Page 155 - Scrimshaw1977-78
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Track and Field - - Ahead at the End Phillis Menschner The Track and Field team ended The best time in the 440 relay was 44.8 their 1978. season with a winning record of 8-1-0. Tom Knieriem lead Trumpower added 29% points in the team in scoring by achieving the hurdles and sprints and senior 105% points of the total 656 points co-captain Don Harris added 32 in scored by the team. Chuck Bar- the shot put and discus throw. His bour was the second highest scorer best shot put of the season was with 751,12 points followed by Fred 44'4 I h" and his longest discus Smythwith70'h. throw was 131'11". Other seniors Knieriem as a freshman has on the team include Don Enterline captured 16 first places, 4 seconds and Craig Merkle. Enterline and 4 thirds. He set a new school scored a total of 34 points in the and Hoffa field record in the long javelin with his longest throw jump with a leap of 22~Il" and has being 193'4". Merkle scored 16 remained unbeaten for the season points in the shot put with a season in the event. He also has remained bestof44'9". unbeaten in the triple jump. His Members of the team scoring for best jump of the s,eason was 43'3" WMC this season include: juniors against Johns Hopkins and Loyola. Ron Bowan 33Y.!,Vernon Crawford Knieriem ran the 220 in 23.2 and 16Y.!, Austin Gisriel 3, Mike also took seconds and thirds in the Haberstick 1, Mike Margiotta 37y'!, 100. Also through out the season he sophomores Jerry Beason 12Y.!" has run legs in both the 440 and David Grossman 15, Jon Isaacs mile relay. 9%, Rip Jamison 15, Scott Nichols Chuck Barbour, senior co- 1, Harry Peoples 36, Doug Renner WMC sports teams, despite some gloomy' predictions based on our captain, finished his final 14, Eliot Runyon 39Y.!,freshmen FalLperformance, did very well this year, with winning seasons in collegiate season with 6 first, 7 Mark Chadwick 16, Dane Colbert Lacrosse, Tennis, Track, and Golf. Next year should be even better, seconds, 10 thirds and 2 fourths. 14, Tracy Ellis 7, John Kebler II, both in the Fall Winter and Spring. Good luck to all. Barbour competed in a number of and Todd Sarubin 1. events including both the 440 and in the 220 was run in 23.4 Batters Enjoy Feast to Celebrate the mile relays, 100, 220, high jump and long jump. His best race of the season against Lycoming and in the 100 in Bobbie Sass 10.1 against York. The Terrors wrapped up their ever had at WMC. Vic Dreschler 11. Dennis Hanretty led the team in did the job when called on in the Fred Smyth a sophomore was season Monday with the baseball set the school record wilh a 565 stolen bases with 10 late innings. the third highest scorer with a total banquet. They also started next average overall. He was the Right behind Dreschler, was The Terrors finished the season of 9 firsts, 4 seconds and a third to season with the election of next his .credn. Smyth's best. per- year's captains; Andy Weber and ~~~~~1~~tW~~h;rtha:~7~~~~~ with an excellent with an 8-13 record. The team will formance in the 12Q HH was 15.5 Kevin Zawacki. Vic Dreschler Along witllBruce Frick, Dreschler A couple of the Terror players ~~;::i~m~~: ~:~~ a~eat~~:~: and 41.0 in the 440 JH, both against received the Jim Boyer Award, Lycoming. Smyth also ran a leg in going to the outstanding senior l~ the t~~ i~ ~xs ~~ 12. d ~e~aent~hr:~~~ i~h~ese:~~~ ~i~~ and Vic Dreschler. The rest of the the 440 relay and anchored the mile athlete on the team. wasr~: wr~ Glenn aCame~:~' :i~ some very strong pitching, and team Wil.ll~ ~etu:~~: t::~~::c: \ relay. Dreschler led the team in both The relay team's record was also hitting and pitching. He had a ~~~:~~ ~:s\nC;:::~~~'~~t~ ~a:k~~??:~~~:at~~~t~~ ~:~; '~~~d ~~em. y 8-1, being defeated only by F & M. great season, the best anyone has Honor and Awards Given at Banquet Tennis Rounds Out Season Judy Ford awards program began. Coach presented. The Spirit of Western Award ..• College -j Women's ......"day, May 8, was the Joan Weyers started off the honors Maryland to Sally Stanfield, was a~d the Most presented Valuable Athletic Banquet by presenting I Judy: Ford and Linda Pi<:cirelli, the No. 2 held, at" which the outstanding Field Hockey Player Award to Lynn Glaeser was named as this The Women's Tennis Team player, 'finished the season with 7 player in each of the women's Nancy Hess. She then honored Sue year's Most Oustanding Woman finished their season with a 64 winsand3losses. sports was honored. Garman with the Most Valuable Athletee. record, one better than their 5"5 Next year, the team will be After an invocation, delivered by Tennis Player Award. Congralulations are in order to record of last year. losing two of their top nine players Ellen Scroggs, and dinner, the Two Special Awards were also alL of. these girls . Sue Garman IS considered one of as Sue Cunningham and Freddie the outstanding players on the Eckhardt will be graduating this More Opionion ~~:;~rS!~:r~~~e:~~~t:~~~~~tiy..ea..,~!",,~~~~~"'1 What is It For? won 2 and lost2. She then moved up Stewart N, Dutterar Continued from page 2 10 a singles position where she was FTD Florist Phone 848.9350 used the SGA's money and .. re on the part of women at WMC, but they like the present atmosphere undefeated, winnine .all 6 of her 114 Penn. Ave. Westminster Feminist Alliance's efforts to then they are not letting us think here! Or, in the point? we encourage In closing, ~:~~~es~;u~h~ni:~.ass~h: ~:n~ HFlowers For prove a personal why are personal for ourselves. women, To ~ny incoming Wright and others to continue Mr. to this may be the broader freshman sense, ningham, the NO.1 player, finished All Occasions" viewpoints even included in this first opinion survey they read ..How speak their opinions in the future," the season with 4 wins and 6 losses. booklet? This was to be a sad to think that their initial im- but not in a publication in which publication concerning in- presstons may be given to them by such personal pillions are un- formational needs of women at a group of opinionated people on necessary and should be uncalled WMC, i.e. gynecological services, both sides of the issues! Let them for. counseling, etc. This was not find for themselves if they enjoy Sincerely yours, . designed or funded to be a soun- fraternity serenades, keg parties, we Jer¥e ••, ding board for a group of "scree- and the like. Let them use the Julia B. Logan ted" students. . minds that Mr. Wright says are not Doreen Strothman All the contributors to this sued enough. Don't prejudge these Barb Lent them BREMa'AST LUNCII DINNER section stress the importance of girls, labeling according "sluts" and Janet Butts Beth Dunn and individuality "nice girls:' to whether open-mindedness Subs Pizza Who is Right? Susan Speed Tuley Son NancyE. SuziWilman Daily Spec'ials Continued from page 2 Betsy Fogle Arab states have to gain from want back the land they lost In Brenda Eccard Oticken Day-Monday Dinnen using the Palestinians as a tool? 1967. The palestinians want back Jill Brooks Ginni Brown Pizza Day-Tuesday The Arab states have nothing to the land they lost in 1948. The Sue Garman Israel. opposition to '~ghetti Day-Wednesday Dinnen' gain from of Israel would be a gain Israelies they want live security and The the Kimberly S. Lit land Defeat on. only for the Palestinians, while Palestinians would be satisfied ChristineM. Marshall WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE they learned in 1967 that a loss with the West Bank, Gaz.a and Laura McGinty could hurt them very much. They restitution for the property they KariOlfson Open $-.,m. dlily except Sundays 7 •• m. were fighting to help a helpless lost. Vassar Arafat has stated that Jan Claypoole' Ward AlisonM. NEWLY REMODELED EXPANDED SEATING people, and had nothing to gain such a Palestinian state state Kim Hunt from further abusing them. would not attack Israel. Set up this Sue Dickey Route 140 What is the solution? To sit down Palestinian state. Return the lands Sue Hinton Westminster and talk. If the Israelies talk to the to· Egypt and Syria. Israel would co. 84&-9110 PLO, they will be able to come to then have the greatest security The Feminist Alliance an agreement. The Arab. sla~ possible: contented neighbors. Jim Wright
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