Page 154 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 154
Friday. May 19. 1978 New System Moves In continued from page 1 puter, which will be dedicated to What will we be able to do with this computer use will have • •• use, is an example. his own we currently we have is full-up with the ad- the students and faculty. WMC is machine? account and his own password You ask any computer science ministrative work, that's why we goicg to lease a PDP-ll/60 from "The 1l/5O operates in what is The:e should be no p~acticalli'.llit student what he thinks of ITF. " students are getting the short end Digital Equipment Corporation .called a "time-sharing" mode, on flle.s.pace. There will be plotting What do you think of ITF? "You of the stick. What can be done (DEC), which should be on the which means that several students capability -- we are getting a couldn't print it. Since the time aboutit? premises by Aug. 1. The IBM will can be working on it via terminals 'printer-plotter' instead of a when we brought ITF up and it continue to do its thing perhaps a simultaneously with out mutual standard line printer. And, NO proceeded to zero out one of the "Remember that one of our jobs little better when we ~ff-loa.d the interference. The equipment we CARDS! You people will have to disks, we haven't been too fond of is fixing things. That is going to be academic work it currently does." are getting will have the ability to learn a bit more to use this system it." fixed .b~ getting a second com- That sounds like a swinging idea. handle 16 terminals at once, with than you have had to up to now, but Can we have a Star Trek the capability of expansion to 32. it's not much and well worth ihe program OIl the DEC? Both Fortran and Basic will be effort." "It's your machine __ you can available from the terminals, and Couldn't the IBM do all that too? have anything you want on it. DEC has a better Basic than what "Not really. IBM has some soft- Provided you write it yourself." is generally available. Each ware which would approximate the ~Wow. Damn the Klingons and student taking a course requiring time-shared function .......ITF, which full speed ahead! What Will Computer Mean to US Bill Spring The big question the new PDP- dimensional character arrays. academic programs shared 1l/5O computer system soon to The new computer will also have through the computer. Scientific appear on campus is, "What can graphics capabilities. That is, it programs such as Least Squares the new system do that the IBM can draw curves acd lines, Analysis, Population Growth 370/115 (the system we are now something the IBM machine Studies, and Identification of using) cannot do?" For example, cannot do at this time. Students Chemical Reactions are just a few can it do my bio labs, will it cuss will be able to graph functions and of the possibilities. There will be me out when I make a mistake, draw pictures if they so desire! Statistics, Econ, and maybe even a and can it play poker? The most important aspect of the Music-related program! The DEC To begin with, the DEC PDP will DEC PDP-ll/50 is the use students may not do your bio lab, but maybe be more accessible to students. can expect to get from it. The IBM it can help! Students with ab- Where the IBM machine had only Common Library (which most solutely no experience on the three terminals for student use students have never heard of) was computer will be able to use these Yearbook (plus four for administrative use), erased near the beginning of the programs after just a few minutes continued from page 1 the DEC machine will have six semester, although nobody really of instruction. Dave is very enthusiastic about terminals available to the student missed it. Using "protect" com- All the software (the computer taking on the job, and says, "This population and the capability for mands, students may share programs mentioned above) will whole yearbook, I look forward to many more as they are needed. programs without the risk of be written by students, and will and everyone as a challenge. It gives me Four of these new terminals will be of having them erased, example, one cost the computer center nothing. For Ray Tubes--sort can CRT's (Cathode benefit. something worthwhile to put my We want to bring out closet a television which will display your student may program the com- Anyone can program the computer effort into." writers, and encourage writers to ~ program). The CRT's not only puter to play Star Trek, then share and enter their program into a Help Each Other :~~r~~e:!a:~.~th~~~,~ other and save paper, but are silent and will this program with everyone by common "pool" of programs, once they learn how. Linda Mig!, selected last week to Contrast has been criticized eliminate the c1ackety-clack often pushing the right buttons. Other Then is the IBM computer ob- edit Contrast, plans no _major including too much heard in the study rooms in the is games such as backgammon and solete? Never! The IBM 370/1I5 is library when the IBM terminal DEC! The DEC PDP was designed changes from the product material. Linda justified running. Hard copy (your program for use with terminals. Response fantastic at what it was designed published this year. Her main hope desire for more student typed onto regular paper instead of time is nearly instantar.eous and for, namely real-time work such as is to maintain an idea introduced this use of displayed on the CRT) will be will process your program much the cards currently used for this year. She said, "We want accessible by USing a line printer in quicker than you type it. FORTRAN. The DEC could never "In the past there was only one best literary magazine conjuction with the CRT, or it can The IBM machine uses ITF handle batch work, so the IBM will literary magazine, published at the have needed to get be "spooled" onto the IBM line BASIC, a fairly limited form of the be used to handle administrative end of the year," said Linda. "This missions-to have enough IBM system students were given BASIC language. DEC uses chores, as well as SPSS, COBOL, year we have tried to keep interest to publish. We do want to serve low prurity and sometimes had to BASIC-PLUS, a much more and WATFIV for the student up by publishing three issues. I campus and get as much student wait over a full minute for a versatile fonn of BASIC. For population. Only BASIC and think its a good idea, and will try to material as possible. But I want to response from the computer. A 90- example, BASIC-PLUS lends itself FORTRAN will be used on the publish three this year too." include outside material to provide printer. well to structured programming DEC PDP-II/50. Linea arso nopes to improve outside input, so that we can have But won't twice the terminals techniques, and will handle two- By using two computers, the some areas in Contrast. Explained an idea what other people are mean twice the time delay? On the poker are also possible. computer center hopes to fill the Linda, "We need more artwork doing around the country. needs of both the students and the step program would require 90 The greatest advantage to administration. And it would minutes of typing. Not so with the students, however, will be the appear they are doing a good job. Research Reveals Sleep, GPA, Counseling Mmi Griffin Here they are, the promised graduate goals were shown to have percent of the sample reported understanding, easy to talk to, and profitable for them to have some results of some of the Social an additive effect, increasing the personal counseling as the rst, 2nd, that the student knew them. Many training in this area. Research Methods class's influence of student interest but or 3rd highest need on this campus. students stated that they would go projects]! having little effect on their own. Since the topic of this research to their faculty advisor. These are just three of the many John Koontz and Bruce Langford was the need for personal coun- topics investigated this year by the have studied the relationship A third project was conducted by seling, the researchers examined With this in mind, the resear- Social Research Method's class. between a student's sleeping Amy Turner and Beth Dunn. They this further. When asked who on chers offer several suggesucns for Hopefully this research can be put habits and the amount of stress assessed the need for personal this campus they would go to with improving personal counseling to. profitable use, he/she is under. They first counseling on Western Maryland a problem, more students replied services on this campus. Ideally determined that a student is under College campus. Personal coun- no one than any other answer. The there should be a full time more stress during the academic seling is psychological or social remaining students listed sixty- qualified counselor available to year than during vacations. ted. couseling, not academic or career five different persons. Those most students. Other suggestions are to note: Oh really?!!?) Through a counseling. It should first be stated often mentioned were Ira zepp, provide campus workshops led by questionnaire survey, they then that need is a subjective factor, Bill Tribby, and Dean Mowbray. mental health professionals one or discovered that there is no what may be need to one person Only one student indicated that two times a semester and/or to correlation between one's stress may not be lor another. Therefore, they would go to the Counseling provide in-service training in level and the amount of sleep three types of need were and Career Services to seek help communication skills for faculty obtained. There is, however, a measured. The first was need self- for a personal problem. The advisors. It seems that many positive correlation between one's reported by the student on the reasons {or going to these par- advisors are being asked to act as level of stress and the frequency of questionnaire. Seventy-four ticular people were that they were counselors, therefore, it would be sleep. In other words, the more r-:----~---e--R--o-u--s-e-, stress a student feels, the more :r~~;~;ied~l~~m~~s~;ei,e~ often he/she will sleep. Remember sonal counseling. The second type this the next time you take a nap in of need assessed was general need, L• the afternoon instead of studying the interviewees were asked if they I qUor s thought personal counseling should Another project investigated the be available on the campus. ~~~~r.~~ ~=~t~~;c~a~rcao~~~i: ~~~~~~;~~n;op:,~;~~df:~ ~i~ Hat!'e 113 W. Main St. by \l Mezzanotte and Brent data is that the majority of the a Happy Summer ~xo~~ll.:ed~h~:e de~~~:b~~stu~:~~ ~~~ts~i:;e~~t~~~en~~~~~~~ inter st in the course, parental themselves. The third need WMC Students prea-re ror acmevement and post measured was needs on gracoate goals. The results campus. was the sbov I'd that the degree of interest need for . the is tt best determiner of G.P.A. As cafeteria, . mterst increases sod"";!'i'Pi',),." newgym,p."'''n'J~Q'''''''"'''''~''''''IL~':'';:..;~.~C:",~/~.ftJ~'~e:C!k'~lI~U~r~"W~'~M~C~~~~~~~:::jF'.i====""""",e!5!::!J. Par-ntal improvements. dorm post and pressure
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