Page 61 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 61
SGll Releases Report Lee Maxwell The committee, however, does The S.G.A. $95 Overload Charge not believe that the overload Committee, after meeting off and charge is the way to make the .4-1-5 on since September, has released system work. Rather, they indorse its report on the proposed $95 the system the college is using Overload charge to the SGA, at its now; no overloading is allowed November 18 meeting, Chuck unless a course bas some openings Barbour, after presenting the' left, or if the student is carrying a report to the meeting, motioned a.oor better average, or if he needs "that the SGA Senate support the a course to meet graduation Committee's recommendations requirements. and that copies of the statement A Better System and motion be sent to the The report listed figures which curriculum committee, Dean indicate less total credit hours Mobray, Dean Mccormtck. and have been taken this year than Dr. John." The SGA voted in favor last, and a much lower drop rate of this motion, and the recom- has occured, by almost 50 per cent mendations of the committee have The committee believes that this been published. system is superior to any other Committee's statement system considered, and that any The statement that the com- plans to implement the $95 mittee released opposes the idea of overload charge should be drop- a $95 overload charge. They agree ped. the 4-1-5 schedu1ing system is the Copies of this report should have one the College is set up to handle, by now been distributed to all SGA since the faculty is staffed ona 4-1- dorm reps, and to the ad- 5 basis. A large amount of ministration. From this recom- overloading by students causes a mendation and from previous lot of problems for the faculty. feelings in the administration over since they have to...._teach an extra the opposition expressed by the amount of courses they aren't student body over the charge, it getting paid to teach. 'IJ1erefore, seems likely that the ad- the committee agree that there is a ministration will drop plans to need for limiting the amount of institute the charge within the near sturlfonl<:.overtoedtne future. Eleetion Results The final results of the Fresh- SECRETARY man Class .,d Honor Board PhlillsMenschner 132 Elections were: HISTORIAN PRESIDENT Joan Hughes ohnBlum 35 '" odcISarubln 50 HONOR BOARD Trlna Cunningham 70 Ann Hackman IS' Ste ve Bainbridge " VICE PRESIDENT Andy Clarkson ss Number of Freshmen votln9 .. 165; Susan Andrey 6 42 per cent turnout. Reagan Smith 23 Becky Cassllly 23 ~N~'~i;;~f'U~'P'~'~~i'~'~~~'~~'~ti~g~~' Jay Holtzman 37 .~.}, ..~..~.~..~!:l.'!!..!~!:~~.~:...... Dawn Sweeney 11 Breakdown of votes: TREASURER Sophomores 57 JullaWlndsor JunIors 12 Paul Kinsey "55 Seniors " Evaluations of Faculty E~amined Jeff Robinson status change. Status changes lesser control by the department in the evaluations. In every group Very few deparbnents, if any, This is the second in a series Of involve contract renewal, chairmen, and communications there are going to be extremes." h~v~ what may be called ~n ex- five articles investigating the granting of tenure, promotion, and, breakdowns, all playa part in the Aside from student input, plicit procedure for letting .a ~~~;e!ir~~gw~'::rn e~!~~lt!~~ even, removal from position. ou~;~e ~~:r~:ss;~se;~I~~c_ ~:ir~~~iO,::~to~k:isin~~lI~~o~~ _ ~~~s~;onio;or~~ftco~~~~c~ College. The article presented here anPi~~~!:;o~~c~e e::~:n,:!/~ cepted as the main input from structors within the department. are not used at all on a regular :::~~rn~ifi~~~~eWi~fev::~~~~:: notice to all department chairmen ~~~::t: r:!:m::;ati~~~i;;:e~ :~~:t~e:t:~~:e~~~~e~o~~ ~~~~h, D;ia~;~~n1~ts,s~~~itiC~~ faculty, and administration. in °dct~.ber requesting rtentia l is some variance from this general making up the departmental Science, and others claim that they a I~ns t Almost all- department chairmen ~en n lan y potentia rule. The Dramatic Arts Depart. chairman recommendation. Some "talk shop" among the instructors on campus were interviewed for c anges or acu ty. Following gh k h t bl the background on this series. ~e%~~te:~~~~:~ee~a~~c~~~ ~~~~y~~~[:n!~~hc:~m~~~~~ ~~~ ~i~ ~:mca.!:ir:!~r:~~li~ ::~ almtoost ~~r;t~. pro ems "Yes, a personality conflict can in the names from at least two on direct student feedback about should have a larger say in the Oth~rs agreed that when in- play a part in motivating ,~ other facu1ty members to submit an instructor or his productions u1timate decision. Then others, struetional p~ob~e~s su?,ace, they r p e r s on nel) dec IS I on, peer evaluations and recom- (such as show and play critiques). such as the Math, Economics, and do. take tJ:te IDdi.Vld~1 Instructors says Dr. Robert Boner of the mendations to the Dean of Dr. Del Palmer, Comparative Lit Dramatic Arts Departments, in- ,aside to dis;cuss.I.t WI~ them .. Th~ Mathematics Dept., "b~t I'd like to .Academic Affairs. Also sum- chairman, cited that they were volve all members in the processes general attitude ID thiS c~se IS, ID hope that our evaluation system marizedandl.akenintoaccountare used mostly "for the personal use of input and decision-making. the words of Dr. Earl GrIswold of reduces the possibility of any loss the student evaluation SITE forms of the individual instructors in So, what do all of these people the S~iology Dept., "I'm ,the of appointment because of that." fille< 'lUt by class enrollees at th~ making lesson plans and take into account when making Supervisor, I want them to Im- These words echo those of most end 01 '\ch semester evaluating the overall effect of the these recommendations that carry prove, and it's part of my job to department chaiTl~erson~ on The SYL~em then roils through a course." so much weight? It encompasses a help .them." ca~pus .. J?ean of Acade.mlc AI- complicated series of hearings, One department, Physical wide variety of things--the peer It. IS genera!ly assumed by all faIrs Wilham McCormick ex- conferences, and recom- Education, discounts their value a and chairman's evaluations should chairmen that If any problem was pressed, in an article last week,' mendations that involves: the great deal. Dr. Richard Clower include a number of different really big enough that they would that he felt that WMC had a pretty Faculty Affairs Committee (a feels that they are "another bit of factors. The Faculty Handbook take the instructor aside lor in· fair system of "checks and select five-member group), th2 input," but that students don't take lists, as criteria: outstanding divi~ua! and needed com- balances" to deal with problems in Dean of Academic Affairs, the them seriously enough and that the teaching, scholarly-artistic ac- mumcation. O~y one department the hiring, firing, and evaluation college preSident, and the Board of answers often contradict each tivity, growth within the discipline, head spo.ken With. expre~ed a true prTh~a~~ltyevaluationprocessat ~~!:its~n ~!o~~:~da~:~ O~~tWasyl Paiijczuk of the A;t :~:f~:ion:lt~~~~ria.and other f~~~~~~~dt~tr;~~~~ef~~u::,~;:~ Wl\_fC is a l~ng, involved s.ystem taking into account those made by Department summed up the Following all of this inputting, someone's pOSition were In which takes mto account polDts of the individuals before them and the feeling found in the rest of the what is done with the information jeopardy he would like to have view from ma~y differe?t information surrounding them. investigation by stating, "Student gathered? When does the actual some type of written com· These are pomts of VIew which But this uniform standardized i evaluations are one of the main - evaluation process take place? municalion while the instructor may s.ometimes be .div~rgent, even system is where the conformity tools in seeing how a teacher is What happenS, say six months still had the opportunity to improve opposmg,.~h~ takmg mto account be!weeo the different departments doing. I do believe that the students before a proposed status change on the situation." Next Month : the qualifl~ttons ~f a fa~ulty stops. Diverse uses of the student see how they are doing. .What I'm when an instructor seems to not be ' Th::::~~~nc~:: member bemg consIdered for a evaluation forms, greater and looking for is the general attitude performing quite up to par?
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