Page 30 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 30
SCRIMSHAW LeHers to the Editor Money Makes Art Interesting D-Sectibn Starts to Stink "Who ever looks at art anyway?" We at SCRIMSHAW see this as a An Open Letter to Dean Laidlaw stalls were delivered to, of all share your shower each morning? response given whenever someone brings up the poor attendance Dean Laid1aw, places, the boiler room in. C- If so, let me get my soap and showings at art exhibitions held here on campus. It Is our opinion that the This letter is,in reference to the section. They were then promptly shampoo. I'll be there the first crux of the problem lies not with a lack of Interest In art on the Hili, but shower stall on the first floor of D- forgotten. After repeated attempts thing in the morning. If not, please with several other factors that are svbtly below the surface. section of Daniel Mactea. As you by myself and others to bring this see that this problem is rectified as Art Is one of the most magnificent examples of the kind of things that a know, the shower stall on our floor to your attention, ranging from soon as possible. My only other liberal arts education allows one to experience. It balances the scales has been out of order for three and telling you that we knew where the course of action is to contact the between the sciences, the humanities, and the social sciences prevalent a halr- weeks. After repeated missing stalls were to. all but Carroll County Board of Health. throughout the campus. And yet, It Is more than that. Art Is a thing that requests by the Gamma Beta Chi taking you by the hand to the boiler Thank you, may be savored and, when learned how, appreciated for the rest of one's house manager, the assistant room and pointing them out to you, Mark L. Rosenberg life. It deserves better than to be stuffed away In a corner and Ignored.\ house manager, myself and you told me "I will look into it." A resident of Lack of observers at the art shows can be attributed to: 1.) The location several other residents of the first It has been almost four weeks first floor of the Art Bulldlng relative to the centers of focus of the rest of the floor, there has been little if any since I have been able to shower in campus (dorms, the cafeteria, the grille), and 2.) The quality of the art action taken by you to rectify this the morning without making the available for the amount of money provided for such exhibitions. We problem. trek to second or third floor, only to Why? believe that art, in and of Itself, is not uninteresting. Rather, like all other The blame for the break down of find both stalls being used and activities on this campus, in order to succeed, there is a great dependance our shower does not lie with us. The several people waiting in the Dear Sir, on logistics, timing, and build-up for the event. concrete has simply worn out and bathroom or hall. If this is such a As a resident of fourth-floor But corrections are on the way. We think that the administration has cracked due to age -and use. The minor inconvenience, would you Rouzer, I have followed the recent seen the growing need for cultural enrichment with the Initial stages of water from our shower was consider inviting five or six of us to "elevator controversy" very planning the new College Center. It is assumed that space w!" be draining down into the ceiling of closely, but have seen no progress provided, upon completion, for art shows in the main foyer of the bUilding room D-2 and it caused minor on a consistent basis. This takes care of Problem No.1 by placing artwork damage. When you learned of this Left.ies Survive ~af:,t~~~r~~v~ :eo::~~~ ~:~~o~i along a heavily travelled route, thereby giving constant opportunities for problem, you acted rather ....quickly students complaining about a observation. and had our-shower disconnected. problem which is, to say the least, Only part of the problem is solved by this action. SCRIMSHAW can only Since that time the residents of Dear Editor, very familiar to me. None of the look into the future: and see students whizzing by "nice," but not- first floor have had to walk up to Recently, a series of articles students, however, seem to know attentlon·grabblng, "freebie" paintings and SCUlptures. Although the either second or third floor to appeared concerning the problems anything about why the elevator is opportunity Is there, the artwork may stili go unnoticed because ct. shower every day. Granted, this is faced by left-handers when sitting "off" in the first place. Isn't it tentlmes shows exhibiting crotch shots and the like do not truly turn not a major inconvenience, but at a right-handed desk. As a left- about time that someone, people on to artistic talent. _. when compounded by the fact that hander, I am fully aware of the somewhere told us fourth-floor Therefore, we believe that steps should be taken to upgrade the quality our bathrooms are cleaned only inconveniences these desks cause, peons why we have to walk up all of art shown within the Center In t"fleYears ahead. One proposal has been every two or three days, there but I have some objections to those steps? Perhaps if the ad- discussed with a member oUhe Gallery Committee. What It suggests, in arises the possibility of serious purchasing special left-handed ministration would take the time to order to fund an improvement In the shows, is a combined effort between health problems. , desks. I've lived for 19 years with submit an article to the Scrim- the student body (through the SGA) and the administration. When you first began to hear the right-handed desks, so three or shaw, many of these mtsun- The Committee will be submitting a request for funding from the SGA complaints about our walking the four more years won't kill me. derstandings could be cleared up. in its 1978·79 budget. We do not feel that the SGA should ignore this one or two flights of stairs to Also, I would much rather sit next Perhaps the administration could request because of the impact and Its potential effects on students for the shower, your response was to t!le to my friends than be forced to also help me explain to my rest of their lives. Nor do we feel that the student body should have to bear effect of "So what? I bet that choose among a limited number of grandparents why the maids can the full burden of such an undertakIng. almost all of you have to walk up "special" desks. Finally, it seems use the elevator every day, but my What we propose is a system of matchIng grants, between the college the stairs to shower at home." and the Student Government Association. ThIs would entail the SGA's What you have failed to take into ~a~~a~:~~~ ~~~:nJ~;!r~~~';~ C~~i~~~t:o mviu:ttp~:.tiit!~~~~~ approval of a certain amount (or percentage) of their budget being set account is that at my home, we do their minds than a slight case of has information concerning our aside for the benefit of the arts. In response, the Ptnence Office would not have 33 people sharing our two writer's cramp. \ elevator, please let us hear it. also provide an allocation for art showings, provided the SGA follows shower stalls. Sincerely, through and finalizes their budget in the Spring with the arts' monies Mter some time, the new shower Signed, Bill Spring intact. stalls did arrive. At thls time, the Another'left-hander Rouzer 403 When the time would come to select exhibits for the year, the Selection Committee would then have a stipend to work with, giving. them .a much Music Society Wins National Award broader range of artistic talent to choose from. It Is our opinion that only through financial commitment that this Omicron Eta, the local collegiate The members of the society meet Ms. Liddell, the daughter of Mr. college, both students and administration, can truly show the errectrcn chapter of the international music tri-annually to discuss key issues and Mrs. Glenn A. Liddell III of · thatthey will be taking with the liberal arts environment. M· society, Delta Omicron, recently and attend lecture-recitals. This Federalsburg, Md., is a graduate Congratu ations aJor received several awards held at the at year the contemporary was music. on of Colonel Richardson Senior High 1 emphasis is currently a senior. National Conference American School and Carson Newman College in Jef- pr!~~!~~~~~a~~ui~o~~es :. ~:~~el~P~nc~::uc~oern~~~hl~f t~=eM~~~:;;\ fe~o~ ~:~d~~,n~~:;~/~~:itd!!t AIumni HoI d P arti e s Science Department. We recognize that a step such as this represents and representative to -the con- long years of hard work and experience In order to show sufficient skills ference, accepted awards for ef- The Alumni Undergraduate time or another. They will be held meriting a rise In r~nk. Once again, the SCRIMSHAW would like to ficiency, campus service, and the Committee will be hosting a series in Harrison House, the green house congratulate the Malor on his accomplishment. chapter scrapbook {honorable of wine and cheese parties. Each next to the Infirmary. The purpose Editorial is a Group Effort I ~~~~~O~te~ver 70 chapters were =~;~n!he~f wi:~ein~~m~~~~~~: ~lt!n:~~~~~~io~t~~~'!~a~~t c~~ . It is again this year, the policy of the SCIMSHAW to write their m~~c~~~~c~~~~I~S~~ ~~~~7t~::t~~.e, a dorm floor and a dorm an~h:~~~Op!~~yt~e~~iday, the aist ~od~~~~a~~~::~~h~n~:~e~fa\n:~I:~~~~ :~t~;!~lln~~~~~ Tsh~~rs~l~ry ~~~ the Cincinnatti Conservatory of The parties are free and at 4:00 p.m. Watch your mailboxes work and thoughts of one person in particular .. Music. Members are chosen on ~he everybody will be invited at one for invitations! scholarship, "talent, basis of By doing so we hope to diversity rne opinions of our editorials, much as the opinions of the student body in general can be extremely diverse. This community service, and should take into account a larger number of sides Involved In anyone character." College and Union Street issue. We hope that this effort will be noted and appreciated In readln!; our edl.torials In the future. Error Error! doesn't want to change that, if at from page 1 Continued have After Staff Box Board of Trustees. The fact that all possible. neighbors all, they many good been for The Editors Editor-in-Chief like to make of Scrimshaw would they don't want to change the years. a correction. Some Jeff Robinson character of the neighborhood or The houses are in poor condition, figures listed in the story published force anyone to leave is what but it would cost a ... . ft1anaging Editor in our October 14 edition were makes the entire issue so sensitive. said Schaeffer, renovate them. He fortune to News Editor Meg Hoyle Jigsaw Artist misquoted in bringing the story to "Union St. is strictly a social added that Western Maryland is I Nancy Menefee Typist Dave Cleveland press. The figures listed as the problem," said Schaeffer. not in the real estate business. Nancy Saxion national average compensation for If the property were to be SOld, The facts of this situation are Business Manager Ann Hackman Photography Editor college instructors are incorrect. there is a major problem in that currently being considered by a Joe Della Badia Joan Hu£h_es Scott Dahne The true figures are as follows: there is little low-income housing special committee of the Board of Sports Editors Entertainment Director Feature Editor Compensation (in dollars) available to in Carroll to, County for the Trustees, who are trying to work tenants move they were Katz Mark Jim Teramani Arts Editor Phil Lahdula forced to leave by new owners. out a solution that is agreeable to Jlm wocsfand Professors all. Theo Braver 24,030 The administration has talked to Stoff Doug Bowman Mark C. Bayer Ann· Drvmey Associates 18,400 Carroll County and westmtnster Although no longer interested in Steve Bainbridge Tim Windsor Yon Makino city officials about the Situation, buying Union st. property, the Bill Weeks David Zinck Scott DeMaris Assistants but no solution was suggested. College is still concerned with Giangola Mike D'Andrea Chris Bohaska Denise 15,180 The fact that this is strictly a establishing the boundary line Phyllis Menschner Mark Mylin BeckyCassilly social problem is part of what down Pennsylvania Ave. Those Anita Crouse Jeff Smith He Ornery The Editors regret this error and makes the situation difficult to houses already owned are used for Sally Stebbins Dave Langley Joan HulUles promise it won't happen again ------ within~the next 30 seconds. close-knit, and the administration facu1ty members. Ja~'Holtzman Mary Cole Sergio Zarbin handle. The neighborhood is very student housing and rented to
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