Page 16 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 16
Page 4 SCRIMSHAW Friday, September 30, 1977 WMC Sports Fall ,Terrors Tie Swathmore, Still Undefeated Jim Wogsland Bonaccorsy, lineman of the week the best running backs In ine and Warren Lowman (220 and 227 Tom Gaugner (213), sophomore The Western Maryland Terrors Buck Horsey, defensive back of the league, Glenn Cameron and Eric Jbs.). senior center Mike Gibson Ricci Bonaccorsy (202), and senior continued their undefeated season week Mike Modica, Randy Halsey Deuross. As Joe Damiano gets (237), sophomore Charlie Brown Steve Luette (219). The Saturday in their home opener and freshman Joe Menendez. more used to the system and goes (205) and JC transfer (CCB) linebackers are fresh Bob Bowman againstSwathmore by posting a tie The next game is at Muhlenberg to his left more (to DeGross) they Gerard Fischer (205). The ends are and Joe Menendez, and sophomore score, 20-2Q. This followed last on Saturday (only a 31h hour drive should improve even more. Last Rick Jamison, Mark Chadwick and Harry Peoples. The backfield week's win over Ursinus, 41-16. away). This game could prove to seasons leading rusher, fullback Clarke Tankersley. includes senior Dave Siebert, It looked like Western Md. was be the game of the season, or at Mike Lewis also returns to fill out a The defensive unit is led by the juniors Mike Modica and Mike ~~ti~w~~~~~:e ~~~:e;~~gw~~l~ ~:~i~e ~~~::~e~s :u~~~n~~ gr~~t ~:o~fi:~~~niVelY is a com- :~ ~~~io~n~:;fi~~t~~~~) d=~~nsl~l~ ~~~~t:rn~~~f:k~~fs ~~srer~ TD pass anda two point conversion season. pletely new _aggressiv~ 1in~, America ca~didate 'Buck Horsey senior Bru~e.~elt. ~Q.~SC" Ou+loqk Women"H",d U 3 I ~i~~:!sUje7ti~~: ~:~:.nd a half head G tt b j~:~~hne,~~d~~eg~~d~o~~~~~: ,. .~ .. ~~~::~~t~~:rN~:J;m~'a~~~ The first quarter ended scoreless Jim Hindman, the new e ys urg pset:. as the WMC defense didn't even coach r ee ls that the tea m needs to Against York: allow Swathmore a first down but be more unselfish and felt that they Hal Schmalowltz hait, taking 11 shots compared to soon in the second quarter B~ce would have bea~ Swart~more if After a slow start, the WMC Gettysburg's 6. Second half Becky Cassilly .Belt hit a field goal to make it 3-0. theY.ha~ a;com~hshed thl~. A~ he soccer team proved themselves in saw both teams tied with 21 shots The Women's Varsity Field Next, Randy Halsey hit a Swath- put It, It s .the~r tea~, I.m Just a hom!'! eame last Saturday with a Two more goals were scored by the Hockey team won th~ir first two more player, forcing a fumble, here ~or motJv~tlOn, direction and 3-1 victory against Gettysburg. WMC. Valuable players named by games of th~ season With the s~me which was recovered by Mike choosing the lineup. Games are Observing this victory was an the coaches for this game were score of 1-0 m both games against Modica. This set up the running won by the players!" exceptionally jarge crowd for a Doug Barnes and Andy Friedwald Susquehanna and York. play of the game, as two plays The offense, this yea~ especially, ~turday morning. In the future, the Green Terrors Sophomore. Barb Brazis. is the cam 47 . ly~~!~ Ga~"'dn, TD Se~o,nlh'm'",~d,f ','m , ~:~C~~d~~.t ~~~. ~s~ra~ ~~:~ Goals -this game were scored by will be playing U.M.RC. away on teams leading scorer WIth both ne,. c Doug and Ja~ie Mosberg. October tst. The next home game goals to her credit. . . back and scored, making it 1fH. th~conferenc~msconng. They a~e Scott Kallins, leftWIng and Ron will be against Loyola on Coach ~eyers said the first They threatened again right before usmg the Wishbone Offe~e thiS Rhodes, line a~isted .. Goalie Ken October 5th. Considering that game against Susquehanna was ~;~~e~:d ab~~~:nt~y en~af~:i~ ~;~~~n:ns tobo:~~YS T~lStw~e~ Lowey was credited With 13 sa~es. Loyola is Division 2 NCAA champs, play~d openly and very. well drive. The team played a good fIrst this game shoultf be interesting. ~;~:~~ s~~rre~f ~heeo~~;~al m the t a Swathmore drew first blood in Ra-ge- rs R oug h .t t BI oomerg Rain slowed up Tuesday's gam_!:! the second half as their defense .... against York, but tlrazis again picked off a Joe Damiano lateral came through with the assistance andthenscoredaTD,makingit12- Later evening these ad- rappelIing sites. of her teammates to score in the 10. Bruce Belt then connected for a Last Friday, a group OI t,en venturous students were taught Sunday morning arrived early. final minutes of the first half. Pam field goal to regain the lead for the women and sixteen men travele..l how to use a compass. Upon For the last time, poncho lean-to's Hudson and Sally Stanfield played Terrors, 13-12. Halfway through to Bloomery, West Virginia for an "graduating" from this fifteen were dismantled. Knapsacks were a strong defense. the last quarter, Joe Damiano adventurous weekend of outdoor minute course (maybe the shortest put on and to the Slide for Life site The JV also won their game found Mark Chadwick for a TD activities with the Rangers. one offered at WMC), they were everybody headed. This final against York with a score of 4-0. All pass, widening the lead to 20-12. A Arrival at Bloomery was a driven about a mile east of camp activity of the weekend proved to the goals were made during the costly penalty then set up the last unique experience for all. One and told to meet back at camp, be the toughest challenge for the first half of the game. Renee score of the game as Swathmore group was transported in an army hopefully by twelve midnight. By Rangers. One hundred and thirty Gardner and Kris Milkner each tied it up 20-20, truck, another more fortunate 11:00 P.M. everyone had "stum- feet of rope stretched out across a scored a goal, while Ruth Seaman ru:~;s~;~k sger:!°~~~~~~u11~ :;-r~~l~~ ~~~c~~~~ i~n~n l~~ l!~: bl~~~~~/Sa::ttjvities were even ~;:~lli-~~'~e:;fngt~~! ~~o~ S~:dg:;;:; next game is Saturday, yds. on 14 carries, 37 yards an 2 "mini-bus" justin time for dinner. mo~e challenging. More ex· falling as much as 70 feet into the October 1, at Franklin and Mar- passes caught andoneTD), QB Joe Friday's supper consisted of C- penenc~ members directed the river. Yet, despite all of these shall. The next home game is Wed., Damiano (8 completions in 17 Rations. In a simple poll, it was construct,lOnofaone-ropebridgein terrorizing menta V visions, the 5th vs Elizabethtown at 3'30 attempts), and Eric De Gross (81 agreed upon that these meals the mo,:"mg. Races across the 100 everyone went down. "Piece of yds. on 12 carries). The total of- surpassed the cafeteria food, fo.ot .brl~e were ~locked with a cake," they said afterwords. Many Bobby's Robby fense amassed 392 yards )280 "evencold,"asonememberputit. wm~mg t~me?f ,SIxteen seconds. were heard yelling, ."airborne" rushing and 112 passing) while To all those who are at a loss as to TIie major mISSion, Castle Rock, while reaching velocities up to Lobby the defense held Swathmore to 270 what C-rations are, they are tasty was .access~ that afternoon. After twenty·five miles per hour. What a Art Supplies, Crafts, Models yards. The defensive standouts little meals put together by the leaVIng theIl' gear at the new way to end a weekend at 65 East Main Street incl.uded player of the week Rick Army. campsite, the group attached Bloomery! Westminster climbing equipment to their belts .---'--------1 848-4350 Linda Clagett . an~e:a~~~fn~~~:andonefree Heagy's Sport rock climbing site were set up. The Shop no matter if the inquirer in- The continued from page 1 eighty foot rappe1J featured a large FULL LINE OF SPORTING and taking care of gamerooms, terrupted something she was doing Very Feminine making posters publicizing all or not. ~=':~;r!~.o~:;;:-,:!~oo~ GOODS W.M.C. events, publishing Linda is married and has three ledge. The free rock climb made a 16 W. MainStree! 848-5515 Question of "W.M.C. Today" daily, and children: Amy, 8, and twins Joshua nice change in getlin up to the In Town p-eparing the college calendar. and Jesse, one year. Her husband Life Insurance' Linda is instrumental in seeing is carroll Clagett and works as a that all of the above services are backhoe operator for a con- In t~ liI~rlltrd timl'S no wOlYUln I\ft'd efficiently carried out. She and struction company. ·w*"... ~ltle for ""'Ilk. iMII't'Clh" finaoolll Joan Avey work along with several The family lives in a new home in pfIInninil. ne",lopinJt finltncilll student staff members. Union Mills, a town about a half an indepMCknn Ind n1111' M'Curil~'for tbr The fabulous job that Linda does hour away from Wesbninster. rulurt' is a\ imporlllDI ror wunwn II!; it is is surpassed only by her en- Linda says she and Caroll plan to for 1Mn. ¥uur t1dt'til, rnm Uft' t·K-ld thusiasm toward it. This en- build their next home by them- WNCH DINNER "\s
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