Page 21 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 21
• ~ PageS Scrimshaw Friday. October 7, 1977 Main Street Eats Left Handers S"'y Stebbins V'" .;t~.' dishes. I recommend the pasta An '$16.00 for two. J. Brandt specifically the Lin_guinie. •• .. ~ Mer several weeks of eating in order of Angelo's famous garlic Angelo's and the Montour House There is a .minority on campus in anyone's way, namely the right- Englar Cafeteria most people have bread rounds out this Italian meal are great for supper and when being openly discriminated against hander sitting next to the un- had each menu twice. One may and for those with large appetites parents unexpectedly drop in, but in our classrooms and yet there are fortunate left-hander-especially in feel a desire for a little variety in and trim waistlines an Italian if the Ham salad is getting you no outcries of rage, there is no Decker Auditoriwn. . his _or her meals especially after dessert is the finale. A dinner of down and the skim on the tomato lobbying to the SGA, there are no Actually, Decker Auditorium is running the gamut from creamed . this calibre will be well under ten soup ts. making you suicidal, an demonstrations or walk-outs. So the worst place for left-handers to chipped beef to beet-a-roni to veal dollars perperson,closer to seven. emergency visit to Harry's Lunch this member of the minority is have to do any sort of writing: The cordon bleu. For those who have Many people do not like highly is prescribed. Located next door to raising her voice: "Left-handers, chairs are practically one on top of this desire, satisfaction is no more seasoned food but love Maryland the Montour House, it is easily unite!" ancther andeven the right-handera than a few blocks away. Main seafood. U this is the case the within walking distance from .' Perhaps you are wondering how must be pitied, because of the sm~ll street (in Westminster) has many Montour House should be sampled. Englar Cafeteria. Of course, one's left-handed people are being amount of space they have to wnte restaurants which vary in menus Located one block, east of Angelo's, first thought is, "How can an discriminated against. Mter each on. But ~en again, one must look as well as price. To take advantage its atmosphere is informal and establishment with such an elegant of your classes, look around and at the .phght of the left-handers. H of the culinary delicacies offered similar to a roadside inn of the name serve a lunch that I can observe some people writhe in pain the rtght-hendees have such a the adventurous Escoffier should nineteenth century. Its service is afford." Do not be fooled by ap-. as they try to extend their left smallamountofspa~e, Ihea~ east on Main St. enhanced -by cordial waitresses. pearances, for behind this veil of arms. The simple explanation is I~t abl~. to use this space With The first stop will be Angelo's, The menu contains many entree's, haute cuisine is a menu varied writer's cramp. And the simple then' wn~g arm res~g com- ~~cn:~~~b~sb~xi:e~~~ a~~g~~~ :fc~Tr~~n:~~~~~oo~anging in =~c~u!>t:=::t~e::~oo~~.~~ '. reason for left-Handers getting for~bly while they ~as~l1!crawl specializes in Italian cuisine. One The entree includes an appetizer, most expensive item, a steak :~:~~:::e~P !s:~ obvious Iack ~;!s:~f~n~~ ~:~~~~~de~ o:..~ should begin the meal with an tossed salad, two vegetables and sandwich, is $2.95. The menu's Right handed desks are super for ~eir elbows suspended m mid-air. antipasto (Italian salad). It con- rolls. Although many kinds of highlight is "Harry's Special" ueantng one's right elbow on the Since the seats are so .close tetns Mozzarella cheese, salami, seafood are served, I recommend which Is a hot dog smothered with arm rest and resting one's chin on together, the left-hander probably hot peppers, and assorted salad the crab dishes. The Crab Imperial chopped onions and chili for only an upraised right hand but, when it lets ~-h~r elbo~ hug ev~n closer greens. The antipasto is excellent is both ample and delicious and the 50 cents! Everyone should ex- comes to taking notes we left- to their nb cage m an effort not to and for some can be substituted for fried soft crabs are always a good perience Harry's Lunch. Once. handers can forget it!' The left b~p into their neighbors when the a meal but shouldn't be ordered by choice. A piping hot bowl of These are just a few of the fine elbow is left hanging at a gomg gets t~ugb. He?ce: there anyone _whohas a date within three homemade vegetable soup is an restaurants to be found on Main St. Precarious angle, and eventually would be avoidable _pam-if there hours. Angelo(s entres range from excellent choice of appetizers. In the weeks ahead many others takes to hugging close to the were left-handed desks. pizza and pasta to non-Italian With drinks this dinner came to will be reviewed. writer's ribs so that it does not get s:~~~;;i~~~-~:.~r:'Si~u!~~~ Low Cost.High Class Entertainment... ~t!~t~:~:w~~a~'!",'~:P~~ heredity will make the left- Watch for other Matching Dollars handedness dominant and students MATCHING DOLLARS Westminster High School. Through COri:.:rts.ymphony series for this events. If you wish to suggest an in future generations can complain Want to go to the Symphony, but the Lecture-Concert Committee, season will be presented on event, submit your request to the about the 'lack 'of right-handed short on cash? Have we got a deal full- time Western Maryland Wednesday, October 12, Thursday, Lecture-Concert Commmittee desks or oth'er' tOpics .of im- for youl Each year the Baltimore College students may- attend the December 8, and Wednesday, through Joan Avey, or anyone of portance. But for right now: "Left- Symphony Orchestra presents a series or an individual concert for March 6. The program for the the Committee members. handers, unitel" series of three perfonnances at the ~~~ift~:th :aey~tur70~onct~! October 12th concert will feature 18 News :~~inder of the ticket. Such a ~:sr t~~ Pi~;~~~:~y Mi~~f~:::~ ••• and Low Class Entertainment No. ITh Flas hes Tickets for the Baltimore Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto de~ut i~w::~e~e;Ydifferentshow from treatment texture of the m~terial. of various B folds and the 1. Ms. Park made her'publ~c general Phillapadula Symphony Orchestra are $8.00 for attheag~ofseven~rformmg With most others. The artist's theme The show was worthwhile to me, -Wes\em Maryland CoUege, Sept the series of three, or $3.00 for an the Phd?armomc Symphony was the crotch, and although the if only because it clearly demon- 30- individual concert. As a full time Orc~estra m 8e?ul, Korea, and has crotches on display ranged from strates the train of thought that ~n According to a reliable source' Western Maryland College ~~~die:ro~;:h:;~. ~~ ~~~~~ thethmai~m~s, t0th th~av~~g: :-:~o~~:~~O:~seAo:ur~;rp:::~ :,: s~::!l'th;a~~~?:m ~~r~~' ~~~~:'~r $i.~f:: s:~~ c~:ce~~ ~~ta!:~h's~ym~ll~~~ ~o. 10 ~;ta~~ ::'onoto~;: B~US:I think, ltic.ular .artist were two works, ?ne I pestering to eat. Starting when next Mon· pay the rest. Tickets Committee will Curry wi? be guest conductor enry for as far as crotches go if you've seen bemg sunple block letters spelling .. Lecture-Concert students they're' trying one, you've all. seen th~ "LESBIAN': an~, the o,t;'er flow~ are available -j. day, all food will be seasoned with at the College Activities Office the evenmg. ._ His paintings and drawings were letters spelling PISS The artist Committee The Lecture-Concert I.D. and the these two ~ords of your I Raid. Informed for sources say it does upon presentation tickets are also is pleased to make the Symphony on the average very large, some as is relating that they conlur~ up to. the ones stroganov beef images General admission wonders large as 3' x 4'. These larger (mispelled). If tthis doesn't work, available at the College Activities series available to Western reminded me of life-drawing class crotch, a~ aU.empt to ":mg a bttle students may have to be sprayed Office for the regular price of Maryland College students as.part where we chose a portion of the extra achon .mto the picture: . n Mo n-11. as they walk throullh the door. $16.00 per series or $6.00 per cngle of its Matching Dollars program. ~~:~:te:f~s. ~a~d:~~~~;rli~ th~~!e~;: ~!~~tfo~Ck~rgt~~ ***~ M or~ ~ George were in the class he would crotch unclothed. Dudley went so Dade County, Florida- O~dif: have chosen the crotch. far as to relate these other two beTwo eightt!l~ yS have Fellowships of $5 000 will be Program contact lema DeVane Dudley's models were all ideas to his central theme, an~ yet ch~:-~th s::l!; ~PPi:~~r:! offere~ to ~a:YI~nd. Poets, fc!da~ a~'~i~~~u~~tsrryC~~~~: ~~:~~::n~~al~e~~j:~~~j~~d ~:~~ ~~\~~~~~~:J~r:~~r~et~ Bryant made the citizen's aITest at iia~nghts, Ficbon Wnters and Baltimore Maryland 21201 (30l) occasionally in bold prints similar approach an "untouchable subject, 2:00 p.m. on Sept. 29th in the year' ArUSIC Com~sers. The Maryland 685-6740 Kenneth Kahn Executive to those found in the tropics and but~es not encroach upon of our Lord nineteen hundred and ts Council, an agency of the . . d H k' J h Murphy's Department Store. This nudity. In short, It was a good but ~eaV:~~~::~ b~~~ ,~!~~~~~~~~~dte'~o~~~~en~e~el~;~o:~~ ~~~~ 0 nson, manner allowed him the additional half·assed attemP;t. Peter Fanny and John Moon, both With support from the National of Dade County, pleaded innocent Endowment for the Arts last year by reason of pre-pubity. commenced an annual program COLLEGE POETRY REVIEW **** which offers fellowships to in- involved in the visual and dividuals New York City- writing art forms. This faU, Tho NATIONAL POETRY PRESS New York City Police have fellowships wi~. be ~ff~red in reported that ldi Amin is loose in Poetry, Playwntmg, Fiction and New York. Parents are warned to Music composition. Applications keep their children inside and a a~d specific program guidelines 9:00 p.m. curfew has been placed Will be available for distribution on the city. Latest reports say that the latter part of -October. They The closing date for the submission of manuscripts by College Students is "Big Daddy" is on top of the must be comllieted and returned to Empire State Bwlding holding Flo the Arts Council by January 30, November-5 Kennedy In one hand. The Air 1978 Force has been called to the scene. To apply for fellowships, artists ANY STUDENT attending either junior or senior college Is eligible to submit **** must be Maryland residents over his verse. There is no limitation as to form or theme. Shorter works are pre- ferred because of space limitations. Baltimore, Sept. l~ ~J~rsco~f~~~iv~h~:;a:~ a~ The Fourteenth trial of form~r based on the recommendations of Each poem must be.....TYPED or PRINTED._on a separate sheet, and must ::~~r~s ::e~er:~r hun~~j~~ distinguished out-of-state jurors. bear the NAME and HOME ADDRESS of the student, and the COLLEGE ADDRESS as well. .~I"\ Federal is Court House. Well, annually further information Fellowship Bo)( 218 NATIONAL POETRY PRESS Agoura, C •• 91301 .. ~~ ~~nt~~t;:~;: t:f~sc~~~~~~:~iP~rin:~aki~;int~n~d ~~ ~ MANUSCRIPTS should be sent to the OFFICE OF THE PRESS. on a tree behind seperate nooses photography are bi- awarded and will be offered againj the Jury tampering suspected. in the fall, 1979. politics about For that's in Maryland! Individual Artist the
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