Page 27 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 27
I:_riday, October 14, 1977 Scrimshaw Page 3 Committee Needs You Donee Marathon Keith Berger, Anita Crouse will end at 9:00 a.m.s Saturday, couple will receive a tee-shirt Warren Farrell, William Kuntsler, be added to the Commitlee this Shotgun, Fall. Ralph, On November 4th and 5th, the November 5th. There will be two provided by the makers of Colt-45 Flo Kennedy, Trinidad and Tobago To apply for the Lecture-Concert Circle K Club of Western Maryland rest periods, one from 12:00 Malt Liquor.:Also, the top three Steel Orchestra of Baltimore. Committee, submit a letter to Joan College will sponsor a dance midnight to 12:30, and one from money.making co~ples who en- These are just a few of the events Avey in the College Activities marathon. The purpose of the 3:00 to 4:00 in the morning. dure the entire event will receive brought to the Campus by the Office by Friday, October 21. trophies and will be eligible to go to marathon is to raise money for the According to Mike Haberstick, Lecture-concert Committee in the Letters of application should in- Maryland Association of Retarded the chairman of the Band Com- Towson for the finals on December last 12 months. Composed of clude previous expertenee in 2nd and 4th. At the Towson com- Citizens. mittee and Vice President of the petition the first place couple students and faculty members, the sponsoring activities and why you Circle K Club, there will be live would be an asset to the Com- The way the dancers will go bands performing for. the receives a $1,000.00 prize. Mike Lecture-Concert Committee mittee. Questions concerning the operates with a budget of $14,000.00 also said that the club Haberstick about raising money for their marathon. Two of the -bands is now trying to get donations of for concerts, $8,000.00 for lectures, Lecture-Concert Committee may worthy caus .. is to ask people-to "Derailer" and "Foundation" are and $5,000.00 for other Campus be addressed to any present : sponsor them either by the hour or definately booked for the event and prizes for games such as limbo Committee member: in a lump sum. One rule is that the "Spectrum" and "Hollin's Ferry" from local merchants. activities While during the academic Jim Wogsland the majority of lec- year. money must be turned in one hour are tentative. There will be a general ad- tures and concerts are already Doreen Strothman before the end of the marathon. . There are many benefits offered mission fee of 50 cents for those planned for 1977·78, there is till Rob Lycett The marathon will begin at 9:00 to those who want to compete in the who wish to either observe or much work to be done. Additional Cheryl Jane Walter p.m., Friday, November 4th, and marathon. Both members of each dance without actually par- programs for this year are yet to , Paul Fulton ticipating in the marathon. Faculty ••• service Circle K Club sponsored by be chosen. The many each guest in- on Mitchell Alexander details The is a co-ed Steve Kousouris volved with having organization the Kiwanis. Their function is to Campus must be finalized. Plans Bill Tribby continued from page 1 Maryland seems to be a good in- hold various community service for next year's program are Nancy Palmer faculty members have expressed stitution to work for, whatever the projects similar to-the marathon. already under consideration. Con Darcy "concern" over this situation, it discrepancies in compensation. The club meets at 8:00 p.m. on To accomplish all the above, the Mary Ellen Truax+ has little effect on the employment Here is the breakdown of salary Sunday evenings in Big Baker Lecture-Concert Committee needs IraZepp+ outlook of the senior faculty scale for professional level faculty Seminar room. Everyone is you t Ideas for programs are Put your ideas into action by members. Apparently Western at WM(; for 1976·1978: welcome. For more information always welcome, either on a co- contact one of the officers: Lynne sponsorship basis or for total becoming involved in the Lecture- Estimate Monltary Parker, President; Mike Haber- support. But even more, the Concert Committee. 'Academic Rank Salary Value of Benefits Compensation stick, Vice President; Kathy Committee needs additional Professors 20,200 3,600 23,800· McCall, Secretary; 'Gabby members. One faculty member + Will return to Committee for Associate Professors 16,500 3,100 19,800 Barrick, Treasurer. and four underclass members will second semester. Assistant Professors 14,300 2,600 16,900 Now compare these figures to the AAUP Committee for 1976-77: the national average compiled by Estimated Monltary College Night!!! Academic Rank Salary Value of Benefits Compensation Professor 20,530 3,500 23,800 Associate Professors 15,750 2,650 19,600 "Assistant Professors 13,150 2,030 16,900 Every WEDNESDAY NIGHT ....... and Washington t Terror's History from 5 to 9 p.m. ' I!~ The "Green Terror," familiar to "Green Terrors" are mentioned 1,5" Thin - One Topping - '3.00 so many Western Marylanders and seems to be in the WMC monthly of mascot of WMC athletic teams, has October 15, 1923, describing a ~o;~~~~;15age~ut. an aura of mystique, surrounding football game between Western ~:~;: - ~~i;e the figure. The identy of the "GT" Maryland and Lee is generally not known; and the played in Lexington, Virginia. orgin of this character who aids the Some feel Coach D.K. Shroyer "Our People Make It Better" W&L. r====~~=======================l cheerleaders, fascinates little coined the term to bolster the ,. children and encourages our teams morale of the squad following this 'lIN to greater heights, is obscure. that the term was coined ~ Early editions of College recollect defeat Virginia by Others 19-7 a publications referred to its teams by sportswriter as the Green and Gold Warriors. following an impressive victory by WANTED: Adven- The first instance where the the WM. green jersey-clad SUN, first used turous Companion representatives. Still others News believe that W. 'Wilson Wingate, class of 1918, and a sports reporter Fl~shes for the Baltimore report. with no obligation. the title in a post-game Phil La Padula . The FLASH-Whiteford, FLASH·Oct. 14- Very Feminine Two flashy girls in Whiteford Experience the ex~ were surprised by a flasher who Question of citement of adventure train- flashed his flasher. One girl tried to take a picture of the man, but the Life Insurance ing courses inArmy ROTC. flash wouldn't flash. The cops There is no obliga- came and chased the man, but he Inlht"St'li~ralo:dtilT1t.·'nu''''mannl't;'d tion to the Army as a fresh- was gone . in a flash 1 'ot'lIkfor .. eak, int'fft'Cli,~finanCial man or sophomore. Kampala, Uganda· pilinnine..IJoeHlopinl(linancial According to a reliable source indt'pt'niknc" and ..state '>t'("uril~rur Ih .. Add Army RDTC to (who just left the country), ldi Iuture is avimportant fur .. umt'na'iti, your college program and Amin has divorced his sixth wife fnrmen.VuurHd ..lil.,l·"i",;'l.ifcFit'ld you automaticallyaddadven- (Flo Kennedy) and is planning to '\,..ocialt' kno ...' thai andean hclp."lU marry Anita-Bryant. The wedding al'hi",t' aC"II"I(,,\!a'ln " "rultwr ture to your campus life. will take place on Oct. 17th in the prnl(nm .. hi('h .. ill m....1your n('t;'d,nn.. Call: year of our Lord, nineteen hundred lind in Iho:fulurt'. and seventy-seven. Archbishop Capt. Charles F. Moler Makarios will perform the Military Science "Department ceremony. When asked why she RE~~!c:,~~.~.TS Albert Norman Ward Hall wanted to marry "Big Daddy", 848·7000 Ext. 244 Ms. Bryant exclaimed, "He's a "D!""U''''''''''! real man!" punishment • I ~"¥I ""''''' Baltimore, Oct. 10., 2000- rOW'oO'o .... A" ~ND "", The jury has finally reached a .. ~. verdict in the" political corruption ).' @ArmyROTG ' trial of Marvin Mandel. They have and found Mandel guilty of "cruel I unusual (two dead, to the twelve Fidel! Learn what " one jurors insane) the President case." -l hearing says he will pardon him- Union~fe it takes to lead. I Mandel selr Iii•..............................
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