Page 50 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 50
SCRIMSHAW· You Don't Care Letters to the Editor So We Don't Care! Waste Abundant in Gafeteria NO.1--Do You Smoke Frogs?: Sections of the paper, columns, something, do not take it. If you responsibility, editorial policy, how to write to-for the paper. T th t d t bod . well educated individuals. The think you may like something, ask No.2··WMC falls to Provide Courses: BSU and "AcademIc °On ~~n~~n Octo~'r 24 at lunch a cafeteri~ staff, neecD.e~ to say, for a small portion. If you happen Plantation"; lack of minority people and minority courses. ~splay of wasted food w~s placed . ;:a~i:I!~ ~~:~:. at this demon- to like it go get more. But please do 'Fridges Messed Up: Problems with late refrigerators, after not take more than you will eat-or guaranteed delivery; pros and cons with present ccmpenv. :~~~:~~:~e~: ~~f:!:~~~rd:~ The purpose 01 t~is letter is will not eat. No.3--Afflrming Our Actions: Progress In the rectet-eexcet before, 80 pounds 01 steak had been defe~d the cafeteria or to. praise Its affirmative action policies; Title IX, aa, employment practices, sent back on trays into the cookl~g, but rather to bnng to.the Once the food is sent back to the etc.. outlined and written by Mary Ellen Elwell. dishrcom. This 80 pounds of meat, attention of the selfish and spoiled dishroom on trays it is considered No.'4.-f'::'oTime for Polls: SGA entertainment committee; worth well over $200.00, was student body the food waste they garbage. Yes those unopened Melva Moore, bfi:ldlng erecttces wasted by a ~oup. of supposedly create. If you do not like cereal boxes and mustard. Yes Let 'God Bless You': Jeff's hot-head editorial on Barb Cole those fresh apples with out a bite No.S·-Admlnlstratlon Acts on Major Problems: 5talrsbehlnd Away Game Robbe~ Me taken out of them. Yes those rolls Englas, behind Whiteford, potential action on path between . and butter. Why, is all we in the Memorial and Whiteford, and congratulaflons to the AD',MIN Dear Editor, dishroom ask. The only place for for finally getting off their duffs I am upset with people who tell float or any of the others in this food once in the dishroom is a What is a Terror?: Debate on mascots; pros and cons, change me what a schlock I am for missing daylight, as we had an away soccer spot in the garbage can. Where e.lse or get rid of It entirely; tnvttanen for response the Melba Moore concert. I would game on Homecoming Day. I do you unthinking and uncaring No.6··Money Makes Art Interesting: SGA funding budget for have loved to have seen the con- thought Homecoming was a big students think that lood goes, that There the into pit? "exhibit committee"; matching college f.unds; "growIng need cert, but I was working on my event for the students. Why ship is sent people in this world-right are some of them away lor the day? I hungry for cultural enrichment" class's Homecoming Float. admit, the Homecomteg Football here in westminster-remember? -No.7 .. Charge Unjustified: again with the $95.00 overload; call I am also disappointed in my for an analysis of the situation and various solutions classmates. A tiny group of game is a tradition, one which I _W.M.C. is not a vacuum! Parking Needs Board: ticket sysfem; paying parking (en. perhaps ten or fifteen people were would like to see. Why not schedule We, the pit staff, will continue game soccer campus, fines; call for an appeals board. the only ones who labored on the a Homecoming or alter the football at create displays of your waste until t? Home before NO.S··Flnd a Better Time, Some of Us Did Die: Polnt ..the AD· float. As a member of the Fresh- game? ~t would make so much our message gets through. We, too, MIN should realize what homecoming weekend is for and act man class. I was disappointed in sense. I feel that I've been robbed are disgusted with the food in the accordingly; faculty should find better time to schedule the apparent lack of unity. I am of one of the biggest days in the cafeteria. But our disgust lies in education and academic functions than when school is in session really pissed off at one young school yea r. your waste of the food! and everybody wants to pretend there is no studying tc be done. classmate, who rudely demanded Sincerely. Sincerely, Old a "vctce" Matter? Recognition of Melba Moore and her my time to work on the float when Tom Mitchell the student pit staff excellent performance; condemnation of fhe college community he himself contributed absolutely as a whole for a lack of courtesy, interest, and musical taste. nothing Most Students Caused Loss Does if all really make any difference to anybody outthere? I was not even able to see our How's That Again? . • ~ D~~~oE~;;r~gConcert" .. today I majority of WMC students are You Do Makx a Diff'xrxriox have been repeatedly contrcnted responsible for that $6000 loss-all couldn't who Dave Zinck how xffxctivx just onx pxrson is in rolx which thxy pxrfurrn bxst. ,with ~ silm. and o~ers. all you people to attend for whatever be bothered My typxwritxr, although it is an an organization Itkx thx Studxnt Pxrhaps you havx not bxxn in- proclaiming the ineffectiveness of reasons. A concert whose ticket old modx1, works quitx wxll. Thx Govxrnrnxnt Association. Many volvxd with Studxnt Govxrnmxnt the SGA, exemplifie~ by the $6000 sales total $610 cannot possibly only problxm is that onx of, thx W~G studxnts. just don't bxcomx this yxar. Why not join thx group to lost on the Homecommg Concert. I break even, and now we must take kxysdoxsn'tfunctioncorrxcUy. All involvxd bxcausx thxy bxllxvx hx.1p makx it thx truly rxprx- th~nk the blame has been the consequences. of thx othxr forty-thrxx kxys arx thxy will havx vxry littlx impact as sxntative body it's supposxd to bx'! mlsplaced. Melba M~re gave a Sincerely, working just linx, but as you can an individual. Howxvxr, just 1ikx You could bx thx onx who makxs fantastic co~cert, by far the best I Marcia Polk ~~~~x~~o~at:xsh:,a~ar~ ~~:o~a:l~~u~ha~~~m~ :::£f~n~:~~~~~i~~;nm~tm::::- ~~rsA~ For Winners thx othxr kxys work, thx.y just dous impact. All thx othxr mxm- organization. Whynotgivxitsomx Hackman in last week's Scrim- Oftly cannot do thx work of thx. faulty bxrs of thx SGA can work as hard thought? , shaw-~, too, feel that "t~e Social A group of art students at kxy. as thxy possibly can, but still Rxrnxmbxr my onx typxw-ritxr Conumttee could not poSSIbly have Western Maryland College is cannot do thx work of that onx' kxy - you do makx a big diffxrx;n- chosen a mQre talented and preparing a photographic Somxhow, this rxminds mx of individual. Xvxryonx has a cxrta!n! cx! dynamic artist." The vast exhibition 01 architecture in -.....;..;;_.....;.---.;.;_::.;....-Notes alid COlllDlents --------- :~~~~~~:~~~it~~~ ~~r~:c~~: "Runner's World", "Red Bank according to Dr. David Cross, buildings of the 19th century, as York Register", of chemistry. 20th-century and He will ar. "New Movie Tonight Bong Show Times." In addition the to prescribing professor a course, "Solar Energy: well as modern purpose of this The chitecture. teach exercise for his patients, he acts as Promise of a Brighter exhibition is to encourage ap- In Dog Day Afternoon, the movie Tonight in the grill the College a sort of philosopher, relating the Tomorrow," beginning Nov. 28 at preciation and preservation of being presented by the SGA on Republicans are sponsoring the ideas 01 such men as Socrates to the college. significant architecture in Nov. 11, AI Pacino shows his third annual WMC Talent Show. everyday life. Offered as part of the Continuing Westminster.' tremendous versatility in a collage Such world-renowned acts as: Jim Anita Crouse Education program at the college, A photograplJ.ic contest will be of humor, pathos, fright, and Van Duzer, l{athy Nebel, Mike this course is non-credit with no heJd in conjunction with the show. chaos. Pacino is Sonny, confused Hurly, Jesse Glass, and Ellen examinations and no grades. All photos entered must be of and frantic about his tattered Iife-~ Dramatic Parts an unhappy wife, debts and a male ~~~~ ~~~~~fr;:Pe~:~~ ~~:~ ~~~~!~~i~~ Z~:~:;i\~~I/t~:ai~~ buildings or architectural de- lover desperate for a sex-change will be the most dazzling display of . the Registrar's Office. ~!/~.,in ~::I'i~~;ou~~u's~a:Jla~~e operation. The carefully etched, poignantly drawn portrait of an :1:;U5~~e: su~~~~~~~ a~~ ch:: pr~}~ssor woe/ n~~~d~a t~~s~i:tta~~ Pro pagan da il~~~O~t~:e~t~=t~~~t~~;~~e~r~ actual person comes to life when Sonny decides to solve his ~~:~~v~~:n!~~~:~~~~s~~- ;:~t~~~p::~~r~~i~f~~~:eBul7!~ Writer Hired !~~~~~fEn~~f:;Wi~lt~ejt~dg~~~ problems by staging a bank rob- bery with a friend. Come see Dog :i~~~:~~~o;~:~~:s:e~~ ~~d~caN~~o:~ ~~~~~s B~r~~~~: Cynthia J. Keeler has been a professional photographer. and Day Afternoon this Friday, Nov. ,~un." /~': ~r!~:.:;:{~;1:~£~],~~~r~ld;~~;:~~t1£i::'~i:~ 11. Shows will be in Decker at 7, ~~'~~:, t~n%~;b~ou:';~~a~' ;~:~enc;';t b;;::: 9:30. and 12 midnight and ad- mission is$I.00. We hope to see you Steve Bain!Jridge ~:~:~ t3,\ ~~'Id,9~n~'11~~~ ~~~~:'u~~CO~~~g ~:!~d::::esf~~ .;~~tbee~~r~~~~dat that time for the there Still Ronning ~~~~n;.~h ~O::ofr~c~~~:re~~;~: D~~~~~:~:~ received her B.A. in ~:~e~i:tectural Photo Contest Marathon Danee Anita Crouse M~'Annie Get Your Gun" is English in 1976 from Western 1. Deadline--Noon, November On Tuesday, November 15, 19n, Ed DUrkee and Kyle Nost will be the entire campus population is Weinleld'ssecondappearancewith ~!:~:~a~~ :1°t~:g:f ~~e~~udse~~ ~~hp~:~~must be o(signilicant representing WMC at Towson State invited to attend a session with Dr ~~tB~:~gorfnA~,~~: ~e:kt,~e'I~!~ newspaper. She was also plected buildings or architectural details in the statewide Dance Marathon George Sheehan in Decker Lecture slX'ing. On sabbatical leave first intowho·sWhoAmongStud,n: .. in ir. Carroll County, Maryland. competition on Dec. 4. Thet need Hall at 7:00 p.m. Dr. Sheehan, a semester from Western Maryland. ~~::,icanColleges and Univer- S~~:~~~nt a~Uil~~;S !~c:id~l:e money not for themselves, but for cardiologist frOln Red Bank, New Weinfeld is the drama instructor in representative of an area's ijistoric the Maryland Association of Jersey, will have a fihll: and sr,eak the Baltimore Actor's Theatre Prior to her position at the heritage. Retarded Citizens. The goal for on "A Philosophy of FItness. conservatory program college, Mrs. Keefer was a writer 3. Color and black-and-white their marathon is $2000 (which Dr. Sheehan is well known for his For' ticket information for and account executive for the photos are acceptable. breaks down into less than $1.50 distance running activities and for "Annie Get Your Gun," call Advertiser, a Rockville, Md_. 4. Photos must be mounted. per person on campus). Ed's box holding the world's record in t~e 653- number is 371 and he lives in mile run in his age group. HIS 9343 newspaper. 5. Typed captions must be group is the 55-60 year oids and his submitted on a 3 x 5 card. Include Mrs. ~r~~~neJ ~~7~:~lIt:i~~g ~o wc~~~f time is 4 minutes, 55 seconds! He Sun Lights It Up Lamda Keefer, Tau, a member national of location of building and date, if Iota the known. Name of building or title of money for the cause. has also finished in many literary honor society, is the photo may also be included. Both Ed and Kyle would also like marathon races, often placing Building a solar·heated home or 6. Attach name of photographer, to thank all of the fine students who highly. adapting your present home to daughter of Mr. and Mrs James D. address and phone number to back A resident O'Neal of Gaithersburg. ('Ol1tributed during the local Dr. Sheehan is the author of Dr. utilize solar energy is a practical of Westminster;-:-she began her of photo marathon. Hut there's still more to Sheehan on Running and is a and feasible solution to cut the work at Western Marylal1d College 7. Send photos to: "Archi. be done. So, come on folks--cough widely read columnis!. f?,r spiralling costs of fuel oils_, elec- up the bucks. ,,_ "Physician and Sports Medicme , tricity and other energy sources. on September 20. _ tecturaJ Photo Contest." COo Fredi Eckhardt, Western I.: .
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