Page 25 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 25
---- Committee Considers No.Need'Aw~rds Kim Kost to attend Western Maryland CollegemoreaUra.ctivebyoffering be carefully studied." He Ieqls that a regulation of Division III in- At "the last meeting of the Long College. The grants would be 'based such aid." competition does exist between stitutions of which WMC is a part Range Planning Committee ap- purely on merit. Western Mr. Leslie Bennett, J~.,Director Maryland and other, however, that the receiving ap- proval was made to allow the Maryland is currently faced with of Admissions and .Financial Aid Dlvls~on III Colleges but. he plicant would have to be amongst Admissions, Standards and' growing competition Tram other feels there are "still unmet needs questions whether the tm- .thetop20percentofhisorherhlgh Financial Aid Committee of the institutions who grant their at this" institution" and before ~ementation of a no need financial school class. Faculty, headed by Dr. Brown, to students academic recognition in Western Mar,yland instates a ~~~~:t'' .The ~dm~ions, ~tamia~ds and consider "no-need" financial aid. the form of financial awards. The program granting money based on Bennett is conducting a survey to Fm~nclal Aid Comnuttee Will ~~ve The proposal was brought to the rationalebehindtheproposaiis"to merit, we should deal with those find out if financial aid is a factor to discuss .and vote on the poslt~ve committee to attract first rate high attract good students, which we' who can't be assisted now or with in deciding where to attend college and negauve aepectsor ~he. policy school students who have no do" commented Dean McCormick ....those who have only small and perhaps this study will aid in and th~ present their findings to •. financial need and have the desire and to make "Western Maryland scholarships. When asked if this making a decision as to whether or the entire. faculty for approval. If would those proposal - affect not Western Maryland will begin to approval 15 m~de by the faculty, Facuity IS Paid What?~~~~~~!~ai~~~~~~nn~~t:~~~n~ award merit scholarships the proposal will be brought to the definitely would not because those At this poi_nt there is' nothing Administration wh? will decide The obvious fact that emerges with need have priority. He went definitive about the basis on which wh~ther or not to Implement the Lee Maxwell from these figures is that, while on to explain that the goal of the awards would be granted. __PO_li_CY_"_. _ Many students have been WMC associate and assistants are Western Maryland's financial aid wondering how much of the four much better paid then the national program is to try to insure that no thousand and some-odd dollars we average full professors are paid student who wants to attend or who is Maryland Western does attend pay each year to the college is slightly lower then the national prevented from doing so because of being received as compensation by average. This situation appears considerations. Mr. those nice ladies and gentlemen bad, though, in light of a com- financial stated that the "basic Bennett who lecture and instruct us-the parison of pay scales of ten other question is 'where the_ money faculty. Well, you might be pleased small private colleges in the north- Will come from.' I see that if we (and amazed) to find that our eastern area of the United States. had increased funds for financial facult~ on the whole, is quite well Again, while WMC pays its aid the students struggling here paid in comparison to natural associate and assistants professors- now should receive it as we have an standards. better then almost all of the other obligation to them." Mr. Bennett Western Maryland College colleges examined, it lags behind thinks that it is unlikely that this employs at the latest count of the in the rate of compensation it proposal will receive final American Association of extends to its full professors, in recommendation and he "prefers University Professors (AAUP), 81 comparison to those other ten not to consider it at the present full professors, associate colleges. professors, and assistant A senior faculty member has time." McCormick shares these Dean professors on a full time basis. commented that while many senior reservations and feels "the long- They are paid on a system that continued on page 3 term and budgetary ~ffects should follows this paragraph-they -Pbcto courtesy of Publicity office receive in complete pay a com- automobiles. pensation, which Includes all the Freshmen Not Happy About parking money expended by the college on each of them. This particular in- was inhabited by nineteen cars, both lots are too far away from the stitution takes 18 per cent of that are the ones behind Harrison eleven of which belonged to fresh- main campus. As one freshman compensation and uses it to pay Joan HUghes House and by the Waterlower. man. This left many available remarked, "Why park in one of Social Security tax, retirement Nine freshman have been When a count was made of the parking spaces. those lots when I can park in the insurance, medical and ticketed for parking their cars in number of cars parked in each lot, street, which is much closer?" hospitalization insurance, and the wrong lots this year, even the Watertower area was vastly Frestunan are not happy with Another concern 'is safety. other fringe benefits. The faculty though two areas have been more populated than the lot behind these lots, and two major concerns Students are especially worried members usually never see this. designated as freshman parking Harrison House. The Watertower have been voiced. One was about these distances at night He-she does receive the rest as a areas. , was full, and most of the cars were distance. Many freshman feel that when they have to walk along salary. The lots assigned to freshman orange-stickered. The other lot dimly lit paths from their cars to Development Committee Outlines Changes other buildings. is a legitimate The poor lighting complaint, and should be checked Carol James function in the future as a center To keep up with these and other marked improvement,)- and im- into. However, the complaint about distance seems to be somewhat th:~::;e~~p~:~~ittt~e~~ ford:::~~fr~~g :~~hitects are improvements, tuition, room, and :~~~IP;:~~~cn;~~~~~ns~e:C:f:~ exaggerated. Granted, there is no ~esday, Sept~mber 28. Some very completing~stud;"ofnewph%iCal ~:!I~r~~~~I~~ ~r~j:tti~~ef~~ six awards for new pamphlets.) shuttlebus service from these lots Important points were brought up education facilities. Estimates on these fees is $5,400, which is the The entire Board of Trustees met to the dorms, and students are that concern all students. . this project reach over four million present rate for comparable on October 21. A new long-range forced to walk all the way to the Decker College Center IS about dollars. Plans call for renovation of colleges like Gettysburg. Other plan for the years 1977-1982 was watertower (golly, that's past Gill 50 per cent complete and is still Gill Gym including modern locker reasons for these rising costs are brought up for approval. The long- Gymt). Still, the walk, even in expected to.~ done by .June 1978. and sbower facilities. This is only found in expanding boarding range plan guides the college in cold weather, does not compare to The fund-raising campaign for the in the planning stages because a capabilities (182 new spaces added many things including the hiring of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. cen!er was very successful. capital campaign ($2.75 million) this year alone,) keeping com- professors and department size, Maybe all that's needed are a few Bids ~re due Octob~r 12 on the was just done for the Decker petitive in the market for enrollment goals, improvements to more lights and some comfortable ~novation;> to Alumn.l Hall; T_~e· center, exhausting monetary professors and staff (rating by the campus, curriculum recom- snowshoes! a!l&es Will be .extenslve as It win resources. I professors' organizations show a mendations, etc.
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