Page 24 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 24
Friday, October 7, 1977 Scrimshaw PageS WMC , Sports Fall Ter_rors Lose, Bold 50.50 Dale Friedman to give Western Maryland a 3-0 John Sules scored from 14 yards The Western Maryland College lead at half. Obviously with the out with 6:31 remaining - thE!. Green Terrors suffered their first, playing conditions so bad the game quarter.The point after was good. defeat-of the year, losing to' was truly a test of defensive skill. Then with 37 seconds remaining in Muhleilberg College 10-3. In a The big green defense lead by All- the quarter Bob Weller kicked a st . game that was marked by . American candidate Buck. Horsey yard field goal to put the Mules on horrendous field conditions due to: and Don Enterdine along w- top for good. a steady downpour of rain, the big freshman stand outs Joe Menen- Sules, the leading rusher on the "Green Machine" could only put 3 cley and Rob Bowman were very day had 212 yards on 37 carries. points on the board. The Terrors tough. But the elements on this day The Green Terrors travel to Bruce Belt hit a 31 yard field goal were with Muhlenberg. In the 3rd Moravia College next Saturday. WMC Boote" were outclassed by Loyola, with 15 seconds left in the first half quarter it was all Muhlenberg as Game time is 1:30. Wednesday afternoon, ~ in a 5-0 loss. BootersLoseYetAgainPhY";'M.g~en Suffer First Loss Harold Schmulowitz' Alter. wmnmg their first two This past Wednesday, the WMC waldo The team attributed the poor games the Womens Varsity Soccer team took on Loyola and play to a steady downpour of rain. Field Hockey Team was defeated met thier nemesis with a score of 5- During the Loyola game, )'j Franklin and Marshall on O. According to Coach Earll, the however, field and weather con- Saturday, October 1 with a score of team was "outclassed". This is the diticns were excellent. The team 3-0. F&M took advantage of the second time the team bas been made a gallant effort, but were no 110mefield position by socring 2 of beaten by a Division 2 team in the match for Loyola's excellent play. their goals in the first half and then last week. Last Saturday, the team This Saturday, the Green Terrors added the third in the second. The met UMBC and returned with a will meet Haverford at home at iteam displayed excellent skills and score of 7-1. With9:45 left to play, a 1:00. Hopefully, this will give the demonstrated superior goal was scored by Andy Fried- team a chance to regain face. manuevers. October - On Wednesday, F -res men Fl00 t girls added a tie to their record 1-1 5 the h Elizabethtown College. agatnst Their season record is now 2-1-1. E- Hockey players battle it out in last Satur- Naney Anzalone In humor, he asked, "Separate town scored first in the middle of day's game at Franklin and Marshall. ~~~:~:t~:,;;~r::tc:::~~3~?~~~ei~g~~J}~~~~::E;;;:;:~~:f*?~~~;~:ex;~~~~~::~th ofthe"games~~~~:~:~f:?¥~:!~;:8~; fr;:ne~~~ni~i~i~~'wa~e~ r~~~~ ~:Cc~~:~~~ :~n~:J. behind ~: f!~~:a~~~:~D~W~~~in~ WMC. The officials declared it a tie only goal for WMC in the first half record is now of the game. TheJ.V. both with demonstrating teams ~i~~i~~:, tow;O:~I:!~lle, f~:;~ ~~~~inster once again for the ~:nfah~e: ~~::r~ f::;e~~~ ~:!~n;~l~ :u~ ~~~~ =~:;:t~~ home field at 3:30. fiE?::'::~~:O!~~i~t{.b~TowsonContributes Finest Players building, a post blow up Ann Diviney Tammy, a sophomore here, cohesiveness of the teams under winning ways along to WMC. their raf~. Two ad~tlOnal rafts One thing a person learns when played on the same high school Coach Wasserman that helped Carol Fritz, coach of the WMC ~~~ec~~~~~:"th~n~:C~f~~ ~~~~~i~!~r~f~~.rt~~~~tv~: ~=d~~y~a~~ ~~s~~if ~~~ ~=:~n s:so~:~~n:re;tt~e'!Uf~ ~~i:idpI~~:;:;s~h~t~:Pb!:e~ 2'-h.ton truck. .. s important, true, but on1y in SeniorsSueCunninghamandLynn state playoff competition year well-coached. I know that when SlX students armed With bright- terms of how he can contribute to Glaesar played together on the after year. Whatever the reason, we're getting players who have yellow paddles, (and a few woods) the team cause. Volleyball is no varsity team when the other three the Towson girls seem to have played at Towson, we're getting hopped in each of the four rafts and exception to this. You can't spike a were on JV Though their coach at brought their team spirit and quality players." ~k. off dow~~tream for those ball without a good set, and nearly Towson never came right out and white waters. every play in the game involves saidit,itisobviousthatshe taught Heagy's Sport The Ranger raft took an early help fromybour teammates. In the them that the game is supposed to h !ead. They were passed only ?nce long run, knowing your teammates be fun as well as competitive-it's a S Op m the race to Bull Run. Captamed and understanding how they move sport that not only teaches its 'FULL LINE OF SPORTING The by Bob Hale, this raft gracefully can only help. players may athletic skills, but GOges Very Feminine ~~t~~~~ted down the small m~ ;:~::k ~sef¢~:n~ o~=~ ~~~~er~~: ;a~~ ~~ill:e.that are 16 W. Main Street 848.5515 Question of In Town to. of the it was because Perhaps team girls WMC's Minutes later, as they were victory this year. Five of the girls' 1:":=:':':::"::::'~==::;;;~=;:::;;;;:;;;;I.J volleyball pulling their raft up and around, I Life Insurance .~ the Rangers witnessed the second on the team come from the TOwso~ ~.:. N"u It .. 8:~~.J-'' group's attempt at the waterfall. area where they all participated i~ In tb~~ liMnllrd 111m....."" \>IIIm3n nl'l'd <;t'tlleror"'t'lI.k,jn~lfl'diHfin ...nCial !~~te!:t~~::r~ftt~~~eno~e~~ ~~~~h~~~S!~C of t~:e~~~~ _. ._ planninlt·1knlopinj!finllnl"ial another almost went down back- together in games there, and don'~ we 1I!n'e ••• K indeptnl·sthlllandnnhelp.IIIU _ carry him down. Crew member, and strategies, and watching each DINNER iI"hieHllCullt"Kt':'Ihtdt'r" f!rnlht-r Betsy Malkus, to say the least, other play seems to have been a big prnli.r_-\\hjch."illmt"'I~"urnrt'd.'nn .. ~xpressed her concern very loudly, help. Subs Pizza lind in Ihe fulufe. but to no avail. And out Bob came, Tammy Roebber, one of the .........- safe and smiling. Towson Five, put it this way, "If a Wfiile the Rangers played on, team doesn't get along together ~0""_ .i1!eI ev~ryone else left for Harper's and respect each other on and off ~ .....--. RE~~!~~~r;TS F'erry. This final leg of the trip was the court, chances are they won't .lDfun",,0010 ", • ..............,.eOlOO'AJl. rocky and involved much raft be that good of a team." She feel~ pulling, carrying, and shoving. that the main thing she learned Also, there were crew changes as from her 'high school years of W1111111WALKING DISTANCE people "hitched" rides on the volleyball under Coach Wasser· nearest mOving raft. In a mass of man (nee Miss Bereson) was that confusion everyone pulled their in order to have a good team, rafts ashore. teamwork is essential, and thaI The group was treated to dinner good teamwork is dependent upor R.. tel40 at McDonald's. the individual players getting NEWLY IIEMOOELED -..... ~~~n~~~~~ '::~: along. "We always had close teams ordered. Cap. Moler was asked if there, and did a lot of stuff together EXPANDED SEATING ""'110 . he was the father of all these kids. ~~!e w~~::.e~~. Happiness .•:
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