Page 77 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 77
I J -~----------~~=-----~--~--~------~--._------~~ WMC Deals _With '1:!~o!:elnLoose'speaks the night court, Judge of the M. Wright Judge Bruce -Part-time Faculty New York court system College at 8 known to have paroled Wright was as many as will speak who came Maryland 28 out of 31 prisoners at Western p.m. Sunday, Feb. 12 in McDaniel before him in one night. Eventually auis Bohaska - campus dO not follow the same that showed up most frequenuy Lounge as a part of the Black transferred from Criminal to Civil 11I.e fonowing is the fourth in a basic plan, most departments use a and highest on the lists was chosen History Week program, Court, Judge Wright sued to be series of five articles concerning similar search and hiring pattern as the candidate. Judge Wright, nick-named reassigned to Criminal Court. His the hiring. firing. and evaluation of for temporary instructors. The Preference for "Turn 'em loose, Bruce" by the suit read: "The modus operandi of faculty at Western Maryland search begins, as Dr. Griswold, of ~ full time? New York City police because of defendants has been a campaign of College. the Sociology Department ex- When asked if a temporary in- his radical view of the bail system public smear, pressure tactics and plains, "by contacting a variety of structor had any influence in said, " ... there's n6 such thing as a harassment directed against any places, other institutions with getting a full-time job that might presumption of innocence judge who dared show judicial Although many of the faculty positions here at Western graduate programs. We are open up, all the department anymore." He has long fought independence. " Maryland College are held by looking fOr graduate students who chairmen claimed that another what he sees as hostility toward permanent instructors who teach are interested in gaining some -and more extensive search must be poor and minorities in the judicial Also in conjunction with. Black full-time and have achieved experience in teaching." After the made and tnat a previously tem- system. According to Shana History Week, the film "King: tenure, many of the positions each contacting step is over and ap- porary instructor would have little Alexander of Newsweek, he Montgomery to Memphis" will be semester are held by part-time and plications are in, most department or no pull at all. Only if two can- believes that the bail system has shownat7p.m.Monday,Feb.13in temporary instructors. SCRIM- chairmen revealed that the didates are equally qualified (one become "so discriminatory and Decker auditorium. The film is a SHAW, as part of its series on members of the department got of them being previouSly a tem- racist that it is blatantly un- documentary of Dr. Martin Luther King's constitutional." to the Civil committment personal practices at W.M.C., together and examined the ap- porary instructor) does the tem- A poet and satirist in his own Rights struggles" from 1955-1968. looked into the hiring and firing plications, choosing five or six porary Instructor have any right, Judge Wright is candid and _ Both Black History Week ac- practices of part-time and tem- candidates or "finalists" for the preference ill that he IS I'a very vocal in his stance. Judge Wright's tivities are sponsored by the Black porary instructors on this campus. job. These candidates are then known and visible quantity," controversial reign in the courts Student Union and the Lecture- First, a distinction must be made interviewed by the Faculty Mfairs claims Dr. Richwine, Chairman of began with his appointment by Concert Committee. They are both as to what a temporary and a part- Committee, Dean McCormick and the English Department. Mayor Lindsay in 1970. Serving in free and open to the public. time position actually means. A Dr. JOM. The candidates are then Part-time Instructors temporary position is one that lasts handed back to the department Part-time applicants go through in The Matehes Have Arrived! for only one semester or one year. which makes its choice as to who basically the same patterns Hooray! The results of the WMC Computer match are out. Th~ results After this time, the instructor is they want as the temporary in- getting a teaching position as do contain your five best matches and their respective first names, dorm normally let go by the college. streeter. This recommendation is the temporary applicants. Usually, names, room numbers and similarity index. Similarity index? No, that Temporary instructors are used then handed back to the F.A.C. who part-time instructors are number to the left of the name is not a student number with a decimal mainly when a full-time, per- approves' the appointment or "specialists" in some field, a field point; it really means something. It gives you an idea of how similar your manent instructor goes on a rejects it. If the F.A.C. rejects the that a particular department responses were to those of your match's. Refer to the table below for an sabbatical. department's recommendation, might want to teach" approximate meaning of the index. the department instructors must The department goes through the A part-time instructor may teach then go back and make their same basic search and hiring- 10.0-9.0 unbelievable 7.5-7.0 not bad for as long as he is needed by his second choice, going through the methods that were used with ap- 9.0-8.5 excellent 7.0-6.6 not too good department. A part-time instructor .recommendation process again. plicants for temporary positions. 8.5-8.0 very good 6.5 below poor teaches only one or two courses per If the candidate accepts the job, The basic difference between 8.0-7.5 good semester, and these are limited he will then fill the spot which was temporary and part-time in- If yo.~ haven't gotten your results or if you have any questions, or comments courses in which the instructor is left by the instructor who is on structors is that temporary in- suggestions or weekdays after feel free to stop down to Whiteford 8-14 on weekends who- everyone dinner. I'd like to thank more or less a "specialist." Part- sabbatical. structors are teaching only for a time instructors are held on by the Everyone not certain period of time. Part-time helped make ~ Jan Term project a success. Charles Wheatley deparbnent as long as they are tbe same employees are held on by the Be M3I Valentine?' needed, Although this is the pattern college until the college or the Search and hiring followed by most departments on department feels that the in- Publicity Office tour through Maryland. Although all departments on campus, not all deparbnents follow structor is no longer needed Singing valentines from the To order a singing valentine, call Sears Gives' ~~.S~:!:~iC~}ant:eor~~y~i~l=i ::~~~~~:r:;~e:~~~y=~~i~~: college are going on sale now for on Brent Hylton, Western Maryland 'at to local College, 9 a.m.a sweethearts delivery p.m. weekdays Publicity Office Education Department claims that tenure. Friday, Monday, and Tuesday, ex. 310 Western Maryland College bas temporary instructors are a last Part-time employees, like Feb. 10, 13, and 14 : ••••••••••• - •••••••••••••••••• : received a grant of $1,600 from the resource. "First, we try to make do temporary, have no pull in getting Productive; Hylton. :Pens Welcome: Sears-Roebuck Foundation. The with what we have. We-could in- a full-time job that may open. de~~~~~~~~~ an~y ins\~;ate~Uas~~ ~ check, presented by Charles A. crease the load of other instructors Usually part-time instructors do developed by Brent White of Seers-Roebuck, will go so the professor on sabbatical not have time to teach full-time assistant professor of mUSIC, and • ; directly into the college Sustaining would be covered, or we could Also, many part-time instructors ~:~~rsva~!nt~~ ~:~e t~hO~ I W~~I~OI~k~~~etr~:ru~~ll~O l~~t~~ ~ Fund, locally chaired by Kenneth simply not offer the course that can do not have the range of knowledge L. Bohn. not be covered." needed to teach many different economically feasible. "For $1" : see the mner workings of the: Western Maryland is one of 14 Another difference can be seen in courses that accompany a Iull-time says Hylton, "you get members of : Scri~shaw, come to the next: private Maryland institutions of the Dramatic Art Department. A position. thechoirtosinga love song to your : meeting Monday, February 13 at: higher learning sharing in a state- few years ago, Dr. Tribby, With sabbaticals and course Valentine. For $2 you get the love : se~en ..lhir~y pm \0 the p.ublicatl~ns : wide grant of $15,300. Department chairman, needed a additions constantly taking place song and a carnation." : orncemwtnsrow. Even If you thlnk • Across the nation, the Sears- temporary instructor. "We asked here at W.M.C" temporary and Singing valentine choristers will : you don't write an that well, fear: Roebuck Foundation has donated a within the department if anyone part-time employees play an be delivering messages in ap- : not, have you ~een some. of our; total of $1,500,000 for the academic knew of anyone who wanted- to important part in the college propriate valentine attire. Money : more recent articles" Openings for: ~I year 1977-78 to be shared by almost teach." Professors in the depart- community as well as our college raised through the effort will go : news, sports an~ feature writers : 1,000 colleges and universities. ment made up lists and the name instruction towards the choir's spring singing :.~~:.a!~.a::.~~I_n_g_~~.~.~l~I~~~ __ :
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