Page 97 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 97
ยท" Friday. March 4, 1978 Scrimshaw _ page 5 Experience Builds. Bond :~~i~~~ivec~~~~~i~~vS~re, ~~~eO:: shivered in sleeping bags, some of _ We grew as a team out of admit them. In turn, every thought ROTC O:partment us slept on the hard wood floor. necessity. We discovered the and inward strength was given to On Monday morning, January 9, wanted to be physically. and Knowing that we were to awake to abilities of each and we found that. the continuers by those who weweremer~lytwentyindividuals mentally tested. Still others a breakfast of beef C-rations no one could do everything well, so remained behind. In a' sense, all who were participating in the same desired a chance to mature and to '(Londly referred to as ALPO beef even our abilities balanced out. We eighteen of us made it to the top. January term course at Western have fun while meeting new chunks) didn't help matters much. tried never to ask something of a We all felt success and triumph - ' Maryland College. BATCATS was people. Each of us received our After having to spend an hour of team member who was not even those who did not physically simply a name to call ourselves wishes one hundredfold. When the fire watch in the middle of the capable, yet we tried to push each reach the goal. We were one team that was by some great stroke of going was rough, it was really night, we were rudely awakened to other for our best effort. When as always. luck supposed to unity our group of rough; when the times were good, find ice-crystals on the cetltngand brawn was necessary, the We gained a great deal from the very different people. Somehow, they were great. half frozen toothpaste. We rose shoulders heaved; when brains people of Bloomery themselves. after ten days of Having to live When we finally reached the before the sun and many of us were needed, the brows wrinkled. Through their generosity, together in very severe winter cabin after being delayed for jumped out of our sleeping bags Soon every individual action was thoughtfulness and especially their ~eather. in_il tiny tar-paper shack s~veral hours by the snow, we only to jump back in. Because of done in coordination with the other way of life, we shared their great - 10 the Wilderness of West virginia, discovered the significance Of our the icy floor, it was decided that seventeen. When we were happy, respect for nature, for others and something changed. We had grown preparation. The unnecessary dressing inside the bag was the the happiness was shared. When most importantly, for ourselves into a tightly knit unit that worked equipment lists were consulted and thing to do, even though it we were sick or depressed, we From our BATCAT experience we I efficiently and lived as a family. we all now realized the importance strangely resembled wrestling an knew that everyone cared and that have learned self-confidence while BATCATS had become the only of being able to run that mile in less alligator with a straight jacket on. made all the difference. practicing self-sacrifice. We all word that could tell how bitterly than._ten minutes. If anything came After a great deal 9f fumbling in The journey to Big Mountain know what it is like to continue on cold the winter was or how very as a surprise it was that the cabin the darkness, breakfast was proved to be one of the most when every part of our bodies were exhausting our days were. It was looked a lot better than it had been cooked on the wood burning stove, significant and meaningful jour- aching to stop. We also understand the only word that could truly described and that the cold was equipment was gathered and we neys of our trip. With snow almost how it is to be faced with the almost describe the frustration in our much more bitter than we had made our way outside to begin our two feet high, threatening weather impossible and not to quit. I'm sure tears and the love in our laughter - imagined. As darkness came we first day together. . in sight and several minor- aches that everyone agree~ that our. life the only word that ever will. began the endless tasks' of. Eight long hours later, both and pains already present with the at Bloomery, West Virginia w~s as Our reasons for wanting to organizing, cooking and more teams returned to. the cabin half group it was obvious that all life should be and we all feel very become BATCATS were as in- importantly getting to know our- frozen, very hungry and totally eighteen of us were not going to fortunate to have shared in the dividual as we were. Some wished selves. exhausted. One team had sue- make it up six miles of treacherous experience. We all cherish the fad those ~ prove to themselves that they Sleep didn't come easily as we ceeded in reaching their check- mountain. The decision had to be - that we know more than about we know made points by using the land navigation people the before initial seventeen ascent Ca~i skills we had learned group the had night not who was continue on. back Those and who about some of our best friends. sense It's to stay really great to have a secure The other who before. would been to each other as we were. of failure guilt and a sense reached devoted only as fortunate half and of they their had decided to stay back had feelings to the of of belonging to a group of people destinations and .returned late group, but they knew that they This feeling is so intense that until Their spirits were low until they would only be a handicap to those we forget this experience, if such a found smiles and a delicious dinner who were strong and determined doubtful time shall ever come, we waiting for them at the cabin. This enough to finish the climb. Those shall all be proud to say that we was the beginning of the com- who continued appreciated the were BATCATS, we went to ~~~~~~~~::;~ passion for each other that was to decision made. They respected . Bloomery and braved the severe :;rr unite us as one. those who realized their own winter elements and we Did It - .Leadership was an important limitations and who were willing to TOGETHER. part of our BATCAT experience for it allowed us to more fully realize our own weaknesses and strengths. Each day a new team leader was appointed and each day someone new got a chance to prove them- selves. The job of the rest of the team was to reinforce the team leader in any way possible. Under stressful conditions, this was often difficult, ~o facades fell quickly ~~~a:~h \~~~~~~~al 'sThcehar~~~~ enlightening thing about it was that people still cared [or you without you having to seem to be something that you weren't. We cared for each other just the way we were. Since it was necessary News Flashes how to make rope bridges to know and to Phil Lapadula rea"; 'I. map and a compass, we Virginia, February 24, 1990- sidered rather unusual since Ever since the legalization of flamingos don't fly. In fact, ~f~7y~ P~~iCi::~x!~~e~ndth;~ marijuana, Virginia, formerly the flamingos do not live in Virginia. hiked a great deal too, yet these I tobacco state, has become the So the next time you see pink skills were not the on1y ones of grass state. A group calling itself flamingos in your backyard importance. Small things became. the Committee to Do-in Smokers watch out! - It's C.D.S.!! very significant in the cold. Simply (C.D.S.) headed by HEW Secretary Joseph BowJhead, has Dade County, Fla. ~~n~~~o~~~~:~n~ ~~~~:~ According to an uninformed preparation was a chore.-Without 1 ::~'::ll:~:!~ ii~I::~n h~:n~~ source, Anita Bryant has denied . the conveniences of running water on fire. However the plan seems to reports that she is a "citrosexual". and electricity, tt was difficult to have backfired. One C.D.S. A couple of months agrr, Ms. stay warm, much less to cook a 1 member was quoted as saying that Bryant was hit in the face with a meal for twenty people. Never- \ there was now enough pot smoke in fruit pie. Just recently she was theless, we learned the hard way. the Virginia to "send the entire attacked again- this time by a When the day finally came to an state to the Moon without a chimp named "Freud" who tried end, each of us had a great feeling to stick a banana up her nose. After of achievement that we had the assault, Ms. Bryant would only learned the skills necessary to comment: "At least he didn't peal su~ve and we fad share~. a very it, then I would have been in special part of ourselves With each trouble." other.
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