Page 18 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 18
SCRIMSHAW LeHers to the Editor · f o N TIme or Pills S This the Peeper? It's Up to Youto Decide 0 This editor casting fellow was students. directors Now let me recount Tuesday reeetvea letter-to-the evening in the black student by a group of white the overcome (this by means a director So, the latest word out Is that Melba Moore Is the front runner In the Scru.MSHAW bOI and was post- actual events. Several members of may be involved perfonning in a race to find the perfect performer(s)" for this year's SGA sponsored' marked the same day. nae editors two fraternities were involved in a 'show as well as directing one.). In _Homecoming concert. Ms, Moore Is the second musical artist that the. have no true verification that the brief shouting match, in which the one instance a director had to Social Committee has placed a bid on since the semester began, the first letter Is "for real" but leave that black student wasa member of one change his show because an in- being Minnie Rlpperton.. Both has been given full approval by the cern- question up to the readers. of the fraternities. It was NOT a : sufficient number of people ::=~~~.ctlng within their consltltutlonal cerceetrves for concert band ·'I1IeEcUtors ~:o~~rngO~ ~~~~ ~~~~:n~~Udc:n~~ au::~~=. my' question comes But stili the rumors fly as to why Melba Moore would possibly be October 4, 1977 One racial slur was made, NOT a ultimately to the almighty and brought to a campus like Western Maryland College..: Why weren't the multitude 'of slurs, as the BSU powerful liberal arts (arts?) s~~:~~~~~~:~~r~~~~~/s~~e~:~"aect~~~~f~el;~tu~~~~~:I~e:~~T~e': D~~::~ome to my attention that ~~t:!nT~:!~~kn ~~~~~~;~~~~ ~~~ca!~~o~e*~~ b~o~~sd:sn~:! and what is the process at work In the selection of our Fall Concert en. there has been a great deal of talk (instead of going to 'the BSU) and designed as not to allow students to lertalnment? And why Is It that the entire cempus, four weeks Into the 'on campus of the "Whiteford the administration ordered a participate in growing experiences school year, is just finding out about the possible performers for the 19n Peeper." ~ll of this talk has me written apology from every outside their major, to be active in Homecoming "Event?" . quite warned; for you see, I am member of the fraternity clubs, and social experiences The SCRIMSHAW would like to take up this space to try to clarify some the peeper. I am worried about my responsible for the shouting match. outside their major, to be active in misconceptions and to point up some potential flaws in the present future, will the authorities catch Ms. Seiland stated that those clubs, and social activities without system of selection. The whole system is not as complex as It seems; .me? If so, what will happen to me? responsible were the same losing 4 of the 8 hours required there should be more widespread understanding than presently exists. Iwouldllketotakethisopportunity students who cause destruction sleep per night. Students' are Imagine the setttna-twc weeks Into the month of September, six weeks' to publicly apougtee to the and harrasment to occur in the watchful and stingy with their time before the big concert eete. and the social committee Is mee·tlng forth residents of Whiteford Hall lor my women's dorms around campus. If because they must complete a 50 first time. Approximately fifteen members strong, a rather large and misunderstood actions. I can only Ms. Seiland knew the people who page reading for one class, then a 5 Important decision lies before them-who will they select to star at th promise that in the future that I were involved, she never would page paper for another-net to Homecoming concert. They must keep in mind that a bid should be put In will try to control my actions. have made that particular mention an exam the following day on ~ "borf"a flqe" star within the week. This knocks out the POSSibility of . Sorry for any inconvenience I may statement. The people who were in another class. When is there massive 1=19115 or scheduled meetings to sample student opinion. : have caused. involved have never caused any time to breathe? to look around Sincerely, damage or harrasment in any and appreciate WMC's campus? They must also remember that the SGA, the representatives of the The Whiteford Peeper women's. dorm at Western time to bave meaningful ex- ;:~fs"sts:~~~~~~~~~ ~~:I;:r':~~~f~~~~~~:Ocl:~tf~~:~~o :~~~~~~7~iFill Your Forms Mfry~~:~ c~~;:etbat the Black- ~~u~~~~s? ~e/ed~sa~on~\~~le~t~~ standards from rest ,year's performances of the Atlanta Rhythm Section Dear Students Student Union, Robin Seiland, and student forfeits some of his-her 'and OJ-jeans durlng'the Fall and Spring Concerts. Please fill out the Homecoming everyone else on campus un- precious study time. The amount of Ano so tbe-eecrefcn to bring Minnie Rlpperton tQ, WMC .. " she would INomination forms in your derstandswhat really went on that work a student can endure without accept the bid we set out. The committee was In agreement on the Idea 'mailboxes. . evening. going crazy is no way to determine with a large maJority completely behind the selection of Minnie. In fact, Thanks Sincerely, excellence. For a person to learn there was complete unanimity for making Melba Moore the second Homecoming DennisPowell their true capabilities there must choice on the lIst. This decision was definitely not the work of lust one, . Committee be time to explore, time to ex- person. Harrasment? Dear Editor, periment, and time to learn that The question that the editors of this staff still have reservations about Dear Sir: I am finally a senior of this tn- there is more to life than the often Is, "Why.dld It take unlll now for the entire campus to find out on whom stitution of higher learning and am petty assignments that are so time we had bids out?" Responsible members of the social committee have The last two Scrimshaw issues majoring in dramatic art. consuming. Mter all, that is the responded that It was because they didn't want to disappoint the students have covered the Black Student Recently my directing class has idea l:ehind a liberal arts college, of thJs campus by not bringing in one of proposed performers which the' Union's statements concerning been holding auditions for their fall isn't it? My complaint comes not to campus knew that we were trying to get. Unfortunately we, at SCRIM· racism at WMC, and a letter from shows. The turnout has been the students who can't help but feel SHAW, don't go along with that line of reasoning. Robin Seiland refuting many of meager. When students are ap- the pressures inflicted upon them We do feel that, although it would have been hard to achieve a sampling these charges. There is one in. p-oached and asked to audition but with the demands of the in- of student opinion through the normal machinery, verbal Input could cident that neither Ms. Seiland or they comment that they ~re too stitution. have been gathered on an informal basis. But that did not occur because the BSU reported accurately. I [busy, have too much work or Whew! Glad I got that out, that Intormatlon was not allowed out on which to base such conversation. And witnessed this incident, so I feel .simply gesture towards a text book leaves me 20 minutes to finish my that lack of Information led to feelings of animosity toward the system Igualified comment on It indicating the work load from a reading for today. and lis officials when the news eventually "leaked" out through unofficial The Incident I'm refemng to IS particular class The frustration of Kathy Chandler (with the finding people to do our shows was a sources. the alleged verbal attack BSU Supported aid of Tom Armbuster against We would prefer fhat this lack of communication not occur In the as sounding board.) future. We believe that students can grasp the fact that when the college puts out a "bid" on a performer, there Is-always the very real possibility that the performer will furn the offer down. We would then have to go on by Ucla Hedian to anothfr choice. I would like to respond to some quite different from arbitrarily campus. And we are led to understand that the SocIal CommIttee Is producing statements made in the Personal ~fusing an expression of ad- Thirdly, a statement was made goals for procedures on band selection In the future. This is an actIon 'Vlewpoint in last week's edition of ministrative concern. concerning the original BSU ar- which we applaude. Scrimshaw. I felt that the article Another point-mentioned was the ticle as follows: "Mention was As to the concert Itself, we think that It will be successful overall. This had good things to say, and hiri~g of minority professors. made of a party given by a takes Inlo account the lowered ticket prices and the good reputation that possibly expressed the viewpoint of Robin says, "In the Scrimshaw last fraternity cleebrating the death of preceed Ms. Moore that Is if she decides to come. We hope that the many white students at this school. week, the BSU complained of the Martin Luther King. Isn't that campus will turn out for such a performance and set aside the iI had to differ with some of the lack of minority professors and issue ten years old? Iconsider that ~~gnlflcance of any problems In the selectIon process. :':::: tomr:~~~~e~e~:~ =~Ie~~~::/~~r w:r;:.v~ :~, ~!nl;o:ea:~~:~ v~li~~ Let 'God Bless 'You' in particular. ,to start somewhe~?" A very good of the letter written. Mter all, a First, the Viewpoint says, "I Jl?int is brought up here. It is different era, a different group of understand that a minority affairs difficult for a small school such as students, and a different ad- The SCRIMSHAW would Ilketo take a public s~ndon a small Issue that has arisen over the last months. We feel that It Is about time that someone :tirector was to have been ap- WMC to attract minority ministration." take up the fight for freedom of expression on this campus. 'pointed with the same salary and pro_fessors at the salary offered. I When I read the BSU article, I' The Issue In question Is In minor, as stated before. It Involves the use of benefits regarding tuition, room, think that possible tokenism ,did DOttake the section referred to three small words on the bottom of public document which Is dIstributed and board as a graduate assistant. becomes a concern if the ad- as "mud·slinging." 'J1le incident widely throughout the campus: "God Bless You." These words have I also heard that the BSU rejected ministration has as its goal the ten years ago was cited in con· consistently appeared on the bottom of the minutes of .the Student this plan stating that this was not hiring of a minority professor. junction with a recent incident-in Government AssociatIon since the present recording secretary took of. good enough. hope Fact or rumor? I That smacks the of tokenism, whereas my opinion, for the purpose of This ae- making showing that the era, the students, sincerely hiring of qualified, rwnor." flce last year. It has come to our attention, Indirectly, that thIs phrase will no longer counting of events is partly minority professors a priority and the administration have not be accompanying this piece of literature, at the request of one of the correct, the but is quite misleading. the It would be a real attempt to improve the. _ really chaOl~ed that much. gives atmosJiiere impreSSion that thl!_ rac!S1 of continued on page 3 maior officials within the SGA structure. To this the' SCRIMSHAW politely asks, "Why?" administration to do initiated something this Staff Box movement It has always been our policy at the paper that persons on this campus should be allowed to express their opInions and feelings to others around positive for minorities on campus, Head Honcho them, either In the print media or through verbal semantics. Un· and was opposed by the BSU. Jeff Robinson fortunately It appears that this secretary's opinion Is "inappropriate" for Actually, the BSU initiated the Assistant Honcho the way the SGA feels. chain of events by proposing a fuU· Meg Hoy:le We were always under the impression that the SGA was sanctioned time minority affairs director Sidekick HonchQ Space Man ground for stu~nt expression. We also understood that It was socially (very different from a graduate Nancy Menefee Key punchers Dave Cleveland acceptable to say the pledge of allegiance or sing the national anthem assistant), along with ot~er M Joan Hughes Shuttersnappe whenever one feels il necessary to let those feelings out. Would the SGA l suggestions dealing with The Money an Scott Dahne also censor persons from partiCipatIng In those activities? minorities put l:efore the ad- Joe Della Laugh Man The only thing that we can truly believe would be a real reason for this ministration at the same time. The Muscle Men Other Things act, would be the excess cost Imposed from prInting the words "God Bless ladministration did not accept the Jim Teramani Mark Katz You" from the excessive ink used printing approximately 100 caples of limWol1:S1and The Usual Gang of Idiots Phil LaPadula the minutes every two weeks. So In order to alleviate this problem j~=~~s:~~r:rr::~~~~f~~ BeckyCassilly Dave Langley Jeff Smith SCRIMSHAW would like to make an offer. We are willing to donate ap· time member of the staff, hiring a Doug Bowman MarkC. Bayer Anneuilliney proximately $2.32 back to the SGA budget In order to cover that cost minority affairs director with the Steve Bainbridge Tim Windsor Yon Makino DeMario throughout the year (thIs Is based on an estImated 12.3 cents ap· s~tus of gradua~e assistant. The Bill Weeks David Zinck Scott Giangola Denise D'Andrea Mike proximatlon per set of minutes). We hope that this offer will be accepted BSU cannot veto a decision made CJu:isBohaska TI]eoBraver In the spirit In whIch It Is given and thai the SGA will continue Its fine by the administration, but they Phyllis Menschner Mark Mylin He Ornery lialSchmulonitz was asked for- J...-------=;:.:;:::..---- tradition of allowing Individual expressions of freedom wlthl~ Its conveyed to them that this plan Chief Idiot structure . would not be acceptable as a Mary Cole -l ................................... SUbstitu~forwhat
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