Page 153 - Scrimshaw1977-78
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f"age4 Scrimshaw CO~TRAST Offers Sampliu'g,of· te:r'u"Mar_ylaud's Scrimshaw "' .. 5 Creative Efforts Fowler Barker.Toothaehes,Paill Contrast Writer's Jerry Proffitt- I had a terrible toothache and decreasingly the devastatingly where there was no band or drum • Nancy Menefee. went to a dentist in Portland. The profound, true, very funny secret. I music the experience was even Contrast the literary magazine U An Invisible Man Poem The Cowboy Shriners' parade was going on. tried to force myself to remember better. Then it was my wife at the BlOB (the invisible man observes) and breasts, and the Bands and drums were heard as he and with each dividing pulsation time instead of Letty whom with this year has accepted short on-and-off- The writers community is a new the waitress left work early... and stepped on the bathroom stories, poetry, campus worked on me. He gave me gas tried harder and harder and Jesus shared the secret which photographs and graphics. As the organization, devoted to literary all waitresses leave work early scale, Coffee Shop before he pulled my tooth. The became sadder and sadder at the again I so sadly lost, sadder than college handbook describes its aclivities on and off campus. This Underneath his eyes were the sensation of the music and my losses and when I woke was sud- the first time for I knew I would function, it is "devoted to literary year it has helped with workshops 'Sometimes, scale and she weighed one-ten on the hoofprints but this was breathing seemed to intensify as I denly happy 'again because or the never again have the chance. excellence." Nexts year's editor And people who can on writing with the US 1 poets from of every horse he'd ever ridden. lost consciousness. My pulsations experience and the thought that will be Linda Mig!. reveat-r but not preach) New Jersey and Leo Connellan and a special waitress... always rated her legs and bottom and breasts His trail:-dust skin stretched the men customers progressed as I don't know how to sometime in the future I would the big things that little sponsored several "poets in the her a six or better hurried like drying hide across his face explain mathematically. But I retain the secret that only Jesus, Fowler has lived all over the yield. Grille" open readings. Interested on a scale of one-to-ten into a nightgown where she and his fissure mouth gaped like believe something like 2 X 2 is 4; 4 Letty and I understood. Many world including Spain, the West And people who despise the I people meet once a week to discuss (although generally speaking began a canyon :e:~r~~;l~i~h 16~~; :l!~:eti years later during a tooth pulling Indies, and West Virginia. ****** phrase, writing, their own work, trends ideas in she scored eight) to cry; she-cried swallowmg the coffee river. literature, and to exchange the platitude. "nice ass" said one there a little while became smarter, more And "-esse Glass--Grand and Glorious Thorough on crealiveendeavors "ima leg man myself" and when she went to When mirrors splinter into eyes the un- into creeps and ugliness derstanding of everything. said another one the mirror to brush her hair, corners of my face what I came to understand in- well-crafted koans that no one But a third said i looked over her shoulder and I reach out and hurt creasingly by multiplying figures I was raised around horses. I thickest, elderly ladies in sun hats muscular lingo. This means that it understands, or trying to point out "they're all the same upside it was then that irealized how you. by themselves was so simple and started writing poetry about the would order us to catch their might be a ten line lyric (but who the perfections of a three word down" pretty she was with her eyes Making claws of my self-pity; yet so prpfound that I became same time I started riding. I "precious baby" so they could run can stand so much perfection at burp. Go beyond these things and they marvelled at his all puffed up like that. emotions die in red furrows increasingly very happy in the .worked at a thoroughbred stable a languid hand over its nose oncet: Just as great horses come Synthesize all the above and more wisdom, on your innocent cheeks. Give us a poem that is a novel, a enhancing knowledge I came to once, handling $50,000 race horses. Sometimes they brought a knowing from South America, so these wise play, a hymn book, and a and another man liked her eyes. Jerry is a sophomore English Iscream; possess, and Icame to the secret of They had one horse who was within daughter along who talked with a versifiers import their imagery (i left and tramped down the major working on an anthology of Bats of fear flying out of my the universe which was so ex- a hair's breadth of being a "per- lawyer's drawl and pointed out from' South America, Spain, and Mahabarata. I'm tired of seeing street behind her and Western Maryland College poets. mouth. cruciatingly profound and at the Iect" animal--?ut h~ was so crazy defects in conformations. France. And of .course their poetry little journals hail writers as "the slipped inside her I weep and wonder why you run. same time so simple and very we had to. drive him back In a Now it seems to me that these must indicate an abundance of new wave" when their productions grey-old apartment to Joy Hayes- their like eyes funny. I was so happy at the corner. of his stall b~fore we could same people write poetry. Perfect expensive education, and a facile hang from backwards! navels r dare you studyherJ Nancy is a sophomore whose looking discovery I could barely stand it. muck It out. All their horses w~re poetry of Course. Thoroughbred knowledge of the world. Each she removed her clothing Watching and name appears regularly attatched And I thought that only Jesus and crazy. The mares would C?w kick poetry designed for the grand racing poem should be about one future WMC poets, to write boldly quickly and bathed, and stayed to Scrimshaw articles. Letty my girl who died when 1was and the foals were stupid. The literary review races. In order to specific thing, should be perhaps and honestly. Step out of your tight inlhewateralongtime; . Wond~riDg , away'at war, and I understood it. ow~ers of .the farm acted proud of be a swift runner the poem must be about movies, or an antiseptic love little words and give me a wide she shaved her calves and thighs Ramona Ponce. of yourself. I'm sick Then of a sudden, the mathematics their stupid horses who were, 1 stripped of all unessential details. affair-should take a short time to screen picture and journals publishing before laughing The Coming of of plastic began to divide and as they did I heard, great runners.. In the It must be concise in its con- read, speedily make its point &just plastic. I promise to slop writing it letting go we were in a kurt vonegant began to lose increasingly or summer when the files were formalion and have a certain as quickly shut up. ~ust as '.'Bird WiJlyou? the water movie roger the doberman Fireflies pinching Cage" runs its race, It noted In ~he she dried her bottom and legs pincher Deep in blue shadows forms and bet upon, comes in third to see if he pinched back The birds go to sleep so poems like "To Delta Law requires you to read this and disappears, or "A Fork" with ap- M~rty Clemons.He's Gone lucky because he didn't Still warm in the twilight, Sitting on the porch stones, My Legs" his name was really major to T.S. allusions message be/ore you leave town. propriate I Ching. are published Eliot in Organically grown mailboxes on mondays 2 Iwait and the while the stars ignite all the best places and are slanted by the prevailing doors we wondered who would get their In the cool air colored like O.K., this is goodbye! Go out and get drunk! forgotten autumnal winds never shimmered like raindrops pcriodfirst watered ink. There of competant Live it up! Have fun! The summer is yours! versifiers are spilling tons out from every line the dirt roads. days on August cotton. and by the end of the week The stars are dying Three dream-like Losing Those soft But some time this summer, like around August 4th, graduate program in the worl? Swimming through ancestral ched a pigtailed hands never scrat- were hunched-back our boobs from above. their grip on , the sky to stop trying child to follow certain you'd better be ready to see the funniest college Taught writing they produce rules slight, In circles. lifting her onto tractors. growing Isee them on the grass their In the hedges movie ever created. Don't blow it! clever, intellectual MUSAK. I edit "We lost Daddy Cal." Those Sunday best clother never i watched 3 you die once Around the trees a magazine and I recleve about The breaking voice echos never sat proudly on the first when everyone else was sleeping Sifting up through open places in eighty pages of this stuff per week. cutting repeatedly into a pew of the Methodist church. your eyes wriggled out of their dark, multilayered vegetation. And r shamefacedly admit, r sculptured heart sockets Striving to get back to their place publish more of it than I'd like to. unprepared for wounds I am his granddaughter. and rolled to the floor where of on gin, Why? If I'd waft for that hand full feeling his presence we rolled laughing They glow, blackout, trace in- of honest poetry that is being long after the wind has waiting for the pickup truck termilant journeys written somewhere in the English opened up the soil to take your body away That carry them Far from home. speaking world, my magazine ••.••..••.••.•....• 1•• They explode like pale moon's Joy is an art major graduating eggs in the warm evening. Marty will graduate this year. this year. Romona is a freshman. ay to Spend One's Life" Dave Zinck and Joe Brant also from his. Iitt/e--publicized nu tt work with rrunorny rtgtus. I ' Specifically he has ser.ved on the " ••• he shows competence in r Carroll County Human Rights ~. ;;'~;:;~':~;!'~~;;~~o;~,~O:;~~,;~sch~larship with a classical --..;.....! to campus in 196:1.Dr. Crain's only .regret was that the college did not perspective. As a person, take a more active roJeprior to this date Charles Crain emulates f] Itil Dr. Crain's wife, Marjory, has also been active with the College. grace and tru~h." ~~.~.~""1B"""""~1"""~ Mrs. Crain Department taught and in most the has English This summer the movie to see will be recently served in the Archives of - .Dean Ira Zepp Western Maryland MATI.Or. ~P--==-~~~~~_ I..I1M••••• • AMI"'AL ... U,. Future plans lor Dr. Crain in- clude returning to Cambridge for A comedy from Universal Pictures research and the possible THE fv\ATTY SlfvII'I.'.QNS - IVAN REITfoAAN PRODUOlON publication of an Introduction to Western Religious textbook He ··NATIONAl.. LANJ>OON'S ANIMAL HOUSE" \"'''''''iI JOHN GELUSHI' TIM MATHESON fully intends to remain in the JOHN VERNON VERNA OLQOM . THO/v\AS HULCE and After 29 years of service Dr. Dr. Crain received his Westminster area DONALD SUTHERlAND 05 JENNINGS, Produced by MATTY SIMMONS and Charles E. Crain, Professor of of Arts degree from Asbury IVAN REITMAN· Music by ElMER amNSTEIN . Written by HAROLD RMliS. Religion, will retire at ~he con- College and his Bachelor of His decision to pursue teaching DOUGLAS KENNEY & CHRIS MILLEP. .DireCTed by JOHN lANDIS clusion of this academic year Divinitv and Doctor of Philosophy has been most rewarding to his r:::~:~.~':::I!'-J.!IHE~!.~~~!~! During his tenure at Western degrees from Drew University. His many students as well as the i O.~.., • .ou", "",k;
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