Page 20 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 20
Friday, October 1, 1911 Scrimshaw Plge4 S~~D"Substitute? Nothing But The Teeth Becoming receiitly somewhat I cannot relate it in its entirety; Da;~uZ:::y peoplel Where would ;~:sy~ zr:t~i~:l~ ~~~::; ~~:: :::;:m=~intment interested in Psychology, I took to however I will attempt to you be without your Scrimshaw? On the other hand, . ~ to play golf reading the writing of Sigmund paraphrase his theory: (I know the answer but thought the You can also trust a dentist ... -who gives you a plastic spy ring Freud ad other noted Dr. Koe feels that Man, being _ sentence made a good opening -who has never chewed gum after every visit . Psychologists. I was particularly different than any other animal, is line). -who looks like Jack Nicholson, -who names his estate, "Molar interested in the statements also different in respect to his Anyway, this week I present Don Rabush, and Rebert Redford Mannor" dealing with sexual aggressions, natural drives. Mter years and some)te~s to loo~ for ~h~ you all at once -who collects Ball Mason jar lids and the theorY that certain ac- years of research, he has con- are selecting a dentist. This Will be -who puts you to sleep two weeks Next Week: How Big Is A Billion? tivities serve as a sexual sub- cluded that Man, in truth, has an especially helpful to my fellow 'stitute, or sexual release. Want Ads Aggressive games such as football, ~:r':ll:~~c:s~~~~~s~t!~l~~ ~eni:!~s:m:~~~~re::~::~ lacrosse, or even pinball are prime feels that. sex is no more than a Should you receive any help from Nancy MeOiefee alchemy. examples of this. substitute fro these basic drives. these comments, you rna- thank Wanted: A large supply of Lost: A dozen fres~men, can to have books so students rvided of After extensive research, I After careful consideration, I Stephen Erickson as he lister here. telephone booths without getting suspected enroute to died freshman ex- began the posure most of the thoughts use to understand his point of managed to lacate an up-and- view. Now, to the subject at hand: splinters in their chins. parking facilities. coming Psychologist with a Dr.Koe, who is forty-six years of You can trust a dentist ._. Seen Large wall of dark blue Noted Son of London's most slightly different point of view. While reading the brand new age and has never married" was -who wears dentures water cascading towards tables 10 famous detective uses his con- Psychiatric magazine "Chest, not a very surly gracious host, and -who has hairy knuckles>. ".. dining hall Fortunately located necnons m the hierachy of the SGA puz- most near Preacher -whose drill is driven by a system indignant table, It IS expected and WMC's seemed to Investigate Wall, and Other Nuts", I read an throughout the entire interview. He of pulleys connected to three mice the water will back up. zhng r-iddle: Does Dean article by Dr. Silas "Si" Koe, and I simply had to interview him. said many things that were un- on a treadmill Wanted: Body guard for young Mowbray's face reflect in a I located his home in Tuckers- printable. -who sends you a calendar for witty Scrimshaw writer who would mirror? ville, Kat!S&s, and he graciously I ended the interview by asking Chrisbnas, but it for the year 1963 like to walk through the quad Lost: In the middle of Blanche's (for a small fee) agreed to grant how he managed to get along -who is also a barber and part- without fear of repercussions. - 3 a.m. fire drill-the best dream I juice. ever had--if found do not divulge Found: me an interview. without' a wife. He answered: time toll booth collector equipment Apparently Whipped orange of the contents ... another "Who needs one? I've got a dish- one -who sterilizes his Since the inverview took-ap- pecximately two hours to conduct, washer, electric oven, anda dog to with Lysol spray you fifty questions cafeteria's experiments in Lost: The Drama Department. bark at me. Who needs a wife?" -who asks . ·I'm as Mad as Hel' ...Here's Why In case yoo haven't noticed this while you don't even -hear what operation while we poor peons in always turn it off. to say I say it, is a new colwnn. The general they're saying, only a loud whining Rouzer have to climb up ten flights Secondly, this is another H I have something ~a;?o~~~~: ~w~~: purpose of this colwnn will be to noise assaulting your eardrwns. I of steps twenty times a day example of blatant discrimination so-TURN ON THE DAMN ELE- VATOR! equally boring- males. ~s~~~ find conservatives in stiff gray suits. because they won't turn on the against while girls We get speeding MOving on to washing machines. elevator. always dressing tickets get warnings. honest with you, I'M MAD AS and'reciting the Dow Jones in- First of all, if the men of Rouzer We have "to pay outrageous in- Will someone please explain the logic behind· having four washing HELL AND I'M NOT GOING TO dustrials in dull monotones like are old enough to drink, be drafted, surance premiwns (insurance is machines and only two dryers in computers. This colwnn is for that and drive a car, then we must be the biggest racket in the country). Rouzer. Maybe they think the ~~aJ;~~ ~~~!.j~~:~ huge mass of procrastinating, old enough to ride in an elevator. And now the girls get elevators and clothes shrink so much in the wash Well, then you can go to hell. vascillating, wishywashy people Are they afraid we're all going to we ..have to walk. that we only need two to dry what's Let me first' state that this who wear two different colored fall down the shaft? anybody gets Now you may think I'm sounding left. column will not be used to express socks and are commonly referred turned into a sardine we can like a radical. But I'm not whinina. Do you ever get the feeling that the views of any particular to as "undecideds." this place is closing in on you. This political philosoPlY. It won't be Now to get down to business. The campus is small enough as it is and used to express strictly radical question is, what am I going to . Shorts hots this year everything is either being opinions. Radicals bore me-- bitch about today. Today the built or renovated. There aren't always screaming in your ears and subject is elevators. Why are the causing auditory damage. Mter a elevators in Whiteford always in Ginseng root, that mysterious who .faked injuries to win set- many facilities available right medicine that dates back more Uement in court. The faker was now. Everything's fenced off. I'm than 3,000 years into Chinese finally carried from the scene not getting claustrophobia. LET ME ,O;.:;U.;,T;.,' history, may tum out to be a in an ambulance, but in a ~ddy . M .... , _-. A.lanticsalmon bonatish Murray cod .kip;'cktuna modem wonder drug. 'The bitter- wagon. ~ Arctic char dolphin nonhernpih swordfish oney. tasting root, often derided by A British military research ~~~:marlin ~~~i~'::roul =i;~:h ~~~: Western researchers, is suddenly laboratory has been openly The Junior Class will give you - showing up in lab tests as for a promoting the sale of infectious $20.00 for a winning poster. We preventative mysterious the bacteriological need organisms, publicity for posters dozens of diseases and is a arousing fears that terrorists or Homecoming Dance we're spon- :1~~f.,:~orf~Ezle'.Answart"puzzleNo"50 powerful source of endurance to on October could use boot. Recent tests have found that governmental agencies entire cities. .sonng in Gill Gym. 29,1977 at 9:00 is The band ,l.m. them to contaminate a single dose of ginseng increased the stamina in mice by 35 per cent. Researchers in at least nine "Patch" and the theme is "Natural 13 Agamel'5h laDore. Ginseng was carried in the back- Western European nations are Beauty." We'll display all entries. 15 Symbol: S Span\shpot. reported to have purchased the They will be judged by Roy Fender manganese 6 City in Ohio . packs of North Vietnamese 16 Ag.melish 7 Avrifsneighbor soldiers during the war and by 18 Civileng,neer 8 Armbone Soviet cosmonauts aloft in space. ~~t~o~:~e~;o~~~~n p~:~:n~ ;~dl~.p~~e :;~~~e~:t~to~; lab,1 9 Symbol: British scientific magazine, proximately 18" by 24" and include 19 Anglo-French samarium ~ Nature. The ads offer "bacteria by the date and time, place and ticket lab.l '0 Earlirl'Stapoch of 30 Exclamation' 48 Sootydifl 21 Wordusedwilh the Teniaty Per· listencarelully 51 Second year the kilogram," including three price ($6.00 per couple). All entires linger and toa , iod in the Ceno· 32 Fonune H.S.lcoll.l North American Bait Farms is strains of germs which cause should be submitted by October 17, 2Z Egyptiancrown zoic E.. 3S Brolherin 53 Ci'YinJudah sponsoring its 2nd Annual Earth- 24 Genu50lhoneV 12 Bachalorof Mad,;d 57 Billa"d ... wonn Redpe Contest. Last year, severe stomach infections and one 1977 to Kim Smith (McDaniel 3(8), bee. Oivini'Yl.bJ 37 Allameflsh: 58 A.mvRegula. strain of influenza at $100 per Nancy Maitland (Blanche 309), or 25 S.arin 14 The Rf!
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