Page 58 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 58
Scrimshaw WMC Jeff Rosenberg Between Jim Teramani Hill Schmulowitz o~ Phillis Menschner Nancy Anzalone Cagers Robbed Of Victory In Final Seconds ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. The Muhlenberg Mules con- Gettysburg, Muhlenberg, and nected on a 12-foot jumper with 3 Lebanon Valley for the 1977 ,.. ,.. seconds showing on the clock to ,.. ,.. championship. defeat WMC's Green Terrors in With only three lettermen their )977 season opener ,.. ,.. returning from '76 Coach Ober is Muhlenberg pulled away from somewhat worried that the team the Terrors early as they posted a may commit an excess of mental 23-7 lead with 11:09 remaining in errors. Ober believes, however, the ist half, giving all apparent that this deficiency will be over- indications of a rout. The Terrors ~ ~ come by the Terror's intensity however, began to come to life in and enthusiasm. With this in mind the las flO minutes of the first half, ,.. ~ Ober says "we are on par with any exhibi ling a hustling defense and a ,.. ,.. other team" in the Southwest patterned, patient offense as they Division. started on a superb comeback. Western Maryland finally pulled ~ ~ Rockey Takes within two as Lester Wallace hit a soaring eight foot jumper at the end of the half to put the score at ,.. ~ ~until 4:00. The weather was with 4(}.38. On Saturday, November 5 and the girls on Saturday, a bright "Contest seesaw back & forth" Sunday, November 6 the WMC sunny day, but on Sunday the sky Western Maryland tied the score ~ Women's field hockey team took a clouded up and a fine rain fell. for the first time of the night with second place in the Baltimore High scorer for the tournam~nt 18:40 remaining in the second half lC* College Field Hockey Association for WMC was Linda Sorentino with when Wallace pumped one in from Tournament held at Goucher 3 goals. Nancy Adolph, Barb the corner to even the score at ~ College. Thirteen schools from Brazis, Louise Herrera and Sue 42. Forty seconds later Wallace ,. Maryland participated in the event Armstrong all had two each. All came through once again to put the ....... with first place a tie between together in goals scored, WMC was ~ Terrors up 44-42. WMC stretched *" Maryland and Frostburg. third with 15, with Maryland its lead to seven before the Mules photo courtesy of C.C. Time~""_ The tournament was based on a leading the way with 17. fought back to lock the score at 60. Wallace with 22 followed by Mike Atlantic Athletic Conference. AIf point scale, the highest amount of Season over-now the rewards was 36. Maryland points attainable From then on the margin never exceeded two as the contest Walter with 15. Basing much of his hopes on the and Frostburg received 33 each Now that the season is com- Outlook on season seesawed back and forth for the Despite the opening loss Head "intensity the team plays with and and the Terrors were next in line pletely over, final results and final six minutes, finally ending Coach Alex Ober is hoping to erase the aggressiveness we show," with 32. Both first and second awards are being announced. Julie to beat out with Muhlenberg on top 74-72. memories of last year's 6-18 record Coach Ober is looking Franklin and teams for WMC participated in the Vaughan was awarded with a brand new hockey stick for running The Terrors game favorite twelve preseason series. Western Maryland's losing effort and has set his sights on the- South- was led by the scoring of freshman west division crown on the Middle ~arshall, the 1976 champion,.and ~:~;_~~~~!t~:~~~r~~~~~t;~~~~~ ~r~:Jwr:~~~~:~~I:~~o~ s rong contenders Moravian '<, and lasted through the afternoon 67 miles. The Varsity team during ~e~g~~!y~:~~,~~ta~\i~d:...~t:J Looking Back Over The Year... their regular season scored a total - of 6-4-1. Combined with the tour- Fall Season Review Fritz's record we knew to look for team,' and would spark the in- that to your attention. nament, results came to: 32 goals Well, the fall sports season is just nothing but good things. But who terest and enthusiasm of the And after a vacation of turkey, scored and only 14 against with a about over and by Gosh 'm \ could expect as much as the team students and alumni." Maybe the parents, and football-back to 15-5-3 record. Golly it had a fair amount of' has done. Captains Lynn Glaeser support reflects the effort of the school. Remember, Basketball Nancy Adolph was the top scorer success. and Fran Cizek have led the team team, or maybe the support shows starts November 30 and in- for the year (incl. tour.) with 8 The football team made up for all to the Regional Tournament in the apathy (sound familiar) of the tramural volleyball is ill action goals. Barb Brazis and Linda :~~~n~l~e thg=~~v~~h~i~ w~~ ~e:o;:~ro~' th~\::~~%e~th~s\~: students. Just thought I'd bring ~~~;!~~O ~c~. ~~c:n6Hu:~nJ~~: dramatic come-Crom-behind result will have just made the Volley Ball In N. Y. ~:;o~~~:;r~~~s~mS~~~i[~~i~~ victory over our traditional rival, deadline for this issue), the team h- Johns Hopkins. Their impressive' should be honored. They con- On Nov. 18 & 19 the WMC girls Committee placed the teams in. 4 ~~ie~~e~ I!~We s~m~~:grs~fay~Xci showing has whetted our appetites sistantly produce winning teams. varsity volleyball team par- pools fO.r~e purpose of round robin excellent defense for the team. for next year. The field hockey And the students appreciate it and I ticipated in the EAIAW (Eastern play within each pool. All of the Everyone played heads-up ball and team should also get recognition show it with their fan support. Association Intercollegiate matches were. the ~st 2 out of.3 dida fine job which is evident from for their strong showing in their Speaking on fan support, football Athletics for Women) volleyball games. On Friday, III round robin their impressive statistics. season tourney. Maybe they ex- coach Jim Hindman was quoted in tournament at SUNY in competition Green & Gold lost to peered to do that well, but the the latest issue of The Hill saying, Binghamton, N.Y. They were one Clarion, 15-13, 5-15, 15-11; to MIT And as a final reward the general feeling was one of surprise '" We (the students) lack a moving of 16 teams selected and seeded by 14-16, 15-6, 15-6; and to East following players will receive and pride when the team came force,' ... Inanerawhere ... apathy the Championship Selection Stroudsburg 15-5,8-15,15-10. Varsity letters at the Spring back with their impressive towards football is the exception Committee on the basis of their As a result of the round robin Athletic Banquet: Nancy Adolph, showing. and not the rule, he (Hindman) record, strength, and schedule to play, Sat. WMC competed against Marcie Allman, Barb Breais, But, we can't forget our looks to the birth of a Booster Club compete in the tournament. Princeton and Fisher in the con- Becky Cassilly, Kati Dowd, Ann Nan~y Dryden, volleyball team. Not that we didn't which would give 'positive rein- Round robin explained solation bracket, winning over Dryden, Chris H~~:~~ki, t~~~: expect them to do well-with Coach Iorcement to the efforts of the The Championship Selection ~~~~:!fi~gl~~3'N!~I~~~::, s: ~~~~er:.a~sa -------------------------------., II BIie at JIi~ But from the rest of the tournament So~entino, Sally Stanfield and L &c'_ .... I play. Fisher then beat the Terrors Juile Vaughan. _....,._. H r in a well-fought match 16-14, 15-12, J V. wrap-up $1 off any large pizza with this coupon ending WMC's 1977 tournament TheJ.V: team encedup wlth a s- EDEEPIABLE ·DURING SPE,CIAJi play. 3-3 record. They scored 10 goals Com.mlttee Impressed and had II scored against them. The seeding committee was very Louise Herrera Sue Hobbs and "U'" '0 m'",," ,. impressed with WMC's per- Ruth Seaman' were the high m.k •• fr..n dougropin•. forma nee. They were seeded No. g, scorers for the team with 3 each to fyou'r.ln.nurry,c.n.h_d. Ih.v.ltr.8dywh",you.rrlve. were in the toughest pool, and their credit. Everyone did a fine played the NO.1 seeded team who job and deserves a lot of credit for 16 •• p.r."", 1,,/ .... 1,/ •... eventually went on to win the a season well played. .'''YLAII.G.~.$lZ!:'1ZZA tournament. Looking forward to next year THE PIZZA HUTS IZ Coach Fritz said the biggest Coach Weyers commented that question in everyone's mind was, winning in the tournament was a ?"1rIktP~ "because we to are the so school's fine way to end the season. The small team will be losing three valuable (referring PIZZA HUT PElE enrollment) do we really belong at seni.ors from the Varsity team, the tournament,?" WMC, having Chris Dryde~, Nancy Hess a~d ONE PIZZA HUT BUCK 650 women, had to compete against Sall~ Stanfield. Ever-yone IS schools with as many as 3000 lookmg forward to bigger and ---------.------------------ J "But by the end of the tournament, better things next year we knew we belonged."
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