Page 23 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 23
Page 7 Scrimshaw Friday. October 7. 1977' SGADiscusses Goals at First Meetiug No Parking Left Mary Cole this year's Homecoming. Chris had been practice to elect a Queen. The flrst meeting of the SGA was related the decision of all those This year of Enlightenment will with and lee Milxwell a?ound for students. Add to this the held on October 3 at 9 p.m. in the involved everything Homecoming for this to see the election of a Queen idea equality The sexual ·King. exciting make The problem of inadequate fact that a large amount of cafeteria. As members entered, parking on the campus of WMC is a graduate students park here at odd they were given voting cards. r::r.~eN~~::lis ::~:~ ~~~~ ::~:,:Oaden~~~,~:~i~~ common and longstanding com- hours, and you have a very an- These cards were implemented by World). The idea has been year each class will select a male pletnremoog students (and faculty noying situation. Dave Zinck in order to eliminate presented to eliminate motorized and female attendant. and staff) who must pay $5.00 to Last year, the SGA proposed that the role call and to make the voting vehicles as much as possible in The question of student direc- use allocated parking. freshman be required to park in procedure run more smoothly. favor of surreys, buggies, and the tories came up under New Many people have complained special areas that are usually The meeting started with the like to keep in tune with the basic Business. The Action Committee that because they could not find devoid of cars-the lots behind introduction of members of parking places around their own. Harrison House and near the water Student-Faculty Committees. The th~'?:te. this year will not -~~e:~~~o;~::I~~~~:t:rn: be dormatories, they have had to go tower. The administration readily committee members have brief remembered only for its buggies directories. The Action Committee far out of their way to find parking agreed to help ease the parking explanations of their committees and excitement! This year's plans to reimburse the SGA with places. situation. A special report on the to familiarize the SGA with their Homecoming will herald in the money made from selling the This is no idle complaint; there situation is featured, next week, in functions. equal rights for men i~ directories to students. A directory are figures to back this up. For the SCRIMSHAW. Chris Holmes spoke next about Homecoming. In prevtous years, 11 was approximated to cost no more instanc.e, there are approximately than 25 cents. In a later interview ~!t~~:~~gre"~;:d~~~t~~~e~ Dear the Story of the South with another .sGA leader, it was found that they would cost closer to 75 cents eotece. ~~~~~~ts a~~r~~~~gaet:;e;~:el~~! \ Circle K requested and received reserved for the use of faculty and Dave Cleveland. . was, he accepted Lance's $250 for bands to participate in the staff only. This leaves ap- Those who .. are Interested m resignation. Jack Bass's ob- Dance Marathon. proximately 544 parking places for Southern Politics may. have at- servattcn was, "Jimmy maintined A Special Committee, consisting students., We:~d~~ ~~~~berg~~nin,l:! .hi~ in~~grity, that's the important solely of senate members, was the problems ~~e c~~~r:gn!':rsfig:~a~ Baker 100 room by Jack Bass, a created to consider to the $95 overload andjiltematlves registered at the college, the ~t~~f~~~;~~journalist and charge. Paul Fulton, President of problem can easily be seen. There Jack Bass spoke mainly about SGA, appointed Debbie Ericson are approximately 460 cars the evolition of Southern politics and Chuck Barbour to co-chair registered to the college by a from the essentially post- this committee. The members of ~~~%a~~t s~~eo~~ ~~';s~: reconstruction times after World the committee are to work with everyone concerned with the while several have two or more ;:::~i~~:l~l~~~~~:n:c;s~~: overload charge: par-ticipation _ cars registered). There are 487 about the Carter Administration from all interested parties is in- cars registered to students (1316 and the effects of its Southern valuable. ~~~t~mse~:n ~~~~v~f t:~: Background. The Honor Board requested Chris Holmes to get feedback on an more cars registered. w~~e.o~~:ym~~rer~~~e ~:~: idea for putting pledges on every Only about 175 to 200 faculty and wondering how Jimmy Carter test administered at WMC. The ~~ft':~v~:,mth~ would handle crises. The Bert pledge, which is to be signed by the means there is a overflow of at Lance affair provided his first student, states that all the work on and no cheating the test is original least 70 faculty and staff cars into crisis. Jimmy Carter continued to occured to get answers. Its func- student parking places. This only support Bert Lance because he is compounds the problem students still isolated from much of political tion would be to remind students of the binding nature of the Honor have, since there are already not ::-~;e:?: c~ti:Se:!i~~ LahnOc~ Code. General consensus was that enough parking places to go the pledge would serve little good, Electric Factory Gives Show since every student agreement already has signed one such upon Mike D'Andrea the stage, surrounded by the entering WMC. The question of Last Tuesday night at keyboards and the synthesfzer. how far students could be trusted Philadelphia's Spectrum, Electric And the beautiful Stevie Nicks was presented by Brenda Donovan Factory Concerts presented stood at center stage, where most who felt that the next step 'Fleetwood Mac', along with of the attention was devoted! the evolution of Southern politics. following pledges on tests would be special guest Kenny Loggins. St.evie wore an elegant.velour gown J~my does have a limited staff. increased the split between those a mandatory polygraph tesf for all Kenny Loggins, surprisingly with a leather hat, which captured He is relying on a cadre of tolerant and those intolerant of students at the end of the semester. enough, played for an hour but the the eyes of many. Georgians inexperienced in blacks. As the South has lost its It was decided that each SGA outstanding Fleetwood Mac, with Most of the songs heard that national politics. "His only high- post-reconstruction attitude of the member would recieve two copies numerous smashing hits, con- night were from the albums of level staff member with a lot of 1940's, the-Republican base has of the minutes. At least one of these tinuely perfonned two hours of 'Rumors' and 'Fleetwood Mac'. experience in Washington is Vice shrunk, leaving the South still a copies should be posted for con- non-stop excitement. -erned constituents to read. Kenny Loggins of the well-known ~!:~wa:!e~a~d th!a~!ti~:s~ ~i~:!d ~o=~'~ :~~ f;~~ on~.a~?S:~~~~ded with a list of Openings for students on the pair, Loggins and Mess_ina, suc- pla~ such hits as; 'Never Goptg: to take on a major advisory role." theSouth'sproblems.Amongthem Athletic, Publications, and cessfully perlonned a ruce show. Calendar Student-Fa'culty Com- Kenny performed many cuts from ~k ~;~':~~~~i:''?;o~:; .The Southerners a~ving with :ar:r:~~~tl::~~~a:~~ mittees were also ,announced. his newest release, 'Celebrate Me Morning,' 'The Chain' and 'Over IJunmy Carter are a di~fere~t type pOlitical participation, and Freshman elections are to be Home.' Most of the cuts from the My Head.' These songs, along with from those who came WJth N1xon or unregulated growth. held tlie last 3 weeks of the album resemble an easy listening a few others, were played very Fo~. Th~ people ~~e .been semester. ., type rock. Along with his newest well as the crowd cheered for each acllve 10 the clvt!-rlghts Attention Women!!!! And, finally, the next meeting, songs, he also sang known cuts like one. Just after an hour and a half of .movement. This is typical of the _ which is open to all, wiU be held 'House on Pooh Comer' and my playing, Christine McVie said that ,'whole So'!-tb. The .old racism is Do you know who you are and October 17, 9 p.m., in the cafeteria. favorite 'Angry Eyes.' But like they would play one more song slowly dlsa~peanng. When a where you're going? All women most concerts, the special guest then leave with no encore. And the major porhon of the black interested in joining a con- Late night speciaf!! concludes his act usually without ~~:r;:~~~~~~~~~[o~':~~~: up in the air tol!=--....-~~~""'!~~---~~~-.... an encore, as the impatiently sell- W~~~~I~~ng:'~~I:!~D~! ::uI~~~~tS~~tsvo::p=~~ 8:00 pm-11 :00 pm oUt crowd of 20,000 awaits the high- crowds deafening cheers were "But," said Mr. ~ss, "the .media, October 10, Baker light of the night. heard all over. Everyone held a has concentrated 1ts attention on Semmar Room at 9:30 pm. FREE!! match or a lighter After a number of chants 'T· h.·s! exercised by the massive body, 'ymboli,ethe"feeling,towanlthe Save Th.·s'. Save ~ show. deafening exciting The Fleetwood Mac appeared on,stage, FiJet-O-Fish just then the crowd thunderously cheers were finally answered as The S. G. A. Social Committee is a single r,ight of film en. cheered. Suddenly, 'Second Hand Fleetwood Mac entered the stage proud to announce this year's tertainmel!~. If you have any with this coupon when you purchase a News' filled the ears of the ~f~::~~~ri:Ft,sE::~~rr.~r~=£~~p:~~!~~::~;;:~~~~~~~!~~;~~i"~ thhusands of rans. Lindsey Big MacTM Buckingham precisely sang and begWl to sing 'You Make Loving played as if the amazingly Fun,' which as if you didn't know, Date Title Times {Umit one coupon per purchase) smashing album, "RUMORS", set the crowd into hysterics Oct. 14 Ode to Billy Joe 7,9, & 11 pm WedoHalllor)"OU .• were playing. The mood of ex- 'Rhiannon' followed, as the lovely Nov. 11 A Dog Day Mternoon 7,9:30, & 12 pm m~s & 12 pm citement was indeed, prevalent Stevie Nicks once again regained Nov. 16 Barry Lyndon 9:30 pm throughout the arena. Everyone the spot light. Soon after 'Rhian Jan. 6 The Sting 7,9:30, & 12 pm was going crazy as their eyes ~ere non,' it was Micks' turn for the Jan. 21 The Outlaw Josey Wales 7,9:30, peeled to the stage. attention as he performed a short . Feb. 18 Let's Do It Again 7,9:30, & 12 pm Set back on the stage, towards drum solo. Finally, Christine in- Mar. 4 Double Feature WlIStm;nster the middle, perched the lanky Mick Fleetwood, who was enclosed by ~~ucae: ~;~ W~~~r~~~e ~;; ~~~~~ :~:~~y Night I~ :~1 pm Re;sterstownonly his drums. To the left of Mick (his Val;d8:00pm,'1:00pmSunday . Mar. 18 right}, stood John McVie, who was motise.' The group once again ~:y~ The Exorcist 7, 9:30, ~ 12 pm hrough ThursdayeKpirllS plucking away on his bass. ~~:~~d :~~r~:nc:'nth:~~e~~:~ ~~I:~O~~ BiUy Jack 7 & 10:30 pm 10/13/77. Christine McVie sat to the leit of evening! ,_ .... __ ..7'~9..:30_,~&~t_2..pm_ .....
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