Page 78 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 78
SCRIMSHAW WMC's JUdicial Review LeHers to the Editor An Open Letter from Dr. John What do you do when you have a problem with someone yelling outside of your window eta o'clock in the morning? Or what about when someone This week, SCRIMSIIAW are increases over which we have But. ... ," January I3) implies that trlesta steal your entire record collection right out o! your room? Do you , received a letter from the College :ediC:a~tr~ani:, !~~~u!ec:~~: tenure is for economic security. take It to your R.A.? Or your HOUSing Council Rep? Maybe Dean President explaining to the editors insurance and utilities. In the in- This is incorrect. Tenure is solely Mowbray? Or how about Dean Laidlaw?' ,_ to protect academic freedom. Once The question Is a very good one to which many students, and even :~~iO~e~~:~:a::,h~1th n;:;~:~:~stance of insurance alone the in. that decision is made, of course, administrators on this campus, do not know the answer. The present we have reprinted this letter for ~e,:~~oS: ':r c~rt. ;~:u~e:rr:~ the professor does feel more secure. Academic freedom--- system of dealing wIth conduct problems on campus is confusing and ::e:r ~e~~:it of the entire campus. comparison to other institutions. leaves quite a few loose ends In the process. And at times In the confusIon properly defined--is absolute, but cost college Increasing is an it punishes the person who has been wronged more than the person ac- unpleasant responsibiii!y. costs We are, Then there is the the overhead, of in- in- economic security is not. Many corporating through - cused of the act. an 0311- p-eed of the fact that in the past. eluding program, of the new institutions go programs "cost and But aU of that could be changed this year. A new system--wlth reductions;" new Judicial Board--.Is being considered by a comm/ttee fhat represents a and this remains true through next Decker College Center. _ majors are dropped; enrollments wide variety of student groups at WMC. The new Idea has been well- year. we have been able to run Please be assured that budgets drop; institutions close; ~tc. thought out and merlts.the consideration of the entire student body. $500-1,000 behind other colleges of were shaken down to minimum secrtrtctng Under the plan, the HOUSing and Conduct Coundl would be reduced to comparable size and quality. You levels short of Tenure does not mean that once being an SGA "HOUSing Committee," taking care of problems that occur may recall from the long range reasonable human considerations granted a professor J!'; guaranteed with dorm life (room draWings, male-female assignments, etc.). But the plan that a $375 room, board and where faculty and staff are con- a life-time job. Economic security judiciary' powers of the Council would be transferred to the new, tuition increase was projecjed for cerned or eroding the quality of the can never be absolute. Even upgrade.d JudicIal Board, an entity to be separate from the SGA. The next year, 1978-79. We have had to educational program of the academic freedom involves a Board would be composed of eight students, six teachers, and the Dean of complex set of qualifications and Student Affairs. The teachers and iiudents would be selected by ~~~ta~~:C:~it~~s~ac:~~p s~~ co~~u have any questions. I as the. writer POinted out a schoolwlde election votes of theIr respective groupS.'lt would meet to my colleagues and I on the Ad- would be glad to visit with you. pecressor can be "untenured." An decide on cases' presented to It dealing wIth conduct rules vlolations.wifh ministrative Council spent two Most cordially. important point is that once tenure persons may tenured is granted, two students, two teachers, and the Dean In attendance for each trial. 101)g days going over the proposed Ralph C. John feel that they have economic Beyond the JudIciary Board lies a speclel three·member Appeals budget line by line to reduce the President security, which is quite natural Board consisting of the Dean of Academic.Affairs, the Dean of Student initial requests to this level. Cuts Teacher Reply and, properly understood, is Affairs and the Student Senate President. Their decisions would be an- were across the board and justified. swerable only to the President of the Colleqe. necessarily substantial. Dear Editor, We have had to-confront external Sincerely yours, With this proposed change SCRIMSHAW sees two possible advantages pressures this time around. There Nancy Menefee's article ("It is Ralph B. Price over the present system. First, the process would now become linear with Possible to Untenure a Professor Professor of Economics a step-by·step movement of conduct ptoblems along the declslon.maklng Personal path. If students have a problem with their fellow students, they could An Arab Viewpoint take It to the Office of Student Affairs who would then forward the Viewpoint grievance to the Judicial Board. Second, the position of the judges of conduct violations ls- now being Ali AI-Vatari These powers pad created a state Ararat. the leader of the PLO gave elevated to the same level as those of honor violations. The Honor Board, The staff and the. students of this of hatred and an apparent emnity a speech before the U.N. and the between the governments, have but they with their direct election of student members and the use of faculty college students already met from the failed to do the same with the PLO won an observer seat in the U.N. foreign who came members, has gained a certain respect that has made the very use of the the Middle East. Some of them people. These powers didn't only Institution a benefit to the campus. With the serne procedures in the Judicial Board, tantamount possibilities exist. have gotten a very good idea about divide nations, they gave parts to In the Mideast, the problem is other The editors of SCRIMSHAW are in complete agreement with the form the Middle East and its problems, Western foreign countries;. the to not solved yet. I believe that going to the each origin of problems especially its politiccal Sahara (Spanish) directly of the judicial system under consideration. We feel that because of the Some of them have not; I believe Spain, a group of three islands in problem will give us the only inadequacies and confusion inherent In the present system, the new Idea that everyone should know, since the P~rsian (Arabian) Gulf to Iran, Cha~ce to solve the problem. The . can only benefit thestuoen-s of this campus. We hope that the students the Middle East affects the entire, Eritna and the Ogadeen Sahara to origin of this problem is not the and organil:atlons Involved In making the flnl!ll decisions on the Issue will I agree. world. I know that my point of view Ethiopia and a small. part of. Sinai desert or theGolan Heiglftr,"'.-'" might be of great difference from northern Syria to Turkey. The these problems are branches of the which original Easier Registering? what the readers gap of this article severe problem was the British to and the one, Palestinians is Palestine England believe promise in 1917 to give Palestine in, but I'll try my best to home narrow the the Israelis to give Palestine our between promised as a permanent "which viewpoints. for them. As SOOn as the British they didn't own. but ruled by force) The Arab world consists of army left Palestine in 1948, the to the Israelies as a price for their This semester, Western Maryland Colle!;e used a new scheduling twenty-two countries. Thirteen of Israelis declared their state of help in the first World War; at the the arena. the traditional - process that bypassed they wanted, and the forms Students filled out a form them lie in Asia and the other nine Israel in i1. The Arabs Israel. in reply same time they promised for the declared listing the courses They lie in Africa. Arabs a full independanca The Arab war against of them Into the were turned registrar's Office. population approximates more attacked using obsolete weapons same help. More.' than one million It was hoped that no one would have to be closed-out of a course. It did than 125,000,000. On the eastern given by the Allies. Surprlslngly, persons were driven out to leave help to see what courses were in demaliklsothatnewsectlonscouldbesideof.this world there are the they faced a well-organized and roem for the people who came added. The additional sections did allow many students to take a course Persian (Arabian) Gulf, Iran, and equipped army willing to fight t.o from Europe accompanied by the that otherwise would have been closed. Turkey: while on the western part the end. Not much later the Arabs dream of the promised lando-not However, from a student'spolntof view there were severer flaws in this there is the Atlantic Ocean. Then, lost the war as well as more lands paying attention to the suffering system. The-first problem is that a student doesn't know right away on the northern part there is the in Palestine. The Arab's protests they caused to the Palestinians. whether or not they made it into the courses they wanted. In the Arena, Mediterranean and on the southern were useless at that moment--the The Arabs lost their lands in three you know rIght away if you're course Is closed, and you can try to get Into side the Indian Ocean ill Asia and new state had won a war and in- wars and didn't achieve their goals your second choice course. There is a greater possibility of error in the the African countries in Africa. . ternational recognition. The area in the fourth one. They're always new system. It is very easy to copy a number down wrong, and It's sur- The Arab world has attacked then enten!d many years of war being condemned by the world prizing how much one mistaken number can throw off a whole schedule. several times by different powers and blood Israel, and the world's accusation The drop-add process was also new this year. It was actually easter for Crusaders, the Mongolians. the -a'bousencs of Palestinians were that the Arabs are going to destroy the registrar's office to get it all done at once. It saved the students some Turks, the British, the French and forced to leave their homes; they Israel is, in my belief, a very legwork too, they did not have to run all over campus for the proper the I~lians. But, although the left behind them houses, churches foolish one; how does the world signatures. However, the process was confusing and time-consuming. 'direct influence of these powers and mosques. They lived in the so- explain the defeats which the There were reports that by midafternoon It was taking up to two hours to lover the Arabs has been resisted called refugee parks on the West Arabs had suffered from Israel in add a course. . and finally thrown away after a Bank, Ghaza, and the nearby Arab three wars and a very dangerous Even with the Arena the drop·add process would have remained the series of revolutions, the indirect is countries. In 1956, Israel, backed and critical condition for Them in same. But this time, the drop·add process became a substitute for the still there. Each power had left an by England and France, attacked the fourth one? If that accusation Arena. Students were even swapping computer cards among themselves. unsolved problem: {or instance, Egypt. They succeeded in captur- was right, then the Arabs would Of course, students never professed any great love for the Arena. the group of pow.ers consisting of ing the Sinai Desert. Later on the have destroyed Israel in the 1948 Several freshmen scare stories were drummed Into the young un- England, France and Italy divided American President Eisenhower war.- derclassman, and it seemed as If no one would ever get a course they the Arab world into several ordered the Allied powers to with- Finally, I wish that the govern- wa!lt.ed. But In retrospect, the Arena wasa simpler, If more awe-inspiring countrieS. Each country has its draw and to end their attack and ment and the people in this world process. And so, we at Scrimshaw_sound the cry, "Bring Back The own internal and foreign poliCies, they did could see the origin of this Arena!" its own flag and national anthem, problem; I also hope they don't r------- --::,--==,-- its own laws and its own media Arab world and created a disaster. the ignore it, because it might be the I~rael attacked Then in 1967, ~ reason for the third World War, the Staff Box It occupied the Sinai Desert, the end of this world. Editor-in-Chief Golan Heights and the rest of; Photography Editor .ktf Robinson Palestine, the West Bank and We Hang Our-Heads .. Neil's Editor Scott D"hne NancyM,nafee Managing Editor Sports Editor FeatureEdilor Ghaza. More than 1,500,000 Teramani Jim LaPadula Special Assistants Ad ManaRlrr Meg Hoylo BlisinessManager Phil Typists refugees were kicked out of Our sincerest apologies go out to OauClevet;lnd Charles Enes Arts Editor Kathie Harbaugh Palestine and the other occupied Debbi Putterman who wrote the Chri5Bohukil Entertainment Director TheoBraver Food Review Editor NancySakion areas. The refugees joined the fine article on Prof. Alfred DeLong Tim Windsor Staff refugee camps and were fed by the which appeared in the last issue of U.N. The Arabs survived the SCRIMSHAW. After constantly MikeO'Andrea Ma,k C. Bilye. NancvAnzalone disaster and in 1973, Egypt and delaying the printing of her article Hal SchmuJowitz Phyllis Menschner David Zinck AndiSahm Yon Milkino BHlWeeks S)-Tia. backed by the Arabs, at- because of other pieces that DeMari. Scott Anit .. Crouse JeffSm;!h Ami Diviney ScottShetidan tacked Israel. They didn't get back seemed more preSSing at the time, ~, Sally Stebbins Dave Langley O"wnBennett Sergio Zarbin D,",M"" Crawford I the occupied lands--they Palestine her name. ran the story-Without we only got we finally Vernon Debbi, Jay Holtzlniln small the parts--but Once again Mary Cole Davis JeH Rosenberg Maggif!Costellili lisa Bill Spring JerryProph!!! Patty Noonan Liberation Organization won the ask your understanding for this Bainbridge Steve KimShewbridge recognition of the world. Yasir ...;'","","",'''"=1. ~~
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