Page 48 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 48
PageS Scrimshaw Friday, November 4, 1977 Sp-ikers Finish Season; Ann Diviney Sergio Zarbin Play for MACTitle Today Yon Makino Furman S. DeMaris Jim Teramani WMC's spiking Terrors wrapped JimWogsland up their season with an impressive Dale Friedman 13-1 record, defeating such com- petitive teams as Towson and Salisbury, and capturing the Penn Mar crown by defeating York. Their single loss was to Intramural Update Navy, which The wasn't only a conference challenge game. remaining for them is to hang on to their MAC title that they earned last year by winning this year's Presently being held in in- or persons are determined through tramurals. under the coaching of single elimination. The roster Middle Atlantic Conference Rick Carpenter. are two in- consists of over 62 players tournament. The final games of teresting competitive sports. The The future holds some additional this two-division, round-robin first one is called "Razzle-Dazzle athletic com~titive sports. Plans tournament begin today at 3:00 at Washington College. Football" (for men only) , con- are under way to form basketball sisting of seven teams. To deter- teams, one male and one female. , WMC defeated Gallaudet last mine the winning team, they use before the end of November. Co-ed Tuesday (25th) on their home floor. Assistant Coach Lane Kathy the round-robin method, Volleyball is also planned for coached the girls to their 15-2, 15-7 eliminating the possibility of one November 9th. For information, victory (Kathy is a '77 graduate 01 team winning over every other one may contact David Detrich at WMC, and last year's Outstanding team Albert Norman Ward 331, Susan Volleyball Player of the Year). If -rne other team sports being Armstrong at 3rd floor Blanche wasn't a close game--Gallaudet played are singles and doubles Ward, or head intramural coach was simply outclassed by the tennis, in which the winning person Carpenter in ~ill Gymnasium. Terrors. . Beat Hood and Washington swimming pool by the offices. Got Extra there Besides exists the another Gymnasium, host On the 27th, College. The were the Terrors Gill final to Hood gym in the basement of Blanche Ward Hall. scores were 15--5, 15-9, with WMC on top. What don't tell, the scores Energy in back of Winslow Student Center. though, is how Hood stayed with The field hockey field is directly The football and track fields are the Terrors, playing good defense Debbie's place WMC won the first located next to the hockey field. and trading volleys thr~ugh the game, 15-2. But in the second The tennis courts are located near whole game: game, which is often the hardest to How many of you students ever the soccer field, which is located Last Friday. the Terrors play WMC began to give in. It wanted to work out, for one reason near the football field. If one has ~:;~~r~ ::~c~~o~~~~eI~et~! s~ed like Washington College or another, and never knew where ever gone to Harveystone Park, Heagy's Sport to go. Well 10 and behold, there are upon passing the tennis courts, one first game, they lost Debbie Baker Sbop places to go! . will also notice the baseball because of a bad sprain: Luckily, y For instance, the weight-room is diamond located behind the tennis they were able to pull 10 Cheryl FULL LINE OF SPORTING in the basement of Rouzer. In fact, courts. -$- -$- -$-, Art Supplies, Crafts, Models both the swimming pool and the There is also the golf course, GOODS 65 East Main Street handball courts are located in the which is past the soccer field. 16 W. Main Street 848-5515 Westminster basement of Rouzer, the handball Students may play the game for .scrimshaw In Town 848-4350 court being underneath th!l; free, just bring yourself and your .. O!!!!:;;;!!~.;;;;;:;;~. ~~~h~~:~r;~~n~=:~:~~l~~~:~ Coupon Late nlghr speciettt There if> also a rifle range in the 8:00pm-l1:00pm basement of Gill Gymnasium. In Section order to get permission to use it, we sene ... FREE!! one must ask Sgt. Meyers, and be -$- -$- -$- accompanied by a friend. Regular r BREMCFAST LUNC!! DINNER Hamburger I wrtn tms coupon I ------ ..-..HOUSE OF !.IOUORS Subs Pizza when you purchase a Carroll Plaza Shopping Center I ~M:' -8ring this ad with you for: • - ...... DIy·T_ (Quarter Pounder or .DIi~il!,o Quarter Po~nder With Cheese I 848-1314 0.1• .,# an:; Dt_ iLimit One coupu" .. ~... Special of the Week! DIy._-.,._ 12-oz. cans-. 'Mc~"; I National Premium 6 pack $1.99 WJ11I1N WALKING DISTANCE or bottles • ...._------_ .. NEWLY REMODELF.D R... tel40 ~\'es'mins'er Sale ends Thursday, Nov. 10 I Rqisterstownonlv • ~ ..............- • anly WMC students Westminlt • l!:i.iliHi'Iilf'ilI'lIliIlt ••••••••••••••••••••••• EXPj.HD£DSEA11NG _110
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