Page 128 - Scrimshaw1977-78
P. 128
....4 Scrimshaw Friday. April 21, 1978 S.G.A. Candidates State Platforms President Vice-President Jeff Robinson Dennis Hoy Treasurer Corresponding Secretary Recording Secretary Tim Shank Rick Roecker Mitchell Alexander Beth Dunn Maggie Costella . JuliaLogan Preisendorfer BevMiJes President students of this campus can help with the Administration. I feel that in the SGA strengthen SGA and the college as I am qua lified to meet these Homecoming Float Committee, in involves membership leadership of Council, Executive m.y freshman year,. I have w~rked .Jeff Robinson a whole. This is a goal which Ihope tasks. With .the SGA SOCial Committee, the Finance Commlttee, and the everyone on our campus shares. contributed to and been a member handling of SGA funds. Sincerely, of an Editorial Board of Contrast, This is nolan editorial. Rather, I Many issues, such as the foun- am going to try to divorce myself Jeff Robinson ding of a radio station here at at~nded meetings of ~e Write,r's Next year I will be a junior, and from the- position that I have Tim Shank WMC, are supported universally. gc:'~t~n c~~r~~o~ ~~~tU!t~am a ~usines:' Administration- served in over the past year and Other issues are not so easily past year, been on the Lecture- Economics major. I hav~ been speak to you simply as a candidate resolved. One issue which presents Concert Committee, attended the class treasurer both m my for the SGA presidency. Ny name is Tim Shank and I am itself as necessary to be dealt with rwming for the office of president by the SGA, is the current debate NECAA Regional Convention this fres~~an and sophomore years. I~ What I would like to bring out of the Student Government concerning the school's proposed year, been on the SGA's Structural addition, Iam a ~er.1ber of the Phi instead are some ideas of how I Association. I feel that I am plan to initiate an experiment with Review Committee, ~n Chair- ~~: ~u a~~r~~Z' t~~s~~~n~; feel that the college Student qualified for this position for no-need merit scholarships. The Government Association should several reasons. First, since this apprehension which prevails ~~:i~~er!:~~f~~~lt~o~W~~ other activities incl~de being act and move during the upcoming has been only my first truly active among students, centers around planning of the February manager for the men s .la~rosse 19'18-79school year. I hope to open year in the SGA, I feel that I have the belief that funds for the Leadership Conference that was: team. Tl_rrougb th~e. actIVIties. 1 up new directions for the not yet burnt myself out and still program will be obtained at the sponsored by the SGA served on have gamed experience both m organization to take, while not have plenty of energy to burn next expense of other programs or the the Calendar CommiUe'e, and have handling a treasury and also f~l overstepping the sensible bounds year. Second, in the past year I present need based financial aid been a member of the _ SGA that I understand many baSIC of authority that_have been given it have learned the functioning of the program. Generally, I favor the Executive Council for the past student problems ~nd concer:ns. I over the past several years. SGA firsthand serving as treasurer establishment of merit scholar- year. Next week shall attend a ~ould hope to bring these I.deas Several ideas that I have touched and even filling in part time as ships. In our case I believe, though, luncheon in the President's Dining tnto the Executive Council. I on while talking to students on social chairmen. Finally, because that this program should be Room concerning the dedication of ~lieve th~t I.coul~ ente: the SGA campus hevebeen: I was treasurer last year I was established contingent upon the the new Decker College Center. So With an objective viewpoint, and be able to write next year's budget reservation that funds come from a what does all this mean? Basically equally. receptive to aU groups 1.) A WMC Radio Station-the and would like to make sure that it it means that I have experience in requesting money and support. campus could use such an idea in works the way Ihave planned. new source which otherwise would leadership capacities and in order to give fast, up-to-the-minute not be used by the college. dealing with people. Also it means I hope to look forward to a announcements and appeal to the that I have somewhat of an profitable year for the SGA, and I unique tastes and interests of the- I consider the upcoming school Ihave a history of leadership in a established rapport with the Ad- would appreciate your support. general student body. And all of rear to be one of crucial concern on variety of high school, community, ministration. Sincerely; this can be provided at a small this cempus beceuse it will be the and social organizations. A Julia Logan price with the proper financial first year that Decker Student sophomore majoring in political backing. Center will be in full use. I feel that science, Ihave been involved in the 2.) The College Judicial System- this will cause several things to SGA, the wrestling team, and the Corresponding as a Bachelors. I am not running I support a proposed change in the happen on our campus. First, it fraternity candidate although, -in Finally, some of you may have system to move away from the should bring the entire student the minds of some, it will be im- seen my campaign posters that say Secretary HOUSing and Conduct Council and body closer together and this is one Possible for me to do otherwise. I "together we "can." I firmly toward a new Judicial Board. This of my biggest concerns. Second, it believe in fraternities. My desire to believe this. Together we can Board would be set up much like will take money to sponsor ac- run for office, however, is based pursue the Administration on Beth Dunn the present Honor Board, but tivities within the student center upon the belief that I Ii and issues. We can oppose the moving would deal specifically with cases and this will often times have diligently deal with the issues of the drop date to an early time, of campus conduct violations, to come from the 5GA because of and win. We can seek an ex- As a candidate for the office of this I think it is important that we which do and will concern the SGA Corresponding Secretary, I 3.) An SGA Newsletter-- have a president that is capable of entire student body. planation of the real objectivity and in would like your support in filling awarding financial of aid Something that I feel is'definitely expressing the desires of the entire In concluding, I would like to ask campus jobs. And much, much this position. This past year, Ihave in order to let people know exactly student body. Lastiy, Ifeel that the you to remember me when voting more. We can grow and develop been an active SGA Represen- what is going on which the SGA is utilization of this student center for a new SGA Vice-President. together as a student body, and tative from Third Floor Blanche. dealing_specifically with. That way combined with the right SGA Also, I would like to thank you for dynamically challenge the issues Besides regular attendance at there should be no second-guessing leadership can cause the SGA to be having taken the time to seriously with your vote. 50 please, no Senate meetings, I've served on decisions that come out of the promoted to the position that it consider what Ihave said. matter your choice of candidates. the Elections Committee and the Senate. Alongside of this I propose deserves on campus rt.e. one of Sincerely, vote on April 25. $95 Overload Charge Committee. just generally better com- respect instead of ridicule). Dennis S. Hoy Presently a member of the lec- munications between all members Thank you ture-Concert Committee, I Jook of the SGA, including the student I further believe that if this Rick Roecker Rick Roecker forward to planning even more body. . promotion of the SGA would occur interesting and entertaining events that this would lead to more for the WMCCommunity. Other ideas that I have, which I students being actively involved in won't elaborate on include keeping the SGA. This could lead to A friend of mine jokingly said I Treas urer a close eye on the social com- meetings where students would be should address this statement to By participating in the Student mittee, full utilization of Decker willing to express their ideals and chubby little babies that I like to Government Asscctaticn, which College Center, and close com- concerns _as president I would try hold and kiss. I shan't. What I will Mitch'ell has functioned sufficiently as a munication with the ad- to be as open minded as possible to, do in this brief space of words is coordinating body for the college ministration and its committees. everyone's opinion and would attempt to enlighten you on my Alexander community, I look forward to This last one should avoid such handle all problems as quickly as reasons for running for Vice- improving this system and con- surprises as the sss-overjoad- possible. I would also be deeply tinuing the tradition of responsible charge and the move to an earlier appreciative for the opportunity to ~~,:~d;r;!t~~ea~~~~;!.~:~n~ I am Mitchell Alexander and I student government as a member drop date. be your president. long list of things I promised to do am running for the position of of the executive committee. I These are my propcsals.. Aside Sincerely, or what I supported. But I cannot ::~~~~a~:n.s~u::tp;:~ would like to see the SGA continue to be responsive needs to students' from that, I hopetbat I can lean on Tim Shank ~o~~~he ~~~~~~~'!J~ea~icx! involved in a few student crten- and inputs. The new Decker my qualifications and experiences Vice. much for me to make generalized tated organizations such as the Student Center will be changing to move with the SGA through the statements. I also believe that Social Committee, the Lecture- the role students have in campus problems that arise on a year-to- President people are by nature very dynamic ~~~r~70==' ~~~i~r:~ th: life. By serving as Corresponding year basis. I feel that I can lead an Secretary, I will help implement organization (SCRIMSHAW), ~~~ I~:atn~~~ ~e;r:~lleFe:~n1 member of the Black Student these changes in an organized work with a social activity (the Dennis Boy manner. Gong Show and varied and sundry know I shall adapt and grow with ~Sni~~U~hth~~ ito~~rta~i~:: movies this year), and run a Dear Fellow Students, ~~r:~~~e~n~o s:~~~y ~~y mrse~, I am not." I -ter- meeting (College Republicans) Next year will mark the I am familiar with scheduling and have some familiarity with the beginning of a new era for WMC ~:l ~e~~";~~~tA~~thI ~ir:a~~ ~l~!~go~ia~:a~~~P ~~.~~~ procedures and the College Ac- SGA machinery (Action Com- and for the SGA. The opening of the student body is just as transitory in where I c~,n ~~dle th,~ posItion of tivities Office personnel. As mittee Chairperson last year). It is student center next year and the individual make-up due to the treasur~~ e.fflcle~t1y. communications are an essential with this that I want to cut through increase in the number of clubs various exposures we receive on I poslt.lvely believe that I can aspect of a successful Student I believe Association, the red tape and get to the point of this year, denotes an expanded campus. I am willing to approach perform m a manner that you-as a Government the necessary secretarial I possess each malter for everyone to see role for the SGA in coordinating on- this Offjce -with a very open and ca.mpus student-would approve of. skills and experience for this Il is becaUSe of my concern for campus activities. Undoubtedly, flexible attitude. In short, I shall WI~yoursupportIknowt.hatlcan position. As efficiency, interest the students and the Student there will be an altering of tbe grow with the other officers and do It. Thank-yo~?~ho~r~;me. d and creatIvity are also part of the Government Association that I am present social and nonsocial the student body as we sensitively I e exan er Corresponding Secretary's running for this position. But it is organizational structures. The try to find out "where our heads responsibilities, I look forward to also because of this concern that I leaderSlip of the SGA should have are at. " serving and representing the urge something which r consider reach on all sides, and should be .Jnlia Logan stUdent body in the coming year. -even more important-everyone on able to work together in order to I suppose I will be partially To achieve this goal, I need your this campus should cast their formuJatea program acceptable to conformist in this paragraph and . support. Thank you. ballots on April 25. By showing an all organizations and individual talk about my experience. In two I am running for the office 01 Sincerely, interest. whether by voting, or students. Also. a functional rap-- years at WMC I have been Co- Treasurer of the Student Govern- Beth Dunn through actual participation, the port must be maintained Chairperson of my class's ment Association. This position
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