WMC basketball players. Rush Permanent Wave L.P. 'S 99 ~~em~~~~~c~~;~ree~!~~~:!:~~; with this eoupOD . No Nukes L.P. & Tape '13 ·~9 :n:~in;!~: :'woO~:;~~i~~t;~t~~~t Carroll Plaza, Westminster place tie. Stand outs in Division I 848.1314 Musical Instruments Strings: Buy 1 at regular price: play have been Bernie Jankowski 2nd at half price of "The Team," Mike Easley of the .
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