Page 51 - Scrimshaw1977-78
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friday. November 11.1977 Scrimshaw Page 3 Six Tired Marathoners Hold On Till the Very End Jeff Robinson spend the half-hour break allotted The others, the ones who had paid get a break again, time to rest, 'muscles creak. The last two hours Eight and one-half hours to go, at that time. Then the pizza to get in, who onJy wanted to stay sleep, take a shower, or whatever. the six lonely, weary .peop!e have three and one-half behind them- arrived, late as usual, but the until they got tired, they were in Then Kisco Joe and his Sound been dancing to the empty that was what six tired, half- hungry warriors attacked. They the "drinking room." They talked, Odyssey would take over providing shallowness of an FM Radio. starved dancers were thinking at finished with just enough time to joked, fooled around, and stared the music at four. And there would not go to sleep. They list 12:30 a.m. last Saturday morning. run right back onto the dance floor into the distance--noticeably en- still be five hours of foolishness left among their many activities this They still had quite a long way to and resume their movement to the joying themselves. But it was to go. And they would still keep fine Saturday morning: Lacrosse, go to complete the third annual rhymthmic harmony and melody different for those other poor fools right on dancins. football games, driving home, and Circle K Dance Marathon held for of the band. still "in there" shaking to the At nine o'clock it's all over. The showers (especially showers): the benefit of the Md. Association Seven and one-half hours to go on music. music stops, the feet and legs Obviously, they're not truly tired. for Retarded Citizens. this hot, muggy night and the At three o'clock they would all .dtsconunue movement; the Obviously, it was all worth it. dancing couples continued on with ,_____ _ _ ------ This reporter walked into the thei f II If tho ti I the Save a Buell at PiZ2'll Hut -- basement of Baker right around s:~~ °h:~e :w-v:~ed~;h~~: who that time. The place was a sight- ommitted to the cause those "l bodies were strewn over couches, ~:';I~SWhO were being spo~sored $1 off any large pIZZO With this coupon chairs, and radiators trying to find monetarily lor. this event, a comfortable position in which to . in the main ball room. NOT<·H:EDEEMABLE DURING SPE,:::IALS : I t,~o:;':::~;:'"~?,::r.,:1~, I .....W.'11 ha".ltr.adywh.nyouarrl". Rd"_/d, .....'.I..,...d.,, I .,.. of ~LA"G:,SI:UPIZZA •• I - THE PIZZA HUTS ~ I I -" ~ ?"ff' 1 I PIZZA HUT PETE I ONE PIZZA HUT BUCK I ~-----------~-------------------- On Saturday November 5, the wrestling team sponsored a wrestling "What We r------_...., - HOUSE OF !.IQUORS- I clinic in Gill Gym. The Instructor for the clinic was Lloyd Keeser. sliver medalist at the 1972 Montreal Olympics and two tlme World Champion In Halle Here • Carroll Plaza Shopping Center the 149112 pound class. He isa graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy. I The clinic was attended by over 100 coaches and wrestlers from high is a Failure 848.1314 schools ali over Maryland and parts of Pennsylvania. _ Special 01 the Week! -Caption by Anita Crouse -Photo by Scott Danne • I to Communicate." .• " 8ring this. ad with you fo" Phil La Padula Stroh's r2-oz. can I Western Maryland College- ~o~h~o~~;~~~~ ~~h~a~O~!r~~: "Communicat." in Deck. Saturday Nita I _ J2-pack $2,.99 Carroll County police are calling I d· I h last weeks murder of a vending thing that the Senators could agree ! S I T urs ay, Nov~-1'6 a e ends - machine "a cents-less act." on. The Senators got the idea from im- WTlomorrnur, . WMC students only .. policy of A neighbor .. 1. changed, the student John Short- the brilliant at Western being I.. • u,.." .- Maryland piemented apprehended . _in the slaying, described him as "a ~!,,:;.:-:~::~.m~~o~..':!~~~andtomorrow; -- _ pretty nice guy, always said hello, ~"It.~, sort ot a LONER though." Another ~o~~nenCte~mti~~. t~;;:and tomorrow. r neighbor added: "He seemed to be ~~s:~:' . a pretty normal guy, except that he "couldn't get the 'bread and Macbeth ...._... ~..~ occasionally wore women's butter' votes." clothing." Washington- Washington, Nov. 4, 1980- ~ Alter a tremendous battle, the According to a reliable source U. S. Senate (otherwise known (recently beheaded), President BRE~AST LUNCH DINNER as Romper Room) has finally Ronald Reagan has announced passed an energy bill. According plans to build our own canal if Prepare for it. The earlier you Subs Pizza to a reliable Senate source Panama won't let us keep theirs. begin a lire insurance program, the (on the take, of course), the The new canal will stretch from -16S you pay. Find out about the aN*_a'!_iL bill consists of one item-turning off New York to San Francisco, cut- ColiegeMasterpl2ln. ting the United States in Half. ,·.U,Iw.-;"ln;'onC"lkll.\l.".r- ......,..-T_ Gabler Backgraund Costs are estimated at ti"hl \,,,,,-i." in~...~r••~.: $10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, AEIOROSEATS Chris Bohaska 000. There have been some minor """""'0,.....' .... 0 DI¥ - w.dne .... ~ Western Maryland's Dramatic problems in construction. Reagan .""'."._,," Art Department will present explained: "It seems that the W1nIIN W"LKING DISTANCE Henrick Ibsen's play, Hedda people in the Couth Bronx don't Gabler. The shows- will be on Opn. ,.......,. ftC"t SudI,. 7 "'11. November 11, 12, and 13 at 8: 15 ~~:o~:~ i~~ei~f :ro~naly;:$,~ ->., p.m., in McDaniel Lounge. Tickets are $2.00 and can be purchased at the Student Activity Office in NEWLY REMODELED Route 140 Winslow Student Center. COIlegeMaster Wtstmirater The play, which was written in EXP~ND£D SEA11NG 1143-9110 the 1890's, has been updated in terminology and dress to better suit a modern audience. Elaine Denny will be playing the part of Hedda Gabler Tesman. According to Elaine, "Hedda is a College Night!!! very dominant-type figure, very spoiled. But, at the semejime. she ~ocktp'l) I!tdbtrn is very charming. She always gets Every WEDNESDAY NIGHT her way, and she can manipulate people very well. She likes to do Steak Lobster from 5 to 9 p.m. ...... his wife the emotional I Westminster, 848·4202 Md. 21151 15" Thin - Multiple Topping - '3.25 ~OC~a that." the part of Mark Baer is playing husband. Hedda's .Tesman, 15" Thin - One Topping - '3.00 Mark 216 E. Main si. ~ut claims least that, "He is probably aware, of all the characters in the play, of what Hedda needs, of what Hedda is." spirit of free kind Tesman, support she with the Student ~~J needs. Mark says, cannot give Your host: t Pizza Hut - 140 Village Shopping Center For more information about the "Our People Make It Better" play, check Ac- L- l .11... tivities Office, or call ext.aas. _
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