Page 57 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 57
Pa\,.5 Friday, December 2, 1977 Scrimshaw Editor Suffers" Bloodbath Music Special Coming Phernworthe Philboddy do and cleared the room. When we the credit card test in her own, Steve Bainbridge and Tim Windsor . appropriate to do the special issue, It was a cold sleepy night in the were allowed to r~-~nter the very sensual way. She gave Jeff which we've been planning for one-horse tow~ of Westminster. bathroom, Jeff was slttmg on the the obligatory kiss on his bloody 'lWhat?? No record review some time, now, at a time when Cold sleepy save for one hot sink, looking a bit rumpled and cheek and went over to the column?7 What's wrong with you two of the biggest publications in lazy don't you blist~ring b~throom in Rouze; tired, but nonetheless, much ~~~~~~r m~eW~g ~::~~'~a;~:~~~have any the music world are celebrating fools; energy at all?~n special events of their own. ~~l~u~:t~~e;s~r;so o~l~~~~~et~~~ be~!r~esumed the ~sk of shaving to pull them apart and ask her Well, the truth is that we had Look for such special items as a the midnight hour often brings. No, off the beard, stopping only ~o ~I~ . ;~~~~t ;e~s r~~~y~O,~~!~t:.~, actual .plenty reviews for this issue, but listing of the best and worst we're saving them-Saving them 'records (Yes, we did get the idea ~~ sl~:p ~~n~e :fu~~:r~~~n~:~ ~n~b~~~:.r~~w~: ~~Ct~i~~i~~ U~:t I tried to talk to Jeff himself for a special issue next week. We from Stone), a depraved account of expectant people who have News Editor Nancy Menefee about tills big event (by the way, are putting together a four page the state of rock music, 1977, squeezed into this rather unlikely arrived on the. scene Any 0hth',r NBC has optioned the rights to the pullout chock fuJI of lots of pic- reviews of Lynyrd Skynyrd, Eric arena-squeezed in to witness a person happenmg upon sue TV version of this story), but he tures, articles, special features Clapton, Steely Dan, Dave Mason, true spectacle the social event of gruesome sight would pr~bab~y wouldn't leave the mirror; he just and, of course, lots of record Allman and Woman, Bob Welch, the entire yea;-- the shaving of the have fainte.d;, but Nancy IS dlf - stood there saying, "Is that really reviews. We're publishing this Boz Scaggs, Kiss, Beaties, Mc- rather hairy face said to belong to rerent, trained to expect sue h me~~~" Incidentally, Jeff did save 'special issue between two major Cartney, Nils Lofgren, Sex Pistols Jeff Robinson young ROTC cadet things In.her job as News Editor, most of the clippings from his rock music events--the the tenth and loads more. and purported editor of SCRIM-' trained to be unaffected by the beard and is selling samples at a anniversary of Rolling Stone SHAW most grotesque sights. No, Ms dollar apiece. He urges everyone to magazine and the T.V. special to There's gonna be some good Jeff 'set the tone of this solemn Menefee was not sick or air on the eleventh of this month rockin' next week, event by wearing the native dress frightened--she w_as convulsed with FA~O\JS sponsored by Billboard magazine, SCRIMSHAW, your friendly neigh- of his homeland across the belt- laughter. All she could co was A RT I sr:s (1) the world's most respected music borhood weekly paper and bird- and pointing stand there, laughing way, Glen Burnie. As famed at Jeff in his misery. Things go~ so R EtV DE. ~ ftJ <7 photographer John Hines captured I..:,.pu_bl:..;".:..,ti.:..'o_n,_w.:..,_th_ou..:gh_t_it_W_OU_ld_",_c_,.::.g,;_I.:..in_"_'W_.:..AT_C_H_:F_:D.;_R_I_T!;_!_, the event on film, Mr. Robinson bad th~t she had to be- carned, asked for a bit of silence and then trembling, out of the room.J asked cafeteria. One wonders what went at the beard first with a pair' her afterwards why she found the they're filled with-the leftover of scissors then ';'ith a regulation situation to be so Iunny.. but ~he stuffing from all those turkey W U.S. Army dull razorblade. His was still indisposed, cacklJng dinners or many pieces of that about Strawberry fierce attack on his face brought something was _all ove~, our love~y '" ® angel food cake? ADVENTURE? HAIR-RAISING :,;e~~~~ui~ta a~~t~l~r:~t~~S~:~Sit (COL~~C') We know that Indians are one point, Jeff was bleeding so model, Nan:,y SaxlO~, (That s efFoRS traditionally invited to severely that an unidentified pr.onounced S~X-U~, busu: ) r Thanksgiving dinner, but for a woman said that she knew what to shnked over to him and gave him NOTE: Thanks at an unnamed drug scalping" We've seen that several to the craCk_team~ returning to have of developers seem students Goin'Home store's photo department, John we were rog suffered this fate. For bravery we'd in unable Hine's print to danger, the face of extreme Sal~V Stebbins couldn't they have done this when I exquisite photo essay of the great . like to send frog tongue pins to H1gb school meant a lot to me. I was there?" Iwondered. Suddenly, event. However. we did com- J.R., M.D., J.P., J.E., and R.M. participated in many activities, th.e game was over and the team mission a very famous artist to BUT WHERE WERE THE ANTS? both in and out of school. I had jogged off the field, victorious draw his version of Jeff's The weirdness in McDaniel in- friends of many types and I tried to again. moment of glory. Watch next week creases! Residents have recently attend as many sports events as Later on, I went to a party with for the photos! UP AGAINST THE WALL! started picnicking in the lobby. For jXlssible. So it only made sense for all of the old gang. We sat and Congratulations to fourth floor full information on the conditions, me to return home one weekend for talked and remembered, and Rouzer for having reinstated a check with S.T. or M.G. By the my high school's homecoming. talked of the present. We sat and .buy one and buy one as a Christo. Psycho Ward tradition. For those way, !_lowwas the Seagrams, girls.-~ exchanged stories of college life. mas gift for a friend--they're sure of you that don't know what we PASSING QUOTES Returning home on a Friday Some us loved our colleges, to become collector's items before mean, you may not want to know. This room is so hoL .. It's of evening, I went to visit the senior Q,.thers hated them; but, over all, long. Each hair is individually One clue-it is attached to a wall .snowing ... This room is so class's float and reminisced about we were pleased with the way life numbered and registered. With Best wishes to the current batch of cold ... But why are three two our class float last year-it was a Viking ship, complete with a w':s ~~:~~~:'got softer and the ~~~ds~%~h::retilco:teW~~1 :~~:~~i~weirdos up there! :~;:~\~~~s usese~air.~~~e go:: dragon's head. Itwon first place ... ! wondered if the class of 1978 would mood turned from complete great for framing or you can leave HAVE A SEAT, FOLKS to be a good year ...That's kinky! The be as fortunate. I saw many of my rowdiness and to one of pensiveness, the it in its handy leatherette case that cushions Frog have no~ices that the in- HEY EVERYBODY! do it in wondered finally comes about with the purchase. Remember-·sociologists we sat been Beware old friends-everyone was coming future. of cheap imitations! . stalled in the booths in the groups. back from college .t9 their alma mater. That night, most of the alumni Dawn Bennett Performs Senior Recital that had come home went to the warehouse, in which we had spent The middle grouping of pieces in 1 ~loon," by Alan Hovhaness, a I Benjami~, Br~tte~'s "Oli~er so much time building our float last Dawn's recital contained songs in contemporary American com- cr~mwen, a. q~lck f.?~ song With year. During the whole night, there Kimbre Shrewbridge foreign languages. jXlser, had a clarinet part played Iyncs proclmmmg.' ~f you wa~~ was the sound of hammering, Dawn' projected their meaning by Debbie Tull that added to the. anymore you can smg It yourself. talking, laughing, bottles opening Dawn Bennett, soprano and and there was generally a happy senior music major here on the through her control of dynamics. song's beautiful mellow mood. Yet. Dawn has studied voice contemporary feeling that flooded the warehouse. Hill, performed her Senior Recital This particular group of songs was another Barber, wrote musician, throughout high school and college, unusual rounded next the Samuel out with a very and she hopes to be able to go into The next day was the big parad" on Sunday afternoon, November number; Hugo Wolf's "Die number that gave Dawn a chance performance as a career, Dawn is and football game. The parade 13, at4 p.m. in Levine Recital Hall. Zigeunerin" (The Gypsy Maid) to slllne; in "A Green Lowland of not only an excellent singer but an wen~ ?ff well, and the floats loo~ed Dawn gave her program a told the tale of a laughing gypsy Pianos," Dawn handled difficult energetic musician as well,_for she ternllc. We rode on our float mto stately c1assicaJ beginning with maiden in a forest and was per- meter changes and intervals with is also performing a senior piano the football field and got into the Handel's "0' Magnify the Lord." formed with much mystery and ease as she sang about "herds of recital on February 19 that is not stands, ready for a good game of She then slowed down the tempo energy. -. black pianos up to their knees in required of her major. If that recital !---~~:~=~:~~;~!'f--- foo!balJ. I looked around and with "Pie Jesu" by Gabriel Faure, Other highlights on Dawn's the mire, they listen to the frogs, recital is anything like this one, it's noticed how so many of the guys a song that showed off her wide recital were found in her final they gurgle in water with chords of bound to be enjoyable and full of that Ihacfknown when they started range, her soprano voice sounding grouping of numbers "0 Lady rapture" Closmg the program was talent high school and I was a senior, clear even in the lower registers. looked bigger. The girls had become more sophisticated. There Next was a noticible change all around. Then I sawall of the- new faces- they all looked so young! Or was it that I wa!JI suddenly feeling old? I returned my thoughts to the Miss Janet Henderson will football field and was really proud present her senior voice recital at8 of the team. They went undefeated p.m. tonight in Levine Hall at .1 this year and, the way they were Western Maryland College. 700:1~~~dPlk8 playing at this game, I could see Miss Henderson will sing I .,..,., why. The team was great! "Why selections by Mozart, Handel, Franz, Schubert, Head, Vaughan- Williams, Goosens, Weaver, Crist, A major food company is Clokey, JOMson, and Whelpley. working on two products that Miss Henderson, a student of Julia would allow people on diets to eat Hitchcock, will be accompanied at anything they wanL One is an the piano by Dr. ·Arleen additive that prevents food from H~;eJer.t.e of LOck y lfigh be~ digested or absorbed after -School, a M~ Henderso: is the ealJng; th: ~th~r fe~tures daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon cellulose, Wh1Ch IS 1mjXlSSIbie to Henderson of Indian Head Md digest. T~st marketing Of.. th~e The recital is open to th~ public products IS set for some bme m with no admission charge. "i'giii. 11 ..
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