Page 127 - Scrimshaw1977-78
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Friday, April 21, 1978 page 3 Scrimshaw. ----Alumni Hall To Open Next Fall---- Physical Plant have expressed changes in the past year to make it system. Also in the works is the Several uses are planned for the Mimi Griffin pleasure at the progress of the a functional performing arts construction of layered seating, finished structure Drama of productions will, Department The Dramatic Arts Department renovation. They both also gave an facility. Architect Pete Christie which should provide a better view course, be staged there, as well J.S is eagerly awaiting September '78, estimated cost of over $1,000,000 has succeeded in maintaining the for 'most seats. The capacity will providing storage and teaching when they can move out of their but final expenditure cannot be distinctive character and flavor of be approximately 500-550 persons. facilities. The Music Deparlnwnt cramped quarters in the top of stated due to a still unawarded bid. Alumni Hall while turning it into a Other new systems are sound and may use tt for their concerts and McDaniel House and back into the The money has come primarily usable 'structure. To this end, the lighting (dimmers and circuits) films can be shown if Ihf' proper newly renovated Alumni Hall from the Alumni ASSOCiation, stained glass windows and most of The department is sun looking for type of projector is 8\'a!l,lnl" Both Christian Wiltwer, the although W.M.C. has received the plaster scrolling will remain, funds to buy the actual lights Other possible uses arc Drama Department's Technical approximately $25,000 toward this including the cupids at the top of Downstairs, several other vocations and any formal Advisor and liaison between the project in slate grants. the upstairs stage. This stage has changes are taking place. The little affairs. An idea for the fuurv-. college and the architect, and This beautiful 19th century been leveled and the roof will be stage (under-stage) has been money can be found. would be 1<) Preston Yingling, Director of the building has undergone many raised to accomodate a new fly improved by removing the view- obstructing columns and installing bring in professional theatre. :,,'\ a pipe grid for lights. with There lockers are only would this expand the cultural at WMC, but would ,!lo.fI offerings dressing also room Happenings About Campus and showers, space, make storage up rooms, provide excellent majors. Perhaps training for the departmental teaching areas, offices and an elevator. The someday we'll be able 10 operate elevator will aid not only in our own summer theatre Paul Sweezy, a leading socialist Economy in. the 1970's with Harry the day before the performance transportation of scenery and The college is indeed fortunate to scholar and author, will speak on Magdoff. The schedule for those workshops props, but will also make Alumni have such a building as Alumni "A Marxian Critique of isasfollows: Hall accessible to the han- Hall available to them. 1I is a rare it's to enjoying gem. Look forward Capitalism: From A Human and modern - 2:30 - 3:15; jazz - 3:30- dicapped. Another new luxury, Economic Prespective" at The Theatre Dance Collection, a 4:15; Ballet-$:30-5:15 Alumni will be air-conditioned beauty starting this September Western Maryland College at 7 young company of dancer- For more information and to p.m. Monday, April 24 in Decker choreographers, will perform in sign up for the above times stop by Academics ••• Hall. Gill Gym April 25. Each performer the College Activities Office. brings to the stage much talent and oooooooo A native of New York City, Mr. experience in ballet, modern to those Seniors who have excelled Sweezy was educated at Exeter dance, Broadway and jazz .. The The Western Maryland College lee Maxwell in Ihe humanities, the arts. and Ihe and Harvard University and members of the Theatre Dance are Concert Band will present a The Sprmg Investiture and sciences. Those Seniors who have received his doctorate from the lively; appealing, and versatile. concert at Western Maryland Honors Convocation of Western been highly active in both on- London School of Economics. He Not committed to any single style, College at 8 p.m. Wednesday, April Maryland College will be held on campus and off-campus activities, taught economics at Harvard from the company strives to use all in 26 in Baker Memorial Chapel Sunday, May 7 at 7:00 p.m. in and those who have been campus 1934 to 1942 and worked for various communicating through motion. Selections include "650 East Baker Memorial Chapel. Grace leaders, will be awarded several New Deal agencies. In 1949 he and Their repertory ranges from the March" by Oldham, "Rienzi" by Rohrer, an organizer and leader of "Activities and Leadership" the late Leo Huberman founded the balletic "Kinetics" to modern Wagner, "Cumberland Gap" by the women's rights movement in Awards. The Distinguished Monthly Review, an independent dance "Puppets" and then to a Jenkins, "March From Camelot" North Carolina and an alumnis of Teacher Award will be given to the socialist magazine. by Rogers, and "1812 Overture" by W.W.C., will be the guest speaker faculty member who students melange of styles in Tchaikovsky, conducted by Carl Ms. Rohrer, who received a B.A. believe has been the best all- "Misalliance." The performance, Dietrich, band director. Sari around instructor at WMC. The 'His publications include: at 8 p.m. in Gill is free for WMC in Music-Education from Western Theory of Capitalist Development: students, $2 for off-campus people. Liddell, a senior music education Maryland, has been a teacher, an Trustee Alumni Award will be The Present As History: Monopoly major, will conduct "Suite For, organizer of several programs for conferred upon the alumnis who Capital with Paul Baran; Cuba: Of particular interest to our Band"byStarer. children who have learning has achieve the most success after Anatomy of a Revolution, In- students will be. the workshops The band will also perform on disabilities, and has been involved leaving WMC. The Faculty Author troduction to Socialism and conducted by Theatre Dance April campus during May Day, May 6 in the cultural life of both Duke Awards will be conferred upon soctausm in Cuba with Leo 24th. Three workshops focusing on and for the commencement University and North Carolina. She those Faculty who have had books Huberman; and The End of Jazz, Ballet, and Moclern Dance ceremony, May 28, as well as at has also spearheaded the published during the past Prosperity: The American will be offered in 45 minute shifts West Middl: School on May 9. movement for women's rights in academic year North Carolina by founding and Seniors participating in the presiding over the North Carolina awards cenemony should assembly Women's Political Caucus and by for the procession at 6:30 on the holding membership in the south side of Ihe chapel; seniors Steering Committee of the should be dressed in cap and gown. National Women's Political The bookstore, on May 5, will be Caucus. She should prove to be an open late until 6:00 so that those interesting speaker seniors student-leaching will have The College will give several a chance 10 pick up their caps and awards to deserving Seniors and gowns: however, this is the last Faculty members in' a number of chance seniors will have 10 get catagor+cs. Several scholastic caps and gowns before the Con- academic awards will be presented vocation Follies in Pictures Upper Left-The Cavemen (Doug Roger, Doug Barnes, and Keith Lcwson} shew follies 'Oudif.nces what life was like at WMC in the early years. Lower left-The Flappers celebrate prohibition and, lack of li-quor (?) at WMC during the 20's. Above-Teen Angel ( 'April Daniels) gives Herman Beasley (Steve Maritz) some heavenly advice. photos by Hal Schmalowltl
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