Page 74 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 74
Page 6 Scrimshaw FridaY,January 13, 1978 For Males Only More Adviee for You Noviees by Tom and Jerry _ There ere certain people on immediate answers to all your you stand the possibility of losing water on ms head to accidently The following article is for males each floor (generally upper- questions, Justask her if she has a her friendship, it is your option to dropping the paiL These childish only. Anyone else should turn to classmem who are famous for "him" at home. One of three things risk everything or back off for a methods, while they may seem some other article. Unlessyou are their "connections". For a small will happen. She will say yes, and little while. Two of the most used funny at the time, result in two male, do not read any farther fee (under $50) they will gladly you can forget about her and go variations or, the "hint" method undesirable actions on the part of Stop! Halt! Cease! Desist! Got investigate her background and about your life as if she hadn't include: 1) if there is a dance the female. First, she will feel that" - report their findings back to you. smashed all your dreams. Or, she coming up, ask her if her boyfriend sorry for "him", and will shower A very important consideration For an additional fee (around $20) will say no and, not wishing to lead is going to take her to it. If she says him with affection .to keep 'him when debating the advisability of they will keep the identity of their you on with false hopes, she will no, think about asking her yourself, from feeling too depressed. asking her out is whether or not she employer (that's you, dummy) never speak to you again. Or, she 2) Ask her if she's going home this Second, she will get very mad at already has a "him". The problem unknown to your goddess, so what will say no and continue speaking weekend. If she is, comment about you, and will probably slug you the is made infinitely more difficult if have you got to lose? toyou, smiling, and may even start how happy her boyfriend will be to next time she sees you. So let's see she has a "him" at home, since a hinting about that dance coming see her. If not, about how disap- a little more maturity around "him" on campus is "fairly obvious. - To use this method you must up, and your problems are over! pointed he will be, Listen carefully campus, huh? Therefore, we have decided to have a friend working in the post As you may have noticed, however, to her response. - This final method is extremely :c~: ~~;~~~~;~~~~~~tj;~;h~:::~: ~~~~~:~abl~a~:le, ~~~~e f:~:I~~ only r ne .out of three responses is tu~~ ~~s a~~~~;o~~ow:~~~ ~i:: ~~ ::~!iV~e~~O:;h:~' y~~~ ;~~ ;~~ at home? Some of the best,methods blab too much) keep track of her ~~~~ desirable. Like we said, it's done if she does have a guy at see "his" car sitting there, just used in answering the question are mail. Pay special attention to home. There are really only three asking to be stripped, sit down and listed below. letters that come regularly, unless Another risky method is the choices, which are as follows; write "him" a note. Tell "him" Get yourself elected to the they are from mom and dad. If she "roommate" method. Roommates _ Walk up to her and say, "You that, though you had the chance to S.G.A. Once we have an all-male gets mail from a male more than generally know everything about have to choose between him and get even with him, you feel that governing body it will be possible once a week you can forget about one another's love lives, so her me. Which will it be?" Un- such actions' are childish. Fur- to pass the following law; "All her. roommate could probably answer fortunately, she will often choose thermore, say you are sorry he is females with a "him" at home The opposite of the above any questions you might have "him" over "me". Not only does soimmatureas to find it necessary must wear a red armband just method, this method r euuires about "him". Unfortunately, this result make it hard to take her to pull such pranks, and close by below the left armpit." While the watching her outgoing mail. Spend (especially since we all know how out again, but it is quite a blow to stating how glad you are that you lack of an armband would not a lot of time in her room (studying much girls gossip) roommates are your ego. One final note-If you grew out of that stage when you guarantee she will go out with you, is always a good excuse). If she not ~nown_for their secret-keeping have been worshipping her from were seven. This method not only it will require a more original sends a lot of mail to a male abilities. In fact, the odds are good afar you should not use this method makes you feel great inside (and response than "a boyfriend back (beside dad and the minister), the?"ll be laughing at you during as the first words you've said to her far superior to "him"), it might home". While a law requiring you're in trouble. If she sends their' bedtime gossip period, if not all year possibly start her thinking about females who are "available" for perfumed letters with X's and D's befo.r~. Then again, they may be - Another method is "revenge". the maturity level of "him" dates to wear a blue armband has on the back you might as well kill rejoicing that you finally got up the It is used primarily when "he" compared to you. r: been considered, we have decided yourself now, because you'd better guts to initiate something, so this comes to campus to visit her. We We, the authors, Tom & Jerry, to reject it, as this law would ad- believe there is a "him" in her life. method, though risky, IS have serious doubts as to it's ef- hope we have enlightened you _in vertise to the whole world that your sometimes worth trying. fectiveness, but have included it as your search for a date. If you have ::=~n~ gi~~w~nte~va~~~~ti:~~~ It:s l~d:e:~U:-~!krs ~~t~~ ;~~o~~ _ A somewhat less direct method ~~::~~:n :!~~:~t ;:0: ~~~~~n~s~~e ~~~:,u~~~~~s or comments, let us than just outright asking her if air out of his tires to borrowing his Next Week: DEVELOPING "him" exists is the "hint" method. spark plugs for a couple of days, GOOD SPEECH HABITS (What to I Another Surve~? ~he~~~~5~nl~a;~0~~r~a~}0~~i~~ ~:~ from accidently dumping a pail of say and what not to say) I ~~: Topies B~oad I By now, you've probably found a people here at WMC think about ~:~~~;ed h~~~~~g Sin~~o~~u music survey in your mailbox. If contemporary music Un- possibility of a relationship, you " you haven't already deposited it in fortunately we can't do that unless ~~~ c;~~~tbei~w~~ rr;:~;eo~~~~~ at Reei tal the nearest trashcan, we'd ap- we start getting more results methods. For example, if you feel Dawn Bennett preciate it if you would fill it out as Please, take five minutes and soon as possible and deposit it in make your vctce heard she is "backing off" from you, or Janet Henderson, senior voice I the postornce. If you want, you can JOM tied with Billy Joel for best Contrast Needs major, presented her senior recital Preliminary results show Elton against mark it box 3A or, if that's Compositions male artist, Linda Ronstadt edging rnr~&~~~~~~~~~2,at8P.m. you your even don't religion have or something, ito-the out. Carole King for best female Janet opened her program with to mark good people in the post office seem artist, the Beatles leading over Remember, Contrast will be "un moto di gioia" from the to know where to put it. We've Fleetwood Mac for best group and printing again in February. If Marriage of Figaro by Mozart, a already overshot the response we Kiss leading hands down for worst you'd like to see more artwork, joyous song of anticipation of love just poems, All ~ received on the last poll, but then group or artist. results These and are could submit it! and photographs stories, and marital happiness. Next on the drawings should preliminary all that hard again six votes aren't to overtake. easily change as the voting con- be submitted to Joe Gaines, program was Handel's "Angels Janet We'd like to find out what the tinues CONTRAST editor Ever bright and facial fair". expression showed by her Dykstra Plays at Ragtime that she was in the mood of the the 'angels song as she asked "to take (her) into (their) care." The Publicity Office The Sting. Dykstra will sup- School of Music and the Eastman highlight of the first section was Ragtime pianist Brian Dykstra plement each selection with School of Music. In 1967-8 he "Die Junge Nonne" by Schubert will present "Ragtime commentary on the music and studied at the Mozarteum Again, Janet was able to express Renaissance" at Western people who developed it. Academy in Salzburg, Austria, on the wide range of emotions felt as Maryland College tonight at B p.m." a Fulbright Grant. Dykstra en- the young nun prepares to enter the m McDaniel Lounge. The per- Dykstra, currently on the faculty tered two International Com- cloistered life. The emotions ex- formance will focus on turn-of-the- of the College of Wooster, Ohio, petitions for Contemporary Music pressed ranged from stormy century Classical Ragtime, music received his degrees from Juilliard and advanced to the semi-finals in feelings to a great peace as she repopularized recently by the film both in 1968 and 1973. accepts her fate. After a brief intermission, Janet -photo by Dave Meyer Besides performing at colleges returned to sing a group of con- and universities across the States, temporary songs. These all The third section featured a we 1eI'Ye__• Dykstra has held concerts in seemed to fall iii. a rustic category. series of "Chinese Mother Goose Salzburg and Cairo. He has par- Subjects ranged from morning Rhymes" but Barnbrtdge Crist, a ticipated in chamber music scenes ("When I came forth this contemporary composer. The recitals in England, Holland, and morning" Michael Head), subjects of these ranged from Noon" _ cows BRE}J(FAST LUNCII DINNER Alaska. pastures and love ("Silent and poets Ladybugs, who "got hit in the back of mice, and to a Ralph VaugLn williams) priest ("Epigram" There was A composer Subs Pizza Dykstra has written in his own right, and flowers having dissonant was _ Eugene the neck with a brick". statement - the in Goosens). "Epigram" very even a chauvinistic the Cairo Rag, "Of what use strange, is a Girl~" har- Rag, Th.e the Salt Creek Township COIaoot.i'i8 L World's pieces which Grin, he often in- monies and odd melodic also intervals. a speaker seemed to conclude - of No i Greatest and eight had song use! the However, others, cludes in his repertoire along with moral concerning poets, flowers Janet's recital concluded with .......·T_ of the _ .... w...._.,._ pieces by Scott Joplin, Robert and people - the true critics who say several Christmas season. Carols in honor of the coming "No lullaby poet are not the unartistic Hampton, Lamb, Joseph and Eubie Blake among others. "How charming" about his work, need Mary sing" was a gentle carol WI11I1N WALKING DISTANCE .Dykstra albums available label, are but the objects of his poetry of this by 'describing a lullaby of love for the of setting the the lyrical -- and "Something Like a Rag" on Powell-Weaver, of songs Janet was In Christ child. The Whelper's livelier who flower. animals sheppherds and The last selection "American Beauty: 12 Ragtime Classics" supplied was "Moon-Marketing" group on Century-Advent a lively song about of the "Carol Cricket and the Star"wasa going to market on the moon. label. Advent "The this section caroL. Benjamin NEWLY REMOOEla) a......140 Sponsored by the Lecture- able to show off her s~prano range Nightmgale has.a Lyre of Gold" the Dykstra Committee, EXPANDED Sl!AllRt 84&-PIIO Concert is open to the public with a with nice sustained Her high notes and of p~Qvided Jan~t with a flashy higher en- good her recJ~~. In this song, she change low tones. concert her mood from song .to song was very to display was able $2 admission charge. .._ goQd. range. ,. ~ :'t~ ." .ct ~ ,
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