Page 76 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 76
Page 8 Scrimshaw Friday, January 13, 1978 - Sports Tough Women's Loss, Men Turn Around Season After Break, Sights Sti II Set Ahead' J':~~~~:~~:';~iYb"k'tb'll,qU'd ended a two game losing streak as Furman Scott DeMaris playing center for injured regular they handily. defeated Messiah WMC W~men's Basketba!l Becky Sue ~artin lead the scoring College by the score of 78-58 on seems to be fighting with the spirit with 16 pts. The co-captains .. Kelly January? in Gill Gymnasium. of general all-around "Terror- Dargon, No. 44, and Ellen Scroggs, Following a slow start, the Green ism" - No. 20, teamed up to chalk up a Terrors found it ~uite easy to pull Foreward Sue Sullivan, who has total of 27 points against Navy away from Messiah as they out- the luckiest number on the team Center Becky Sue Martin, No. 42, scored th~ir foe 22-13 during the (No. 13), says the Varsity is really and leading scorer so far with a last 10 minutes of the first half, doing v:ell in spite of this being a total of 36 points i~ only 2 games building a 38-26 _halftime lead. rebuilding year. says the Varsity team is Trailing throughout the game, by Tough Loss aggressive this year as much as seven at times, the The Navy game was an example Green Terrors were unable to take of the Varsity season. The Terrors Fired u.p team the lead until Damien Maggio played well but lost by an ex- The entire team has plans to take connected on a 17' jumper with 4:35 tremely close ten points. Navy is . the Pen-Mar conference as well as Second half even better undefeated, as of now; however, the M.A.r. Title with reasonable The second half which belonged the "Terrors" really gave them a effort. The previous close games to WMC even mere so than the close contest, the closest Navy had lost to York and F and M were first, saw the Terrors slowly this year considered warm-up season stretch their lead into a 20 point 55 advantage. Four Corner Offense Foreward Barb Brazis No. 45, ~,9p~~:~"efi~~t~~J~hel~!a~~e the vi~~~rn Maryland kept their hot Following a Rhode Island turn- Run J.V. Activities . ~:~~~~:~~~~~~t~~la:~e~o:feie over the Terrors a began to employ the stall" their of version Junior Varsity warmed up early team in Gill Gymnasium, winning celebrated four corners offense of in the year with an exciting victory by the mark of 68-61 to bring their North Carolina. Running the four Crystal Raindrops corners for the rest of the game, over F and M by five points. Co- overall record up to 3-4. , captains Brenda Eccard, No. 40, - the Terrors stretched their lead Michael came down from moun- and Johna Ruffo, No. 33, are ~~!ndering minstrel hoping to keep the fire within the Th . I 0 h Thi t D B ac k t er ere s brtnging light te~:::.Junior Varsity "Terrors" Ings 0 - 0 ~:~~~:~f;:epenniesandsmileshe ~~~;. ~~~:~~ 8::t 'fhO:,~~~~~:S~Lisa.Davis and ~atty Noonan. There are two or three sights different stores. were confused by the start because' th~ amval of that white that can be used for traying on equipped with he could not see-only sing of the rnlsematched pennies. By precipitation commonly. known as, campus. For the beginner, or those which is- nice. of crystal raindrops half-time they were down by 24. snow, a new season of winter sport who don't want to walk too far, _ type to use are shades of white, slivers of beauty Varsity couldn't take revenge for .soon appears. It's Traying Season. !here are two very small hills that Cafeteria Trays. and despair the loss of the J.V.'s Bad referee For those of you who are un- can be attempted. One is behind trays and the . life flowing from man to woman calls encouraged the slow defeat familiar with this sport, traying Rouzer and the cafeteria (watch will not do. They yet children dying 79-36 while the spirit was still kept' consists of the ridee, the tray, and out for those parked cars) and the some such material) he stayed forever and by bcthLv. and Varsity. the rider, you, sliding down an other is the hill heading down freeze and break. The in an hour he was gone The crowd in the stands con- incline. The object is to stay on towards the footballlieid. For the made of pressed wood sisting of Dean Mowbray helped safely all the way down-unless you experienced and-or daring there is when waxed on the g -r. roeeker ~~e~ae~it~~I~D?l d~::e.~he~o~~ ~~~ h:a~~~/o~:e~~~~a~:fi~~{:~; ~~I~:~lf:.lfT~~rs:r:~~A~ :~~:!~~::~~t~~! ¥:iin -, ments from the crowd mentioned permitted to get off--FAST! than the other two. The golf course has warned that Riverrun is open to all students on the Towson J.V. would ~ a dif- AswithaIlsportstherearesome is probably the best bet of all three. Donald's trays are campus. We accept any type of ficultopponent for our men s team. Do's and Don'ts. On the subject of Do NOT tray down the hill in 'front your health. They are i, writing; we ask only that it be in apparel, it is advisable to dress of the gazebo and Whiteford and do plastic and break after English and legible. Submissions The next game is tomorrow here very warmly. ,Coat, hat, scarf, NOT tray down the road next to should be sent to Box 863. at2. The next home game is the 18 boots-the whole bit. A must is a Whiteford where the construction vs Lebanon Valley. pair of heavy gloves or mittens as workers park their cars. These are you have to hold on to the tray to ' quite dangerous spots. stay on. The most important ~~~=~-~rc---~~~~ ,, ~_~ traying is, obviously, aspect tray. of the There are many types and many brand names. There are many which are not suitable and many which are dangerous. The best trays to use are the large circular ' ones that you may purchase at r------------------~--------- ~. Save a Buek at Pizza Hut, I '1 off any large pizza with this coupon I DOOR ~. -- Tom Rush 1/13- 15 I Starland Vocal l ' • ,_••III~ COllegeMdSter a······ , " . Show 211 Band 1116· 19 LYRIC THEATRE f~.· Randy Newman 2/5 o~ National Lampoon ,! :: ::, , .
   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81