Page 61 - Scrimshaw1979-80
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January-ff: 1980· Scrimshaw Page 3 WMC Jan Term sports round up k . - Grapp Iers face toug h wee en d Bonaccorsy honored In. which balloting, .Ame"can PubliCity Rob Bowman The strength in the middle Junette and Susquehanna, WMC B::::;~;,s::~I~r d=e~~-I~:I~~. ~:~1~~n~I~~~ ~~~man~hell~c;;,~ With the addition of some young weights continues at 158 Ibs. with came away 1-1, defeating for the Western Maryland College NAIA divisions I and II. He Is an talent the Terror grapplers boast a Gary Colbert and Bruce verner. Susquehanna (28-18) and losing to football team, added to his growing alternate for the 1980 Senior Bowl 3-1recordandhavelookedtoughin Colbert, a junior, has mel some Juniata (25-15). The most tm- list of postseason laurels Wed· all:stargamelnMoblle,Ala. - the early going. tough opposition but is looking to pressive win was the 22-19 win over nesday. Dec. 19, when Wally A 1978 Eastman Kodak all. Dick Frew, a freshman from bounce ~ck. His reco~ stan~ at the Division I opponent, American Johnson. chairman of the National America pick, Bonaccorsy Is the Montgomery High has brought 2-2. Senior Bruce Remer WIth a University. . Collegiate Athletic Association first two time ail-America In strength to the lIS lbs. weight record of 1-2 will be wrestling at Pat Griffin pinned his opponent division III en-Arnertce selection Western Maryland College's 99 class. A weight class, that in recent 150 and 158. He will be pushing in2:SS to insure the Terror victory. ccmmutee, announced the Green year football history. He 15 now the years has been hard to fill. Frew hard for that number one spot Going into the 190 lb. match with Terrors co-captain as a first team first WMC athlete ever to be has started out every meet the around tournament time. the score 16-13 in favor ofWMC. selection. named to more than 'one ail. right way as he sports a perfect 4-0 Senior and captain Rip Jamison The Terror grapplers face a very Earlier Bonaccorsy had been America team. record. His first victory over moved up a weight class from last tough weekend with three matches named to the fIrst team Eastman In addition to his national honors Hopkins revealed his wrestling year to 167 lbs. Jamison was in four days. Friday the Terrors Kodak ett-Amerfce team, which Bonaccorsy received first team ability and determination as be seeded second in last years meet Towson at 3:30 in Gill Gym. Includes players from the NCAA all·Maryland and first team an- battled back from a 4-0 deficit to tournament but was unable to Saturday they travel to Loyola and division 111 and NAIA divisions I Middle Atlantic Conference wina-z. wrestle due to injury. Jamison, a wrestle at 2:00 and finally, they and II. and also garnered notoriety. He made 92 tackles, had Junior Craig "Chet" Freeman thr~yearlet~man,has~yone return to Gill Monday to meet rival honorable mention In the 54 ....asslsts. and totaled 15 quer. holds down the 126 lb. wclghtclass. loss m four outings. Gettysburg at 7:~ Associated Press Little eu- terbeck sacks In 1979. wayne Fr·eshman makes 'national fl·nals Mter two disappointing seasons, Bill Angelos, a senior, wrestles Is much Improved to a good Keen. Pat Griffins a sophomore 2·2 is Freeman looking forward and et at t77 along with Freshman at season. Keith Stagg, known for his 190 Ibs. will be leaving for a Jan. ~;:rt~~.r:~ol;~ s~~i~:%~~~~ ~e:::~k~~!";:~~~~.~=~.will Publicity only loss was to a tough Juniata Heavyweight is manned by Westminster. Md.·-Denlse Alleghany College. "My Sister will merited. "They push us." opponent and Staff will see him senior Tom Baugher o-n and Frech, a freshman swimmer at be jealous." Frech had her own motivation again in the MAC Tournament. freshman John Hackney (1-15. Western Maryland College, Is a Debble.; Frech Is a junior against Catonsville Community At 142 freshman Larry Knight Hackneywillb.oldtheweightc1ass woman of few words. After swimmer at Pfeiffer College In College In an early' season from McDonough High has had a during Jan Term, but they both vie returning to the WMC campus North Carolina. She's the one who scrimmage that Involved many of rough start due to a shoulder in- for the spot in February. Fresh- from a meet at Elizabethtown she dragged her tc-veer-crc little sis h~r old neighborhood ecquetn- jury,butheisbackonthematnow manMikeCreamer(142)andMike quietly slipped back to her dorm +er. Denise, to the summer swim tances. "I was afraid I'd lose," and looks tough. Connors (ISO) round out the rest of for an evening ofstudylng. program at Rolllngwood Pool In said Denise. Her fears were un- One of the strongest wrestlers on the grappler squad. Frech never even considered Catonsville at the request of Its warranted as she turned In her the squad is junior Vince Bohn The Terror team has wrestled telling her friends about what she program director In 1971. Denise best time ever in the IOO-yard (pronounced BOONE) at ISO lbs. four opponents and lost only one. had done against the 'Blue Jays, wasgoodatthebreaststrokesosne breaststroke with 1:11.8. Bohn is 3-1 and looking to better his The grapplers continued their even If It was a feat unparalleled in worked at It. After two years of SInce that scrImmage Frech has fifth place finish in the l\1AC dominance over Hopkins with a 34- the history of Green Terrors experience, and the added strength taken breaststroke honors against ;hh:P:.~:;: ~~~II~~:~~er~~~~e~~ Tourney last year. 6 victory. In a tri-match with ~~i;::;~~2~~~:~~~er~!~t~t~:: ~~ ~~rf~J'~~la now ~~::;;~~tlv~h~a:;:~ 25 2:25.1, is only 2.8 seconds away WMC women's the fIrst become garnered has that over Basketball winning natIonal finals. to qualify for the trophies. Denise has taken a ribbon from being a national the qualifier. is swimmer ever "Everyone on In every meet she ever entered. team "I didn't think I'd gone fhat She followed In her mother's friendly," said Frech. "Swimmers The WMC Men's Basketball In the first game after break, the fast," saId Frech, a Lutheran High footsteps when she enrolled at need encouragement, you need team heads Into Thursday'S game Terrors trampled Washington School graduate, who is conSidered Western Maryland College; someone to clap for that last against Johns Hopkins with a 7-2 College9s-64. The WMC men took a uncommonly talkative when she Dorothy Frech graduated from the person." overall record and 3·1 In MAC play. quIck lead and kept It untll the utters more than three words at Westminster campus In 1956. Three months and eight meets The Terrors are presently ranked Shoremen had a burst of energy one time. "I can tell about what WMC head coach Kim Easter- stand between Frech and her 8th In NCAA Division III In scorIng and closed the gap to a five point time I've done If I feel good. Then I day keeps a family atmosphere national appearance but she's set I with an average of 8.4.56. Terror lead. WMC bounced back didn't feel good." about her practices with her her goal already and. as usual, she Junior Lester Wal1'!.ce leads the and rallied tothe victory. It was only the second time husband, Steve, and their dog. needed few words to express It. l team In scoring after nine games Terrors traveled to Moravian 12, the Frech had competed In that event. ago Dax. attending to Frech com· Her goal? "Win," she said. January out. help On Saturday, "Practice Is hard,". years for a ~ The 11rst time was three of 17.44 points per with an average game. Close behind Wallace are 1' ...... :...... If _.£i;:~~'" seniors Scott Peters at 13.33 and ~~~:'::~S:t:~~~~~,~a~~:c~:~n~ fO~~;~:~:y~e:~~r her feat In the RIch Braver at 12.78. JunIor Steve the shotfor the one poInt victory. Elizabethtown meet Frech pulled ~~_ dU6e. . : Farley leads the Terrors In rebounds with a total of 68. Braver Th:~~d:~x:;;~:t ~~:: ~~~:~~~ ~:a~;~tI~;s~~~~.n~n~e ~~~:~~at~c: &OLD BEER !,.l~:~~~~k~~"COLD~EER: has 49 and Peters has 40. Peters play begins with the JV team at 1; 12 finIsh In the lOO·yard .,. : also leads the squad In steals with 41. ~~~~or:u~:~:y;",J~~~~nb~;g t~~ ~;~:~~S!~~~~lnt~he~~~I~~lf~~~IS~ Super _Bowl Sunday Special' :: I: Stroh's Women home and on Thursday, January c:~ 24 ;h~on~~~~. ~~i~I:~sl~~~t said the ,,~ Expires Sat. 1119180 : 12·pak $3.61 "It seems so far away," ~~~ c~~~~ Di~~;::~t :a~e:o;:e even up ferencegames. plonships on March 13·15 at Cheekother.pecla'. ...::._.: • 848·3.466. OfferexP, _ 12/1J~/79 (;~lIege II?_req~ired [I Mimi GriHin •• _....... 1id Returning from break with a -1·2 Wife wanted record, the girl's basketball team evened It up last Thursday with a your intellectual, Expand win against Notre Dame at home. our client, oneof the nation's social, and romantic fulfillment by meeting non· fiction authors. most successful He isan With one second remaining on the eloquent lecturer and has been a guest on over 3,000 radio and TV news clock, Jean Elliott received a and talk shows. Our client owns a professional firm which Is a national rebound and put it in to wIn the leader and trend·setter in two different fields: law and real estate. Our games9·58. client owns a publishing company which Is an important source of books Later in the week, at the Wilkes and magazines on law, sex, preventive health, and self· Improvement. Tournament In Pennsylvania. What are your goals? What are you doing to improve your life. the lives WMC placed third. Of special of those around you, and society Ingeneral? What.are your educational interest was the win against Drew- work experIences? What are your favorite leisure activities? Please University. Down eleven points at write, enclosing your picture and college grade transcript. Your response the start of the second half, WMC will be held in strictest confidence, and will be opened and read only by tied the game with five minutes to our client personally by your writing. this special address: Eastland go and continued .towln 49·40. I Advertising Agency, P.O. Box 214. Reynoldsburg, Ohio4306B. Tuesday's game was away TECHNICIANS-SI55 to SI90/_k _ against Navy. Next game at home ~asonalPerformersDtingiJUdjtlonedfOf -c"S~ore Good Clt'~kell';'./....,/ agaInst Susquehanna, Saturday at KINGS ISLAND,CIncInnati, OH KINGS DOMINION, Richmond. VA 2:00. / CAROwtNDS, Charlotte, NC Hllnn;l·Barbefa·s MARINElANO, LA. CA WHITE COFFEE PO'~' PreliminaryAudlllons Scrimshaw would like to extend Untv. of Mal)lland, College Park, Md. . {/II l.',.{p C,ff' ~I Its sincere apolgles to the wrestling Student UnIon. Room 2111; Frf.. Jan. 18; 2-5 p.m. team for the unprofessional article Preliminary and (all·Back:Alloinon SOIP - Salad Bar - seaIOOd/,.~ .. Kings Dominion. Va Doswell. that was publIshed In the Ma~,~~",,!~~~,;,~~~::,~&Sat.. Jan. 25 & 26; 1-4p.m I December 6th issue of Scrimshaw. I ,Tow.>on. Md y~ The mishap was a mistake on the .> part of the editor and also of the BAR·B·QUE reporter. THICK SHAKES 140 VILLAGE SHOPPING CdHER
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