Page 26 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 26
SCRIMSHAW Letters to the Editor- Administration Acts Lefties needed comments Although we peepers your are stallment of "I'M as Mad as Hell in abounding on campus. why" has succeeded and Here's on-Major Problems article 'written is in response to the a small group, we are sincerely irritating Hall. the entire third floor of This article pursuit dedicated of our Rouzer to the Left Handed about Desks in the oet. 7 issue of the prcresston and will not be The "journalist" responsible for Hats are off to the administration for following through on a problem Scrimshaw: ciiscouraged by your vicious slurs! this literary gem, is, in our opinion, that was brought to their attention. What, you say tho) is impossible, that Dear Editor, As a matter of fact, we did ap- full of shit. To our chagrin, after the administration never does anything quickly or efficiently? Well, for I am a left-handed person myself prebend and punish the lone peeper sifting through a shroud of once dear friends you are wrong, the men (and ladies) In Elderdice have and last year I observed that there who has been peeping without a irrevelancy, we found the authors come through. were no lett-handed desks on this peeper's permit and on his own, point, which has something to do For the first winter since the construction of the Garden Apartments, entire campus. I felt like I and all and his union membership card with elevators. the residents within will not have to endure the dangerous trek up the of the other left-handed people has been revoked. For it is a long If indeed the article was con" slopes of Mount Everest in order to arrive at their classes on schedule. were being discriminated against. standing rule of loyal peepers that cerned with elevators, it certainly Last week marked the construction of a set of steps up the side of the hili Therefore, ever the summer, I a peeper never peeps alone. So, we wasn't very evident. The beside Englar Dining Hall and behind the Rouzer parking lot. wrote a letter to Dean Mowbray of the local peepers union 733 would opinionated author is nothing but a Near the end of last winter SCR IMSHAW brought up the subject of the inquiring into the matter I recall like to assure you all that no peeper stupid child expressing his treachery involved in climbing this slippery, ottttrnea.lcv track of land. It saying that it was next to im- will ever be seen peeping without irrelevant viewpoint on everything seems that the administration had good foresight and knowledge in possible for a left-handed person to his peeping platoon. , from political philosophy to the seeing that the hill would continue to be a problem until such an action take notes with the efficiency We'll be seeing you! psychology of apathy. The author was taken. And boy did they act necessary and was it possible for Hieronymous Anonymous makes use of words like "bitch" Not only have the steps behind Englar been constructed, there has been something to be done about this and "damn" in a way reminscent further innovation. An additional set of stairs leads behind Whiteford situation. Smokey speaks of our junior high school days. Hall down to 129' Pennsylvania House and that per-rennlel warehouse of After checking into the situation, When the author's point is finally luxury goods, King's Market. The new steps offer quite an improvement Dean Mowbray replied with a Dear Sir: made, it is a meaningless one. All over climbing through the poles and down the hill in order to reach one's letter saying he had asked Mr. As an ardent fan of sports at of us. are vaguely concerned with destination, as had to be done in the past. Yingling about getting left-handed W.M.C. for the past twenty five our plight, (walking up what is But, to. the point of this eertcrtet. we feel that the Office ot Physical referred to as "10 flights of stairs Plant and the administration have acted in a manner that is beneficial to ~o~~~ ~d d~~!~ed me something years, I would like to protest the 20 times a day"), but we don't need the college and should be commended. We also feel that such action Returning this fall I saw no ~:1:~:t~e~~~~a:~I~t~~~:m~.~ some. clown with a typewriter to should not end there. Constantly, there are improvements that can or results therefore, I followed up on -know you think that you do your 'ell us what we already know. should be made throughout the college campus. It should be noted that the situation. Checking with Dean best, but I think these scholarly The author is unduly concerned the path that has been worn between MemorIal and Whiteford Halls is Mowbray, he informed me that the athletes deserve a little more becoming potentially dangerous. Large mudslides following rain and with the size of the campus and snow are beginning to cover over some alraadv-present, slfpperv paths :s~~::~nbef:nurort~e~~ ~!~~u1I~credit and respect. It is no wonder claims he is "getting that get sllpperler in those instances. We are requesting that the matter there are no results in this time I ;~~.~~~o ~~~~~np~r~~~'::~~letf~ claustrophobia" and that he wants be looked Into as far as the possibility of placing gravel along that area intend to follow up on the matter programs at W.M.C. because of to be "let out." Our response to goes. .... that is:if you don't like the campus There are other, less hezerocus problems that may continue to crop up again. LEFT-HANDERS s~~~T!i sour reporting by reporters on your you shouldn't have come here in over the course of time. We respect the fact the administration is willing newspaper. Yours truly, the first place and you are to take quick and effective action on most matters, whenever possible. Another Union Lewis Godler (Smokey) welcome to leave anytime you so We truly hope that this trend will continue. This letter Is definitely noJ for real. desire. phantom journalist, take So, What is a Terror? Dear Editor, -The Editor Third Floor too your irrelevant, redundant, and crass opinionated pompous, As a member of the Westminster Dear Editor, just plain shitty writing, find your A couple of weeks ago, while several students were reading the Sunday International Men's Peepers We're mad as hell-here's why. behind and insert said writing. paper, commentary shifted to the Terrors 41·16 victory over Urslnus. A Society (WIMPS) I vehemently The unknown party who was Steve Pardue few in the group were freshmen, so the obvious question came: "wnet is oppose the cruel and inconside-rate responsible for last weeks in- a Green Terror?" Well, ''Ie all know the story-how someone somewhere said they came Announcements over us like a wave of green terrors. But we sent several of our reporters to dig out the information. There was only one problem: no where, in any official or unofficial record Is the eccpttcn of a mascot recorded. Our staff Out in the Cold Remember, for a nite of good Among the U,S. 1 Poets who will checked several scvrces-tne Alumni Association, the library, and the entertainment (well, at least en- be here are Cleopatra Mathis from Athletic Dept. The last official recorded materlal,.was-the adoption of the Apr-il, 1977 brought a time of tertainment) Sat., Oct. 22 or Sun., Louisiana and the New Jersey school cclcra-old gold and olive green··in 1893. mixed emotions for the Oct. 23 at Westminster High Poets in the Schools Program. So with our investigation we found that no one knows what a-Terror is, congregation of the Union School. Currently she is an editor of the what it looks like, why we have a Green Terror or what we do with it. Memorial Baptist Church. In the Blue Meanies magazine Columbia. Alicia That's.what this editorial Is about. A school mascot should be mean midst of joyous preparations for Osn-iker is a professor of English enough to Inspire the football team; psyched enough to lead the Easter, their small, wooden frame Why do the same routine over and Creative Writing at Rutgers, basketball team; and relative enough to women's teams to Inspire them. church collapsed, a victim of a and over each weekend? This and has had two books published A mascot for a school usually has aggre;sslve tendencies. Mascots such harsh winter and old age. Saturday night, Phi Delta Theta and is an authority. Rod Tulloss is as a panther, tiger, knight, bulldog or Trojen fill this bill. Let's face it, a Under the leadership of their presents the Beetles double, the an engineer poet and a personal "Terror" just doesn't fit the bill. Even though the word Is "Terror," none pastor, the Reverend Rayfield "Blue Meanies" in concert in the friend of famous California poet of the physical mascots we have seem to strike terror in the hearts of the Gilliard, the Union Memorial cafeteria. Phi's will promise a and noted scholar David HeIT- opponents! Baptist Church began to raise deluxe time, including all the beer strom. Both of these men will also Not all scnocrs have big mascots; Notre Dame Is represented by a money to rebuild their church, a you can handle! Price will be $2.00 be reading and working with any leprechaun, University of Maryland by a terrapin. But one does .have to church that had stood on Green a head, and the time is from 9:00 to, interested students. For further admit that these mascots are still better than a Terror. Street in Westminster since 1869. 1:00. information contact Joe Gainer, We don't want to just advocate a change of mascot. Possibly all we need With generous community Poet's Co-op Campus Ext. 389. to do is to re-evaluate It. other schools have done it, ln cccperettcn with a support, the parishioners, though new athletic prQ.gfam. That precedent would fit our school. Maybe takIng small in number. have been able to Jeff K.Whittaker Dear Abby? suggestions from everyone would help launch a building drive in the hope This weekend the U.S. 1 Poet's That's what we're proposing. We want to know what you think about the of re-establishing their church as Cooperative from Central New NOTICE: Are you getting slck Terror. If you like it, tell us, Tell us lt you don't. If you want a change, but quickly as possible. As part of this Jersey will manifest itself on and tired of your roommate? Has don't know what to do, let us know. Wewantto know what YOU (students, effort, a talent show and com- campus in a joyful event of energy the girl you've been going with faculty. staff, and anyone else Interested In WMC) suggest. You can munitycraftsboutiquewillbeheld transfer. Some of the remarkable been giving you the business? If so, respond through campus mall (you won't even need a stamp) to: GREEN t the westminster 'High School events this weekend-open to all Istrongly recommend you read on. TERROR, Scrimshaw, Box J·A. If we get a response, we'll get on Saturday, October 22 from 7 to 9, students-include a poetry reading, My name is "MOBS" and I am workshops the wheels rOiling If necessary. And of course, we will keep you up to date. and on Sunday, October 23 from 3 workshops press in.poetry, printing, and in the answer to all of your problems. small Now that we got a new winning spirit in our athletic program .. maybe to 5. ..... If you would send your problems to we need a nevi mascot to lead them. Mr. Bill Tribby, of the Dramatic workshops in workshops. Box 3A, I "MOBS" will personally ,...:....:..:.:.._ -:"~::-:::---------, Arts Department at Western The poetry reading will be in- help you with your problems in Stoff Box Maryland College, is organizing formal and will begin at 8:30 future issues of SCRIMSHAW. In ~ e show itself and with his ex- tomorrow night in the grill. other words, I am the "Dear A~ by" of Western The Jeff Robinson pertise, and the the enthusiasm and it Memorial workshops will be in This column will Maryland College. performers, of quality next Hall, room 106, Saturday in start Assistant Honcho promises to be both a worthwhile at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., and week's issue of SCRIMSHAW. So Meg Hoyle and enjoyable experience for all. Sunday at 2:00 p.m start sending those problems in Sidekick Honcho Jigsaw Artist Nancy Menefee Key Punchers DaveC!evela!ld NancySaxion The Money ,Han Ann Hackman Shutlersnapper Joe DeUa BadIa Joan Hu¢lcs Sc;ottDahnc LaughMan j\!UJcleMen Other ThingJ lim Teramani Mark Katz Phil LaPadula Jim Wogsland The Usual Gang of idiots Becky CassIDy Dave Langley leffSrruth. Doug Bowman Mark C. Bayer An" UlV}ney Steve Bainbridge Tim Wlndsor Yon MakinQ Bill Weeks David Zinck Scott DeMario Mike D'Andrea ChtisBohaska DcniseGiangola Phyllis Mensthner Mark Mylin Theo Braver Anita Crouse He Ornery Sally Stebbins Chief Idiot JoanH~es .Ifll.lSchmuiov.it7. MaryCole KimKost
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