Page 128 - Scrimshaw1979-80
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·f Letters to the Editor Preachers speak, we listen Byline needed apologizes for the omission of Ms. we enjoy performing, I realize that it is a very Hrne-consumlnq ac- I heve noted with some surprtze Pickett's name. tivity .. I would especially like to the large amount of spacegiven in Sign of Thanks thank Eric Henning for operating In a recent discussion with several Preachers, some of their Scrimshaw to articles refleciing dissatisfactions with Scrimshaw were aired. The Preachers were religious points of view. I assume Dear Nancy, our sound systems for the last two upset with the article which stated that one of their pledges had been that the staff hasdecided this focus I would like to express my own performances. A special thanks tb charged with stealing a car. They felt that the mention of the in- is justified as a reflection of con. thanks as well as that of Soundsof Tom LaRosa for helping us To iron out our difficulties with our audio dividual's name had caused him unnecessary pain. They were also cerns and interests present in the Silence to Rick Reeker for May systems in the past as well as for concerned about the effect the incident would have on professor's student body. Day. I enjoyed performing and this performance. I would also like attitudes toward the individual. However, the lengthy and hopethat we helpedto brighten the to thank all of those who came out We printed the incident because we felt it was legitimate news. opinionated article "Faith and day for those who saw the show. In support of us. A very big thanks While it did not occur on campus property, it was none the less Politics" in the April zsth-rssue Rick did a fantastic job making the and much appreciation to. Debbi connected to an approved campus social organization. We felt the should, in the 'tradition of arrangements for us. I appreciate Cannon, Rita see-rene. and Barb campus had a right to know about the incident, since it effects the responsible, journalism, have at the work Rick did, even though he Parsons for the time and energy image of this college, wherever it occurred. least included an author's byline. got a 101 of grief from most they have donated to us this We printed the pledge's name because we felt that to refer to him Mary Ellen Elwell organizations about the wa"ythings semester. Without them, our shows as 'a fraternity pledge' would be unfair to the three fraternities who SociologyDepartment had beenset up. I would also like to would never have happened were not involved. We also felt that to refer to him as 'a Preacher Editor's Note: 'The article was thank all of Ihe performers who Sincerely yours, pledge' would cast aspersions of guilt on all of the Preacher pledges, written by Priscilla Pickett, a 1975 helped make Sounds of Silence a Binky Bielefield which we felt was unfair to those pledges not involved. The graduate of WMC. Scrimshaw possibility this year. Even though Preachers questioned the need to mention that he was connected Personal Viewpoint with a fraternity. The incident, while it may have been an individual act, occured during an initiation rite; and thus we felt the connection was necessary in order to establish a true picture of what happened. We need the Board! The Preachers feel there is a thin line between serving the campus with information and persecuting an individual or group, and they feel we crossed over that line. We do not feel that way. Scrimshaw is Steve Bainbridge _ members of the t-acutty Senateor will "second guess them." Yet, it a real newspaper and has all the obligations of a newspaper to The faculty were caught by time Council. Here at Western seemsthat It will, under his system present information to both the faculty and the students. And that constraints this week when they Maryland, the student has no such be extremely difficult for suc- information includes the names of people charged with crimes. If ~i:~~~::~ t~~;r;:: ~:~~e;;:~~~~ pr~te~t~~c student decides that ~~~~:u~;~:~e:~sg~ ~e,t~:df:C~I~~ students are angry with the paper, they shculd''respond in a civil manner, either by Lettersto the Editor, or by personally talking to was just as well. Noted one faculty his or her grade was unfair that member, the department chair- the editor or to members of the staff. member, who didn't know I would student may go to the faculty man, and Dean McCormick, and However 1-we do not want the newspaper to become an instrument use this quote and so shall remain member in question and ask him or convince at least one of them to of separation in an escalating war between the fraternities and the nameless, "time is on your side, If her to recompute the grade. The call for a review board. The campus. We recognize that it is a student publication, and some they had voted now it would have professor does not even have to do number of challenges that reach students are angry with the paper's policy of printing the individuals ·beendefeated." that, although most probably the board will 'be few, and those A number of facul~y members names. seem to be willing to be convinced would. Should the professor agree approved will be fewer still. Other that a math error was made, the faculty members seem to feel that Wayne Tart suggested that the individual's name should not have of the need for a review board, registrar may be instructed to there is not a serious enough been used. He explained his reason for believing that way. While although they are not opposing it. change the grade. If the professor problem to warrant such a Scrimshaw is not apologizing for, or retracting, it's article; we do Perhaps a brief discussion of the does not want to change the grade structure being set up. I disagree. feel that Wayne's and the other Preacher's suggestions were worth- proposal would help.' there is noway for it to bechanged Dr. Boner said it best, "one in. while. We will consider the paper's present policy and talk to more At many untverslues. and within There is no due process whereby cident is significant." The Grade peopleaboutit. several or~anlzations pf. students- capricious' or arbitrary grading Review Board is not designed to let Finally, SCrimshaw would like to thank those Preachers who or faculty, the concept of Grade can be rectified. While the various students challenge every grade. It voiced their complaints in an intelligent, mature manner. One Review has been established as a hearing boards provide the school is desidned to allow both students Preacher-said, "you're just out to get the fraternities," We are not basic student right. At many with ways fo keeping students in and faculty to correct that rare out to get the tretemtttes-aud it would be easier to make that clear if i the fraternities would express their suggestions in a civil, open schools there Is a board, slmJlar to line, the student ti'as no' way to occasion when either a mistake in manner more often. our honor board, set up to hear defendhimself. judgement or arbitrary grading or Grade Appeals. At other schools Many faculty members seem favoritism leads to an unfair Ii the student may ~ppeal a grade to concerned that the Review Board gr~~~. a long time grades have been the sacrosanct responsibility l I Death or glory: the Clash Saga of course. The students and faculty the teaching the professor who support the Grade Review Steve Bainbridge Board are not trying to take that but with greater control. They chart). The single "Train In Vain validates the ad hype... 'The Only responsibility away. Rather, they "Though the years have passed hammered away with all the sonic (Stand by Me)" has received Band That Really Matters: It are trying to set up a system where and things havechanged fury of early Who or Stones. The considerable airplay, aswell. chronicles Strummers vision of by, the professor's PEERS can and I moveanyway I wenne go, Import album The Clash became The album opens with an the sellout that somany have done. protect the students from I'll never forget the feeling I got oneof the most popular of the year, epccalvpttc vision of the decline "Every Cheap hood strikes a mistakes, honestor otherwise. The When I heard that you'd got yet Epic felt that It would be too and fall of Engllsh sccretv. bargain with the world/and ends home rough far USconsulJlptlon.' _ "London Calling," The rockabilly up making payments on a sofaor a system is especially needed to the protect students from tern- And I'll never farget the smile on The first USreleasecame In 1978 "Brand New Cadillac" follows girl, .. Death or Glory becomesjust porary appointees who are often my face with Give 'Em Enough Rope, a (Strummer once Introduced It as 'a another story ... and every qlm- far more callous in grading than And If you're In the Crown tonlte nearly perfect album. From the song about something nobody here mlck hungry job digging gold from havea drink onme powerful "Safe European Home" can afford ), and then comes the rock arid roll/grabs the mike to tell tejjured protessors. But goeasy, to the satirical "All the Young reggae Influenced "Jimmy Jazz." us he'll die before he's sold." I urge the faculty to pass this step lightly, Punks" the album twists and turns In the first three songs of the Strummer leads the band into a proposal. As constituted the Grade STAY FREE ..." with a fury that few tete-seventtes album the Clash havp proved that roaring chorus of "Death or Review Board is no threat to your (Strummer/Jones, the Clash bands could match. It has been they will not be bound to any Glory," apparently r~al1zlng that perogatives. It is free from student "Stay Free") well said that the Clash put the musical rut. They add further he has but two options the Death'of control, it is composed of your Back in the summer of 76 Joe rock back In rock and roll. Give proof with "Hateful." Many early selling out and glv'ing up to take on peers not ours. It will not be a Strummer was working for a pub 'Em Enough Ropealso Included a Clash fans have accused the band a normal, hum drum existence, or standing bureaucracy, it will only rock band in London,when he mel major masterpiece, "Stay Free," of selling out with this album,_with the Glory of resisting the system. be called into being when abo Mlck Jones and Paul Simmons. which should have been, if there the so.cauec "relaxed songs." Yet, The guitars fall away, leaving soulutely needed. The proposal is needed, the students want it. and These three would form the was any justice, an incredibly huge side 2 proves that the Clash still Strummer on a dark plain, will provide the students with a nucleusof a newband known asthe single. If they had never recorded can rock harder than ANYBODY. seemingly defeated. And yet, he Clash. Working with drummer anything else, "Stay Free" would You simply can't call "Spanish continued to page 3 basic right they do not nowhave. Terry Chimes (renamed Tory have won the Clash a permanent Bombs," "Lost In the Super- Crimes for the first album, another homein the rock pantheon. market," " ...Clampdown," or of the countlesspolitical overtones So by the summer of 1979the "Guns of Brixton" anything less in their work) they recorded 6 Clash were established as one of than Intense, dense screaming SCRIMSHAW' "'singles and an album for EPIC the very best bands In music. They rockers. ~ England. They quickly drew returned tc England, and began SldeJ is probably the best sideof Nancy Menefee Editor-In-Chief crowds in England and crill cal recording London Calling. They the album. 4 great songsfollow one Managing Editor notice both there and here. The recorded 18songs,had finished the after another. "Wrong 'Em Boyo" Dave Cleveland. music was not ecesstbte by US albums packaging, and then, at the follows the further adventures of Bill Byrne News Editor standards, and many people very last minute, addeda 19thsong Stagger Lee. "Koka Kola" is a Sports Editor (myself included) were turned off to the 2 record set, "Train In Vain, further attack on the corruption of Jim Wellman .Buslness Manager by the_political nature of the (Stand by Me)." The.album was commercial industry. "The Card Adam Wright Photography Editor album. released, and suddenly the Clash Cheat" is one of the most melodic Indeed, It Is helpful to have a had a hit record. London Galling songs the Clash have written yet, Photographers Vernon Roberts good grasp of the English political validates everything that has ever telling the story of a lonely man Typists Mimi Griffin Jane Btelefteld situation to really understand the been said about the Clash, it Is whogambled, cheated, and lost his Layout. SueFrost LeeMaxwell Diana Patavnes Clash. The Clash quickly proved to arguably the best album to come life. be among the most musically out of the "New Wave" (yes, Tim _ As Roll1ng Stone noted, the Mimi Griffin Janet Trainor adept of the s().caHedpunks, as that Indudes -Costello).The album secondsong of side 3 Is the center. Specfal Assistant Sf ••• hIMrld.. Joan Hughes well as the best songwriters. The has already gotten up to,l1 on the of the album. "Death or Glory" Graphics Ralph Pre.isendorfer music attacked with the same RolllngStoneToptOO(ltlsnowlna separates the Clash from ,. r fury that, say the Sex Pistols' did," decline, at 1¥211,..ln,thweekon the ev~rybody else. "Death or Glory" j ..
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