Page 49 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 49
~~"~~~ Friday,November11, 1977 VolumeVI, Number9 Western Marvtand College '5 ,"Crime, Wave" Hits WMe Tim Wmdsor up with a more positive description' . . -- Severa.1 unrelated incidents have le~ding to a composite drawing beside .It.. According to an R.A. in -room while he was in the shower. It ?C In the past week, prompt- this week. In addition, there have the building, the shots have been seems the thief wasn't very picky, cured mg some to dispair over WMC) been a number of other incidents coming from either the third or the grabbing a random stack and "crime wave." The search for the and disturbances involving sniping fourth floor on the end nearest the leaving: While the campus here peeper on campus is being stepped and theft in the past week. apartments. He was quick to point isn't isolated from the reality of Student Unity, LastThursday morning,afte<' ~~~:~,t:'~':':~;Ui~~i~~ii;,o~~~~~;:;,~:;,;~,~oi~~~';:~'::~U~\;~: but aNew Idea this paper made had gone to press, the to water; he is not only damaging records will never be returned, is the peeper what.'s more disheartening visit property, but he is also posing the another White!urd Hall around six-thirty. danger of harm to people living III fact that they were probably were The girl involved was not the apartments. This is not the first stolen by someone in the school David Cleveland showering at the time, 0;;0 the incident Involving the upper floors If anyon~ h~s any .information on is a new idea appearing since In Rouzer Hall, on be the I this !here campus. The idea is of a person she left believes to incident I of Rouzer, on throwing someone there any of the incidents touch with the insists bottles peeper without and in get please I Student Union, an organization to Although she was unable to cans out of the window. residence staff there or anyone on provide for students' needs, react identify any mugshots (which Finally, a ~ophomore in Rouzer Scrimshaw. Someone must know leads many to believe that the had approximately 180 dollars who is doing these things - SPEAK I _ ~:t~~~~::'~~~~!~~sboa::i~VO~~: peeper rumored earlier), record, was as worth Cafeteria his UP. has no previous stolen from of records Saves No process. decisjon-making she was The Student is Union formed by a group of students being able to form a composite drawing A Peeper Composite who is not Turkey for Teachers feel that lheSGA is unresponsive to of the man she saw. Copies of the many different people as fitting the the wants of the general student drawing have been posted around picture. This information body, and that its representative the school and" in the residence being ignored however; all leads Nancy Menefee Although students are reim- systems is restrictive of the input halls. are being tracked down by in- Scrimshaw was recently in- bursed for the lunches that they and participation' of most students vestigators. The police have asked formed of a concern that could miss while student teaching, there in affairs that concern them. On Moniay, the same man was that any information that may be presumbably cause some is noway to reimburse students for The structure of the Student spotted snooping around the useful, no matter how insignificant problems for student. The students the five days of meals because they Union is a simple and open system apartments. Recognizing him from it may seem, be given to them. The involved are those students who haven't paid the college for them. which encourages all students to descriptions, a group of students number in the day is 848-9000, at are teaching fall semester. One suggestion was that the stand up for their own interests gave chase in the pouring rain, but night, ,848-1800. Because of the public school students could at the beginning of There is only one elected official were unable to catch him. schedule, they are required to the year pay a higher fee to student whose purpose it is (0 mediate and >- I talked with Chief Leppo of the In other news, the residence staff continue teaching until November teach, and this extra money would provide continuity. All students Westminster Police department of Rouzer Hall has been quite 23rd. However, the rest, of the be used to reimburse them for any have an equal voice on all matters. about further developments in the concerned about several incidents campus leaves for The meals they must purchase because If any readers are concerned case. He indicated that there have there, especially one involving a Thanksgiving Holidays on the 18th, of conflicting vacation schedules; with or interested in any events on been numerous responses to an sniper of sorts. Apparently andthe cafeteria closes it's door The problem is complex, campus they are welcome to the article printed in a local paper someone has been shooting an air- The school does not owe these because it involves the scheduling Student Union meetings: every which showed the composite rifle out of one of the rooms at the students meals. The school of the cafeteria staff's vacations. peeper. drawing Monday at 6:30 in the basement r==;;;_;::;;:;:::;_-----. of sensus; the of the supposed is no con- back of Rouzer at the Apartments lot operates its board on the number for of Apparently, the student teachers Unfortunately, there the Student Center. fee pay days--the and at the lights in the parking been left to find their students have always named have callers and number IDS Presents .. Neil Frock Recital board pays for a certain teachers with are the of own meals in such a situation, student days. unless' there is significant student The will going over this number things concern demonstrated, Events for Vandeville Week Spon- extra davs they must stay here. remain the same. / sored by IDS 103: Dawn Bennett group of songs was "Non of Figaro Bachelors'Serenade plu An- Tuesday, November 15- Once again, the recital hall in drai," from the Marriage 3:30 & 9:00 Freud, a movie _Levinewas Iilled.with the sound of by Mozart. In the scene from which starring. Montgomery Clift, based music when Neil. Frock, ac- the aria is taken, Figaro is telling Upsets Residents on the life and work of Sigmund companied by Dr. Arlene Cherubine, the young pageboy, of Fre~d ". Decker Auditorium, no Heggemeier, presented his senior the rigors of army life, to which at Wednesday night's per- admission charge. voice recital, Friday, November 4. Cherubino has been banished. Neil Ann Hackman and Maggie Costella formance. The recital include ... 4:00: Scott Joplin, a 2O-minute The recital music was well-chosen portrayed a characterization of The Alpha Gamma Tau obscenities, racial slurs. and film. biography with a score in- representing various styles: Figaro, the piano accompaniment Fraternity performed a less than persona! ,degradations eminating eluding several of Joplin's major languages and moods. also carried through the song's delightful serenade outside of the from the (approximately) 25- compositions. Memorial 106. idea with drumlike chords. three girts' dorms Wednesday member group for at least one-half 4:30: Comics, a soundfilmstrip The program opened with "Tu After a brief intermission, Neil night and caused considerable hour outside of the dorm areas series, following the Joplin film in La Sal," a very pleasant and presented a group of German and adverse reaction from the Memorial 106. melodic old Italian song. It was a French selections. Two Schubert residents of those halls. The Certain women living within the Wednesday, November 16- good opener, introducing the selections were first, "Am Meer" serenades extended well past the dorms felt that the incident should 3:30 & 7:00: O.Henry's Full audience to Neil's very smooth and "Aufenhalt." Both compared II:OO p.m. curfew for most dorms, be taken immediatelv to the ad- House (1952), a movie based on baritone voice. Following this, Neil the elements of nature to unhap- keeping most residents awake and ministration. Others - brought up five of his most popular short sang Beethoven's one song cycle, piness. The first of the French distracting many from their the point that such an action would stories. Decker Auditurtum, no "An Die Feme Geliebte" (To the selections was "Nell." by Faure. academic studies, both definite possibly bring about curtailment of admission charge. Distant Beloved). The character is "Le Cor" (The Hom) by Flegier, violations of college-posted rules. future serenades-an activity that 4:00: Fllckli, a: selection of early thinking o~ his luve, ~ho is far completed the second section. The adds color to the campus in its 20th-century films from the away, remembenng times they switch from one mood to another Many occupants, who expressed acceptable form. The matter was Hoover Library Collection. Davis had spent together and wishing he was very pronounced in Neil's enjoyment of the long-standing still be considered for action at Room, no fee. was with her. Neil sang this very interpretation of the song. "Le campus tradition of dor.m-to-dorm press time. It was generally felt Thursday, November 17- well, and his expression showed Cor" is a difficult song, ranging serenading, were not quite as that the elimination of of- 4:00: Ragtime, a lecture with the meaning of the words. from the high register to the very pleased with the ·renditions given fensiveness in the future would ~~iC by Susan Panek. Memorial The last -:selection in this first low. preclude any further complaints . .~: ~
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