Page 15 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 15
· SCRIMSHAW i hat Happens With KKK in Carroll County .. Theo Braver ..ave been referring to; Noah of every (white) man to sit in a Pringle's New-Fangled Potato wearing white sheets which has - One night last week, I enlisted curses Ham and the Canaanites, restaurant and not worry about Chips, and Bird's Eye frozen peas. been denounced many-a-time as a the company of a slightly for- "May they be the lowest of who's going to sit next to him. These products are all Kosher policy of hiding. His coun- midable-looking fellow and took slaves." However a footnote The third group facing Klan which means that they have been ter-attack: "Just think if my car out for an adventure in the follows saying it is no longer discrimination are the Zionist prepared according to Jewish there were any niggers here on this foggy hills of Carroil County. It believed true as it once was that Jews, primarily because they are dietary laws. According to the hill tonight you wouldn't see was to be the first and probably Ham was the ancestor of the non-Christians. The Christian Klan, consumers of these and other nothing but their eyeballs. Now last Ku Klux Klan rally that I Negro. . Vanguard, a paper put out by the products are unwillingly sup- that's what I call hiding." would attend. As we turned off LaRiCC! then condemned the fact Klan was available artne rally. In porting Jewish activities because With that he introduced various from Bollinger fJIill Rd. in Gamber that a KKK rally is the sole it was a series of articles devoted of the small fee the rabbi receives Klan members who took the stand onto a long dirt driveway our rear remaining place where a white to the "Kosher Label Swindle," for inspecting these products, and "witnessed." Most of the license plate number was recorded man can go and not be in the whereby the Jews are invading which is in turn passed on to the speakers were young men who ?y a neighborhood "Police car ~ho company o~ ':negreds." ~e fur~er every American's home in the consumer in increased prices. It is ~otested too .much ah?ut their _ Just happened to be passmg stated that It IS the God-given nght form of Chicken of the Sea tuna, even suggested in the paper that ineloquence while muttenng every through. At the same time we were _b G V- -t "the Great Kosher Food Ripoff kind of degradation at the expense approached by three KKK gUards could put to shame the wildest of the aforementioned groups. :~ss~~i~ ~~i!~~~, !~~Yb:~~ c Orrt ean roup lSI 5 dr~r;;i~~ti:~l~~f:~~;asaresult W;:hr~l~fr:~~~t:~e~~~~~e~ interrogated us as to our mern- Dave Cleveland of these three groups - the whose parents are Klan members. bership in the Klan. Replying that Music swells through the hundred were so mesmerized by communists, blacks and Zionist "Oh they're terrible!" was his we were considering it, we were cafeteria. Above the murmurs of themusicthattheystayeduntilthe Jews - we are prisoners in our answer to the question "What do :~£:llli;'~k~iii~~:;~~~i~~:~:::~~~E~;~,~::~O~,=E;i~~:~r~~:!~~~a~~~;i~!r,~h~~~!i~r}}J~;:F!;S~t~::i~:'~~~~:?::::~ band went out the door. The band the throng of people is the sound of He then waved through and directed up the of blacks?" you think own world. Asked by a man in the On this dark hill lit only by a few Carribean nation, beating on some The band will be performing nothing could be done to the blacks sister interrupted to describe to me headlights, the people milled old oil barrels, but producing October 8 at the Capitol Hilton in to stop it - "in the open at least." the cross-burning ceremony that around discussing the big rally that music with a strange magic; the the Presidential Ballroom with What we are to infer from that is was soon to take place. She ex- was to take place the following magic ef Carribean watera arid uf Miss Universe, who is also from not a very pleasant thought. plainedhowthe men and women in night. Tonight the speeches were drums in the night. Trinidad and Tobago. He then defended their custom of their white robes and hoods would going to be delayed for a while The group is from Trinidad and circle around the twelve-foot cross ~~~~~daa~~~;:~:sh::i~r~~e; Tobago. The barrels are called a HitchcockPerformedFriday ;~~~db:~;rt !~fC!:S~nt~~thewr:s~ p,~~~;,UI~ '::!f~,~oc:;,::~~~at:~::~:,~:'l~~:':;i~~~~:~,~~~~~;~!~:~;;~%rf::tr~v:~ Soon after we arrived ~:Ie~n~a~~, it did too. c~~ t~:a.m~~~ E~;~~~~7f.'::~:~i~~:~f,:i~=:::~:::d, :~~ Dawn Bennett wanted me to stress the enormous shrugged her shoulders. could now see the platform where played for us here last Saturday !~C~~k;:i~h~~;~IT~~id;~o;;~ ~~~tl;~h~~~:-or~~~ dr7tfi~gC;~d onlookers kneeling in the grass as the speakers would stand, flanked from 4:30 to 8:30, with only two provided a variety of music which drilling until her memory was they listened to "The Ol~ RUf&~ ~hi~ria:gJ b~~!ie.~:~~ ~;~n~e:~ short breaks. They had been on the displayed her talent and technique perfect. She even practiced while ~O:~~rs b!~~~atco;: the ~ur~~ either side were the American and road or performing all Saturday, but was not too hibrow for the on vacation when her husband cross-only as LaRicci explained Confeder a te flags. The whole ~~rs ~~oiel~~~gh:~Ui~~rsn~: ro:,a~:t ~~~:e~;~~~ert:~~;:t~ ~~~ie:i~;~, as~~c~~J~ ~~~: ~~~~do not burn the cross, we light ~~a~g~::;e~~al~k~~. very much their first meal since breakfast. At As one member of the audience music and practiced. This amount _ .._. __ ... .. 8: 30 they had to pack up for a drive said, "I was too engrossed to even of preparation and dedication First on the agenda was the ba9k to Baltimore; and another think. of checking my watch." insures the success of her recitals, :. i , First on the program were two I Lord's Prayer and the Pledge of performance at 10. Bach numbers, the first. a selection as witnessed Friday. : At first, she taught only part time, ~ Allegiance. We were informed that Mrs. Hitchcock came to W.M.C. The group was formed on 1971 in I anyoIre not partleipating in these Trinidad and Tobago, and moved from Cantata No. 39 and the second in 1960 after teaching at elemen- .1;~~~~f~~~~~~f~: ~~:.!~:;~~in:~~~~:~is~~ ~~co:;~~~e M~~~~~Ch~~k ~ln ~c;~~lsj~nn~~'c:r~~ll~eOn:~:::: ~ I Grand Dragon of Maryland, Tony grown from four players to thir- Kantate 51 were AM Flaccavento, ! LaRicci introduced himself and teen, has been given the key to violin; Ade!e Krause, violin; Carl because she was in the process. of spoke for the next half-hour. He Ocean City, won honorary Dietrich, viola; Rosemarie Mc- raising her family, a total of fIVe outlined for the crowd of 70 people ~~:z~!~p ~~:.ago~~~i~~ ~o~~ Manus, violincello; and Olga children. When Mr. DeLong ~ crtockep'g mabcrnl re:n:e~=~~ ~:n U~e~; Tobago Baltimore Steel Or- :~~:~~ier~l;i~e~O. ~~~ds !~~~~:!~~~~gV~~!·fu~~~~he~~~e~~ro~' must fight against. First on their chestra." describe the music making of these teaching--she says she learns a lot· i list are the Communists and liberal Paul Gervais, the leader of the professional musicians. The by teaching, and does not regret: Lobster i.. • elements which have supposedly band, sees Soca music as the next program also included selections leaving elementary school i Steok infiltrated our government doing major hit style in America. One of by Brahams, Duparc, Pontenc, teaching to come here. her- E 216 E. MainSt. i such naughty things as "selling ~s long-term goals for the group is KorngoId, and Massenet. Mrs. Hitchock received i.,." wheat and other commodities to tosetupclas~estoteachpeopleto Following intermission, Mrs. degrees from Oberlin Con-. E our enemies while America's poor :!aYd?~ mUSIC, to play the steel Hitchcock sang -Samuel Barber's servatory in Ohio. She holds bofh a i 11 ~~~nu::~~~ ~~~c~~~~!::s~:: ;h~ ~teel band is just what it ~::~~~~g:r~~i~~:~e ~~~~~~s;;~t~:!f~~d~C~~~:nd a Bachelor! Westminster, Md.2 51 ! its members nation-wide it could looks hke: a bunch of 55 gallon monks, most of them amusing, a When asked how she felt about E 848-4202 i put a stop to liberal movements drums.B? few serious. She completed the her performance, she said she E i and "Civil Rights agitators to the drm;t, and the~ a metal.dlsh, program with two very coloratura thought "her batting average was Your host: E restore America to its rightful :-"orked mto a spec1al shape, IS set selections, one by McBride and the high." And I think those who at- Lee Cambas "."'.".~, On the tended would agree place in the world." The Klan mto the to~. The dept.h of the note other by Felecien David. recital was SSh~,~re~a~lly~o~U~tdi~·d~h~"~"~If~lli~i''..!t~im::':J.'ib:========'f 100 per cent. places the blame on the "damn produced 1S determmed by the whole Mrs. Hitchcock's white liberals" for giving the depth of the drum.. . . very profeSSional and definitely r blacks white men's jobs. I,,:'haete~~~':'!:~t,a .ps;~~~ m~ the best I've heard her sing. We're Ready for Winter. "'"6-' I asked Mrs. Hitchcock why she . . Tne seco~d group the Klan m~t :~tad:~~~k~e:e~~~~~~:~,t s~~~ :~~~:nt~~c;!:~~;~~:~~ i~s t~~ Are You? ~:!ti:~~~~si.a~~ceci ~~i~r~~t ~a~, "that it called a steel area and no pressure to do God created both white and black~lano. The m~lc IS a deal recitals. So, she gave the only men but he claims that the two I~ke that._. a plano :>:lso,It IS more answer she could give-she enjoys Hows about ... we~e clea:ly separate~ by GOO, as ~~~n::~~~than hke any other it. She enjoys the challenge of ~:~ ;:~o-~e I ~~~t~~~s·oJ~ . T and. T had fantastic audience ~~~:~b~~ ~o~i~:~ato~; ~OU?e~ passage that he could possibly i~~r;::r;~;·t:~~~~~re~:~ ::~I:years before. Mrs. Hitchcock down· Jackets, Vest Polar Guar-d . Jackets, Vest .. OF C£tf(5E Ir.ttL. HI ~6.wNT.. - Long Undies - Men & Women eNPs ur 1H6- S,fMe ... ~o~'s rilCIIIBLf' Socks (f 1 ~e'5> M' I/'II~ ;o,:~~~"" GfJIJI' rr;,;;-. Gloves JiJ lkUPT()V(.r"~ ItOI.• Hats "'''I!MF A.<'PftjJff.r -And Lots More! 1M e~r.1 ~t:g All at Outfitters S(:lAlE'N()w .. MOil. 12-5 Tue.·17lUrs.10-5 Fri. ]0·9 &(.9-5 l'flOne876-2966 At 2 Bond St. .................................. ~
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