Page 29 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 29
College and Union Street: Delicate Issue, Meg Hoyle Union Street Positively Owned by WMC "The College-owned housing on Union St. has public relations overtones to which the College should be prepared to respond. Given the sensitive nature of the issue, it may be advisable for a Board committee to take it under consideration," The above statement was part of the last Long Range Planning Committee report, distributed at the October 1st meeting. The subject of Union St. was never brought up. hut as suggested by the committee, the matter is being studied by the Board of Trustees. (I) Although most students know ~ about the gollege property on o Pennsylvania Ave., very few know ~ about Union Street. According to -a Mr. Philip Schaeffer, College treasurer, most of the property '95 Charge Still Up in the Air :~f':'~~~'~~~O!~uf~ir,:~ houses on the street, which is about Bill Weeks with Dean McCormick is not ·SGA President Paul Fulton in- this institution is educationaly half of the total there. Union St. is a The controversy over the im- tightened up. This could weed out dicated that in cases where business oriented. "If the main self-contained black neighborhood plementation of the $95 overload students taking an overload for the students are attempting to get four purpose of WMC is to educate, then' and has been for about ninety charge is burning more brightly purpose of dropping what they years education for the price of we should consider the possibly years. The residents pay the school than ever with the announcement determine to be their toughest three an overload charge may be a detrimental effects to academic rent, which is very low. The by Dean Mowbray to the SGA that course, or some other such legitimate way of matching in- freedom that an overload charge . College makes no profit from the the charge will go into effect, in one illegitimate reason, from those dividual benefits with individual presents." Wright advocated a set property; after paying taxes, form or another, in September, who have valid cause for costs. He did voice concern over of guidelines for overload ap- water and sewage bills, and minor 1978. At this point the question is overloading. At present there the possibility of students being proval , with possible appeal repairs, the school breaks even. what, if any, exceptions are going appears to be a revolving door forced to take an overload at some recourse, for those students who The subject of this property was to be made to the imposition of a system of overload approval in point due to curriculum feel they have been wrongly denied mentioned because extending our blanket charge of $95 per credit effect, involving little scrutiny of requirements and being subject to a waiver of the fee boundaries to Union St. was a part hour in excess of fourteen in the each request. Dean McCormick me charge, although Dean of the Long Range Plan for many fall semester and sixteen in the was unavailable for comment on Mowbray gave his assurances that At present there is an attempt years. However, since the building spring. this situation, as repeated at- this would not occur. President underway by the faculty to of the lower road behind Whiteford Dean Mowbray, in an interview tempts to contact him were un- Fulton expressed his hope that any determine student feelings on the and Blanche, it was decided by the with this reporter, indicated that successful final decision made should be matter, as well as a department by administration that this new the administrations position is Student opinion toward the arrived at after a thorough review department evaluation of boundary was sufficient for our basically unchanged from that additional charge would still seem of all alternatives by both faculty curriculum requirements to see if needs and the property was no taken last spring and made public to be strongly negative. Perhaps and students the charge would create an unfair longer of great importance to us. to the campus community in a this is due to the veil of mystery burden for a student to bear. The problem to be considered by statement dated May 2, 1977. This surrounding the reasons for the One objection to the charge of a Hopefully, with a fuller un- the Board is how to dispose of the position includes the following charge (and the suspicion of an more philosophical nature was derstanding of the issue by all property without the tenants being points: a (1) Students may not register ~~in~~~a~\::~w:~8~i{~t:~t~~ ~t;:~eo~ t~:S~~~O:::~II~:;m ~~~~~~e!'hiC~ i~~c~~~~~bl~a~O t~ ~~~=~~~e;~~Pe~~:, ~~c~~~~n~~~ for more than 4 major courses in jection to the concept of the charge vestigating the affair. It regarded majority of the campus as we are now, is up to the entire the fall (30r 4 hours). An exception itself whether the primary purpose of munity. Continued on page 2 to this rule is allowed to incoming seniors and returning seniors who SGADoles Out '2200 on Campus may register under current academic regulations. Mary Cole $600 was obtained by the yearbook Saturday, followed by the Activities Director. (2) The overload charge is THE BIGGEST MONEY- Scrimshaw, everybody's favorite Homecoming Dance that evening. A Special Election for an Honor being deferred until the fall of 1978- GIVEAWAY OF THE YEAR was paper, received a modest $50. The Overload Charge Com- Board position is slated for the which should allow all con- held October 17 by the SGA. With Chris Holmes outlined the ac- mittee, which is considering the $95 near future. Any interested person stituencies ample time to present the $2,200 surplus in funds, the SGA tivities for this year's Overload issue, is still breathlessly is urged to run for this position. their concerns and allow sufficient began giving vast sums to needy Homecoming. A bonfire will be awaiting response and comments Results will be forthcoming within time for implementing clear organizations on campus. $600 was held at 6:30 Friday, October 28. from all those concerned folks out several weeks. Dave Zinck, guidelines and procedures. spent on a copy machine. Another The parade begins at 12:15 there chairman, has stressed that the (3) All students planning their A new law, requiringWMC to get Honor Board is an Equal Op- of the programs should be aware in the Peeper Still Around portunity Employer overload charge beginning ;la~i~e:se f~~pY~~:ht:~t:~~~~~~ And that's all that really hap- fall of 1978 and should particularly pened. Much thanks to J.R. The be aware of the academic Tim Windsor editor, Nancy Menefee, our news ::~n~nt~o e~:~ J:~~;~y c~iIe~~- End. regulation which states that After a brief period of absence, editor, myself, or Meg Hoyle. students taking an underload in the peeper has returned to WMC. Fun for Parents one semester should not expect to The latest incident occured on be able to make up the deficiency Monday morning between 6:30 and Parents' Day, a time for Western by a overload program in a sub- 7 in the morning. Striking this time Maryland College parents to see sequent semester in Whiteford Hail, the peeper did what life is really like on "the At the heart of the problem is the not change his style at all. Ac- Hill," will kick off with registration administration's concern over cording to Whiteford's Head and coffee hour at 9 a.m., Oct. 22, students taking in excess of four Resident, the woman involved in McDaniel Lounge .. major courses in the fall and the went to police headquarters and An assembly following the coffee resultlng ; overburdening of the made an identification from a mug hour will feature guest speakers faculty due to this. The ad- shot. However, nothing more has Mr. Eamonn McGeady, chairman ministration feels that the im- been done, and policy officials of the Parents' Board; Dean position of an overload charge is could not be reached for comment. Elizabeth Laidlaw, associate dean the most effective way of handling Once again, here is the of student affairs; and Mr. Jim this problem in a way that is fair to description of the peeper ... He is a Hindman, head football coach. all students. young man, about 18-20 years old. They will address parents in Baker Dean Mowbray commented that He is thin, about six feet tall, with Memorial Chapel at 10:30 a.m. .four a possible alternative solution straight, shoulder-length hair and Sports .events for Parents' Day dynamite musicians who've grabbed jazz by its 1925 coUar would be to ban overloading en- a half-grown moustache. He is also include a volleyball match against and put it down right in the middle of the 70's. Jazz with tirely, a course of action he felt known to wear heavy boots and his York and Navy at 10 a.m.; field warmth and drive, heart and soul. The Quartet, consisting of would be too harsh in light of the clothes have been described as hockey against Johns Hopkins at II piano, bass, drums, saxophone, and vocalist (Jeanne legitimate needs for some students "grungy." Any information con- a.m.; soccer against Dickinson at Trevor), will be performing the evening of Parent's Day _. to overload due to departmental cerning the peeper can be given to 1:30 p.m.; and cross country, also October 22 .- at 8 p.m. in Baker Memorial Chapel. Faculty, requirements for graduation. the local police (848-9000 day, 848- against Dickinson, at 2 p.m. staff, and students with ID's will be admitted to the concert One question raised by many r800 night.) School security, or any Events for the day will close with free _ along with the parents or one guest _. all others will be students is why the existing mem ber of SCRIMSHAW, a reception for parents from 4 to 6 admitted for $2.00. The St. Louis Jan Quartet. Warm. CooL procedure of clearing an overload especially Jeff Robinson. the p.m. in McDaniel Lounge. Elegant. Classic, Contemporary. Ii:•................................
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