Page 32 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 32
Page 4 Scrimshaw Friday, October 21,1977 He Ornery Let-tersto MDBS The Peeper is Whom? Dear MDBS, . try down, don't get dtscouraged Title by Spoons What's a girl to do? I need advice However, if you do get turned of WMC. men I returned to my native In none of the incidents has the This leaves us three. Of these, one about the how do I get a chance again, but be careful about whom Specifically, Baltimore a few weeks ago, and perpetrator been reported to have sports a cast (I won't say on which to meet them? Section parties are you choose. I hope I helped you was astonished to receive news been wearing eye glasses. This ~ limb, to avoid possible iden- a joke as far as meaningful con- with your problem. about" the Western Maryland may seem insignificant at first, lification or embarrassment), and MDBS College Peeper. I had heard a little but, dear readers, consider this: if this would mean positive iden- versation. goes. ~hat do you think- Dear l\lDBS about him last 'year, and was the peeper has poor eyesight and lification were he the culprit. The ~ a giel ?askm g a guy to How can I ~sk this freshman girl surprised that he was still on the requires glasses, it stands to other two go home every weekend, omecommg. to homecoming? Her initials are prowl. reason that, while .peeping, he and couldn't have done any of the Lonesome a~~g~~; D.A. and she lives on third floor in would desire to see his victim as weekend peeping. I checked these Whiteford. Maybe if she reads this, As a graduate of the prestigious requires glasses, it stands to two out carefully, and they both -it will come to her that I want to Ellery Queen Super-Sleuthing wouldn't dare forget his spec- have air-tight alibis. Dear Lonesome and Blue, ask her out. Please, I desperately Correspondence Course, I decided tacles. This fact will prove very So, much to my surprise and - You may want to know that need your help 1 to take it upon myself-to delve useful later. dismay, we have eliminated the "your" problem is not confined to Young and headfirst into this problem, and entire student body from suspicion. you. Meeting people comes Inexperienced uncover, if possible, the identity of Now then, it seems to me that the What this means is that, as un- naturally to some, but others have Dear Young and Experienced, the culprit. I decided to approach best place to begin this in- believeable as it may sound, the to work at it. My advice to you-and I think you are in a phase that all this via a process of elimination. vestigation is the student body. only possibilities are the members other interested readers - is to "go of us young males pass through at m.ers.s.c. No. 17). There are 1303 students on campus. of the faculty and administration! all out," join a committee, com- one time in our lives. My advice to We have little concrete evidence Of these, 637 are men and In of the Beginning with the faculty, the pete in an intramural sport- just do you is to go right up to her and ask to work with on this case, however, men, are freshmen. There are 15 members of the Science, Drama, something that will give you a her out. Maybe you might have a three weeks ago there was a major male transfer students, _this leaves and Art departments can see nude chance to make new friends. I few beers before you do it. I find breakthrough: the Peeper's exactly 445 sophomores, juniors, female bodies as often as they mean, people are really human that a couple of beers can usually Letter. Jeff Robinson, editor of and senior students. I've loosen me up and then I can say Scrimshaw (W.M.C.'s weekly eliminated women and -aew :~~~&tt°fha~a~:y ~e::e ~~~~as~~~~ on~~ Y:~;i~~ to f~~o~~~m~econd what I really want. newspaper), allowed me to students from the list of suspects, peep. Upon reviewing the rest of question, "What do you .think of a Signed, examine this letter. I discovered, because a woman wouldn't have to the faculty, I discovered that they girl asking a guy to MDBS much to my surprise, that the sneak about in the shower room if are nearly all either female, wear Homecoming?'" I think it is an letter was very articulate and well- she, for some twisted reason, written! On this basis I concluded desired to peek at other women, spectacles, are short, or teach :;~~e~t ~~~~e ~~~~a! ::ul~ If anyone else should want ad- that the peeper must be well and new students are off the hook ~~y :~;~i~~c!~ss:~~ ~~s~h~~ have the same rights and vice for the lovelorn and problem- educated and an intellectual of because they couldn't have been categories (both of them) either rs~1~;g~!~ato~tmfsn ~:il I ~i~~ ridden, send your letter to sorts. peeping when the whole thing "MDBS," SCRIMSHAW, Box 3A. This evidence immediately started last year. :ae~~a~f~~1 y~;d o~o~rJn,~o~a~~ today's standards, and therefore We will deliver the best advice we eliminates all the townspeople peeped both years. This discounts will be socially acceptable. from suspicion, as well as the So what we have is a set of 445 all faculty members! This leaves construction workers, Our happy male students. I conducted a poll, no one but the administration. hardhats' amorous messages to and found out from a cross section The only men who wear no "Reefer Speeial" W.M.C. women further prove their of "the campus women that all eyeglasses are the Accountant- innocence. It is also very unlikely except 85 of these men would be Budget Director, the Director of that we would have a commuting immediately recognized and Annual Funds, the Assistant Pat Clarke life is totally ruined. He stops peeper so Ihave concluded that the named were they the guilty party. Director of Development, and the Last week I saw a very in- hanging around with the other kids villain is somehow affiliated with Therefore, I took the names of Dean of Student Affairs. The teresting movie on T.V., called .at the malt shop, and instead of Western Maryland College life. these 85, and began delving deeper Budget Director is too short to be Reefer Madness. It was very doing his homework on Saturday into the specifics of the matter. I must now outline the other our peeper. educational cguse my mom told nights like most kids he becomes a clues we have, though they are Of thes-e eighty' five, thirty-six That leaves three, and only three me to watch it. The movie was all hopeless ADDICT! He begins a life dissappcintingly scarce and sket- have 7:50 a.m. classes, and men, who could be the peeper! about the horrors of that of indulgence and debauchery, ehy: we've received several couldn't be peeping. This leaves Whoever the guilty party is, he devastating drug, Mari-juana which of course ends in tragedy. reliable descriptions of the man,_forty-nine, three of whom are would have to have keys to the The story is about good 01' Billy, One very good point about this and have put together a composite homosexuals and wouldn't peep. women's dorms because it clearly who is a really nice kid, and Mr. movie is that it was very subtle but description. The peeper is tall, Only twenty-seven of the states in the W.M.C. student Mordo, who acts like a nice guy but revealing about the dangers of the black-haired, brown-haired, blond, remaining forty-six are 5'10" or handbook that all doors are really isn't. The bad guy invites dread Marijuana. Saying how stocky, skinny, average build, taller, and all but nine of them securely locked at precisely Il:OO good 01' bill to a party, which smoking this stuff causes insanity, bearded, scraggly-faced and clean- wear eyeglasses. Of these nine, p.m. every night. The only one of seems innocent enough, but right stunts growth and grows hair on shaven. In other words, a tall white four are Black, one is Chinese, and these three men who have ready after he gets there some incredibly your palms. I can only say that I male. Of this we can be sure. one weighs over two-hundred- access to these keys is the Dean of foxy chick is already enticing Billy am very glad that nobody T know However, there is one very im- eighty-five pounds and couldn't run Student Affairs to smoke Marijuana. She is very ever smoked this evil weed, and I portant clue that has been largely out of a dorm surreptitiously Dear Readers ... 1ask you to draw convincing. sure am glad I saw this very overlooked. enough to avoid being captured. your own conclusions. From that moment on, Billy's educational movie. Construction: Worker Must Like His Job Jeff Robinson placed under pressure to speed up throughout the center. The two men had kind words for was adamant in saying that he Mahlon Hood is a construction the work, he replied, "There is no A.S far as the schedule went, he the school-both the students and couldn't see any construction crew foreman. He has been at his way in the world to 'rush' this type stressed that he was trying to the administration. The student worker coming in at the time of job since the age of 12, working of job." employ as many tradesmen at the body was described as "one of the morning that the incidents have evenings part-time after school. It There were several reasons for site as possible at any particular' best we have dealt with overall." been cited. And after work begins, has been his life since the age of 20. this falling-behind in the work point in time. But the real time- And Preston Yingling, the college's no worker is allowed off the site. schedule. Much of it was caused consuming aspect has been the Director of Physical Plant, was Both men attempted to clear the Now, at 36, Hood is supervising way back last year when an ex- slow-moving material shipments. highly thought of as one of the most name of the construction the construction of _ Western tremely cold weather condition set Hood stated, "If we haven't got the knowledgeable men that either profession. Maryland College's new Decker in up and down the East coast, materials to work with, we can't do Junior or George had worked with. To sum up the interview the two College Center. His company, the halting or slowing down many the job." As mentioned before, though, construction foremen were asked Charles J. Frank Co., is the con- projects throughout the area. As a One of the subordinate foreman, interaction between worker and whether they felt that their men tractor who is responsible for the direct result, the pouring of con- George Grohs, came in during the student h~s been sparse. With the were bored on the iob. Both ex- entire operation. They appeared on crete was not begun until March 8. middle of our discussion. At this campus m an uproar over the claimed of their own interest in the scene last December, after low- Over the summer the job couldn't point talk was turning to the recent incidents involving, a their occupation. Junior put it all bidding four other contractors for progress until some electrical and workers' relationship with the "peeper," however, rumor has together by stating, "If anyone the opportunity to build the $2.4 steam-and-condensation lines were million complex. And for a period of time ~~1:=s th~t ~:~. h~deo[!:n ~~ ~~icts~t:!~I~t~~~~r;f i~e~~~ ~~~~o!~~~at~:~n~o~::~~~,~~: III the early morning atmosphere . rerouted. of the half-finished structure, Hood an electrical power cut-off oc- earnest attempt to get the two struction worke~. here. If you don't enjoy your work, looked at ease and ready for that curred following an extremely groups to interact. He explained, As far as Junior was concerned, it just wouldn't make any sense." day's work. Amidst the banging of powerful lightning storm. "If we are asked questions by the "If th~y. can prove that h~'s a Obvisously, these were some very hammers, and drilling of drills, he All of this led up to the present students we try to give them good construction worker, he won t be trumathn.fUlthoughts from a very wise and this reporter sat and discussed- day and the cne-montb lateness of answers." worldng here any IOnger'0"",Geo~Cg~'i~~n~:J~f"j~:::J the progress of the center. The the project. The bulldozer crews conservation ranged from the have left the site as have the and the concrete mixers. amount of time left on the job to masons recently the steel workers Just any possible connection between (Local No. 16) disappeared from the construction workers and the the WMC campus, following a WMC Peeper. In his interview, Mahlon, or lengthy, well-publicized, and easily "Junior" as his co-workers call noticeable stay on the construction him, discussed how things had site. Junior listed the contractors progressed. He explained that the presently involved with the job was presently about one month building: Allstate Sheet Metal behind schedule, but he, the con- working on the ductwork con- tractors, and the college were still struction; George Mills Co., in- aiming to finish the structure by volved with the mechanical the originally-proposed, June, 1978 aspects of the center; and Midtown completion date. But when asked Electrical, dealing with wiring whether he felt that they had been
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