Page 53 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 53
~~"~~w Volume VI, Number io Friday. December 2, 1917' Hiring, FiringProhed Ch,i, 8oh,,'., N~y M,~.f .. , into the long range N.J, of the might help us in cur evaluation, . Faculty Affairs Committee Is ',lilI -major adions. if the~.were on an Jeff Robinson, and Jeff Whittaker cepartment.» Scrimshaw was .and that have ~cc~rr~d 10 your considering what recommenda~lOn individual baSIS. But If there was The following is the first in a five unable to find any precise reason ;presence? That IS, incidents that they will pass on to McCormick. an, ,overall pattern of. student part series concerning the hiring, why he did not '(fit in." tell about his teaching and per- His recommendation will then opmon t~at J~ ,BlOW IS ,a ~ad tiring and evaluation processes of Another aspect of Scrimshaw's sonal manner?" This questionaire move on to Dr. John who makes the instructor l feel It IS my obl~gatl~n faculty at Western Maryland investigation involved the role of anda return envelope ~ddressed to final decision. to go to ~e ~ofesso~ and point this College. student evaluation "CITE forms" Dr. Hartman were mailed out to 69 $250 short out. to him. In Wu s case he ex. Full time faculty members go in the overall faculty evaluation students. . An incident that was u~covered pla~ned, "To suggest tha.t the through a hiring process known as process. Some departments William McCormick, Dean of during the investigation, mvolving a.cbon was taken on the basis of ~ the tenure track. They're given a tabulate the results and keep the Academic Affairs, knows of no .,the administration, was that Dr. smgle comment was not the case. series of appotntmenta (con- numerical averages on files. Other other department that ever issued Wu did not receive the normal The Faculty, although highly tracts), the first two for one year department chairmen review them questionaires other-than the CITE salary increment raise that was tenured, is a changing body. each and the succeeding two for with the instructor in question. All faculty evaluation forms. provided to most other instructors Faculty leaves of absence, two years each. Between each are required to turn them over to Once the department chairman within his classification. Most sabatticals, retirements, cause appointment the instructor is the!ty Affairs Committee has taken into account student. as~istant professors received a openings for new instructors each evaluated by his department when ~e Instructor com~s up for evaluations, peer evaluations, and [raise of $850 over last year's semester. To give students some chairman and the Faculty Affairs evaluation for a change In status salary. The philosophy professor's insights into where their in. Committee. (Le., co~tract renewal, tenure, or wages were only increased by $600. structors come from, Scrimshaw is Dr.....Laurence Wu, Assistant premonom. Howev~r, these He was netinformed of the reasons preparing a series of four articles Professor in the philosophy procedures ~pply only m. the case reappointment. or non- or the potential action prior to the which deal with the CITE faculty "department, will complete his o~ stan~dizedl SCt~OOlwlde, end- repappointment 'of the teacher in time it was taken last March evaluations filled out by students second one year appointment this ? -semes r eva ua Ions. . question. The Faculty Affairs When questioned on the subject each semester, the tenure system, spring and is in the middle of the Midsemester evaluahon Committee then chooses to either of how student complaints affect part time and temporary in- evaluation process. Dr. wu's In mid-semester an evaluation accept the department chairman's the status of professors, Mc- structions, and the influence of situation came to the attention of form Was created and issued by the recommendation or not to accept Cormack felt that he noted them affirmative action on the hiring of it asking Department SCRIMSHAW received e reported he when a negative was chairman of the PhiloooOOY and it. As of Scrimshaw's deadline, the mentally but wouldn't take any WMCfaculty. _ Religion reeommendation foe renewal Irom spectnc questions about D" Wu', Political Science Dept. Gains Professor ~~~:;n;~~,.i~".::be" in- ~i':'..~~~:~,m~,:e;;:e ..~:~ P~7°~; JX' ~;;:;''e,. eia"mate of D" G,ambhng College. In 1960 Adaj, litemyte'~ foe qu,lifieations foe formally asked some of Dr. Wu's questionaire was written tl\e Martin Luther Kmg and Senator left Grambling after winning a voting were outlawed with the students what their opinions of him follOWing: "CONFIDENTIAL. The Julian Bond is presently a visiting Congressional Fellowship from the voting Rights Act of 1965, were. Most answers described him information will be' kept in my professor in the Political Science American Political Science. ~r: Adair. is still in,,:olved in as a well-liked· and competent office only; it will not be shown to Department this semester. Dr. ASSOCiation, and went to politIcs and IS a former director of instructor. The two graduating Dr. Wu. Please be as candid as Augustus Adair comes to Western Washington to work on the staffs of the Congressional Black philosophy majors also expressed possible." Maryland College from ·Morgan Congressman Bradford Morris p! He is currently the campaIgn similar opinions. State University where he is Massachusetts and Joseph Clark of m~nager for Congress?Ian Parren To compare how department Here are three questions that professor of Political Science. Pennsylvania. He was directly MItchell and an adVisor to the chairmen advise their instructors appeared on the questionaire. Dr. Adair received his un. involved with the Civil Rights Act J American Political Science when the chairman sees a problem dergraduate degree in 1954 from of 1964 since Congressman Morris Review B~rd. . . with their classroom performance "7. Are there any speciIic Morehouse College where two of was an important supporter of this ?r .. Adair agrees With ~any SCRIMSHAW interviewed most Iproblemsinhis personal relations? his fraternity brothers were King legislation. Dr. Adair received his minority leaders that Presld~nt department chairmen. "8. Is it easy to carryon personal and Bond. From Morehouse he PHD from Johns Hopkins Carter has not kept ~he :~mpalgn Personal conferences held conversations with Dr. Wu? went to the University of Michigan University in 1976. promises made to mmonbes, and A substantial majority of the "9. Are there any specific in· and upon earning his Masters department chairmen interviewed cidents, in or out of class, that Degree taught for three years at stated that after they saw a ~~~ti~ '::rb~~~alth~~n:~I~adti~n~ SGA Meets, Eats at Dr . .fohn's with individual instructors. This is Mary Cole usually an informal discussion concerning need for improvement Now .. t for the very Cirst time passed and is to be sent to the in a faculty member's classroom this year, - your Cavorlte school Faculty who makes the final performance. Normally, this way newspaper (i.e. Scrimshaw) decisions on such things. After all, problems can be resolved early brings you two takes of the c'on- it's the faculty who gives the with discussion and appropriate tinuing saga oC the SGA. Not just tests ... change, rather than taking the one, the way we usually do, but two Jeff Robinson, always-on·the-go drastic step of not renewing the as an extra special back-Cram- and thoughtful person that he is, professor's contract. break treat. proposed the SGA thank Dr. John When questioned on the matter The first of the two meetings was for so graciously allOWing the of the department chairman's held in Dr. John's gorgeous house meeting to be held in his home. The negative recommendation, Dr. Wu on November 14. The major topic proposal met with general ac. only said that it was not because of of interest was the Spring' Concert. claim. Dr. John Modestly mur- his classroom performance and Facilities at Western Maryland are mured how much he had enjoyed it , ..that he was quite surprised when very liIrited which restricts the and mentioned refreshments were As a native of the pre-Civil believes that unemployment is this he was told of the negative acts w: could come here and waiting in the dining room. The Rights south, Adair is all too country's most pressing problem. recommendation. play. Pas.. Alities of several small SGA immediately adjourned. The familiar with racial dis· Concerning Western Maryland's concerts were discussed in lieu of refreshments also met with crimination. Upon gradUation affirmative action program, he' "Did not fit in" . one large concert. general acclaim. from Morehouse with a bachelor's Confidential degree in Poli-Sci, he attempted to feels there should be more black sources have cited that the A bill requesting a moratorium The nex1' meeting, held register to vote but was denied the students and i.Dsir.w::t_Qrs on dissatisfaction stemmed from on testing held directly after November 28 in Baker 100, was not campus. He added that he wou1d be literary feelings that Dr, Wu "did not fit Homecoming and May Weekend as lavish. The Spring Concert was right for "Not meeting Arbritrary glad to assist in working toward requirements." ~ntjnued on page 2' this goaL
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