Page 31 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 31
Scrimshaw Page 3 Friday; October 21 1977 I'm Mad as Hell The Bathroom Wall On Defending Decibel Delight Repair Rip-off Yes, folks, we're back with If you're the kind of person who instructions to a level you'd un- Dave langley go ahead with the diagnosis and another I'M MAD AS HELL AND has to have absolute silence while derstand, suppose a manufacturer It was my mistake! When I that he, the client, wouldcaIl back I'M NOT GOING TO TAKE IT studying, why don't you try the told you on the label that the double pleaded for increased student every few days and see what type ANYMORE column, knowing as library? At the library you knit you're about to wash can go commentary, three weeks ago, I of progress was being made and we do, how much you love it. You wouldn't have the distractions of into cold water only and is not to be failed to note what I feel con- how much the bill was at that all know the rules, but some of you telephones ringing, friends stop- machine dryed, would you dump stitutes a legitimate editorial. moment. It was the consumer's may have tuned in late so here they ping by, your neighbor coming them into hot water and then the First, and this one's obvious, the decision that the service depart- are once again. You must: 1) Raise over to return a book, or people dryer? Of course not; it would ruin writer should present the situation ment stop work when he called hell in an obnoxious manner, 2) yelling in the halls. You could have them. You'd always follow the that he finds annoying as several days later and found that Have a subject on which bitchinz is the peace you seek. instructions. So, getting back to the adequately as possible. Second, the bill was already $90.00. required. Topics must vary.,;jth If you can't hear your own stereo original topic, all the stereo freaks unlike much of what I've read in This incident raises several every column. Best of all, we're not and it's turned up all the way, is it are doing is following the the past three weeks, good com- questions in my mind. First, why biased toward one side or another my fault that my system'S better manufacturer's instructions. mentary isn't the prisoner of cheap didn't the horn or fan work after onany topic which you might write than yours? Following orders, the very same emotionalism. While it is an the initial repairs were made? about. (We do take all submissions Sleep! Who could possibly think' thing you do when you wash your opinion (and the factual opinion is Second, was it really necessary for but you know, sometimes if our t~at s.leep is more .important than double knits. That's known as a non-existent), one could certainly the mechanic to "diagnose _ test viewpoints don't match, we ac- listening to Dark Side of the Moon double standard, folks! attempt to find some facts that add and trace wiring" to repair the cidentally lose your article at the or Tarkus? Now really, folks ... be Perhaps if some of you who are validity to his point of view. If the horn and the fan? And finally, why printer's or Jeff's or someplace reasonable. so uptight about loud music would writer has no facts to back up his didn't the service manager tell this else .... ) Enough, though I On with Where I play my stereo is my sit down and listen for an hour or feelings, he should at least use a student' of his rights as a the column! . room. I have the right to do almost two, you might not be so tense or modicum of logic to form some customer? Since 1 can only guess I have chosen all those people out anything 1want to in my mom and 'prone to take your frustrations out supportive hypotheses. Third, at the answers to the first two there who don't like loud stereos. not have to answer to anyone for on the nearest target. since a commentary is most often questions, I'll offer no response to Yes, YOU. You, the one who's w~atever 1 do. Stereos belong to To wrap up this glorious podium an attack of the way in which a either of them. In regard to the always pounding on the door at this revered school of thought, so of self-expression, I would particular situation is being third, though, while 1 know of no midnight, whining, "I can't bug off! recommend to all those who are handled, the editorialist should law forcing the service manager to sleep ... turn that down pleasetv?' A. fact that many of you of the inclined to griping about loud provide some alternative means of point out the customer's rights, Or you, the one who yells, "i-i~y, ~nli-Ioudness pa~ty don't consider stereos to either participate or shut handling the problem as he sees it. most particularly his right to a turn that damned noise down!" IS that many artists recommend a up. (Remember good old "if ya Now that I've established what I written estimate, I would think Yes, every single one of you. Ihave highvo!umeformaximumcomfort can't lick 'em, join 'em"?) think constitutes a good editorial, that he, the service manager, chosen you to be the object of and pleasure. Now, bringing these Adios, amigns! and offered some rules that you would have felt morally obligated hatred for this week's column. So can later attack me for not to do so. Rights regarding listen up, you finks. Plates and Human Beings following, let me get to the topic of automobile repair, taken from the., What do you think gives you the my article for this week. Annotated Code of Maryland 14- ~ightto'Comepoundingonmydoor; 1008 are as follows: . interrupting my. activities, and Jay Holtzman dal~sC:;~ht~t ~rDC~~~~t;~~eS!:~~~! of(~~:~;d~.tit~stos~~~i~~o~r~~: request a volume decrease on my Human beings - they are what in and tell us there's broken glass exactly playing fair with one of the customer is charged mo~e than ~~~~; ~~~n~~~s n~~~y t~U~%~! ;~~ fe~~~~!~ e~:S~t~;ff:~e c~~~: ~ ~~:~~!~i.n~~e~a~~~~~ ~t;:n~~~~ members of the student body. This $50.00 the invoice shall inform the somebody's room and tell them to veyed to when you put your tray on veyed to us at up to twenty-five per particular student had a faltering customer of the following rights: turn. something, which they ob- the conveyor belt in the cafeteria. minute, we don't have time to starter on his car when he first 1. that a customer: (i) may viously enjoy, down. And the And, speaking for my co-workers, check through each tray ~~~e!a:~ ~~~o~~~I~ref~i~:Sn ~~!~:~~~~t ;hi;~i~:t ~~ti:~~ f~~ ~::o~~;:su tf:~~~';~C:;;t) 1~;I~~ ~:~ l~~~ l~~~~e~~~e cooperation ~~~O~~;y :e~d ~~~ ~~~~r ~:~~ ~~~~l~;~~,s~~~~e~d:~ :a~::! $~i~; ~~~ not be charged any studying for a test...", "I can't The most important thing to seriously, due to these cir- them replace the starter. So, amount ten percent in excess of the ~I~g ~c?Sl;::. .."s~~~h~';ist'~~ ~~~~ ~:~, i~~e~s~o~~:$~no~~ ~~:st~~~~~'wo~?~~ak~r:ur O!~~~ :;~~~~~t,k~~Sg~i~h r~~: ~::;i~: :r!!~~;estimate without his on and on. Then there are some of carefully yourself. If you must put a little easier: school where he waited two weeks 2. That the customer is entitled to ~~~::~taj~:~::,c~h:n~o~:ea~ :it,~~~e~:~h~:~:~h:~~a~nv~;. dr~~~:s:l~~~~~.stuff napkins into I N ~~~~:!~;:;!~:rf~~~:~~i~g::; ~~::£~rr:~~e:~?::~EE rpedUCed. codnsPicu;. Pour milk on it, yell int~~;~~~~ ~On~!.put small glasses h?urs. W~en finally he was able to under a warranty agreement; and eop e ee ...,Oncernth~:le~:~e~~~':ylin:;:-eran~i~~:~ riCk t~ his Ct~\ he f~U~~ that .the 3. That repairs not originally The Carroll County Association guide to help a protege develop (certainly not after 6:45) a~d th: ~on~ di~ ~t~~rk ;eit~~:~ ~~~h:~~a~~~h~o c~~~~:to:!~ for Retarded Citizens, Inc. spon- basic and practical skills, such as, Sil~:!:~: ~~~~tt~;~~~v~r ~~~~:~ important to note that both of these without the customer's consent. :~~ C~~~~:Sdv~~I~:;~gr~~ ::t~:'sh~~~~~~ora hi~:lf.a~- +Please don't play with your ~~e;:c:~r:n~uno~ti~~~ngs~~~~:.o~: (a~b~h;:rlet!~Ovisions of subsection retarded individuals on a one-to- legal advocate is another possible food (i.e., King Kong on top of the returned to the same dealership to 1. displayed conspicuously in one friendship basis. The volun- role, which serves to insure that a ~u~~es:!:~eet~t:~~ns~~~~u~~~ have the horn and fan fixed. easily readable type. =~~~'a:;;s~~'~"" ~~P~'~~~~:g~~'~ protege has fair opportunities for canned peaches). In~t:~dof~ot~gthe~ctual repair ~. PhYSicalJYr~ar~ted.from th~ interest in society. They provide :~;~:;~~ent,h~U;:~'t ~~~~~:; Finally, simply remember ;or'd "dOUg 'd et~TVlCe ~anager 0 g. er terms 0 t e InVOice; an support to help the protege become services and recreation. working in "the pit" has been ec; e, an d : ~n nowi~ listed under the heading participating members of society. Anyone who has a sincere con- called the worst job on campus. ~~to~e~,~~~~eo;e~' at~~t ;::~~m. "(~~~~~~ ~i~h~:' The role of an advocate can cern for others can serve ef- ~~ra~~o~~o~a~:nt~~s :o~da ~~t~~ The service manager warned, I hope that by including these ::~~~~i~~:,UI~a~~~ ~~t~~~: ~e;:~r~~arasba~~gr~~~~a~~ e~~ less tough for fellow members of ~:t~;er, at:~t t~ii~e~ifr:!u~in: ~~~~~~~~:~u~~ndtsW:~!t~~o~: or hOlidays special, or going to a perience is necessary to become an the WMC family. Help the p-ocess. But the client told him to the easy prey of garages. :~~~ t~~n~fsooFul~f;~ r~ o~~ :lc:.:~:t~~ l:a;~t~rndJdu::e~O~n~~ same Gazebo Has Exceptiona' History but has the advocate as all emotions has us. and A Needy of needs human the potential also By going to school you expand Andi Sahm of education, though the meaning from women in class, at the choice of the type of person he your mind with what appears to be and the amount wants to befriend Amid the modernization of the has altered slightly in the passing cafeteria, and at church. Night Western Maryland Campus there years. hours were strictly labeled and of time he can give. The important an endless list of courses to attend is still a continually beautiful and Madeline Geiman, a 1922 enforced. The one loophole was a factor is matching a protege But what have you done lately to lasting remembrance of the past. graduate of Western Maryland meeting called "Parlor Night. At having certain needs with a expand your heart? When was the The Gazebo, Summer House or recalls a ceremony which DC- this meeting students, though volunteer who can best meet those last time you gave up a few of those to lend needs. previous hours of relaxation Carpe Diem, as it has been called, casionally took place in the chaperoned, were allowed to creates the perfect atmosIilere for Summer House. For these special, socialize somewhat freely. A Special Education class at a hand to someone that would studying, writing letters, or even evenings the Gazebo would be Western Maryland College appreciate your. concern? just watching the world go by. But beautifully decorated with Because of these restrictions, initiated this program in January - behind this pleasant exterior lies a Japanese lanterns and lighted with secret meetings took place at the 1975, and students have continued The voluntary action center of history which few really know candles. The "Rose Cup Summer House. Notes were passed to support the program. Further Carroll County is seeking young men and much about. Ceremony" consisted of the Junior back and forth between or necking support of is required many to meet the people who are willing to give some of their time retarded the needs women, and sparking, senior to children, women performing skits about the When built in 1907 the Summer Senior women. During the evening as we would call it, took place on citizens who desire advocates. citizens and many others who will House, as it was then called, was a loving cup, filled with wine, was many an occassion. Thus, one can Please call Steve Horr at the really appreciate it. You can erected as an improvement to the passed from each Junior to Senior understand how the immortal CCARC office, 848-4124, if you are volunteer for one hour, one day or campus, incorporating in its girl and a rose was given to each words "Seize Your Opportunity," interested. weekly if you'd like to structure the roof of a previously class member. ' Bob b y '8 Bob b y used ice house. The words "Carpe During this time there was stress to~~ ~~x~ tr~~ ~~~~;bY or sit in Lobby s~~~u;~~~7~ege ~;e.~~~to~~Yc~~ Diem" were inscribed into the on chaperoning and watching over the Gazebo, think and wonder it be very enjoyable, it also center block of the new building. the communications between the ~~:~l~~e~~~~ ~n~i~~~~;eh:~: Art Supplies, Crafts, Models r~l~i~:!~~t. a great personal As translated from the latin, these sexes. Restrictions were placed on 65 East Main Street words mean "Seize Your tJp- study hours, freedom on and off visit alot more enjoyable, and this Would you like to know more? portunity." This statement was campus, ·and basic social activity. historical landmark much more Westminster Either drop in our give us a call at ffirected in reference to the seizing During the day men were divided memorable. L.::::8::48::_-4::3::5:;:O J 848-3448.
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