Page 59 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 59
Friday. Decembe! 2,1977 Scrimshaw Terrors Dampen Hopkin's Homecoming 21-13 The Western Maryland College fumble on the Hopkins 22 and Eric field goal gave-WMC the lead 10-7, .he also had the final points of the defense to holding "Hopkins to 32 Green Terror football team DeGross (who was playing in- but that wasn't to last. With 11:02 game with a 18 yard sweep. yards in 38 tries. Buck, himself, finished the season on a high note jured) rambled in from the 18 and left in the 4th Quarter, QB Dave Coach Hindman said in a pre- had 2 sacks. He certainly made a after a brief letdown. The Terrors the Terrors were never headed. Nuyarmes called his own number game interview, that to win, the believer out of the JHU coach. dropped the November 12 game In the JV game, the Terrors and streaded in with a 30 yarder. team would have to "Kick 'em Dennis Cox. against Lebanon Valley, but played well but not well enough to About 4 minutes later LV iced .Hopkins) around the field". This To show their confidence, there vindicated the season with - a win. Again the Terrors spotted the away the game with a 31 yard end was the 56th meeting and now was a case of champagne in the dramatic come from behind 21-13 Dutchman a lead and had to try to run by Rick Nath. there is a 25-27-4 record. locker room to celebrate the vic- victory over wr traditional rival come back. The Terror defense did itself tory. The team finished with a 2-&-1 'JOMS Hopkins. Lebanon Valley's senior star In the Hopkins game the spirit proud in this game. All-American record but the big thing was that Playing "for all the marbles" as Rick Coleman ripped off a 37 was different. With Joe Damiano candidate Buck Horsey led the we beat Hopkins. WTTR's Kay Cobb reported, the yarder to give LV the lead. WMC's out with an injury, freshman Green and Gold spotted Hopkins a Don Truesdell blasted 3 yards for a quarterback Jim Seltrt .. e led the The Box scores 13-0 lead at the half with a 73 yard score and blocked a punt and WMC team to the victory. Glenn pass-play Hansen to Kane seemed to be rolling. A Bruce Belt Cameron was the leading scorer as 1 2 3 4 T I 2 3 4 T (Deglmone kick) and a 22 yard LV 7 0 0 14 21 . JHU '7 6 0 0 13 pass-play Hansen to Vender (kick WMC 0 0 10 0 10 WMC o 0 147 21 blocked). Pool to be Full' LV Coleman 37 yards (Mosley Hop Kane 73 yard pass from The Homecoming Day crowd at kick good) Hansen (DeSimone kick) Hopkins of more than 2000 saw the Along with snow and sub-zero very promising for the team. WMC Truesdell 3 yards (Belt kick Hop Vender 22 yard pass from I Terrors come stampeding out of temperatures, December marks Returning lettermen are Rick good) -, Hansen (kick failed) the locker room wasting no time. the beginning of the swim-season. Benitez, Jeff Burn, Jim Tarr, WMC Belt 31 yard field goal WMC Cameron 89 yard kickoff Glenn Cameron returned the "This year's team is the largest Ginny Davis, and Jeff Calkowitz. LV Nuyannes 30 yards (Mosley return (Belt kick) second half kickoff 89 yards for squad that W.M.C. has had in Mary Gately and Mike O'Laughlin, kick good) WMC DeGross 18 yard run (Belt WMC's first score (WMC's first 2 years," commented coach, Kim also returning lettermen, are the LV Nath 31 yards .(Mosley kick kick) scores were called back because of Eisenbraut. team's co-captatns. good) WMC Cameron 23 yard run (Belt, penalties). The Terrors really There are twelve women and The team has been practicing kick) came out popping and the Blue sixteen men on the team. Out of .stnce October. "Workouts are Jays knew it. Seconds after that this number, all but four are fresh- hard," remarked Mary Gately, but score Don Enterline recovered a men and sophomores. This looks added, "the ·team looks' more organized and more together this They're the Ones Freezing year." The swim team will open their in the Gold Windbreakers season on December 7, with an away meet against Elizabethtown. They sit Out there for no credit, Their first home meet-will be on A group which has gotten little having fun at all home games (and Saturday, December 10, against coverage this year but deserved even some close away games). Ursinus at 2:00. Come out and more, is the Pep Band. It's easy Well they're finished for the support your team! ~u~f~~~r~~~~~~. ~I~~i::~~~ie~r~r~; ~~~ f:~d;;_~~r:s Pep Band (what did you expect, band like ours, the WMC Pep Band. Bruin basketball"). They're also I'll think I'll keep them. ~~~~~~~rs b~h:~e ~~~~~al ai~d SOccer Tean, Plagued by Mud . '" '-JIf' ~ sO~h~~m~~ ~~rthere in a small ~.~.'.".. '" . group, no matter what the ... weather. A sight to see after the The WMC booters closed out game is one of them trying to peel their season on Saturday Nov. 5 their lips off of a frozen mouth- with a 3-0 loss at Washington piece. College. The Green Terrors played ochep'j) m:aber The band has other talents too. a good defense, but could not rally Theirsinging(??) in their rendition against Washington. Playing under of Noise, Noise, Music and Noise, sloppy field conditipns, Bobby or their impromptu version of Klein did a good job as goalie. Steak Lobster Jingle Bells during our brief Wayne Young and J.eff Walbrink, snowstorm, brought a tear to my both backs, were also credited with eye (main1y from their singing). good play. 216 E. Main St. Or their cheering during the slow Though the team was plagued Westminster, "Md. 2115'1 parts of the game. And they lead with a large number of injuries this our fans during our pep rallies. season, the experience gained by The "Peppers" also play for the the players will help the squad next 848·4202 DAMSEL REDFORD MO!{RISEY GABRIEL RAGALIA cheerleaders and the Porn-Porn year. All but two players will be Squad, which was good, even if returning next fall. Your host: they did seem to change the tempo obby's Bobby on the squads, with out telling them. Lobby ~ Take our band, please-No, but Art SUPPlies, Crafts, Models seriously folks, they are a devoted a group of students with majors 65 East Main Street "Tomorrow; ranging from biology to poli-sci Westminster SYMBOLS OF LOVE (and e-.:en a few music majors). 8484350 and tomorrow, A Keepsake diamond ring and tomorrow» says in its brilliance and beauty. your love it all, reflecfing we.ene_ •• Macbeth The Keepsake guarantee assures a perfect diamond of fine white color and precise cut. BRE.\KFAST LUNCH DINNER There is no finer diamond ring. 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