Page 43 - Scrimshaw1978-79
P. 43
Thursday. November 16. 1978 Scrimshaw page 3 Football Beats Hopkins \\'Me Wrestling Promises Exeiting Season Steve Bainbridge freshmen and returning up- from page 1 Last year, the Wrestling team perclassmen who can replace the yardage on the ground, went to the was the most successful men's seniors who graduated. He pointed sky as Joe Damiano hit Mark winter sport team. They posted an out several people who were in- Chadwick for a 51 yard pass play 8-6 record overall, and 4-3 in the .jured much of last year have and a touchdown, Walker added MAC. All three losses in the con- returned, and several part-timers the extra point and increased the ference came to nationally ranked last year have improved enough Terrors lead to 21-7. But Hopkins powers. that they should be important was stubborn. Set up by another Outside" of the MAC the team had players, Stromberg (#81) from Margraf" to face Division I and Division II pass, Hopkins scored with 3;571efl teams in addition to powerful Returning from injuries are in the third quarter, as Jim Division III teams. They have one junior tri-captain Steve Margraff slipped over from the 3. of the two I or three toughest Anuszewski, and Keith Stagg who ended, WMC '1~1rIi!' The two point conversion was no schedules of any WMC team. And, is returning from a 7-{j record and good, and the quarter I as Coach Sam Case noted, if a few surgery. At this point Coach Case schedule 21, Hopkins 14 key matches had gone our way, the . noted that with our would be break-even record 1":~•• ~E.l1II record could have been much considered good, and a winning as the team was close in improved, Of~~!~~%~h~a;~~i~f~h~o~~;~ many of the meets. record of any sort, very good with two Walker field goals, "toe first a 35 yarder, the second a 38 However, the team lost six Among the freshmen are Pat yarder, to throttle-the Blue Jays wrestlers from last years' team to Griffin (167 lbs.t, Tom Benner each time they appeared to gain graduation. Four of the graduates (126), and Carville Downs (134). momentum. wrestled regularly, and all of them Senior tri-captain John Koontz had winning records. Especially (heavy-weight, 8-1-1 last year) has. The only lime Hopkins showed a missed will be Greg Banks (8-4) returned and is expected to do well spark of life was a punt block by and Charlie Hoydell (IO·2). again. Mike Marchesie (senior) I~~S~~·!~::~!~O~~~~o;~:~~~ Another major problem with this has also returned, and despite :but the referees ruled that the ball year's team is a lack of anyone to injury problems, he "wins the big in the 118 pound class. If no wrestle ones." had not gone the sufficient yardage one can be found to wrestle at 118, down field after the block to allow that match will bea forfeit in every Unfortunately injury problems the offensive team to recover the meer . potentially a key factor in are already cropping up as senior 'ball. The ball was awarded to the meets against the tough teams. tri-captain Rip Jameson and Jays. Robby Bowman have both been While Coach Case acknowledged injured playing football. Case The game ended with Steve the lack of a 118 wrestler will be a , James intercepting the Hopkins problem, he feels there are several however, expects that they will be pass and the Terrors were vict~rs back by the first meet on over the Blue Jays for the third - Our Mistake December 2, against Albright. year in a row. Next week . a report on the season. ,Tight coverage puts play in doubt in recent game against Hopkins The article about the ROTC Sportsma-n's Appalachian field trip in last, week's Barbershop King's Market an ineor was with Saimshaw printed 848·2363 Variety of party munchies ,lillJt~lItuO'S Vbrlrl 8enire, hi:., rect by-line. The article was by Maggi Plaza Excell'e'n~"deil- ,<>.1'1.,<1'" '.".,~ " Carroll Costella, not Bi1l·SP~ing. ' , , ,Shopping lCenter Right out your back door! OFFERS: Daily Service to Baltimore $:1.60 one wa3' WouldNewton OFFERS: Daily Service to gravitate toward O'Keefe? 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