Page 19 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 19
Pilge 3 sertmshew . Friday, oetober 7, 1977 Peeper Harasses . Steve Smith Try.Crying a Little continued from Pilge 1 volre:ito end the problem once and reports, which turned out to be fe::af:n~:y ~f::-~~=~~~~im~: ::u!~~~I~~:e°:SOO~rn~ young Dian, apProximately 18 to 20 for all. Some feel that there should false, that the peeper had struck secure. We feel out of place, that because we are unwilling to really ia~oJ~\!~~~~v~~~s:,= ::e~~ ~~o~~ h:~~:~g:,=c:eF=~n~:. ~~:~;~O~sofno~~;~~!d~:n s: ~:!nth~. I~:e;e ~!;~f~~~ hair and a belt-grown mustache. problem IS the feeling that tually happened was that a male feel this way, but this tends to cease to be trouble and become He is also known to wear heavy everyone there is like "a piece of visitor to the dorm decided to use make us afraid of our feelings and ecstasy. Crying out of sorrow or boots and-his clothes have been cheeselnamousetrap"asonegirl.the bathroom there Thinking even more alienated from both paincanbeawonderful,orgasmic, ldescribed as "grungy." Rumors described it The peeper can only that It was emPty, he ~teredJ.he world and self. release. Anxiety can quickly that the police know who he is and be caught when he shows up agam room surpriatfig a~girl who was We can try to fill up this emp- dissolve into laughter or trem- th~t he bas a previous unidentified at. ~e of the donns It's the alre~dy there. She screamed, tiness by pursuing pleasure in bling. Loneliness, when not ~":Iw~:e l:~dpo~~,!: =!~g that has most people on '=iI~~r~:eth:o=~' ~:~r:~:-%s'a~~t~:~~~~n~~~ :;:r:r~u~Pire~:nd~U: ~~ose~: the~ would give no, official com- However, all the effort to catch the matter' was straightened out: reminded of the slogan on the of profound wonder of the ment. th~ ~per. may ':8ry well be in Apparently, may people are Cracker Jack box: "The more you strangeness of existence which is The peeper's effect on the vain, if one ISto believe thelet~r to under the impression that the eat, the more you want."Trying to 'also its beauty. residents of Blanche and Whiteford SCRIMSHAW, ~upposedly wntten peeper must be caught "in the find fulfillment in any kind of The darker side of our nature, was evidenced the past week. bythepee~r.hims~U.Intheletter act." However, this is not true. pleeeure teads tc bemg vbummed which Dr. Jung called the Meetings were held on consecutive ~repri~t~m Its entirety elsewhere While catching him in the shower out," feeling again the loneliness "shadow," is not so much an nights at each dorm. It was m thi~, Issue) the. "Whiteford area would help to prosecute him, and despair which sometimes enemy as a vital part of the self. suggested by the residence staff Peeper. as he calls himself, says all anyone needs to do is positively seem tc?_dominate our existence. Even though it is not rational, it is that the girls should shower in that he IS sorry for ~e trouble he identify the man. Once that is done, '!Ie. can try to find security by still intelligent, being one aspect of pairs until the trouble clears up. It has ~used and that, m?,e f~ture the police will be able to solidify clingmg to our beliefs, to our an intelligence much greater and was also proposed that police he will try. to control his a~tions. the. case against him. Any in- relationships, and to the conviction far more profound than the whistlesbehunginsidetheshower Th~typewn.ttenletterwasgIVento fonnation concerning the peeper that "I am right." Holding on to rational mind, which is only a stalls, ready to be used should he ~lice. officials for positive iden- can be given to the head resident of things in this way, however, small part of the total psyche. The strike again. Also brought up at the tification, ~cause. IS some your ~rm or directly to the police doesn't give us security as much as shadow appears to be evil because meeting in Blanche Ward Hall was doubt as. to Its validity. by calling 848-9000 during the day it produces anxiety and doubt, we are unfamiliar with it. We the fact that the peeper is now Later m the week, there were or 848-1800 at night. .~~to~o~~~~ i~~~~:e ~ ~~~yotf:~ !~~ili,!~~~ :Z~=~~~~~~:~tSa)Jy Stebbins anxiety and thus generating looking into it.·Only by becoming G '11 L one occasion. another vicious circle. more sensitive to these irrational When asketwhat.:ould be done to rl e acks Clas s th:,~:t:r~h:~~;o: ~~a~r: ~~!~~us~: h:n~~r:gS~appy, stop the peeper, Dean Mowbray W te t de t t . f' . hed d Th replied that one of the things that the cl bea~ulrn caM~;r:.nI~ ~l:~:~~n~ s ~~~: t ~~~s g~~ha~ver you ~~:~Pefreo~=~~~m~~ew:~ m Fre shmen. ~~~~i~a:':=:J:~~~:£~i{;~~~i~:;::~~~a~~~;~~j:~~~~~rFi~~e~~:£.;,~£~~lli:e :::An+l:eC~{!::I~t!!~:t would help would be to keep ' • lacks M. concern of the residence staff as aoother and recogmze the fact that place With atmosphere yet! away from the problem, but class meeting last week in Mc- well.. Because the locks on the others eXISt But WMC , Daniel Lounge. Pr.esiding tern- doors are a bitdifficwt to operate. ~o~=~;-~~~~~:in!~::~~t: ICrOeeOnOmICS. por,,:rily was Paul Fulto_,\,' ~~~':!~!~:!~or~~~~g~~ Winslow Student Center or the ' little time for these pursuits, ::~d::~~a~~:n ~~u=c~v~- donn is also unable to lock the Grille, as it is commonly called, Bill Weeks candidly acbnitting that the job is The topics discussed were doors as they cannot be locked was originally designed for the The Economics department has quite a bit harder than he imagined- elections and the Homecoming from the outside without a key purpose. of being the facility to slightly different look to it this year as an undergraduate. float. Those interested in working ~2~ce the peeper ent~rs onl; :i ~~:~ez!,n~uts!s:~~~y, ~ with the addition of .Dr. Samuel While hoping to have a long on the float signed up to attend " ..-ough open doors, keepmg them is no longer used f that Bostaph to the faculty. Selected tenure here at WMC, Dr. Bostaph meetings to plan it. Their flI'St ~~~:tt~~};' ~a:~!:tq!~ a' Sun:, f!iench see ~~h Oth:'Ter!: ;~~~:~~i~O~~~;~~~p~cSa~h~ ~~:~~~o we;~nt~al~e d~r:ao~~ ~tr:~n:4~~i~~30wfns ~~a~~i into the dorms. ry but Ihs n~t the place to si! down considerable task of replacing the Economic methodology and Lounge. There is a rumour to the e ff t and talk With one another--It ain~t retiring Dr. Pri,e as the depart· development. In the short run he is. Election procedures, according that Housing Dean Laidlaw ~ got no class; no atmosphere. ments micreoeconomics in- preparing a paper for presentation to Paul Fulton, will commence said that by taking ho t The stu~ent center being built is s~ctor, in addition to teaching a to the American Economic about the first or second week in seven in the mom' s ;ers. ~ no help In the situation, either. statistics section. Association later this year. November. First of all, a were deliberately ':t' .e ~ Sure';re have the visible promise Originally from Fort Worth, Dr. Bostaph voiced his concernl nominating committee'will hold a peeper. However, bo~c~ th: of h~Vlng ~ bea~tiful new building, Texas, Dr. Bostaph comes to WMC over the charges of racism and meeting to choose the candidates. meeting in Whiteford and in his all mclUSlve With a pub and a from Hamilton College in New sexism which he has heard leveled The candidates will then be given interview with SCRIMSHAW lo~ge,butforthemome.nt,weare York where he served for a year as here, while admitting he has not time to campaign by the use of Dean Mowbray made it clear that still left to our own deViCes when a visiting Professor of Economics. been around long enough to posters, etc. The elections will take ~e fo~dit hard to believe that an ;~~t~t:~g:t:~~~V~I~~~~= Previous to that, he served in the determine whether they are place either the week before or the ~:J:~~~c!7drs~~ :~~e~ n:~f~:~n which we can talk to our ~~~s f~~te~::n~:a:int!fO~~ :~~=~~~~tinH~~::~s ~:~!~::r :ll~~~~l~~:~~~~: ~~ th~t. He feels that something she Sinc~ it is up to h receiving his Ph. D. from Southern noticed a conspicious lack of black eJections must be held by the last said was misinterpr~ted' and go? There is al~~;s..~e c:: Illinois University in August, 1976. professors in the market for em- three weeks of the seme$ter. s~ea~ around Dean Laidlaw was room, which is all right but bein Dr. Bostaph's initial impressions ployment on college campuses. After the elections, Paul will turn unavailable for comment, as she c!oisteredintherealldaystudyingg· of Western Maryland are very Naturally, the staff of the the class over to the new plate of w~ away. on vacation. one needs to get out. The do~ ~~i~~~:: t~n~~~ rsar:~~uI;~ Scrimshaw hopes Dr. Bostaph has officers, giVinr the~ some have ~~be~~of :~~o =~;lounges, no wonders to behold, .can working relationship existing a long and rewarding stay at WMC. suggestions for c ass proJects. the suggestions l:rwa~e! by ~the ~~~ ~~~ ~n;~~h~°H:.r:ay!~~~e between the Econmics·faculty and BSU Supported donn s~f an ~e adnuDI.stration. Park is another alternative but students. Commenting on this he There IS a f~ of helplessness would only be feasible on' nice noted that all of the department's as they Walt for the peeper to warm days. Perhaps a few of us professors seem to enjoy teaching continued from page 2 minority groups. William Pannell, ' ret~. They. feel that not enough can reestablish the use of the Grille very much and that the student's Another part of the BSU article a prominant black speaker and acbon is bemg taken by all in- and liven it up a bit until the new ~~:::t~:~~~c ~~~ w~:~~\~: ",:as cited, and it is here that I must the writer, has this to say: of 'earning most strongly "Take the question differ from 0 institutions. expressed, S orry, W eRan ut of Paper seen at other adj",ting to Ide in viewpoint "'We demand I refer to the respect' ... Roger L. Shinn, writing and Crisis, declares in Christianity respect', passage As fa, a, Carroll County, Dr. Bostaph the letter said. Demanding I;'espect that 'the time has come for liberal Due to a shortage of copies, all that all students to SAVE THESE reports that he and his wife are is impossible: it's got to be ear- whites to quit praising Negroes as students did not receive a copy of SHEETS FOR FUTURE finding the people in this area more ned:" What exactly constitutes "nice people" who deserve to be the Honor System outline handouts REFERENCES. PLEASE! outgOing and honest, and the at- "earning respect?" Not making treated better. Some Negroes are last Friday. More copies are on the . mostilere more relaxed than was waves? I find this whole attitude fine people and some are not. They way and all students should have The Honor Board for 19'n-78 is their experience in New York, suspect. It seems to be saying, "Be are like any other ethnic group, these documents by this Monday. more than glad to make these Particularly appealing to him is quiet,' don't offend anyone, and except that they often show the Many students have indicated that items available to students. We are Westminster's proximity to when you've kept it up long enough special nobility of bitterness that these statements are extremely elected by the student body to be of Baltimore and Washington while \me penod to be decided by those comes from suffering injustice. helpful, especially when preparing service to you. Please feel free to retaining its rural atmosphere. in charge) we'll consider your The point is that they have rights to research papers. Again, we urge contact any of us at any time. Although currently residing in request." The BSU deserves to be justice and opportunity because college housing, the Bostaph's treated with respect, as does they are persons, not because they HONOR BOARD ·FOR 1971·78 hope to eventually buy a home in anybody on the campus expressing are a special kind of people.'" the Westminster area. the concerns of a groJlP of students. Student Members-Class Faculty Members Dr. Bostaph's other interests Certainly they shouldn't be ignored I feel the blacks on this campus, Chris Holmes (Jr.) Dr. William Achor include listening to music, until they are "judged worthy" by Geri Lane (Sr.) Dr. Wilbur Long primarily classical and operatic a group outside them to be treated as represented in the BSU, have Paula Markely (SopiU Dr. Charles Herrman (his wife is a professionar opera with the respect accorded and the right to be treated with respect, persons Bev Miles (Jr.) Dr. William Tribby Singer), watching movies and other group as a matter of course. because should they are come into "earn- the not ing" Jim Wogsland (Sr.) Prof. Wasyl Palijczuk reading "good murder mysteries." It's funny how "earning respect" picture and when a right -is denied, Dave Zinck (Sr.)-Chairman Prof. Joan Weyers He observed that teaching leaves on1y seems to come up with then it is time to demand that right. •• 1 ..
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