Page 63 - Scrimshaw1979-80
P. 63
Puritan revival in Rouzer Hall - abuses Robert Egan The problem arises from the fact In the next several weeks the that most of the RA.s' in Rouzer already strained relations between are not willing to enforce the the R,A.s' and the administration cohabitation rules. One particular will probably reach a climax. The R.A. in Rouzer, who wishes to cntroversy revolves around remain anonymous said, "The Rouzer Hall and its' present visitation hours are ABSURD and visitation policy. they WILL NOT BE ENFORCED The Issure concerns the colleges' in Rouzer," dormitory regulations, which Other R.A.s' from throughout forbids cohabitation in dorm the campus have complaints for rooms. Robby Jansson, head the Administration. The have been resident of Rouzer said, "All dorm discouraged over Dean Laidlaws policy concerning the student enforcement of school pol icy. should be reviewed In the future." Several R.A.s' want changes in the But he said that he intends to fully area of fines, which were called enforce all college policies in- "plddly" and a complete cverbeu! cluding. rules governing of the party policy for both the _ cohabitation, because the policy administration and the student's I "5. "helps people grow in maturity benefit. ~ and responslbitity," Nansson also Russell Johnson, the new fir t E said, that to the best of his floor Rouzer R.A. commented that .g knowledge "no persons are "becoming an R.A. is going to tL.:...,..,._-:--,-.,.,...,...".,---,--,-_.,.....,,...-.,.,-,....,_-' c( pre sen tt y vi 0 Ia tin g the involve dealing with many cohabitation rules in Rouzer," but problems, but it will be an in- he would check for any policy terestingexperience." Keith l. Arnold finals, and tests in general, is Controversey over exams has students complaining that their occurred this semester with two tests are not being handed back. facets of the examination proce- According to the rules governing dure: exam scheduling, and the this college, a teacher is not package intended to create in- -scctet Committee is planning handing back of complefed tests. obliged to return a test to a lea Maxwell teresl and support in the SGA by the Spring Concert now. They will Many students have complained student. A professor Is fully within Mike Steinmetz has succeeded in providing more ways to become be putting out a survey containIng about the new five-day schedule his rights to refuse to return, or guiding his major reform of fhe ~~~~vi~~~~st~:!:r~ ~~~~~o~~O:li~~ ~or~:~f:~a~~s ~~~~:b~:ara~~u~;. ~~~~~:~arussc:;~~,'edt~:a~;:i~l; eV;~:r~o~; :n:~mr::::~u~ern!i,fs pollcy. Exam questions are hard to ~::ti~~r~~S~\~~~sdSaeyn~ti~h;.t T~: the above two proposals were The estimated ticket cost, ec- exams span six days. The new r~I~~eO~aa::;~t~~~~~:~~~~~~ Senate approved two measures, ~::~~ngP:::~da~:n~h~th~~~·~~~~ ~~.~Info t~lt.~ c:e~m;~=~.w~~!: :~~e~~~: "'e:~~:,ha::'~~:~;~u~:~: I .~;et~:inSc;~::: ~:e ~a~:e~tOf~~~: will: create an SGA Newsletter; names mentioned were Toto, student with no self scheduled questions can be re-used. However a resource 'reverts. and Devc. classes (of which there are many) an office as create this policy also has its darker side; l ~r:~~t~~~a~~~;~e s:b~d~~e~~:. center for students; create the ~:s~e~s,i~;s~O~~::I~~q~~::~!~~!: have will have a test every day, and ;~~~:d~ :~u~:nf~~f:::~~::~~s~~ been -.Action Committee will he has if a student feels ~~~~ibIYmore than one on a single ~~~::~;I o~n~~~~~~~~~~o~!tt;:;~~~ Assemb!y. ad:~~O~rs;f p~o::sarle~:"~~~~ ~hc~ thus providing WMC students a student privacy, mental health, the This problem Is caused by the student has no argument. In cording to Ann Hackman, Elec ~!;:~en;~a~~o~:1 ~~u~:~:~s~ue:~th ~~::~'s:::.t~ :~c:~~~~;:~~y;\1,' ~: ~~~::~~O~yo:t~~~~~:nO~,~t~irkdear~~~~~ne~::sha~~~;~he a:l~ua~~~~~ :j,~~~i;n~m~:~t~: ~:~~Pde~:i~~ the The other piece of new business -e-sent out to all students later: aHend graduation, and many dissatisfied with a grade a student evening of Sunday, February 17, ;~s :~~t~;:;dfi;rg ~~eth~~:~~t~e?: ~fui~~~~;:t:~~c~:~~~~~~;ciaf;~~. ~~~f~~~~S S~hu:~U~:~e~:r~~a~x~:~ :~:~'~h:j~:~at~~e~~ ~::d~e:~~,e~f ~:,I:':inEg'eaC:~~~~~~,,:~~:~:~~, f:~ Day dance .. Seven organizations ._Flnance Committee has yet to Students have also insisted that the stili dissatisfied, talk tothe Dean of ~,foo~scDo~ni::~nf~~~;t:~~Ugt~eth;~~ ~~u,fO~h~h~e~~;C;~e;~~";.~p~~g~~ ~:~i~:x~tt~~~rt;og~:':;v:.~ ~~~fne; ~~~::~~:~or:aeyxS~m~~:tre,~e;:::. ~~:en~:ca~,~:ir:tu~~~t~O~~c~:~~~ :~~~~g~a~:: ~~r~oo~~~:ef~;~id~~ $~a~~:,:~\~il:~~a,S~Und:~ir~~~~~:~ .~~~:.:~I:b:.i~e:.a:..:~~:.:~M:.~k:.';..:6m_,~..:;_i~~u_O;_",,'_:~_h:_~t_el_~r_:_\:_~_;V_"c_d~_~~_~_'"_IO_9_:;.~~_I;e;.~e;.'~;.e~x.;.,:;_m_'_a'_'_tu_dY_9_U,_;d_.,_O,' into two sections, and the section ~~:~:i~::'i~ea .::~~b~eO~,dar9o:tet~~ ,. that the presenf rep does not live In bid when Mitch Alexander moved will elect their own new rep. The that atl organIzations who had Econ jor non-majors ~::o~:~~ ~~~:,~vr~~~e same power ~~~adyb:PO~~~::e~ve~~~~ith c~~e Ken Ballou Seidel feels that with this number felt the student body would ne:~e,Os;~~n:o~:;~~s~~e s~~A~~h: ~~;~a~~~:,u:::~ :~t!:u~~: uVn~~~ Even though several.academic of students taking the course now, respond favorably to a "baby" departments at WMC strongly the assumption that another in- economics course, Dr. Seidel said ~;:i~tbt:i r!;:es:~~~~~~Y o,s~~;~ :~ :~~i~rsa:~~'tn~~i~~.desuch groups recommend that students troducfory economics course some peopte would respond majoring in their fields take the would attract more people, is not favorably, especially if the course ~:rrenn;dor~~~~z:~~~ns r~~~e~~n~~n[lg onT=~ ::~:~eb~J::en~ ~~:~ ~oa:~t: introductory economics course, valid. were to proceed at a slower pace, Dr. Seidel also thinks that the and cover less material. "Some themselves. lis power will be to run-off on the top three. The first many students opt not to because presumption that the introductory people would get better grades propose legislation for the Senate vote eliminated all but Circle.K, of the large amount of work it course now offered is too hard for and some people would lose out on to consider, and to pass resolutions Tri.Beta, and Phi Delta Theta.-In entails and because of the non.economlcs majors, is false. He education." He went on to state, of statements of opinion on an the runoff Tri-Beta and Phi Delta possibility that it might lower their cited as evidence this past Fall "But this is not what education is issue. The.assembly will be headed fied for first. A second runoff left G.P.A.s. To most observers, a science major taking the In semester's grade breakdown. Of abouf. The teacher should offer ~~: c~~lirm:~o ye~:;r::e~~osfh~ them tied for firs!. The two groups the 137 grades given, there were what they feel is the besf content troductory economics course is considered to by committing an act only 10 failures, there were more and the students should work to of academic suicide. As than Fs, more Bs than Ds, and their ability." Dr. The ~~:f~:eo:~;~;;O~;'~::~~Ot;~; .. ~~:J~~;r~o~~?::;~:~~~~~~ simplified possibility of offering a the average grade was sllghlly rather Law said that he would of in· above a 2.00. give one semester economics course proposal. The first was to give the ior the SGA and 30% tor each oth~r designed for non-economics Responding to the same depth coverage rather than teach a assembly a list of guidelines on group. majors, was suggested to Dr. Alton suggestion, Dr. Law said he did not course that covered material in a what issues to consider. The Other SGA notes: law and Dr. Ethan Seidel, both perceive a need for another course, cursory manner. He feels that a second was to make the assembly ··Attendance of floor reps at fhe professors in WMC's Department even if it's designed with non· course of this type would tower the a sunset or trial proposition, so meeting was taken, setting a new of Economics. Dr Seidel said that economics majors in mind. He standards of the department a that the Senate must reapprove the precident. This is part of a ,new with an average of 160 students referred to the fact that the department that he said prides assembly in a vote taken on the emphasis requiring SGA reps taking Principles and Problems of Economics Department already itself on giving thebesf it can. last meeting of this semester, or attend meetings regularly. The Economics in the last two years, offers introductory courses' in Addressing the question of the assembly will pass out of SGA By·Laws state that a rep who that about 640 students, or half of accounting, statistics, economics, whether or not the establishment existance misses two consecutive meetings WMC's undergraduate population, an~~:gna~:~~~o;~e~~:~f ~~s~~~s~~ continued page 5 These two proposals were the can be removed and a new rep for eventualJy takes the course. Dr major items of Steinmetz's SGA the floor etected
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