Page 54 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 54
SCRIMSHAW Letters to the Editor Checking and Balancing Lets be Really Big on Spirit . Dear Sir; Chose theirs instead. sports world. The story about the I attended the basketball game . weight room and others about against Muhlenberg Wednesday. Poetic scheme Without a rhyme intramurals have been interesting. For those of you who haven't had the opportunIty yet to read thIs Also, the coverage of Our cham- to. me month's ectttcn of "The Hill" (pubUshed by the publlcrty office) i~ The team played their hearts out, It seemed of time. pionship volleyball team has been but unfortunately lost by only two A waste contains a very interesting column by Dr. John entitled "Elderdlce Or;lel points. They should be commended quite good. O.Elght." , for a game well played. The famous poets, all quite fine My favorite page of the paper The general text involves a situation where a professor In the college's has become the Editorial page. In early history was incompatible with the prevalent atmosphere then. A di!!~;i~~;~g ~~~~anc~asin o~:_ ~~~ !~;~~t. ~~~ the past, I was afraid to open ~he contraversy centered around the manner In which he delt with the in newspaper to that page knowing compatibility of science and religion. Within a year he was "let go." that biased and condemmng ~~ t~~~ie~~h~/~e:r~~~~~ Your art work's nice, I'd like a lot editorial statements would make en~~;~~:n~~z;~:i~~n~J~~:~;I~~O~s ~~r~C~dee:~r ~~;:~f~~U~~:ld:e~; could not believe my ears. These But there's three pieces, me angry. This year however, the established in AmerIcan higher ecucetton. He lived too soon. And even young ladies work hard to give Is that all you got? Editorial page is filled with well- though President Ward, (college president at the time) who was ahead of their teams moral support, yet a thought about statements about his time In the handling of such matters, said 'it would be .!igreat injustice small group of spectators didn't The price is good, I don't complain, WMC and world situations. Along to exclude Professor ZImmerman from being a nominee for reap- appreciate them. The team and a But fourteen pages with condemning Criticisms, Ihave pointment wIthout giving him a fair hearing before the Board or havIng a majority of the fans are grateful Is just your gain. read constructive and positive statement from him in wrIting,' no!uch opportunity was accorded." for the spir-it shown by these ladies. criticisms. How refreshing to see some aspects about our school and We at SCRIMSHAW are firm believers In academic freedom. We would T come from a high school noted With my goodbye, I wish you luck student body praised! I always not like 10see it lost in a backslide to the days of yesteryear. And from our not so much tor athletics as for To give us better thought we had some good hidden study of the personnel practices on campus (the series begins tnts week spirit. lam proud to tell people that Or just get t-Sed within that jungle of apathy we are on page 1), we are impressed with the mechanIsm Instituted to stop such I went to that school. I want to be Sincerely, told we live in. backslidIng. proud to say I'm from W.M.C. Sary Codrea Jeff Robinson, Meg Hoyle, and The college has, according to Dean McCormick, "a system of checks When I mention this college, I want and balances" that gives instructors the chance to be dIfferent from other peopJe to say, oh that's the school Good Job ~'{ir?,Crn~~~I~~fl'~efO~:~~;~~~ - members of theIr department, and the faCulty in general, and stIli retain with all the spirit. done. theIr positions here. No one person acts as the sole judge and jury in the Let's not boo the cheerleaders. If Dear Editor: Sincerely, decision-makIng and evaluation process. Instead, when a change in you are not able to cheer with This past semester has produced Beth Lengyel status comes up for a particular instructor (contract renewal, tenure, or them, at least be courteous enough the finest Serfmshaw in my three Name Fits promotIon), the department head, the Faculty Affairs CommIttee, the to let us. years at WMC. The news articles Dean. of Academic Affairs, and President of the college all make Signed, have been interesting and newsy. I Dear Editor: eveluetlons and recommendations on the situation. OscarT.Smed1ey feel that Scrimshaw has dealt Did you know that Webster's The threat of personal and Ideological differences entering into the Contrast Trash thoroughly with the news at hand. New World Dictionary states that final decIsion is diffused. That is the way that it's supposed to work. That The record and arts reviews have the word "scrimshaw" is derived been worth reading and the writers Is the way that we hope it always will. Dear Editor, should be commended. Certainly from the s'rench word As mentioned In the front page story, our investigation delved into an A Review in Rhyme "s'escrimer" meaning "to work Incident involving the college's Philosophy Department. Or. Laurence My Contrast issue I did buy everyone can't agree with the hard for small results"? Keep up Wu, Assistant Professor in the department, Is presently up~for contract But when I read It, opinions stated; however, they are the good work! You're living up to and are well-supported generally renewal for another two years here on the Hill. We know that he has I wondered why. not random likes and dislikes. your name! received a negative recommendation from his department cnerrmen. The Sports Editors' idea to in- Bob Woodward We cb not know the reasons for that .reccmmendencn. When In- A group decision, so it's said clude coverage of lesser known Carl Bernstein tervIewing the Philosophy department chairman on the matter he chose But the Writer's House Sports around the WMC campus Spikers Say to "cectrne comment on the basis of respect for (his) colleague's personal gives a new perspective to our matters." We understand his concern and respect it but It leaves us in the "Thanks" da;~oa~ tt:~:7n~c:~~~ ~t~:~0~~~1~1 ~r~ ~~~~ students and other sources: "Hinge Opens Doors" we cannot conclude that the recommendation Is based strictly on Wu's in Dear Volleyball Fans, We, the 1977 Volleyball Team ~a!s ::~,:::~~~ ~1~da:e~~:~~I~t;:~~o=:~I~t~~::r g~:~ ~~e;~u~:~t:a~ut~ Dave Cleveland S-ue Friel, Ginger Wilson, and would like to express our ap- side of class.-why, he's one of the most noticed and recognized professors Hinge is an organization here on Sue Purdum are all very much preciation for the constant en- on this campus. We have also been led to believe that his growth In his campus which provides a big into the program and are more couragement and support you have profession is sufficient to satisfy the general requirements of that brother-big sister and tutelage I involved in it t.hen anyone else. given us. Not many WMC teams criteria. All of these points are used to judge an instructor on hIs per- service to underpriviledged grade- They ~re all majors and find a larger crowd than their formance accordIng to the Faculty Handbook. school children in westminster. were involved 10 Hinge last year. opposing host teams. The reasons behind the negative evaluation are known by one group- Each member in assigned to a - What they see as one of the big Thanks to the administration, the Faculty Affairs Committee, who should be making a cectetcn on the child from Center Street, an area problems of the program is the parents, cheerleaders, students metter by the middle of December. The responslblilly of the committee Is mostly black and mostly lack of male students in the and friends. A special thanks to our to distinguIsh between actual ability to instruct students and personality economically underprivileged. The program. "There are a loi of little secret admiring fan for the roses conflicts (which most department heads intervlewed'felt was impossible involved students then visit their. boys who want guys to be with and to the "Traveling Fans" for to totally remove from an evaluation). child one or two hours a week and them, and only two guys in it." your signs and support We stili question one aspect of the overall personnel process. Are there spend their time working or Sue, Ginger, and Sue all spok~ We also would like to extend our opportunities for Instructors to find out what problems exist in their playing with them. Said one describing what Hinge was to appreciation to the Scrimshaw teaching methods, before they come up for a status change? Are the student involved in the program, them. "There are a lot of kids who staff for ~e excellent coverage faculty members given specifIc comments, eIther written or verbal, to ,t'Sometimes we are parent sub- need tutors. A lot of kids follow you during the season. judge exactly how they are doing professIonally? Does It have to walt stitutes, when both parents have to· around. W~ need more people for Thank you, untJrthe last minute before it becomes known? work." them. The parents really want the The 1977 SCRIMSHAW advocates some system whereby the Instructor would be There are about 15 people in- :tutors to come." Volleyball Team able to perIodically check how they are rating with faculty and students. terested in the program, although "Hi~ge gives you a. good feeling. We feel It Is, however, of the utmost importance that faculty members be as yet only five have been assigned The kids get all exr;:lte~ when .we Sue Cunningham Mary Schiller contacted at the first sign of any problems, so the Instructors can 1m· children. CUrtis Rook, the come. They really like bemg Fran Cizek Brenda Eccard mediately begin to Improve. We would hope that this would inc:h.ide im- president of the organization, around older people. LylUl Glaeser Valerie Lambert mediate written notification. admits that he hasn't been very "What we do isn't much. We Ellen Scroggs Chrissy Moore We have here a unique opportunity to view the system at work. We active in it this year. ,bring them to the college and talk Tammy Roebber Kate Boadway would like to point out a possIble flaw in the system, the danger that However he did relate some of to them and give them ice-cream Debbie Baker Susan Fairchild irrelevant personal conflicts could have an Influence In a decision con· his experie~ces from last year. "In ·cones and just play with the~. You M.L. Jones Jenny Callahan the duration of a professor's employment. We feel confident that high school I worked with kids 'get really atta<;hed toyour~lds ~nd Pat Koval Susan Gorman thre.::t'.!:.d:::.It::'O:::.".::.ot~.::":::d::::em.:::I:::.' .::t,:::eedo=m::.w::i:::.""p::.:h':::'do... --j ~~~~:~~~~~II ~~~she::~ ~~~t~~rt!t ~~Hsomethm~ Just Beck Martin Jane Garrity Anita Smith Cheryl Stonfer ~tor-in.Otieh' Staff Box Managing Editor saw signs on working with kids, Maggie Mules Jeff Robinson Meg Hoyle ;~r:~u~: s~ufxtPl~i~~~W~: ~SGil . Photography Editor Business Manager Sports Editors got involved in the program. Scott Dahne K,thie Hirbaugh j:: ~:~~nn~ "When I got down there I would Continued from page 1 Special Assistants NaT:~s;:)(iOn Ne~ Editor ~~ :~u7~~d h;a:~~l~:?i: ~: The nex~ meeting, held Dean Mowbray, iJean McCormick and Dr. John. SGA lent its support Chris Bohub Dell, Butler N,ney Menefee or something." Curt further ex- Nove~ber 28 Ifl B~ker 100, was not to this proposal. Tim Wil'ldior Judy Ford pJained, "Everyone there knows as laVish. "The Concert. w.§.s Student Directories, just in time Feature EditoJ Cindy Kienzler Ad ManaRllr Hinge, so we just go down there brought up. agam and LIO~a for the end of the semester, are to Phil L;tPadul. Ch.rlBS Estes and ask the mothers if their kids Thoma~, chaJ~rson of. the Social be available, costing 25 cents. Arts Editor Food Review Editor TheoB,avlll' Entertainment DirectOl want tutors. The response is really Committee! Iflf~rmed everyone The meeting adjourned· and, fantastic. You just go down there that a questionnaIre would be sent dismal WltnOUt any sort of goodies, Mark KaU and people come up to you and ask Ito students. everyone left, bearing in mind that Mike D'Andrea Mark C. Blyer Yon Makino the next meeting is to be held Phyllis Menschner David Zinck Scott DeMaris .... Cleveland ~~~~~~:~~r~~~r~~;r~~:~ The Overload Charge Com- January 10. Everyone is en~ Anit.Crouse Jeff Smith Joan Hughes Cindy Myles to these kids_ . . mi~ttee proposed th~ SGA support couraged to attend. Who knows? head :ecol1_lmenda~on Stebbins of thar. ~ Rick Clark, the acting Sally HolUman Daile Langley Sergiobrbin Bill Weaks e~rienc~, had this to say about l~t~~~ ~~ admJrustration contmue that the Maybe might Paul or Chris or Linda or ~.:... Sennett AndiSahm Hal Schmulowitz Vernon Crawford ~hi~~ft~a.kes you feel good ,~o :~~~ :~P~~ii;:P~~~ committee, . to follow Hinge his bring along a OOX of Jeff Mary Jay Cole Prophet Jerry Jeff Rosenberg Ma9llieCos1&lI. KimShewbrid90 cookies ... H!otographers ga~~el~~:s e~:bl~~/~V~~l~~~ !~~:n~f~o ':~; Nancy Jeff Whittaker ~~ t Anzalone Dawn Doug BowlTllln Ann Dillinl)y L-BiliSpring O'lIeMye' sent to the curriculum Steve S.inbridgt. help a httle kid to read better.
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