Page 129 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 129
Friday. April 21, 1~78 Scrimshaw page 5 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO~ Candidates for Honor Board and Class Offices OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOO~ Ralph Recording Secretary. In short, I Tom Mitchell Class of 1979 this service next year. To this end. feel as though I have the time, I ask for your support on Tuesday, Preisondorfer energy and experience needed to April 25 to re-elect me to the office serve the student body ef. My name is Tom Mitchell and I President of class president. I'm Ralph Preisendorfer and I fectively. The SGA is an hope to be elected to the Honor Keith H. Patterson am running for the office of organization for the students, so Board. I am a freshman, hailing exercise please Comisponding Secretary of the on Tuesday. your right to vote from Baltimore. I feel as Qualified Carol .Ja'mes Class of 1981 S.G.A. I feel that I am well as I'm sure the other three can- qualified and experienced for this Sincerely, didates are, and am ready to serve position. My experience stems Bev Miles Western Maryland in this Class of '79, from the fact that for 3 years prior capacity. I am a candidate for President of President Bonor B'oard our class. This is an office that I ~~o~~ C~~i:g ;:g:~~ ~:a~::~ I feel Quite strongly about a feel I am very Qualified to hold. As gomery County Service to the person's personal integrity. If y.ou ~~~~~~r~bl~ea~~~t~~ia~fI ::nv~c~ Andy Clarkson Physically Handicapped. During cannot trust one's word, you can my employment as a page for this Alan Blaker trust nothing. There is little more with all the students. Lack of organization I became ex- important than honor. If elected to communication has been a ~afor I am not going to waste this perienced in. many areas of My name is Alan Blaker and I the Board, I will doall inmy power probl.em for. the cur:ent presld~nt, space by giving you my theories on organizational work. My duties am a candidate for a position on to preserve and protect this honor who IS running agam ~or ~lectl?n. class unity and rhetoric on how included those of dealing with the Honor Board. I am a chemistry I cannot condone cheating, This .lack of commurucatton With much the Class of '81 can do if we people and the problems patrons major with an interest in attending stealing, or lying, and will work the diverse elements of our class all get together. or course, we can had with the organization and its medical school and a cumulative hard against those few who do. functions. I also dealt with persons average of 3.80. My-main reason ~h~~~ee~t,l: ~~~i~~i~:h:n~U~C~~~;J ~aC~~~~!i~~ri:~r~s~:.tT~ee~:S~~ i~ on- all levels of authority and for seeking a position on the Honor Thank You Very Much, my .posI"_on to be a great. asset III that in the past six months our, position which exposed me to Board stems from the belief that I ThomasN.MitchelJ getting differ~t peopl.e ~nvolv.ed, class had made a total of $9.57. At various levels of correspondence. have in the honor system. I am a for .. example 10 script- that rate, plan to have your Jr.-Sr. I ' Thejoba~oexpandedmy.c!eri~1 hardworker,asIamsuremanyof - Bobbie .Jean skills until I ~me proficient m the students at Western Maryland :;~:~~~~ h~~~t;~~:_~~~~~r:~~ ~:en~:~~~:ei~~~\~:~~e:r!:. the areas of typing and general • are and I believe in achieving Float, Iund-raising, an~ working ~t Obviously this cannot continue. office "_Vork.I consider myself an su~ess through my own efforts. Saas dan:es. Also, I am lllvolved. III What is needed is someone who can openmmdedperson and my To do this I must be honest with varl?U s ~roups on campus m- fill the position of president and qualifications meet the s~ndards myself as well as with others and I As an Honor Board nominee, I eluding PI Gamma Mu, Board of show a true interest in our class demanded by the p()!ntio~. If expect them to do the same. It is would like to urge everyone to vote Trust.ees, I.S.C., F.A.C., and and what it does. Such an attitude elec~, I feel.that I can effecb,:~IY for this reason that I support the next Tuesday. My name is Bobbie sorority. These groups have has not been taken this year. I feel fulUilI the office of Corresponding values on which the honor system Jean Saas and I am a freshman allow~ m~ to g~m. mcaluabl~ as though more effort should have ~ollege Secretary. c, stands and why I would like to be a here at WMC. I feel priveleged to experience in orgam~tlOn, With the been put forth, more arid interest and proc~ures,. and dealing planning. judgement better is one of .as well. as other Re~ording member of the Honor Board. be nominated for a position on the adlmmstratl~n ThiS IS ,very l~porta~t The lack of organization One prime I feel that the Honor Honor Board. our greatest students. problems. was will next year s president Seeretary Bill Bearn Board is an important part of this because to be c~pable ororgaig noonly example is our raffle which Lack of and I would like the or any campus held before Spring Break. 'n~ opportunity to help the WMC various .semor activities but post- distribution of tickets to be sold There is an ironic twist to the Honor Board to serve its function Scrimshaw's providing space to graduation ones as ,:"e.ll. ~e ha~e and lack of a true effort to sell Maggie Costella students nominated for positions on this campus. had a great many dif~lcultles thiS those tickets at the top position on the Honor Board, SGA, and year . ~ause of a I~ck of kept the raffle from being as The Student Government other class positions. This twist organization and knowle?ge: ?f profitable as it should have been. I Association at Western Maryland stems from the fact that the ~~~::;li~;ocdr~:~~les=~~JY(i~~ ~~;!~~~~~r~ c~~~~tel;h~~ College is a de£inate asset to the Scrimshaw itself has quoted from campus. To help the SGA continue Mark Twain's Pudd'nhead Wil~on crea.slDgly lmportant. ID the cost of the prizes. There must be a its fine service the stUdents on (Number~, page 6 "Cauliflower IS Honor Board (2 will beelec _cd) commg years). In COn?USI~n, I feel real problem if after that the raffle campus must vote for the best jus!. cabbage with a college Alan Blaker ~f~~~e o~h~r~~~e~~a~I:I~~~O~!nf~~ could only profit $100. qualified and interested people. education") without giving Mr. Bill Hearn class and I hope that you will vote As a freshman I realize the Twain proper credit for his work Tom Mitchell for new and more representative But now it is time to look to the importance of a well Qualified and also. this journal has on oc- Bobbie Jean Saas leadership. future. As president I would want candidate. I held the poSition of casion pnnted press releases from Thank you, to get the class moving, with a recording secretary for The our own .Publicity Office .without Carol James Decker Student Center party, a Columbia Community Players, a giving them th~ credit they CLASS of J979 well-run and profitable raffle, theatre group in Columbia, for one deserve (ex, article on Coach President Keith Patterson possibly sponsorship of the 1978 year. Also, I am presently co- Clark, this year). But this example Carol James Homecoming Dance and others. If editing the Feminist Alliance only served to illustrate the idea Keith Patterson elected president I will do my best ( handbook. During my high school that no one of us is perf~t, ~o Vice President and my share to make these ac- ' years I served as secretary for individual, no group, nothing IS Roger Ensminger At about this time last year in tivities true happenings. So let's ,. various committess for both the above repr,oach, and I Nancy Maitland my campaign statement in start again, start together and SGA and Thespians, an honorary unhesitatingly point out that. I am Treasurer Scrimshaw, I stated that if elected start right. If you have any theatre organization. All these in' this same group. I would like to Lynne Parker president I would get the class of questions please feel free to call (ext. 351) or drop by (Rouzer 412) activities say that I am Qualified, give some of my reasons for Historian 1979 moving ~s it had not in the but more importantly, I am in- seeking the opening on the Honor Andrea Jones past. At the risk of sounding like Please remember to vote April 25th. terested. 1 am intereSted in being a Board. First of all every one of us Secretary another typical campaign speech. Sincerely, j functional part of yo.ur SGA. The has the right, if accused. of a Kim Smith I would like to review the activities Andy Clarkson SGA needs people with enthusiasm violation of the rules, to be. Jud.ged the class has undertaken under my and interest, so vote Maggie b;y our peers, my nominatIOns leadership during the past year. Constella for recording secretary gives every one of us .that op- CLASS of 1980 Last fall, we undertook two major Lax Wins of the SGA. portunity. I possess no special President projects. Ftrst, the class planned Qualities that allow me to sit in Sue Gilson and carried dut the Parent's Day Monk Rosenberg over others actions. Ido Rev Miles judgement I will be able to deal Vice President program which proved very The WMC Lacrosse team played successful. we sponsored Second, feel that Mike Cantrell evenly and objectively with the Treasurer the Homecoming Dance. This their first road game this week on situations that may come before KimKost event drew 300 couples and Wed. the 12th against ML $1 As a junior here at Western the Honor Board. Secondly serving resulted in a profit of $1200. Mary's College. The Terrors were Maryland, having been actively on the Honor Board will give me Secretary Needless to say, this was a anything but impressive as lhey involved. in several campus the opportunity to· aid in the Ann Hackman tremendous success. This spring pulled out a surprisingly close rganizations during the past three we have sponsor~ another major victory by the score of 13 to If}_ The are actions of what ears: I feel as though I have the education of the rules and what are a - event, the Junior Follies. The show Terrors' goals were scored by: violation nowledge and understanding of not. The Honor Board serves this went very well and~ when all bills Jack Kendall, with five goals: .lay CLASS or 1981 jthis school and its organizations, purpose, and I would like to be· a President are paid, should produce a profit of Cooke, with three goals .and one part of it. Andy Clarkson approximately $1400. The work assist; Ho ickey, with two goals ,r~=:;l~d~n ~~~tiV~O~ a~ which we have undertaken this and one assist; John Patriek, it one I~GA Recording Secretary. Some of In closing let me say that the Vic~ President year has resulted in a $2600 con- goal and one goal: Kurt Glaeser. Honor system is not merely an tribution to the class treasury with one goal: and Jamie Mosberg ~~r:~!i;:~~ve~v~o~:~ Sa~~ academic system. It is a system of Phillis Menschner which will be used to sponsor the and Skip Sci del with onc assist ~onduct Council representative, which we are all a part. On the Treasurer Junior-Senior Banquet. This each. unior Class Treasurer and Honor field of athletic endeavor, artistic Paul Kinsey promises to be a fun-filled evening The WMC team returned 10 oard member. Currently, I am achievement and in all our Secretary of food, drink and dancing. Hoffa Field on Sat. 15th in an Jay Holtzman erving as the Honor Board dealings with others. Take part in Historian Important game against Lehigh !~~~ vote. If you vote for The Terrors appeared to be out of the system, ~~~~r:~~~~~r:~~h me, I thank you and I will do my Janet Trainor I have greatly enjoyed serving the contest early as Lehigh jumped --rould prove very val~ble should I best to uphold the trust your vote the class in all its activities this off 0 a 4 to 0 lead only five minutes ~e elected to the posl_!ion of SGA empowers me with. '- __, year, and would like to continue continued page 8
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